Chapter 1 - Plane


So I was on the plane coming back home to MO last night and this story came to me! Hahaha so I hope you like it!

"Dammit... I thought it would be nice to have it so peaceful around here... But now I'm so fuckin bored!"

Shizuo Heiwajima was carelessly walking down the street with the local Ikebukurians'. After his destructive fight with the annoying flea two days ago, he'd been itching all over for some reason. Convinced that it was a gut feeling that the brunet was up to something, he stalked over to the flea's house to find out what was up. Arriving at the informant's door, the blonde kicked it down and stomped in.

"Oi flea! Where the hell are you?"

Standing on the fractured door, he listened for a smart remark from the familiar voice he'd had to hear to for years. But no one answered him. Confused, the blonde cautiously stepped further into the room, looking all around as if he was expecting the brunet to jump out and attack him. Which wouldn't be surprising.

"Izaya! I swear if you jump out on me I'll break your pretty little neck!"

The door to the informant's office suddenly opened as Shizuo's quickly turned around, ready to defend himself. But instead of the thin, sadist of a male appearing from the door, it was his apathetic secretary, Namie.

"Ohh Shizuo. If you're looking for Izaya, he's gone."

"Gone...? Where'd he go?"

"He's leaving the country for a while. Saying something about needing to take a break and stuff like that."

"Out of the country? That's a bit extreme..."

"Ehh, doesn't matter to me one way or another. He gave me time off work while he's away so I'm not complaining. If you want to beat the shit out of him one more time, you can find him at Tokyo Airport. He's leaving to America. The plane leaves at 3. If you leave now you can make it."

Surprised that the woman actually gave him the whereabouts of her boss, he stepped aside as she gathers her things and left the building.

"Ohh, and put the door back on your way out will you? He'll take my pay out my paycheck if he sees it broken when he gets back."

Leaving the blonde alone in the apartment, Namie disappeared out the door and down the elevator. Alone in the brunet's empty apartment, Shizuo thought of why Izaya would want to leave Japan so suddenly. (He did say something about going underground for a while. But I just thought he meant staying quiet and not causing trouble... What is he up to?) Having another quick look around the empty room, the blonde left the premisses in search for the flea. Going to the elevator, he stopped abruptly as he grumbled under his breath. (I forgot to fix the door...) Walking back, he grabbed the heavy wooden door, placed it back on its hinges and left the building.

{At the Airport...}

"Attention all passengers. The plane leaving to Los Angeles, California will be departing soon. Please go through all baggage check before you begin lining up. Thank you and enjoy your flight."

Admiring the view of the many planes taking off and landing, Izaya bent down to grab his suitcase before rolling into line. As he waited for the plane to pull up into the terminal, he took out his cell phone to check for any last minute messages.

"Hmm, no one called. That's good. Means I don't have to worry about any clients."

Closing the cellular device with a snap, the brunet smiled as he hummed a low tune to himself. The sound of stomping and the crowd departing made the informant look over his shoulders and to the chaos. What surprised him wasn't the fact that someone was making so much noise in such a place, but the fact that the person making so much racket was none other than Shizuo.


Everyone seemed to have scattered all over the place as the blonde scanned the crowd for a certain male. And he spotted the informant standing shell shocked alone near the entrance of a terminal.


The brunet's eyes widened as the blonde stalked over to where he stood. (Wha-What is Shizu-chan doing here? And another thing, how did he know I was here?)


"Shizu-chan! What a pleasant and unexpected surprise! What brings you here? Are you here to see me off? I'm quite flattered!"

"Ha! Don't kid yourself flea! I'm just here to kick the shit out of you!"

"Hmm, how thoughtful of you. Well unfortunately for you, I have a plane to catch, so if you'll excuse me..."

Izaya turned away as he was about to leave to board his plane, but was stopped by the blonde grabbing his collar. Pulling the brunet up to his face, Shizuo growled under his breath as he stared immensely into the crimson eyes that danced with excitement. The airport clerk stood terrified at her post as she called to the informant.

"Umm...excuse me sir...but is he with you...?"

"No I'm no-"

"Yes he is! How much is another ticket for first class?"

"Umm well it would be approximately $830-"

"I'll take it!"


"It's your lucky day Shizu-chan~ looks like you'll be flying with me to America~"

As Izaya grabbed the extra ticket from the clerk, he wiggled out of Shizuo's hold and threw his suitcase at the blonde.

"Be a dear and hold this will you?"

