Author's note:

This is just some random KaZe story I came up with due to my boredom at my fucked up high school. It's set in modern day time, not that the original VK isn't set in modern I just don't know. Okay, so Zero is an innocent high school student, he's not always angry or irritated. And for Kaname, please forgive me Kaname fans; I've just made him into a huge pervert!

Forgive me guys!

*This story was taken down on Tuesday the 29th of April due to my violation of the guideline.

Imma try and type the chapters back in. I printed it out weeks ago before I delete the computer user account that keeps all these stuffs. But I must say, it will take time considering how lazy I am. And I'm sorry to say that chapter five will be pushed aside until further noticed, meaning until I finished typing in the chapters.

Story warning:

Boy x Boy, more than one pairing maybe, bad languages and lemon scene- maybe, the percentage of having the scene is high.

If you don't like any of the above, please leave this page ASAP.

Chapter warning:

Nothing much; just some bad language, pervert Kaname, some use of Japanese words and OOC.

The proper summary:

Due to Kaien work, the man has to move to the States for at least two years so that he can establish a connection with the nation and gain their trust. However, the thought of leaving his dear son alone is too worrisome; thus leaving him with his nephew is the best choice. Little does he knows, the nephew he trusts so much is a huge pervert; the kind that Zero loves to hate.

Will they survive two years together when they're already fighting like cats and dogs on the first day they live together?

Anyhow, here's the chappie.

Chapter 1: Moving in with the pervert

"Ugh!" the young silver hair teen groans with annoyance and crosses his arms before glaring at his honey color hair father.

"I'm not gonna move out just because you have to go to the state for 2 years. I'm staying here and that's final!" he continues and stomped off, ignoring his speechless father.

Kaien sighs and slumps down into his white leather coach; he grabs his tea and takes a sip. After drinking the already cold tea and recompose himself, he pushes himself off the coach and walks to his room.

"Zero." Kaien says as he knocks on the wooden door.

He knocks again when Zero doesn't answer the door. After the third knock, he sighs again and says "I'm going in son."

When Kaien swings the door open, he sees Zero in his master bedroom; sitting on the bed quietly. His Beat by Dre headset is there on his ears and he has his back to Kaien.

The honey hair man walks toward his son who is sitting on his bed looking out with a frown on his brows.

Kaien knows Zero isn't listening to music; he just puts on his headset sometime, it's a sign that say: I don't want to talk to you so shut the fuck up. However, Kaien isn't going to just stand there and 'shut the fuck up he has to tell Zero. It is very important so even if Zero doesn't want listen it's still okay because at least Kaien got to tell him.

Sighing, Kaien sits on the mattress gently.

"Look, I know you don't want to leave this house; I don't either. But you have to part with it, just for two years; okay?" Kaien speaks softly.

"You're not leaving them, we're not leaving them. We're just parting from them." He continues when Zero shows no sign wanting to kill him for talking about the past.

"I don't want you to stay here, alone. I mean, you'll be in your senior year in high school you won't have enough time to study if you live alone. There'll be chores and cooking and a whole bunch of studying to do at the same time. I know you can pull it off and still score 'A' on your exams, but what's more important is; I don't want you to be alone, it's not safe. Of course I can assign you as many bodyguards as you want, but I don't because I don't trust them! The only person who's trustworthy enough is your elder cousin, that's why I want you to live with him for the next two years; plus he can protect you when you're in danger!" Kaien pauses to catch his breath, it's getting shaky.

"You're all that I have left Zero, I don't want any harm to come near you."

Zero flinches slightly at his father words, tears are welling up in his eyes.

"I don't want what happened to your mother and brother to happen to you. Please understand." Kaien finishes off and stands up.

Zero uncharacteristically blinks his lilac eyes; he's blinking his tears away.

Whenever they talk about Shizuka and Ichiru, he always wants to cry. How they both died that night years ago is still fresh in Zero memory.

He can still see the blood stained clothes and snows, the flashy dosu that stab Shizuka in the heart and Ichiru in the stomach. He still remembers how his mother and twin brother lays upon the bloody snows, lifeless and broken; just like a beautiful broken doll.

He blinks his beautiful eyes again so that the tears would go away.

Zero understands; his father doesn't want him to be in danger, his father doesn't him to suffer, his father doesn't want to lose him.

Kaien loves him.

But here, this house; he doesn't wants to leave it. Shizuka is here, Ichiru is here; if he leaves, he won't be able to be with them anymore. However, if he stays here alone, Kaien will get worried and won't work well; worse he might kill himself on his missions if he keeps getting worried about Zero. And Zero doesn't want that. Kaien is all that left for Zero, he doesn't want to lose his father.

