Authors Note: I honestly don't know what was going on when I typed this. Hope you enjoy and please review. Also, the beginning is a FUTURE EVENT. Everything after the story brake in this chapter is EVENTS LEADING UP to this. I'm sorry if it's still confusing!

It was a dreary and reckless night as viscous specks of snow spit at her delicate face. Her bunny hat was tugged all the way down to her eyebrows, her eyes twinkling with madness as she stumbled off the edge of sanity. A loud screech echoed through the tension filled air, a malicious monster stomping through the thick sheet of white clumps, panting hard melting the falling drops of ice that its breath hits. She's turning corners, scrambling behind trees, knowing well the cruel animal will catch up to her soon. She's desperate; she knows she's gone too far this time, disturbing the beast with no reason out of spite of her tantrum she had been throwing. Perhaps she had lost her mind through the past months, when her life fell to pieces.

Thump. Thump. Thump…

His feet crush everything in his way, he grumbles once again as he spots the blonde beauty, and she's limp with her back constrained against the bark of a tree. She meets the creature's eyes, taking in its features, wanting to memorize the face that would kill her. The last human Of Aaa. The beast has enormous black eyes, his mouth it bulky with piercing teeth. His mouth is rounded except for its snout that stands out from its face. She glares the thing down with absurdity, she shrieks at it as her golden strands of hair fall from the hat, her head shaky as her eyes turn a dark dangerous blue.


And the brute is about to do just that, his mitts reaching down to clasp her forcefully in his fists, an wicked smile sprawling across the things face as it squashes the air out of the girl. She feels a rib snap inside her, she howls in utter agony as she squirms, tears streaming down her cheeks as she prepares herself to die. But then, she is released from the paw, plummeting down to the harsh cold floor, knocked unconscious too the world. Her head throbs as she glances up; to her dismay her vision begins to fade in an out, only being able to make out a tip of a rubicund ax wielded inside the monsters chest, a green blood oozing from its heart. It cries as its eyes shoot open wide, then it falls to the ground beside her, making the floor almost jump, the wooden handle of the ax poking out from its back.

And then, everything thing dwindles to black.

'[Page Break]'

Marshal Lee was the last to know of the beautiful Fiona disappearing from the land of Aaa. He had heard reports speculating of the fresh blood on the loose, ready for pouncing and dehydrating of the luscious red that flowed within her. But something was wrong with it, the cruel deed that would usually excite the dark Vampire King only brought him to confusion. She was known as the most flawless and impeccable woman of the land, her strong heart and courageous behavior had defeated countless of villains and monsters that lurked in the shadows. Her face was delicate and kind, her innocence reaching down to the very core; she was adored but thousands of the creatures she had saved. She was the last of the humans that lived and breathed, and now she was deceased.

Or that is what everyone else said. Marshal had his single thread of proof; he had found the night the girl made a mockery of his people and himself. It had been the night that the vampires beneath him tried to set him up with their sleazy daughters, trying to convince him to pick a new queen to rule beside him. They had suffocated him as they approached his home, groups and crowds of them swarming outside on his front lawn. When he was going to command them to let him be, he had noticed all the vampire people starting to squirm and gasp, drool dripping down their chins. There, beside his window was a ripped open wolf looking thing, its guts and organs shredded and throw around; the stench of fresh blood meeting his nostrils. The vampire people groped at the side of his house, behaving foolish and irrational with hunger and thirst for the color staining along the inside of his home.

He was not pleased and appalled, growling at himself for whoever had played this trick on him, and whoever had done it without him noticing. He looks over at it, before noticing a glittering thin line. He goes closer to the rotted meat, trying to fight back at his senses so he could stay sane for a few moments, before crouching down to snatch a very long strand of golden hair attached to one of the ribs. He observes it closely, his fangs popping over his lower lip as he stands straight back up, his mind wandering and getting tangled up in memories and past words. Forgotten memories coming back to him, as he registers the fact that the human Fiona was the only creature that possessed the color of blonde hair, and that maybe…

No. Why should he be wondering about the stupid girl anyways?

Maybe because she had made a fool out of you, look out your window all "mighty" king.

He does, and his eyes don't deceive him as he witnesses the feminine lady vampires scraping at his wall, trying to pry and scream wanting the blood so desperately. The hair dangles from his squeezed together fingertips; and slowly he goes into the kitchen and fetches some sticky sort of paper, as he presses it over both ends of the long golden strand to keep it down to his counter. His eyes narrow as he feels the extinct to suck the red from the meat lying against his living room wall across from him, but he forces himself to open the side window to dispose it instead, flinging it to the now seemingly ravenous vampire animals as if it was some sort of treat to a puppy.

That's when Marshal Lee had decided to discover where she had vanished to and why. But what he finds out, is that this innocent beloved hero, is more dangerous then he can fathom. That she's been corrupted and scorned, a secret willingly kept unknown until now.


~ Secret Scarlet Lilly.