Izaya smirked as he stepped into the tunnel that lead to the entrance of the plane. Shizuo stood mesmerized at the brunet, his mouth hung open from awe and surprise.

"Well, you coming?"

Not sure of what to do, the ex-bartender followed the informant down the tunnel and onto the plane.

"First class is this way sir."

"Thank you~"

They were seated in the front of the plane, where there were six total sets of seat, three pairs on each side. There were two flat screen TVs that hung on the wall and a mini fridge on each side. Izaya sat down on the left side of the plane in the middle row next to the window. He smiled to himself as he looked around the room, surveying his surroundings. Blood red eyes suddenly stopped when he saw the blonde frozen near the passage of the first class door, terror written all over his face. This amused the informant as he kneeled down on his chair, looking over the back of the seat at Shizuo.

"Neh Shizu-chan! What's wrong? You have a funny look on your face."

Shizuo snapped out of his trance as he looked over at the grinning annoying flea. He hadn't noticed how tightly of a grip he had on the suitcase he was still holding. Trying to send a death glare at Izaya, Shizuo was going to say something about killing him when the flight attendent entered the room.

"Please take your seat sir. The plane will be moving a a few minutes."

Taking the bag out of his hand, the attendent placed it in the compartment above their heads and walked out. Izaya giggled under his breath as he stood from his seat and walked over to where the blonde stood. He took one of Shizuo's hand and tugged him towards the seat.

"You heard her. Come sit with me~"

"Sit next to a flea like you? Hell no! I'm getting off this thing!"

"But the doors are already closed and we're gonna start moving soon~ There's no way to escape."


A scared, worried look crossed the blonde's face as he reluctantly sat down next to the informant. Beads of sweat started to appear as he gripped onto the handles of the seat. Izaya seeing how tense the blonde was smiled maliciously as he snapped the seat belt onto the male's waist.

"Wouldn't want you falling out you seat while we take off now do we?~"

Shizuo glanced over at the brunet, seeing that smug expression on his face that usually pissed him off. But at the moment, he had his hands full.

"Attention passangers. We will be taking off momentarily. Please fasten your seat belts and prepare for take off. Thank you for your corporation."

The engine starting up could be heard from inside the cabins as in slowly made its way to the take off lanes. As speed picked up, a sudden drop in the blonde's stomach and popping in his ears told him they had lifted off the safety of solid ground and were gliding through the air.

"Whoa Shizu-chan look! The clouds look so fluffy!"

Izaya stares out his window with amazement as he saw the city and people get smaller and smaller with each passing second. Looking over to the blonde, he noticed how Shizuo's eyes were shut tight as his hold on the arm rest tightened even more. Then it clicked.

"Shizu-chan~ don't tell me you're afraid of heights~"

"Sh-shut up! I just hate planes! You never know when they'll crash!"

"Ohh Shizu-chan, you watch too many movies. The chance of that actually happening is one in a billion. Relax."

"I don't care!"

"*sigh* fine."

Once they'd reached an altitude that was safe enough to remove their seat belts, Izaya unlatched his and stood to stretch his back. But Shizuo stayed fasten in, not moving a muscle as he tried to calm himself down.

"Hmp, how pathetic. A monster like you scared of something as frivolous as air travel. You disappoint me Shizu-chan."

"I swear when we get off this plane the first thing I'm gonna do is kill you!"

"Or barf Hahahaha!"

Amused at his own joke, the informant left the room to find the flight attendent.

"Excuse me."

"Yes sir, what can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if I can order a bottle of wine. Do you have sparkling white wine?"

"Yes we do sir."

"Great! I'll take it back with me."

Handing the brunet two wine glasses and a tin bucket filled with ice and the wine bottle in it, Izaya thanked the woman before he went back to first class. The smell of nicotine erupted in his face when he opened the door and he couldn't help but cough. Shizuo was smoking, not having a care in the world as he took a deep drag of his lit cigarette.

"Shizu-chan... You do know that you can't smoke on a plane right...?"

"Shut up. I don't give a damn right now. It's the only thing that can calm me down."

"Well I honestly don't care so put it out!"

Grabbing the cancer stick out of the male's hand, he extinguished the tip in the bucket of ice he had.

"What the f-"

"Ah ah ah! Don't get your panties in a knot! I have something more safe and better that will help."

He raised up the wine glasses in one hand and wine bottle in the other as he smiled at the blonde.


"Uuugghh... I can't stand alcohol..."

"Aww come on! It's just to help ease your fears and you're on vacation! So have some fun~"

"The only reason I'm here is because of you, damn flea!"

