Welcome to the sequel of A Christmas Kiss! This story will go into more depth about the world of vampires, and this prologue should prove just about how deep I'm about to dive. :) So, any questions? Nope? Didn't think so! I don't think you guys need a summary to understand what's about to happen in this story, but if you don't I would suggest going back to reading A Christmas Kiss.

Disclaimer, I own nothing.

Vampire Queen


Long ago, two Queens ruled over the Earth. One was a gift from the Heavens, the other a gift from the Darkness. Each ruled over their respective areas and they were almost always at war with each other. The Lady of Light had the ability to send her light all over the world, but because of the equally powerful Lady of Darkness, Lady Light's power would wane, and in turn day become night.

The wars were always started by Darkness, but no one would win these wars. In fact, both sides lost. No one would be standing on top, and no one would be dead. The most memorable battle was when both sent their armies and only one came back alive, it was probably the one time that Darkness had won over the Light.

A single soldier came back alive. It turned out that he was the only one in the army to have a family, and while he fought without mercy like everyone else, his brothers of war defended him; because they knew what it was like to loose a father in the wars. They knew.

Lady Light, hearing that at least one solider went home to the Darkness, knew that at least one of her soldiers was alive. They all came back. Dead. It was the only true win that the Darkness had over the Light.

One day, in a rare time of peace, Lady Dark discovered that her powers had grown all because she'd been at peace with the Light. Not letting good consume evil, but allowing them to become balanced. No one winning but at the same time, no one loosing.

Lady Light, feeling the new strength of night, knew that her opposite had grown in power, but she did not. In fact, Lady Light stayed the same. This made her fear that if she did not grow more powerful soon, the night would consume the day, and the Queen of Darkness would take Light's throne.

With that fear heavy in her heart, Lady Light was the one to declare war and for the first time, Lady Dark would not take up on it. In fact, she would ignore the messages that declared battle. Despite what she first thought, the peace was actually quite nice and with it she could concentrate on her people, but she could not understand The Queen of Light's messages for war.

Finally, Lady Light could not take the wait and attacked a helpless village in Lady Dark's realm.

Angered and outraged, the Dark Queen used her powers and made a dark army. They were shaped like humans so they could trick the Light army into believing they had a chance. The Dark Army was powerful, silver their only enemy since The Dark Queen wore only silver, and the Light since the Queen of Light was their opponent.

Their strength was a thousand times stronger than that of a normal human, their reflexes a hundred times faster. They were the ultimate army and with their Dark Queen leading them, they were godly.

They faced off the Army of Light, the Dark Queen so angry that she smothered out her counterpart's powers. The war broke out, the gold and steel weapons barely cutting down the dark army while the godly demons cut without mercy for their Queen and people.

The Dark Queen faced the Queen of Light and she demanded to know what those villagers had done to be killed, even the infants. Suddenly the Queen of Light could see that her counterpart was merely concentrating on her people, which was why she ignored the messages of declared war.

Realizing her mistake the Queen of Light asked if she could be forgiven for her mistake. The Dark Queen only responded by stabbing her counterpart in the heart and as the Light died, the Darkness whispered back. "A life for a life."

Both Queens died.

But before the Dark Queen died of exhaustion, she sent out her powers one more time. She decreed that one mortal would be born, worthy of her greatness, giving her a king, and then she died but not her power.

Both nations, torn apart by their grief for the deaths of their Queens paid for the consequences. The Light Kingdom was forever stained with the one fact that their Queen had killed an innocent village out of misplaced fear and that the Dark Queen only wanted her people's happiness.

The Dark Kingdom made a shrine that would one day be covered by the dark waters of the Pacific Ocean. It was beautiful in its glory, just like their Queen. Her decree was etched on the stone of her tomb, letting no one forget that she would one day return to them, more powerful than she ever was before.

What do you guys think? Interesting? Tell me! XDD