AN: Heyy people! I'm sooo sorry I haven't uploaded anything in forever, but I bring a new story that I hope ya'll will like. Also I'd like to thank my beta ihategoodbyes. She help me out with figuring out what pairing and stuff.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 1

Hayner was laying on Roxas' couch with his arm slung over his eyes. He had toilet paper shoved in his nose, to stop the bleeding, and an ice pack resting on his cheek. His three best friends were in the kitchen talking, about what he had no idea. He shifted to get more comfortable and hissed in pain, when he bumped his bruised ribs.
"Hayner?' Olette asked, worriedly.
"I'm fine." Hayner muttered.
"Please tell me, Seifer at least has bruises or a broken nose." Roxas stated.
"I wouldn't count on it." Hayner sighed.
"That's it! I'm not gonna just sit back and watch you kill yourself anymore." Olette snapped, everyone stared at her wide-eyed.
"Olette-" Hayner sat up slowly.
"No, Hayner! I'm tired of this shit! I'm done taking care of you after all your fights. You're changing, Hayner, and I don't know you anymore. Stop fighting, already! We're too old for all this shit."
"Olette, calm down." Pence said cautiously.
"Why do you always fight him?" Olette asked, ignoring Pence.
"I don't know. To prove someone will fight back to protect something. To prove I'm better and he can't pick on everyone."
"Obviously, he doesn't care. He still messed with us and still messes with you. He leaves us alone, the only one that bothers us, is that stupid red-head he hangs out with. Even then though he only messes with me." Roxas stated.
"I wouldn't say 'messing'." Olette giggled.
"Why didn't any of you tell me about the red head? Then what would you say Olette?" Hayner asked.
"Because you would have went and started a fight. Besides Roxas can take of himself." Pence said.
"It's more like flirting." Olette replied.
"The red head flirts with you?" Hayner asked.
"Yeah... He calls me Roxy and winks at me and I'm pretty sure asked me out." Roxas replied.
"He calls him cute and uses really cheesy pick-up lines." Olette giggled.
"He's still alive? Even after calling you Roxy?" Hayner asked, in disbelief.
"Yeah..." Roxas muttered.
"I need to go." Hayner got up and went to the door.
"Hayner! Please stop with the fighting. Sooner or later you're gonna end up in the hospital or even worse dead." Olette stated.
"Yeah, I'll think about it."
With that Hayner left, and started walking. He didn't have any idea where he was going. He just didn't want to go home yet. He pulled the toilet paper out of his nose and threw it away in the nearest shops trash. He looked at the ground and started thinking.
His friends were right to a point, about not having any reason to fight. If Seifer left his friends alone, Hayner didn't have to keep standing up for them. He didn't know why he still fought, maybe it was to prove he was better. Then again he liked having Seifer pay attention to him. Outside the sandlot, Seifer didn't give him a second glance. Unlike when they were in school together and he had an image to keep up. He'd do anything to have those beautiful ice blue eye-
Hayner groaned and felt like bashing his head into the nearest wall. There was no way he feeling for Seifer Almasy. The main problem was other than those two options he didn't have any other reason to fight. Maybe he should listen to his friends and forget about everything Seifer's ever done to them.
"What did you come back for another beating or to apologize?" A voice asked.
"I'm not gonna apologize for something you started." Hayner said, looking at Seifer.
"I started it? Is that how you remember it happening, Axel?" Seifer looked at the red head next to him.
"Nope. I remember a hot headed little blonde start bitching at you." Axel, the red head, replied.
"Whatever, still not apologizing. Oh and Axel stay away from Roxas." Hayner replied.
"Aww has Roxy been talking about me?" Axel smirked.
"You're lucky he hasn't put you in the hospital or even the morgue for calling him that."
"Hayner, if Roxas has a problem he'd say it. You don't have to stand up for him. He's not a little kid." Seifer snapped.
"How the hell would you know? All you ever did was torture us in High school."
"I'm not blind, Hayner. I see how Roxas tenses up when you stand up for him. He can take care of himself all your friends can. So quit trying to be the hero!."
"You first, Seifer."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means that you're not a hero. That you won't ever be anyone's hero. You're just a bully who thinks that you're big and bad. You're not! So, stop trying to act like you give a shit about anyone. When it's obvious no gives a shit about you!"
Hayner's eyes widened, when he saw the pain flash across Seifer's face. He wasn't prepared for Seifer to launch himself at him though. Hayner tried to fight back and block a lot of Seifer's hits. After awhile though, he started to lose consciousness. He heard Axel curse and yell at Seifer. All of a sudden the weight on him disappeared and he was being lifted off the ground. He opened his eyes a little and saw the fear in Seifer's eyes. That was all he remembered before he lost consciousness.

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