Friends from before

Prologue/ summary

Before garra got his tattoo and before Iruka started to acknowledge naruto they and

All the Jinchuuriki are taken to a place outside the realm of time and space like Narnia were all theJinchuuriki meet up to know there not alone and learn how to stop each other should need be special jutsu to stop every tailed beast from taking over.

They all learned and mastered the jutsu. They were all the best of friends they stayed there for three years and when they returned everything was the same as when they left.

Naruto was facing off agents Kankuro and doing really poorly Sasukesteps in and stops the mach just when things were about to get really out of hand gaara calls off Kankuro naruto knows him right away sandy the Jinchuuriki of the one tails shukkaku as he continued talking naruto could tell that it wasn't gaara talking but shukkaku and he knew he had to help him he racked his brain for the jutsu he would need to help gaara.

"Let's go we didn't come here to play games" said gaara

"Hey what" said naruto running after them a little.

"What" said Temariwithout turning around.

"How could you gaara I thought you were better than that, stronger than that"

Temariand Kankuro just look at each other confused.

"What the hell are you talking about?" said garra

"You don't even remember me then you don't stand a chance fight me"

"Temari thinks he couldn't beat Kankuro he doesn't stand a chance agents' gaara.

Kankuro thinks this kids toast.

"Temari Kankuro whatever happens stay out of the fight you to everyone."

Naruto made the first and last move he used a special jutsu to make the chakra coming out of his leg sharp as steal and coated it with an oily substance that destroyers gaara's sand he kicked him with that it cut through his sand like butter then naruto slapped garra with a paper seal that cuts of all the chakra in your body and makes your muscles week garra fell and naruto caught him and put a 2 hours sealing jutsu in garra's mind removed the tag and just like that in lees then 30 seconds he was done.

Naruto steps back from garra.

"Garra is it you"

"Yah it's me thank you naruto"

"So how have you been" asks naruto.

They carry on a friendly conversion completely ignoring the shocked looks everyone was giving them especially from Temari and Kankuro

"Dose someone wants to tell us what the hell is going on here." Said Kankuro

"Maybe later were going for Ramen come on naruto."


"Yea my treat."

"I knew there was a reason you were my best friend."

"All that time just for free ramen"

"Yep that's been my plan all along."

They go eat ramin and explain everything to everyone later it go's fine.

Garra and naruto hang out all the time and become the best of friends and garra tells the hokage about the sands surprise attack on the leaf everything goes fine and the sands not blamed because it's all orochimaru's fault the 3hd hokaga dose not die but everything after that is the same till garra becomes kazekage, naruto becomes hokage and the 2 lands have a stronger bond than ever.

Tell me what you think.