Zero loves his father.

"I'll live with that bastard." Zero says softly and hesitantly.

"Huh?" his father asks, dumbstruck; stopping dead by the bedroom door.

Zero feels an irritated nerve pop onto his forehead. His father just has to ruin the melancholy feeling doesn't he?

"I'll live with that pervy bastard if it's make you feel safe." Zero repeats, with annoyance.

"Oh Zero. You put my mind in peace." Kaien says and jumps toward Zero, giving him a bear hug.

After about 48 seconds, Zero starts hitting his father back; he's lacking oxygen.

When Kaien feels Zero hit, he loosen his bear hug a bit, but doesn't let go completely; Kaien still wants to hug his dear son and show him how much he loves Zero.

Zero sighs out annoyingly but didn't push his father away. This happens every time Kaien feels like telling him that he loves him.

Damn father with an inhuman strength.

KaZe KaZe KaZe

"I'm counting on you Kaname, please take good care of him." Kaien says as he unloads his luggage from his nephew's sport car.

"Don't worry uncle, I will." The brunette replies with a slight smile.

"Oh and please pick him up from my house; he'll be awake in less than an hour." Kaien adds.

With his uncle request, Kaname gives his watch a glance. It's already 9 am and the brat isn't awake yet, the brat's slacking off way too much.

Then Kaien continues seriously "and excuse his temper, he's very grumpy in the morning when Ichiru isn't there."

"Don't worry, I won't bug him or talk about Ichiru or Shizuka; I know how he'll react." Kaname replies.

"Alrighty then, I'm going!" Kaien says and took off with his small leather luggage, the other dozen where sent to the State since yesterday.

"Kaien!" Kaname calls out.

"Yes?" the honey hair man turns around and asks.

"Yuuki and Shiki say 'goodbye'."

"Aww, that's very sweet of them. Tell them I'll miss them will you?"

"I will."

Within hearing that reply, the man took off; for real this time. A small peaceful smile adorns his small pale lip; now he is sure his dear son is safe.

With his uncle gone, Kaname turns around and get into his car. Starting his car engine, Kaname turn up the volume of the song and step on the gas and get the hell outta the airport as fast as he can; without hitting any other cars.

He's fucking hungry, hasn't eat a single grain of rice since his mission two days ago, well accept for some tofu and convenient store food that upset his stomach, and when morning came he has to shower, change his clothes and drive his beloved uncle to the airport. Now he has to go and pick up Zero.

No freakin' way, the brat can wait; he's eating first.


Zero taps his feet onto the marble floor of the lobby of the luxurious apartment complex that mark the entrance of his new house. The silver hair teen sigh an irritated sigh and glances at the clock on the lobby wall for the thirteenth time that morning.

It's nearly ten in the morning but the pervert isn't home yet, must have dozes off at some love hotel with some random girl, again.

Just as he about to call his so-call cousin, his phone ring. The screen led light up with the name he hate most 'Kaname'. Composing himself, Zero answers the call.

"Where the fuck are you?" the hoarse voice asks.

"About time you call bastard, I've been waiting at the lobby of your apartment for more than thirty minutes already!" Zero replies, just as harsh.

"What? But aren't the prince gonna wake up only when someone go and wake him up?"

"Shut the hell up and get your ass here."

"Aw, aren't you a spoil prince. I'll be there soon my lord, maybe around 2 this noon; hope you can wait that long." Kaname teases.

"If you don't shut the fuck up and get your sorry ass here I'm gonna make sure you'll lose your thing and never get the chance to have sex again, ever."

"Wow, scary."

"I'm not joking asshole." Zero replies with seriousness.

"Be here in 15 minutes, or you'll lose your dick."

"Stupid brat. I'll be there." Kaname answers when he hears Zero seriousness in his voice.

The brat really does what he say he'll do when he's serious; and he doesn't want to say goodbye to his 'lil bro' yet, he still has a lot of fucking to do.

"Tsk, sex crazed pervert." Zero mumbles and hangs up.

In less than 20 minutes, Kaname manages to drives from the north of Tokyo to the south far end of it. He drives into the underground parking lot and parks his car then hurriedly runs toward the elevator that will send him up to the lobby, not forgetting to grab the key that open the door of his apartment.

"You're late by seven minutes." Zero speaks as Kaname approaches.

"Shut up." He says and pulls the teen up to his feet.

The man then grabs Zero leather backpack and throw it behind his back, carrying it for the fragile looking teen. After a few seconds of dragging Zero around they finally reach the elevator. Kaname pushes Zero in, earning a glare from the high school student, and walks into the elevator; then punches in the number of floor to his apartment, the 13th floor.

