Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon.

A/N: Hello, everyone, I'm back with the next story in my Sailor Moon series! This is a sequel to Once Upon a Time and Dreamers, so you might want to read them first (I think this can probably stand alone, but there will be quite a few references to the other two stories). For those of you who have already read some of my work, thank you for your continued interest and I hope you enjoy the story! For everyone else, welcome and please let me now what you think! For those of you that have watched PGSM, this story was inspired by Dark Mercury and the thought: wouldn't it be cool if all the senshi turned evil like her?

A/N 2: This story will feature relationships between two women, so if that makes you uncomfortable in any way: Turn Back Now! The main pairing will eventually be Hotaru and Chibi-Usa but the story will also contain Haruka/Michiru, Ami/Makoto and of course Rei/Minako!

A/N 3: (Last one I swear!) It is currently the insanely busy season at my work so, unfortunately, updates may be a little slow. But don't worry, I've already got the basic story line worked out beginning to end so I should be able to add chapters on a fairly regular basis. Now that you've been properly warned, enjoy the story! :)

Chapter 1. City in Shadow

-Crystal Tokyo: Distant Future-

The street was mostly deserted as Hotaru made her way across the city. Thick clouds filled the sky for the third day in a row making early evening feel like night. She kept her hands buried deep in the pockets of her black jacket, only pulling them out to turn up her collar against a breeze.

She looked ahead to where the jagged peaks of the palace were silhouetted over the city. Normally it shone with a surreal brightness but tonight it seemed oddly muted. Not that odd, she supposed morosely, considering the goings-on inside its walls.

The city had changed as well; Crystal Tokyo wasn't the paradise it once was. The empty streets were a testament to that. The buildings were gray and dull with dust and bits of trash swirled along in the breeze or clung to the gutters. The few people that were out were hunched and solemn, focused on their destination rather than the beauty their surroundings used to hold.

There was a clatter in an alley as she passed and her hand automatically moved to the weapon holstered at her hip. She waited, keeping her attention divided between the street and the alley mouth. The crunch of scattering debris sounded closer to her and in one fluid motion she had her pistol drawn and leveled in that direction.

She laughed softly at herself as a dark gray cat shot out of the alley and sprinted past her. "I'm getting paranoid," she said aloud, shaking her head at her own jumpiness. She checked her weapon, making sure the safety was back on. Lovingly, she ran her thumb along the smooth barrel and down to the dial that controlled the mode of fire. It was currently set to a stun pulse, but it had the capability to shoot heat blasts, light flares, electromagnetic bursts and even smoke cartridges. Guns were rare in the city since most of the technology had been lost over the years, but this had been a special invention of Ami's. She'd given it to Hotaru as a gift many years ago. In fact it had been her last creation before…

Hotaru smiled sadly as she returned it to its holster. There was nothing to be gained from dwelling on the past, especially now. She shoved her hands back into her pockets and resumed her trek toward the palace.

She hadn't made it much further, however, when raised voices caught her attention. It wasn't fighting, as she'd first thought, but the shouts of a boisterous crowd inside a nearby tavern. Hotaru stopped and checked her watch. There was still plenty of time before she was expected at home.

She veered from her path toward the shiny storefronts on the opposite side of the street. Before she went inside, she checked her reflection in the mirror-like surface of the wall. She was thankful she'd worn a simple purple tee shirt and dark jeans rather than some of her more courtly outfits. Her expression darkened as her eyes traveled to her reflected face. A while back she'd cut her hair and she was still getting used to it. The short choppy locks had a tendency to fall into her eyes and nothing could convince them to do otherwise. She combed her fingers through it, pushing it back and grinned when it stayed there. Minako would have been able to fix… She gritted her teeth, forcing the thought away. She shook her head at the way her mind was working, promptly dropping her bangs back over her eyebrows. She let out a quiet, mirthless chuckle as she turned to walk into the tavern.

There were a surprising amount of people inside. A large group were gathered around a table where a heated dice game was going. More were congregated by the bar and nearly every table was full. Hotaru squeezed past people until she spotted an open seat by the wall near the end of the bar. The bartender, a scruffy bearded man with a missing tooth, nodded impatiently to her.

She ordered a whiskey shot and beer chaser, then turned on her stool to watch the crowd. A few patrons were playing darts in the opposite corner and she smirked as one missed the bulls eye by several inches. Rei had been a terror in dart tournaments, she remembered with a small smile. Several bars had gone as far as banning her from the games. She felt the smile slide off her face and spun abruptly back to the bar. What was wrong with her today? They were gone. Five years or five hundred, there was no point in thinking about them.

