"Fuck, I'm so glad classes are over," Finn said, throwing his bag on the floor before unceremoniously collapsing on their reclining chair. "I swear, I'm ready to shoot myself. Can't they give us a break?"

"It's college, Hudson, not elementary school. Do you really think they'll just stop giving work because Santa's coming?" Sebastian smirked, shutting the door behind them.

"I know, but still, it's Christmas time! I haven't seen my family in months, now I'll probably just be sitting in my room the entire time writing a fucking fifteen page essay for my Women's history class! Seriously, when can I do all this stuff?"

Sebastian smiled fondly at his lanky roommate, grunting in agreement. He dropped his bag from his shoulder, placing it next to his bed before he too collapsed. Rolling over on his bed he let out a relieved breathe. They had just finished their last class of the semester, marking their freedom for winter break. Thank fucking God, Sebastian smiled. Sebastian, despite actually being quite intelligent, struggled. Well, struggled was debatable. His other three roommates claimed it was his "fuck now, study later," philosophy he lived by. He never got much studying done, or classwork for that matter. He barely scraped together enough credit at the end of the year to pass, but whenever he got close, his father was always sure to wave his wallet around.

Even a university as prestigious as Cornell couldn't ignore a sign like that. Plus, nobody turns down a Smythe.

So here he was, his junior year of the "best years of his life" still doing nothing, yet apparently doing enough.

"I feel like I'm gonna die man, Professor Zupan gave us a shit ton of work," Finn whined, his face still buried in the arm of the chair.

Sebastian chuckled. In all honesty, he sometimes wondered about Finn. Sure, over the years colleges had dumb-ed down their standards to accommodate the oncoming generation of morons, but still. Cornell was one of America's most difficult colleges to get into, even more so to stay in. Yet here was his goofy-as-shit roommate, not only good enough to make it in (Without even being wait listed!) but actually doing well.

"Yeah, like I'd do it anyway."

Finn popped his head up, his brows furrowing, "I hate you, dude. Seriously, I work my ass off while you get ass and you still don't fail. Un-cool,"

Sebastian barked out a laugh, "What can I say? My skills are un-paralleled,"

Suddenly the door to their dorm room swung open, bouncing off the wall from the force.

"I disagree with that!" called their roommate Jeff as he and Nick waltzed in, their linked hands swinging between them. "Mine are superior in every way imaginable,"

"My boyfriend, humble as ever," Nick smiled fondly as they walked to their joined bed and put down their bags.

"Jeff, you broke your arm freshman year setting up a bunk bed. Just the fact that you were setting up a bunk bed makes any point you make irrelevant," Sebastian said flatly, watching the blonde haired boy bristle.

"Hey! It would've saved so much space! It would have worked had my jack-ass roommates helped!" Jeff cried indignantly, "Right, Nicky?"

"Yeah, right Nicky?" Finn grinned.

"Uh, sorry babe, you're on your own for this own," Nick laughed, ignoring the scandalized look on his boyfriends face.

"Wow, I guess I know where I stand with everyone in this room!" Jeff mock frowned, crossing his arms, turning away from Nick.

"Aw, c'mon, you know I love you," Nick cooed, grinning as he wrapped his arms around Jeff from behind. Sebastian rolled his eyes and lay back on his pillows. Sometimes, they were sickeningly cute.

"How did I get stuck with like, the only three dick lovin' dudes in all of Cornell," Finn groaned, submerging himself in pillows again.

"I'm not gay," Sebastian offered.

"Yeah, 'Bas is just a slut!" Jeff chirped, letting himself be wrapped in Nick's arms, his head resting on his boyfriend's chest.

"Jeff!" Nick reprimanded, laughing.

"Hey, I just like friction on my dick, it doesn't matter who it comes from,"

"Oh trust us dude, we know," Finn called from his chair-covered face.

"Well, I always leave the sock on the door?"

"You never leave a sock on the door, 'the fuck are you talking 'bout?" Jeff exclaimed.

"Okay well, it's not like I've fucked someone on one of your beds before like some assholes," Sebastian pointed out narrowing his eyes at Nick and Jeff.

"Hey, it was dark!" Jeff shrieked, his face flushing at the memory. He was screaming at a particularly hard thrust, Nick balls deep inside of him when the door flung open, Sebastian there with a horrified look, yelling "That's my fucking bed!"

"It happened like once last year, get over it," Nick chuckled, tightening his grip on Jeff.

"It was my bed, so don't even start. You guys are lucky I even let you finish,"

"Well, whatever, too much gay sex in this room, I swear I know all the gays," Finn muttered, pushing himself off the chair and stretching.

A familiar tone played through the room signaling a cell phone and Finn looked around for his phone.

"Shit, where'd I leave it?" he mumbled, kneeling down to rifle through his bag.

"Back pocket," Nick called.

Finn reached around to his jeans, sure enough producing his phone with a sheepish smile, "Oh, uh yeah, thanks."

Sebastian smiled, shaking his head. Again, sometimes he wondered.

"Oh hey Mom! Uh, yeah classes literally just finished, how'd you know? Whoa, you have like a sixth sense or something." Finn spoke quietly, giving the guys a wave before he went out into the hallway to finish the conversation.