"Why you're welcome~ Now let's have a drink."

Sitting back down at his seat, Izaya opened the bottle and poured the fresh sparkling wine into each glass. Handing Shizuo his, the informant clinked his glass against the blonde's and took a sip. The blonde sighed as he took a small sip of his drink before setting it down in the cup holder.

"Shizu-chan... You need to drink more. Otherwise you'll be paranoid and scared the entire trip. It'll take us a good 12 hours to reach California."

"I can't ok... Just leave me alone..."

Shizuo had a sick look on his face as he closed his eyes and leaned back on his seat. Feeling a bit worried and guilty for his misery, Izaya had an idea pop in his head and he unbuckled the blonde's seat.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Don't worry we're safe. I just had an idea to make you feel comfortable that's all.~"

"Ohh yeah, and what's that?"

Satisfied to hear those words of curiosity, the brunet took a piece of ice from the bucket, placed it in his mouth, took a large drink of wine, and pushed his lips onto the blonde's. Shocked at the sudden movement, Shizuo tried to push Izaya off him, but the informant had wrapped his arms around the blonde's neck so tight that he couldn't. The brunet's tongue grazed his lips, asking for entry which he was soon granted. With his mouth now open, the wine from inside Izaya's mouth flowed into his and he was forced to swallow the bitter liquid. Soon after he'd taken the alcohol in his system, something cold moved into his mouth which he soon realized was the piece of ice. Hot tongues pushed the frozen liquid back and forth in between the mouths as saliva dripped down the sides of their lips and down their chin. Shizuo heard a soft moan escape from the brunet's throat as he melted his tongue with Izaya's. Their faces were red from the hot make out and embarrassment from the fact that they were both actually enjoying this. The ice got smaller and smaller as it shrunk inside their mouths. And when it vanished, they didn't even seem to notice. Izaya had straddled himself on the blonde's waist at some point earlier on and had more access to Shizuo's sweet tasting lips. It was a mixture of nicotine and milk that made it all the more addicting. They broke apart a couple of times to catch their breathes, but not for long as they immediately went back to kissing. Not sure if it was the wine or the fact that it was helping him with his fear of planes, Shizuo didn't protest as much as Izaya thought he would've. (And this is why I hate you... So unpredictable. Yet so entertaining.) His lips were disconnected from the others abruptly as the informant opened his eyes to see why they'd stopped. He actually found himself hungry for more of those sweet honey tasting lips. As he steadied his breathing, Izaya saw how those chocolate colored eyes shined upon him, obviously lusting for more of him. But instead of making a move, Shizuo frowned and slowly pushed the light weight male off his lap.


"Get off me flea..."

Hurt by the harsh tone of voice coming from the other male, Izaya crawled off the blonde and plopped back onto his own seat.

"I just wanted to make you feel comfortable... A nice 'thank you' wouldn't hurt..."

Shaking his head at the informant, Shizuo grumbled to himself as he reached for the brunet's hand. Intertwining their fingers, Izaya looked at the linked hands before gazing up at the blonde, a questionable expression on his face.

"I'm still afraid... So I'm using you as something like a stress ball... So shut up..."

"Pff... Fufufufu... Ahahahahahaha! Ahhh Shizu-chan... You're so weird..."

Badly blushing at Izaya's comment, Shizuo turned away as he tried to keep a cool composure in front of the brunet. (Dammit... What the hell is happening? First he kissed me and now we're holding hands? I'm suppose to be strangling him to death! Shit shit shit! This is why I hate planes...) Izaya smiled at the blushing male before he laid his head against the broad shoulder to use as a pillow. A brow rose on Shizuo's face as he looked back at the informant.

"What are you doing flea?"

"Taking a nap. You should too. It'll make time go by faster..."

Taking this into consideration, Shizuo placed his head on top of the raven hair and closed his eyes.

"I swear I'm gonna kill you later..."

"Mhm... Of course you are..."

(That's what you're suppose to be doing... But instead you're sleeping on my head... Damn you protozoan... Why the hell did I kiss you? I was just planning to make fun of you and tease you more but...I lost control... To think I actually enjoyed kissing you... Makes me sick... What the hell is going on...? I should've never let you on this plane... I hate you so much...) Trying to convicts himself they he still hated the monster, the informant fell asleep holding hands with his enemy and they actually looked at peace for once. But that peace would soon be broken. For little did they know, the two strongest men of Ikebukuro would soon be in for a rude awakening and a very wild, bumpy ride.


Hoped you liked the first chapter! Review and ill see ya soon~ :)