She pulled a bill from the inside pocket of her jacket and waved the bartender away when he tried to give her change. The man smiled brightly at her, earlier impatience forgotten as the bill disappeared into his apron pocket. Hotaru took the shot in a single gulp, letting the bitter bite chase away the memories.

Several shots later, she had finally begun to relax. She was keeping a mildly interested eye on the dice game as the players drank more and upped their bets. The shouting grew progressively louder and her eyes slid away. Instead she focused on two men having a loud conversation further down the bar.

"I'm telling you, its true!" the taller of the two insisted. "I've got a friend who's seeing a gal that does the linens in the palace!"

"It seems a little far fetched," his friend decided, taking a long swig of his beer as he considered. "No one's seen the Queen in weeks." Hotaru leaned a little closer, trying to listen without being conspicuous. This was exactly what her parents had been worried about. Her grip on her mug tightened as she waited for them to continue.

The first man laughed loudly, thumping his friend on the back. "If your cousin still wants to unload that merchandise, now would be a good time. You'll see. The Queen's going to go the way of the Senshi!" He curled his hands to pantomime claws and made a grotesque face, adding a mock-monstrous roar for good measure.

Hotaru was on her feet in an instant, knocking her stool over in the process. The room grew quiet, but she barely noticed as she strode over to the men. They broke off their conversation to stare at her. "You shouldn't joke about things like that," she said evenly, watching the taller man.

"What do you care?" he said with a sullen shrug. His eyes slid over her in drunken assessment. "You're probably not even old enough to remember them." Hotaru snorted softly. What could she say to that? Despite her age she knew she appeared to be around twenty. The man took her silence for defeat and chuckled belligerently as he turned back to the bar. "They're not even worth remembering."

Hotaru knew she shouldn't rise to the bait, but her earlier frustrations were boiling over. She thought of what Makoto would have done in a situation like this, and the memory of the playful brunette pushed her over the edge. She caught the man by the collar of his shirt, hauled him around to face her and punched him squarely in the nose. Around her, the room erupted in chaos.

Haruka stood with her hands braced on the railing of the balcony, looking out over the city. A pall had been cast over the once bright city, a shadow as dark and tangible as the clouds massed overhead. There was none of the warmth and light that had once radiated; even from here she could feel the change. The same change that had taken over the palace.

Soft footsteps approached behind her and a warm hand slid over hers. "How is she?"

"Weak," Michiru replied, moving to rest her head on her partner's shoulder. They stared out at the gray light of the city in silence for a long moment. "I don't know what we're going to do," she said quietly. Haruka slid an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer. There was nothing she could say to offer comfort.

She lifted her eyes to the sky, finding the quarter moon just peeking between the clouds. It glowed dully and seemed to have taken on a reddish tinge in the last few days. She looked away sharply, not needing a physical reminder of what was happening.

She remembered when the Dead Moon Clans had invaded, some five hundred years ago. The city had been dark then too, an inky blackness that had settled over everything. This was different. It wasn't black but rather a deepening gray. Just like before, it reflected the hearts of the people of the city. She didn't remember when exactly the darkness had begun to seep into their lives. It had started with small disagreements, imagined slurs and the occasional bout of bickering. But soon it had escalated to deeper resentment, jealousy and bitter feuding. Finally they'd lost Minako. Rei had followed soon after, consumed by the visions that plagued her. Without her, Serenity had begun to crumble. She loved them all, but Rei had always held a special place and her departure had devastated the young queen. Makoto had been next, the anger that she'd always held in check finally taking over her. Ami had lasted the longest, but by herself she just hadn't been enough to hold the queen together. It had been nearly ten years now, but to the queen their loss was a festering wound which could never heal. And now she was losing herself.

Haruka closed her eyes against the memories, only opening them when she felt Michiru's palm cup her cheek. Her cyan eyes were brimming with unshed tears and Haruka leaned down to kiss away some of her pain.

They gently separated at the sound of hesitantly approaching footsteps. Setsuna offered them a brief tired smile as she joined them by the railing. They waited patiently as she stared out across the city. "It's no use," she said finally. "She isn't strong enough to fight this darkness without them."

Haruka frowned and tightened her grip on the smooth railing. "What about us?" she asked, trying to keep the frustration out of her voice. "We can fight it for her."

Setsuna shook her head. "We can keep it at bay for a time, but we can't beat it. Eventually it will consume us as well, and when it does the last of her strength will be gone."

Michiru slid her hand down Haruka's arm to twine their fingers together. "There has to be something more we can do."

Setsuna straightened, garnet eyes widening as they stared at something only she could see. "Not us," she said slowly, "but yes, perhaps there is something."

