A/N: So yeah i finally go around to some Shizaya! I absolutely love this couple and have the capabilities to argue the into canon, seriously i made my brothers believe they were canon and now they like shizaya more than i do.

geez and i thought I made dirty remarks about them

So this is a pretty different story i think, i got a little psych happy and sort of analysed their brains haha~

Please enjoy~ and remember i dont own Durarara! or any of the characters i just lkie making dirty jonkes about them and putting them in strange situations XD

Shizuo Hewajima's Acceptance

Shizuo was wandering around Ikebukuro, cigarette hanging from his lips, hands delved into the warmth of his pockets. He had a few hours to kill until his next job, and was whiling the time away walking aimlessly. Recently he had no energy to snap. People would anger him or piss him off and he would simply launch them in the air, by tossing them or punching them. He couldn't be bothered to uproot a lamp or toss a vending machine.

He thought he was being lazy, but he knew he was losing the will to fight. He didn't see the point in it anymore.

Leaning casually against a building he let the smoke sliver out from his lips, wondering if he should maybe cut down. While he mused on whether it really mattered or not with his body, his vision was drawn to a scene in the opposite street.

A young couple had just entered his line of vision, holding hands and chatting away happily, they stopped to look in a jewellery store. The woman was peering in excitedly and holding her hand up against the glass, as though she were mentally trying on the merchandise.

'They must be getting married' he mused to himself. The couple walked away and his line of vision reverted back to the crowd of busy people. If this had happened a few weeks ago he would have been self conscious. Wondered if he would ever live a life like that, one where we he could find someone to love him. One where he could get married, have a family and grow old with someone.

But now all he thought was 'good for them'. He had realised his life was what it was, it wasn't going to change and he couldn't forcefully change it. He had accepted it.

Whatever was to happen would happen.

Smiling slightly, he realised that this newfound acceptance allowed him to do things he wouldn't have done before. He no longer had to fight because he had nothing to prove to anyone, he could just let it go because it didn't matter to him.

Tossing his cigarette in the bin he made his way towards the park, he thought maybe he would find Celty there and talk to her, in an attempt to kill some time. As he walked he passed Kadota who smiled and greeted him. Normally Shizuo would have either stormed past or nodded and went on his way but today he stopped.

Needless to say Kadota was somewhat astounded, but they had a pleasant talk, which amounted to nothing special, just two people going through the social motions, but despite the subject matter it was special. The fact that those two individuals could talk like that was special. There was no discussion about Izaya's plots, no talk of violence just a normal chat between normal friends.

Waving goodbye, the blonde's thoughts turned to Izaya Orihara. Replaying all the moments from when they had first met to last month, when he had tossed a vending machine at him, he found himself confused as to why he gave him such special treatment. He wasn't stupid, he may not be a master at manipulation like Izaya but he wasn't an idiot. He knew the one thing Izaya loved most was attention, but he couldn't understand why he gave it to him. Surely if he hated him that much he could just ignore his taunts? And why did he hate him? He wasn't quite sure but he did know that Izaya wasn't misunderstood, just insane.

If Izaya wasn't in his life it would be more peaceful, he would have more time to himself. In short he was fighting with him for no reason. Shizuo couldn't believe it, all that rage and anger had blinded him to the one way to truly get rid of the man.

Deciding to pay the information dealer a visit, Shizuo set off in the direction of his office to set things straight.

However he didn't even need to.

Izaya was standing right in front of him grinning like a Cheshire cat, eyes glistening in malice.


Shizuo flinched at the use of the nickname, and irately set off chasing him, he'd have to get him to stop in one place of he wanted to talk. Damn he could be so annoying sometimes.

"You really are the devil Izaya"

Yes he is shizu~chan! I love you more...

drop me a review and let me know what you thought please XD

*hands out special cupcakes* in honour of my very first shizaya fic hehe