Ok, I've had this bit written for a long time, but I'm ready to start the multi-chapter James/Lily story you guys asked for in my poll. This is just a small introduction, but the rest will be from the end of fifth year onwards.

The sun rose in the small hospital room, stretching its rays lazily over the slumbering frames and softly chirping equipment. A figure stirred in the worn chair near the bed. Just as the brilliant light shone on the red-haired man's face, his blue eyes blearily made an appearance under his rising eyelids. As the man stretched, his gaze landed on the two forms still lying beneath a thin blue sheet. A smile alit on his face just as a man dressed in doctor's garb entered the room.

The unannounced newcomer greeted the man, saying only, "Ah, Mr. Evans, I presume?"

Mr. Evans awoke from his trance to answer, but was rendered incapable of speech as he took in the appearance of the hospital worker. A beard, changing gracefully from auburn to white, reached the doctor's chest. Blue eyes twinkled out behind thin glasses, and Mr. Evans was convinced that he was hallucinating from lack of sleep when he saw the man wearing spangled blue robes beneath his doctor's coat.

"Erm, yes?" replied the shocked red head.

"Your lovely wife and newest daughter will be ready to go home tomorrow, sir. Your other daughter and her grandparents called to say they would be here in the next hour or so. But we were about to fill out some paperwork, and we'll need her name."

Mr. Evans stuttered. "Oh, of course. Er, Lily Evans is what we decided. What kind of paperwork?"

The extraordinary man smiled gently. "Just routine ones, I assure you."

Mr. Evans still appeared curious, but his wife's stirring caused him to turn to watch her wake. For a second time, he was rendered incoherent.

The doctor's eyes had a knowing glint in them. "Is there a problem, sir?"

"Um, no, no. Of course not. Well, yes? I could've sworn that sheet was blue." Indeed, the blue sheet of before was now black, emblazoned with a crest. One containing a badger, eagle, serpent, and lion all intertwined.

The man's beard twitched, as if trying to contain a chuckle. "I'm sure with how tired you are from standing through all the stress of labor and the birth, you didn't see it right at first."

A crease of confusion came to rest on Mr. Evan's brow as he turned back. "Yes, yes of course. I'm sure you're quite right, Doctor-?"

The doctor appeared not to have noticed the obvious request for a name. Instead, he nodded towards the bed. Luckily, the nearly simultaneous entrance of his family, waking of his blonde wife, and stirring cry of Lily distracted the new father, or he would have gone quite mad. For in the matter of a second, the sheet flashed a crimson and gold lion and fell back to its original dull blue.

The twinkling, wise eyes widened quickly in surprise, but regained their composure. Then, with a sweeping turn, the strange figure vanished. The small family started at the small pop. Only Lily, her small emerald eyes fringed in crimson, seemed not to react with surprise. The echo of the kind voice resonated through the room. "Your daughter will do great things someday, Mr. Evans…more than anyone could ever hope to fathom…"

I'll post the first chapter once I get a few reviews that show some interest! Then daily chapters as long as people are reading!

