It was snowing.

Mikuo stared at the girl a few feets away, in front of him. She had the same teal coloured hair like him and when her friends had left her a few minutes ago, they mentioned her name as 'Miku'. It was really close to his name. He had never seen such a coincidence before and it perked his curiosity.

People have always told Mikuo that his hair colour was rare and they had never seen anyone with it. Some had asked him whether he had dyed it, but Mikuo doubted that hair dyes could actually produce a colour like that.

The girl sighed and rubbed her gloved hands together, trying to make it warmer. She was looking up at the night sky, as if searching for something. Mikuo found himself walking forward, but quickly stopped himself from doing it. He had wanted to embrace the girl.

Why would he want to do that? It confused him more than his heart aching at the sight of the girl. But he just could not tore his sight away from her.

The girl turned her heels, heading in another direction. She was looking at her watch, a rare sight for teenagers these days as they usually check the timing with their mobile phones instead. Mikuo twitched at the sight of her watch. It looked so familiar, but yet something inside him was begging him to not dig any further. He obeyed.

He stood there silently, on the empty streets. Looking at the girl as she walked away, it felt like an eternity to him.

"Mi..ku." He tested the name on his lips.

Ahahaha, I'm so sorry for doing this instead of continuing my ReAct. OTL This idea just popped up around 3am and I just had to wrote it down. Don't ask why I wasn't sleeping.

Too 'long' to be called a drabble, oh well. (Laughs)