Suddenly she smiled, a wholly inappropriate gesture in Haruka's opinion. "What are you thinking?" she asked with a touch of impatience.

"Where is Hotaru?"

"Patrolling the city," Michiru replied, frowning at their friend. "Why?"

"We can't do anything, but perhaps she can." On that enigmatic note, she turned on her heel and swept back through the double doors into the palace.

Haruka gaped after her for a moment, then turned to Michiru, who looked equally mystified. She shrugged elegantly and tugged Haruka's hand, leading her back inside.

She stopped at the doorway to the queen's chambers, letting Michiru go ahead after Setsuna. Princess Chibi-Usa was kneeling by her mother's bed, talking softly to her. Haruka could hardly believe the changes her princess had undergone in the last three days. It couldn't truly be called aging, since the young girl was well over a thousand years old, but she had grown. Overnight the child had transformed into a young woman. She was tall and thin, a near mirror image of her mother except for her hair. Her coral locks hung down in pigtails, the ends just reaching the small of her back. Haruka watched as Serenity lifted a shaky hand to her daughter's cheek.

A pointed throat clearing drew her attention. She turned away from the heart-wrenching scene to face the small white cat at the end of the hall. "Hotaru's back," he informed her before turning and darting away. She raised her eyebrows questioningly but didn't have time to dwell on his sour expression and tone as she hurried after him.

They met Luna heading in the direction they'd just come. She paused to shoot a vaguely reproachful glance up at Haruka. "I'm going to fetch the princess," she informed them. "That will give you a chance to talk to your daughter."

Haruka snorted softly as she and Artemis continued toward the antechamber between the private quarters and the rest of the palace. The others were already there in various states of distress. Setsuna's lips were compressed in a thin line and she seemed to be putting all her energy into staying silent. Michiru seemed a little more sympathetic, but also at a loss for how to handle the situation.

Hotaru had her head down and her arms crossed tightly across her chest. She looked up briefly when Haruka entered the room, just long enough to reveal that her lip was badly split and a dark stain that looked suspiciously like blood was spread across the top of her shirt. She shifted to stuff her hands into her jacket pockets, but not before Haruka caught sight of bruises on the knuckles of both hands.

"So how was patrolling?" Haruka asked mildly.

Setsuna made a noise of disapproval and motioned for Artemis to follow her out into the hallway. Hotaru watched them go with a pained expression. She looked up at Haruka for a moment before dropping her gaze to her dusty boots. "I'm sorry," she said in a voice choked with shame. "It was my fault, I started the fight."

Michiru sighed and approached the younger girl, pulling her into a hug. "What happened?" she asked gently. "That isn't like you." She stepped back to examine the girl's bloodied lip.

"I was at a tavern," she admitted, dark eyes moving to Haruka. "I was only going to stop for a minute."

Haruka reached out to ruffle her shaggy hair affectionately. "And you had a few too many drinks?" she finished gently.

But Hotaru shook her head, blinking back sudden angry tears. "Some people were talking about the Queen and the Inner Senshi…" she managed before a sob choked off her words. Haruka didn't need her to finish, they could guess the rest well enough. The darkness that was slowly taking over the city had influenced the ordinary citizens as well, bringing about a vicious mean streak. She moved forward to put her arms around both women, amazed as always that Hotaru and Michiru were now almost the exact same height.

"It's alright," she said soothingly. "I've heard a few of the nasty comments as well. But you can't punch everyone who deserves it, your hands will be sore." That got a weak chuckle from the Hotaru. She wiped her eyes and gave them a watery smile. Then she sobered and looked between them. "I am sorry, though, I know better than to engage people like that."

"Consider it a lesson learned, then, and leave it at that," Michiru decided, giving her shoulder an affectionate squeeze. She studied Hotaru's lip again. "Is that your only injury?"

Hotaru touched her lip gingerly and nodded. "It's not as bad as it looks," she reassured them. She dark eyes fell on the open doorway and she sighed. "Is Setsuna-mama really mad?"

Haruka followed her gaze and shook her head. "No, she's just got something on her mind."

Michiru gave her a pointed look before turning a smile on Hotaru. "Actually, she wanted to speak to you. We should probably go find her."

"Small Lady?"

Chibi-Usa was still kneeling by her mother's bed, even though she'd fallen asleep a few minutes ago. She straightened and turned to where Setsuna was leaning against the door frame watching her. "Yes?"

"I need to speak with you." Setsuna's voice was mild but Chibi-Usa could tell that something fairly urgent was on the older woman's mind.

She got stiffly to her feet, casting one last glance at her mother's sleeping form before she moved away from the bed. She paused next to the chair by the wall where her father had fallen asleep. She bent to kiss his unshaven cheek before following Setsuna out. She closed the door carefully behind her.