When the sound 'bing' is heard, Kaname starts to drag Zero around again toward their destination: his apartment at the end of the hall. The brunet then rummages through his coat pocket to find his key.

Grabbing the key from Kaname, Zero unlocks the door to the apartment and kicks the door open. He is in great awe to see that the house is neat. No scattering clothes, no dirt, no insects or rats running around and most of all, no sign of used condoms lying around.

"It's clean." Zero states bluntly.

"What? You think there'll be condoms and bras lying around or something?" Kaname asks playfully.

"The condom, yes. The undergarment, no."

"Tsk, brat." Kaname replies and throw the leather back pack into Zero face.

"Bastard!" Zero curses as soon as he grabs his brown back pack.

Kaname sticks out his tongue and walks toward the kitchen which is separated from the living room by a higher brown platform, white counter and wooden frame. Zero ignores the man and goes off to find his stuff. Kaname mentally shrugs his shoulder, he's used to Zero ignoring him every now and then. He makes himself a cup of hot coffee and sits, watching Zero goes around the living room and platform to find something.

"Oi, what are you looking for? Used condoms or bras?" Kaname asks.

Zero blushes at the question and turn to give his cousin a sarcastic look.

"Neither! I'm looking for my stuff!"

"They're in your room idiot!" Kaname replies as he walks down into the lounge after he finishes his coffee.

"And where is that?"

"Up stair."

"oh." Zero replies.

"C'mon I'll show you to your room."

"How kind of you, you bastard. Why the hell didn't you tell me earlier!"

"Well that's because you didn't ask for it!"

"Tsk, if you are kind enough you'd already tell me since the time I step into this shit hole."

Kaname give him a funny look and walks up the stairs to the brown tile platform and onto the stairs toward the 1st floor of the apartment; not forget to drags a Zero by his collar.

"Oi, let go of me you moron!" Zero protest and struggles within Kaname grasp.

"Shut up!" Kaname replies.

KaZe KaZe KaZe

After showing the 'annoying but fuckable brat', as Kaname thinks to himself (wait, did he really think that Zero is fuckable? His brain must malfunction!), around the house; the duo went back down to the ground floor of the villa. Kaname pours himself a cup of cold water and yawn widely. He makes his ways around the kitchen counter and down into the lounge, where Zero casually watches some random show he found on the television, after drinking the water.

"I'm going to sleep, do whatever you like okay?" the brunet says and scratch the back of his head sleepily.

"What? It's like 11 in the morning, and you're going to bed? Are you saving up your energy so that you can go and screw around at night?" Zero asks as he turns his attention to the brunet.

"What if I am?" Kaname asks and looks straight into Zero lilac orbs.

"Nothing." Zero averts his eyes as he feels blood rushing to his cheek at Kaname heated glance and unhesitant answer.

Kaname chuckles softly at his cousin embarrassment. He walks over and ruffles Zero silver, silk like, tress gently and says "you're kinda cute when you're embarrassed."

With Kaname phrase, Zero gives him his deadliest death glare; something he hasn't done in such a long time. He does not appreciate it when someone calls him 'cute' or 'pretty', he'll kill 'em if he can.

"Sorry kid, just stating a fact there. And no, I'm not saving energy so I can go around at night and fucks girls; I'm going to bed because I haven't slept for two days." Kaname says and walks up onto the platform.

"Tsk, whatever. I don't give a damn anyway." Zero replies.

"Okay? I'm going up now, there's some stuff in the fridge; cook what you want. And don't disturb me; I'll fuck you up the ass if you do." Kaname says casually.

"Bastard!" Zero shouts and throw the nearest thing he can reaches for, the remote control.

"Ow! That hurts you ass!"

"Shut the fuck up and go to bed already you pervert!" Zero replies and grabs the nearest pillow and throw it at Kaname to which Kaname ducks.

Kaname quickly show him the 'fuck you' hand sign and walks up stairs to his master bedroom.

"Fuck you back you moron!"

"Eww, no thanks; I'm not into homosexuality or incest."

"Shut the fuck up!" Zero shouts with a mega blush on his face.


"Uhaaa Zero yawns and rubs his eyes sleepily.

The teen sniffs his nose and looks around; he fell asleep with the TV still on. Zero reaches for the remote on the glass coffee table and turns the television off when he finds it. With a growling stomach, Zero turns to look at the digital clock and walks up the platform toward the kitchen. It's nearly three pm, so that's why he's so hungry.

