A/N: Inspiration for this story was The Misty Mermaid episode, it's always been my favourite. I hope you enjoy this story and please review.

Turquoise eyes met blue as the young Cerulan Gym leader looked into the pool of water in front of her. A sigh passed her lips as she took in her reflection, her spiky hair was held into a side pony tail. Her hands ran over the red suspenders that ran over her shoulders. Her finger catching on a yellow crop top that hung loosely over her shoulders. The young water Pokémon trainer dipped her feet into the cooling water's in front of her, nodding she sat on the edge of the pool letting her feet into the water. Hands rested lightly on denim shorts as thoughts swirled around the Gym leaders mind.

Ash, Misty closed her eyes as the word played over in her mind I miss you. Misty opened her eyes her body jumping as she felt a tear roll down her cheek. She quickly shook her head. What are you thinking! Misty scolded herself. Ash is in the Hoenn region now, and I work at the Gym. There's no way I'll be able o travel with him again. Shaking her head again Misty lifted her feet out of the cool water. Picking up her Azurill, the Pokémon cried out in concern.

"Don't worry about me Azurill, I'm fine." Misty scratched the little Pokémon's head. Satisfied with her trainers answer Azurill nodded. With a small smile Misty looked around the Gym the platforms floating on the water were still, colourful colours filled the room with pictures of water Pokémon near the doorways on opposite ends of the Gym. While the blue grand stands blended into the walls behind. Misty slowly slipped her feet out of the water looking over the Gym one more time before heading for the pool exit, stopping to listen to the water gently lapping the sides of the pool. Misty looked at the little Pokémon walking alongside her.

"My sister's are getting back today," Misty giggled as Azurill looked at her confused. "They hold the record for saying the word 'like' the most times in one day." Azurill nodded, still confused but knew it was nothing to fear. Azurill walked with his trainer through the corridors of the Gym, glass tanks full of water extended beyond sight filled with different water Pokémon. Azurill jumped as a huge Gyrados approached the glass.

"Don't worry Azurill, Gyrados won't hurt you." The little Pokémon nodded shakily, Misty smiled down at her Pokémon remembering how she had felt about the water/flying Pokémon. Misty froze as she stepped into the lobby, catching sight of blonde hair that flowed down a young woman's back. Looking over the lady's shoulder Misty saw two other ladies, one with long deep blue hair which framed red eyes and the other had short pink hair framing her face. Misty considered going back to the pool, knowing what was going to happen if her sisters saw her. Shaking her head Misty stepped forward.

"Welcome back!" Misty yelled in the most cheerful voice she could muster.

"Misty!" All three sisters ran toward the young Gym leader, Daisy's green eyes fixing on her's.

"Why are you so excited to see me?" Violet placed her bag on the lobby floor with a clunk.

"Ta-da!" Violet fished some papers out of her bag forcing them in front of her stunned sister. "While we were away we like started a new script for The Magical Mermaid,"

"And we like want you to be the Magical Mermaid for the first performance!" Lilly finished.

"Oh no, you're not getting me to do that again!" Violet pulled the papers away from Misty so she could see the disappointment in their eyes. "I'm never doing that stupid play again!" Misty cringed at the wounded look in Daisy's eyes.

"Please Misty, for us, we like promise you won't have to do it again if you don't want to."Knowing her sisters weren't going to lose this battle, Misty hung her head in defeat.

"Great than let's like start preparing!" Lilly called out while pumping a fist in the air. Daisy walked out of the lobby followed by Lily and Violet.

"Tracey can you take care of the bags," Misty scanned the lobby for Tracey, confused she looked at her sisters.

"His not here," Misty called to Daisy, her voice was amplified by the shape of the roof.

"Oh yes he is." Daisy called back, a sly tone lacing her voice.

"Oh Misty that reminds me, where's your boyfriend?" The Daisy and Violet froze at Lilly's words, their eyes scanning the lobby.

"Yeah, shouldn't he like be here?" Violet chimed in, running her hands through her long blue hair.

"His travelling in the Hoenn region!" Lilly tilted her head to the side, confused by Misty's words, quickly moving a strand of pink hair from in front of her blue eyes.

"Without you?" Misty tried to grind her teeth together to prevent he anger erupting like a volcano.

"Yes without me." Misty stated flatly. Daisy waved a hand in the air dismissively, causing Misty to close her hands to fists.

Ash isn't someone you just wave away like that! Misty marched up to her sisters, anger lacing her movements. Daisy giggle as she saw Tracey in the background balancing their bags in his arms.

"Like chill out Misty," Violet begun walking again, the other two soon followed.

"Easy for you to say, you don't have to do something you don't want to." Lilly rolled her eyes at her sisters complaining. "I can't see how this can get any worse!" Daisy turned back to her annoyed sister, completely ignoring what had just been said.

"Oh I nearly forgot, we like need you to start swimming in your costume, so you can like get used to it again." Misty nodded as she turned to her room. Misty sighed as she fell against the door as it closed behind her. Her eyes quickly scanned her room, the walls were covered with pictures of various water Pokémon pictures, her bed sat in the middle of the room the white covers were crumpled at the foot of the bed. A wardrobe stood against the left wall, the deep oak doors added warmth to the room.

"Azu?" Misty looked at the little blue Pokémon in her arms.

"Oh Azurill, what am I going to do?" Misty reached her arms away from her to see the little Pokémon.

"Azu Azurill." Azurill tapped its tail against her cheek softly. Misty closed her eyes quickly, determination filling them.

"Your right Azurill, I can to do this, I have do this." Misty stood up while looking at her wardrobe, knowing what sat under layers of clothing. Misty opened the wardrobe gasping as she saw her Magical Mermaid resting the top of the pile of clothes neatly stacked in the bottom of her wardrobe. Misty grabbed the tail inspecting the newly done scale work. Each scale was light blue near the top then blended into a deep blue, shimmering in the light. Misty turned to tail, raising her eyebrows as she saw the star on the side made out of the same scales but these went from light yellow to dark. Her eyes fell to the fins, the light blue fabric folded gracefully as the sun shone through the fabric. Misty gently laid the tail her bed before reaching for the hair extensions. The red hair flowing through the air. Misty jumped as she caught sight of rows of pearls running down the length of the hair, each one linked and curved like the waves on the ocean.

When was this done? Sighing Misty placed the hair extensions on her bed than turned back to the wardrobe. The pink bikini top caught the light and redirected it; Misty grabbed one of the straps and laid the top with the rest of the costume.

"Getting this on is going to be… Interesting," Misty looked over the outfit before reaching for the hair extensions. "Ok Azurill, time to go play with the others."

"Azu," the Pokémon chirped happily before jumping through a little flap in the door. Sighing Misty pulled on a hair tie letting her short locks of red hair swish around her shoulders. Misty slowly clipped the hair extensions in place. Looking in the mirror, her hand covered her mouth as she saw her reflection. Quickly she looked at the rest of the costume, sighing as she remembered how much trouble the tail was.

A/N: I shall leave it there for now. If anyone has any advice don't be afraid to tell me, I am always looking for ways to improve my writing. Planning to update soon (not sure how soon) but until then ilikadachocolate out.