A/N: Sorry it took me so long to update. I had a hard time writing this chapter cause I wanted to make it the best chapter ever! Also school reared its ugly head. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

The ride home was awkward and very silent, most of the ride you could smell sexual frustration oozing throughout the air. I tried holding Scott's hand to ease the both of us to a degree, but Scott pulled away immediately. "Scott this isn't easy on me either, but you don't have to jerk away from me every time I so much as even look at you." Scott crossed his arms and scowled intensely at the floorboard. "I do have to jerk away each time though." He parted his lips as if to say something but just sighed exasperatedly.

The traffic had started to dissipate which gave me an opportune time to pull over and see what could have possibly gone wrong with Scott in just a minuscule amount of time. The ignition died and the silence grew louder as each second passed. "Scott talk to me… please? The silence is fucking killing me." Scott stayed silent for a moment before looking at me with a damaged expression. "If you even try touching me in the slightest way I will go fucking insane." He was burning his expression into my mind, like he wanted me to shut up, stop touching him, and get to my house as soon as possible. I nodded solemnly and started up the Jeep, Scott returned to his intense staring contest with the floorboard.

We came to a complete stop in my driveway, the lights just barely lit it up, and so I undoubtedly knocked over everything in sight and never even took notice. Scott and I got out of the Jeep, locked it up, and made our way inside. I was the first one inside and when Scott came in, he slammed the door violently. I set my keys down on a nearby table and I turned around to see Scott had disappeared. I bolted to the kitchen having some hope that his endless pit of a stomach kicked in and he went to go make himself a sandwich. I came through the archway searching frantically for any part of Scott or maybe a clue to where he could have scrambled to.

After I spent what felt like ten hours searching for him, I decided to flop down on my couch and wait for him to pop out at some point. I laid my head back, closed my eyes, and sighed, but a glimmer of hope had drifted in. The atmosphere of the room began to feel and smell like wet dog and cheap musky cologne. I fluttered my eyes open and looked over to see Scott extensively drenched from head to cock. My eyes grew wide as I realized Scott was standing naked and wet in the middle of my living room. He just smiled devilishly and made his way over to me. He straddled my lap and leaned in so close to me I could feel the breathing from his nose on my lips. At this very moment our heart beats were going sporadically out of control, but they couldn't have been more in sync than right now.

He backed up but only a little so he wouldn't fall off and crush the coffee table which was already beat up and worn by the many stains of drinks and cigarette ashes flicked onto it. He smiled carelessly and then lunged back in carefully, searching for my lips with his. He gently brushed over them and pecked them tenderly. He lingered a moment, looking me over like an animal about to devour its prey. All of a sudden he attacked my lips with as much force as he could put forth while clinging on to me for dear life. I pressed my lips against his, kissing him back as much as I could without pushing him too far forward. I gripped his legs firmly and parted my lips while Scott sloppily lashed his tongue everywhere besides my mouth.

He unbuttoned my shirt with a slight of hand and he just let it hang open momentarily before he started devouring my chest like he had wolfed out without me even noticing. Scott leaned his head in near my chest, paused for a moment, and sunk his teeth into my skin. He released his teeth from my chest slowly but surely so he could revel in his handiwork. He smirked seductively and continued unbuttoning my shirt teasingly, heightening the sexual frustration I was so badly suffering from.

He positioned his hands directly under my shirt and held the hem of my shirt under his thumbs. He slowly raised my shirt up, his fingers gently tracing my skin. My body shivered under his touch, Scott noticed and he smiled and continued shoving my shirt up. Now that the hem of my shirt reached my abs, Scott stopped and motioned for me to finish the job, what a lazy fuck. I slipped my arms out of my shirt and threw it behind the couch, Scott ogled me for a moment and his eyes darted towards my pants, he smirked and instantly I knew trouble awaited me.

Scott got off my lap and knelt down in between my legs and began to unbutton my pants. This he wasn't slow with, in fact he couldn't get them unbuttoned fast enough. He pulled down my zipper swiftly and pulled my pants down below my hips, which was probably again all he could do because he was, like I said, a lazy fuck. I stood up and shimmied my way out of my pants and threw them behind the couch along with my shirt. I looked down at Scott and tilted my head slightly, smirking annoyingly. "Scott, would you do the honors?" Scott gulped at this, but he was more ready than ever to take on this job. Pun definitely intended.

Scott grabbed onto the hem of my boxers and slid them down gently making sure not to disturb anything. He placed a gentle kiss where my love handles ended and his main target started. Scott slid them down to my ankles and starting staring at the ground, "Your turn." I should have seemed more worried by his expression but I wasn't, but the fact he got nervous didn't exactly motivate me to see what was wrong. It more so motivated me to get a little angry, because he was the one practically ignoring me the whole ride home because he was so sexually frustrated, yet when it got down to it, he was about to chicken out.

I kicked my feet out of my boxers and again threw them behind the couch, but instead of attacking Scott or telling him let's do this, I sat back down on the couch, grabbed a pillow and held it close to my chest. For what reason I don't know, but it felt like the right thing to do in this situation. Scott then looking up and noticing what I was doing, he slowly crawled over to me. If he was trying to be seductive it wasn't working because he looked just about as sexy as a puppy. He stopped when he got to my knees and placed his hands gently on them, lightly gripping them. He looked at me like a scared puppy dog that just got punched from every angle and lived through the agony. I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him lightly, not enough to make any sort of impact on his mood but it was enough to make him grin.

Scott pushed up on in his hands, putting more pressure on my knees. He stopped when he was once again in my lap, he released his lips from mine and just gazed into my eyes. He opened his mouth but no words came out, he just kept staring into my eyes, but this time it wasn't a look of nervousness, fright, or anger. It was a look of readiness, a look that said I don't know why I was nervous or angry before, because I just want to make love to you, right now, right here in this very living room and any room or place you ever want. Because this is what I want for the rest of my life, I want to kiss you, I want to hug you, I want to laugh with you, I want to eat food that will no doubt kill us in the future, I want to play lacrosse with you, I want to graduate with you, I want to live with you, I want to grow old with you, I want to die with you. Whatever it is, I want to do it with you.

In that very moment he said every word I've wanted to hear come from his mouth since all of this started. Since he first kissed me, since he first said I want you, since he first laid his eyes on me. Since everything that's happened in this life and the next, those words meant the world to me and he didn't even have to move his lips.

He laid his lips on mine, kissing me gently. I smiled into his lips, kissing him back just as gentle. I felt his lips curl into a wide grin as we continued kissing, progressing it with each turning minute.

Sooo how was that? Definitely the best I've ever written! As always hope you enjoyed and reviews are definitely welcomed!