The silver hair student swings the fridge door open and looks around. There are some eggs, peas, tomatoes, potatoes, cucumber, left over sushi, a small bowl of wasabi, a lot of salads, at least three boxes of different juice and two carton of milk. There are also some beers in the fridge, at least ten of the alcohol, and a bottle of red wine. Ignoring all of the other stuff, Zero picks up two eggs and kicks the fridge door close with his foot. After putting a frying pan on the stove, Zero turns to wash the eggs and crack it into hot frying pan; adding some olive oil soon after. Zero walks toward the white counter and grabs two pieces of bread from plastic bag and puts it into the toaster on the kitchen counter.

After finishing frying the eggs, Zero puts the food on the same plate as the toasted bread. He puts his porcelain plate onto the luxurious glass dining table and turns to grabs a carton of milk from the fridge, pouring it into the classy looking glass. Dragging the black chair with wavy back rest out and sit on it, preparing for his 'lunch'.

Just as Zero about to cut the egg, his eyes land onto something shiny and pink near the set of jugs, sugar tea and coffee bowl, glasses and cups. With his curiosity perking up like a little kitten, Zero grabs the small plastic bag and his curiosity died out; he feels disgusted within the second of grabbing the stuff.

Zero lilac eyes shine with disbelief at the sight of the row of 3 strawberry flavor condoms (how the hell did he know that it's strawberry?). Composing himself so that he won't explodes into an angry mess; Zero pushes the pack of condoms back into place. Then his slender fingers touch something like a smooth thin plastic and a dry liquid that is a bit sticky. The silver hair young man pushes the set of jugs aside and there he sees it: a used condom, slightly pink in color indicating that he is right about the flavor of the condoms, and dried semen.

Zero mesmerizing eyes twitches in annoyance and anger, then he finally lost it.


KaZe KaZe KaZe


I have to admit, I don't want to repost this story again. I mean, it was taken down a few days ago due to some reason I don't really understand. I can't believe the admin did that to me and you readers. T^T. Plus, I'm afraid that the stories will be taken down again and again. I'm afraid. I don't have the strength to see my stories got taken down and have to repost them*sniff*. My stories are months of plotting and planning and writing. They're my babies. I can't stand to see all my hard works goes down the drain due to something that I don't even understand*sobs*.

I have to say that I'm a bit, okay maybe a bit is lying so yeah, very, discourage. I just, I don't. I don't know what to do. I, I, don't understand anything right now*cries*. I, I'm afraid and currently fragile. I just want my readers to understand. I was so happy with the stories because so many people enjoyed it and leave me with their comments. There were so many reviews, so many alerts, so many favorites and so many happy moments. And now, it's all gone. All those happiness and those enjoyments. It's completely gone. I, I. I just want my reader to understand my current predicaments. I want you all to understand that when something happen to this story.

I need time. To think, to retype, to repost. I need time to calm down. I hope you can understand.

Anyway, thank you to those of you who takes time to reread this chapter. Please kindly review and tell me what you think, again if it's possible. Thank you.

Notice I:

On Tuesday the 29th of May, Jar of Honey and Bruises and bite marks were removed by the site admin. I have to say that it made me very unhappy. Well, to blame it all on the admin is a bit unfair. There were lots of stuffs happening at the same time. One of my best friends broke up with her boyfriend on the 28th and another one of my best friends broke up with her boyfriend the day after that. It was depressing. There were sad aura around the class room, and it affected me tremendously. To add to that, I was stressed out and sick. So yeah, it was a bad time.

I must admit that I don't want to repost those stories again. I mean, it was taken down due to some reason I don't really understand. ;/. I can't believe they did that to me and to you readers. T_T. I'm afraid that the stories will be taken down again and again. I'm afraid. I don't have enough strength to see my stories got taken down over and over and have to repost it repeatedly. *sniffs* My stories are months of plotting, planning, writing and editing. They're my babies. I can't stands to see all my hard works goes down the drain. *sobs*

I have to say that I'm a bit, okay so maybe is lying so yeah, very, upset and discouraged. I just. I don't know what to do and I don't understand anything right now. *cries* I'm afraid and currently emotionally fragile. I was so happy because so many people enjoyed it and told me what they thought about them. Those were the moment that made my days. But now, it's all gone. All those enjoyment and happiness. It's completely gone.

I'm posting this so that you readers will understand my current predicaments and I want to inform you about the problem that might affect my stories.

I just need time. To think, to retype and to repost. But most of all, I need time to calm down. I hope you can understand at least this much.

Thank you.

Notice II:

There's a notice that says fanfic will be removing any stories that contain explicit contents, so I'm moving my stories to the my wordpress. Here's the link to it: riyaoi . wordpress . com

I hope you'd check it out. xDD Oh and don't worry, I'm still posting my stuffs here.

Until then, Riaoi Kh.