"Is something wrong?" she whispered, watching her guardian closely. Setsuna looked, if possible, even more tired than she had a half hour ago when she'd checked on her.

Despite her fatigue, Setsuna's smile was genuine as she led the way down the hall. "Actually, I believe something may finally be right," she replied.

She waved the confused princess into the spacious living area that the Outers shared. It had been designed after the living room of their house in Old Tokyo, down to the color of the curtains. Haruka was sprawled in an armchair, watching Michiru, who was kneeling in front of the couch. She seemed to be fussing over Hotaru, who was barely visible on her other side. Artemis was on the arm of Haruka's chair and Luna was behind Hotaru on the back of the couch. Everyone looked up when she entered.

Chibi-Usa looked between them curiously. "What's going-" she broke off, gasping sharply when she caught a glimpse of Hotaru's face. "What happened?" she demanded, feeling tears forming as she rushed toward her friend.

Hotaru gave her a stricken look as she got hastily to her feet. She was promptly knocked down again as Chibi-Usa launched herself at the guardian, hugging her tightly. "I'm fine, Usa," she said somewhat breathlessly. "I got into a fight in town. It was nothing."

Chibi-Usa pulled back to study her. Her lip was swollen and glistening with medicated balm and a bruise was visible at the edge of her tank top. Hotaru's face seemed pained and Chibi-Usa chuckled softly, removing herself from her friend's lap. "Sorry, I'm not used to being so heavy."

"You're not heavy," Hotaru reassured her immediately, smiling. "And I'm fine. I'm sure this will be healed by tomorrow."

Chibi-Usa scooted back to sit beside her and turned her attention to the others in the room. "Is that what you wanted to tell me?"

Michiru smiled and began packing up the first aid kit. "No, I believe Setsuna was going to explain a new idea to us."

Setsuna nodded, her expression turning serious. "Serenity is getting worse," she said without preamble. She shot a brief apologetic look to Chibi-Usa but plowed on. "The darkness that has been spreading through the city is consuming her and we have no way to stop it."

Chibi-Usa stared down at her hands clasped loosely in her lap. She already knew all of this, but it was painful to hear it stated so bluntly. Hotaru placed a hand over both of hers and gave her a reassuring squeeze.

Setsuna continued, "I believe it can be stopped, and the Queen saved." Now she had everyone's rapt attention. She frowned, apparently choosing her words carefully. "However, I think that destroying the darkness will take the combined power of all the Senshi."

Hotaru pulled away to clench her fists in her lap. Chibi-Usa laid a hand on her back and looked up at Setsuna. "How? They're… gone."

Setsuna nodded thoughtfully. "It's true that they were taken over by the dark energy, but I think it may be possible to save them." Her garnet stare rested on each person in the room for a moment before settling on Chibi-Usa. "With the power of the Silver Crystal."

Chibi-Usa was aware that all eyes had turned to her and she tried not to fidget under their attention. "I can't use it," said in a small voice. "Not without…"

"I can keep your mother safe and stable here," she reassured her. "That way, you can take the crystal with you."

"If we take her and the crystal away, it will leave the city completely unprotected," Haruka pointed out.

"Not to mention the fact that you would have to search each inner planet to find where they retreated to," Luna added. "Who knows how long that could take."

"It won't be easy," Setsuna conceded. "But I believe it's our only chance to save everyone."

"There's still the question of leaving the palace unguarded while we search for them," Michiru pointed out. "You can't sustain the Queen and fight at the same time."

"I know. That's why I'll need you and Haruka to stay here with me."

"No," Haruka said immediately, sitting forward. "There's no way we're sending Chibi-Usa alone on a mission like this."

Chibi-Usa stayed silent as she considered Setsuna's words. It did sound dangerous and terrifying, but it could be the only way to save her mother. She thought of the Inner Senshi and the gaping hole in all of their lives since the warriors had gone. She would do anything to bring them back. "I'll go," she decided, meeting Setsuna's level gaze.

"Not by yourself, you won't," Luna said immediately, glaring down at her.

"What if I went with her?" Hotaru said quietly.

Michiru and Haruka exchanged startled looks before turning incredulous stares on Setsuna, who nodded. "This is what you had in mind from the start," Haruka accused in awe.

Setsuna gave her a sad smile. "The Inner Senshi have been taken over by darkness. I think to get through to them, it would take someone who has overcome that same darkness." She looked between Hotaru and Chibi-Usa. "I believe the two of you will be able to save them. Then, if you can return them to us, we will be able to save the city and the Queen."