"Sometimes I worry about him," Nick smiled, unwinding himself from Jeff to cross the room for his phone lying on the dresser. As he picked it up and mindlessly scrolled he said, " So, you psyched for break?"

Sebastian smirked, "No school, no work, no professors? Uh, yeah I'd say I'm ready."

"I second that," Jeff piped up.

"God, I'm just excited to go home. This room is too fucking small," Nick pointed out.

Sebastian nodded looking across their room. Granted, it was small. There were only a few dorm rooms that housed four people in Cornell, most made for two people. However, that didn't stop the contractors from making the four people rooms only a few feet bigger than the two people ones.

The four got housed together their freshman year of college. Sebastian, Nick and Jeff, all recently graduated from Dalton Academy had decided to request a room together once they all found out they were going to Cornell. Sure, the three weren't very close at the time, all running in different circles, their only ties being the Warblers, but they had decided they'd rather go together with people they were somewhat familiar with rather than try their luck. When they were paired with another glee clubbing goofball from Ohio, it was just good luck. Over time the four of them began to grow closer, eventually becoming best friends. Or, Sebastian smirked, in Nick and Jeff's case even a little closer. After a few months of unbearable sexual tension and longing glances the two finally grew the fuck up and shared a sloppy kiss over burnt ramen. They'd been going steady ever since.

Sebastian snapped out of his thoughts when Finn burst back into the room.

"-Yeah, okay I love you. Tell everyone I say 'hey!' Okay, bye." Finn pulled the phone from his ear, hanging up with a grin.

"Someone's happy," Sebastian commented, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, dude! I'm heading back to Lima!"

"I never heard anyone excited to go back to Lima," he said with distaste.

"Shut up, man. I get to see everyone again. I haven't seen my family in months!"

"We all haven't," Jeff said, "You, my friend, are overly excited."

"What? I love Christmas, sue me!" Finn smiled, falling back down on the chair. "So, what are you guys doing for the holidays?"

"I'm going with my parents up to the Hamptons," Nick groaned, "It's so boring, it's literally just like my parents and eight other couples gossiping and skiing."

"You're going to the Hamptons, shut the fuck up!" Finn exclaimed looking at Nick in disbelief.

Nick shrugged, "It's still boring,"

Finn shook his head, "You rich assholes," then, "What about you guys?"

"I dunno, it's probably just gonna be me and my mom. We'll like, get a tree and order takeout, something like that," Jeff offered, laying back on his bed.

"Nice, nice," Finn nodded, "What about you, dude?"

Sebastian shrugged, "I dunno. I'll go fly out to like a beach or something. Somewhere nice and warm,"

"What about your family?" Nick asked.

Sebastian rolled his eyes, "Mom and Dad decided to take a trip to Naples this year. They told me with a heartfelt letter last week,"

"What! 'Bas! You can't spend Christmas alone!" Jeff gasped, sitting up to look at Sebastian, shocked.

"I practically did last year. They sat in their separate offices until six, and then came out to give me money and have dinner. It didn't exactly give me the 'warm fuzzy feelings'," Sebastian scoffed.

"But you were still with family!"


"C'mon man, you can't be alone on Christmas-" Jeff pushed.

"Who says I'll be spending it alone," Sebastian smirked.

"Do you really think the clubs are going to be filled with people trying to get laid on Christmas?" Nick asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You'll be surprised, Nick, you'll be surprised."

Silence fell over the room, all three of them looking at Sebastian with equal amounts of pity. Sebastian internally laughed, if they knew what his parents were like they wouldn't be so devastated they weren't around.

"Why don't you come with me?"

Sebastian snapped his neck up to look at Finn incredulously, "What?"

Finn smiled softly, "Yeah, why don't you come with me? I mean, Mom loves a big Christmas dinner, we're inviting like a thousand relatives. She could set an extra plate."

Sebastian opened and closed his mouth, at a loss for words. Finn took it as a sign to continue, "We have a guest room you could stay in, and Burt would totally be fine with it. My mom's a given, and Kurt's pretty chill with everyone."

"Oh, um, thanks Finn, but it's cool-" Sebastian started, already going to turn it down.

"Sebastian, go with him. No one should spend Christmas all by themselves," Nick encouraged, sitting down next to Jeff who nodded in agreement.

Sebastian looked between the three of them, all looking at him hopefully. Honestly, he was a bit bummed to spend Christmas alone. He was used to not having a loving, welcoming home to go to for Christmas. While other kids would count the hours until Santa fell down the chimney, filling their home with gifts and excitement that could only be challenged by birthdays, Sebastian would sit in his room watching old Christmas movies wishing for once he'd have a chance to be in a family like that. Sure, he was a bit old for waiting at the top of the stairs for mom and dad before they could race downstairs to open presents, (He was twenty two after all,) but he could still be enveloped in the warm embrace of a family during the holidays.

"Are you sure it'd be cool?"

Finn scoffed, waving his hand at him, "Please, my mom's been practically begging for you guys to come back to the house anyway, she'll be cool with it,"

Sebastian watched his friends all give him grins, and grinned too, "Fine, but don't expect me to sing Christmas carols."

"Flight 126 to Lima, Ohio, now boarding."

"That's us!" Finn grinned, jumping out of his small seat.

Sebastian rolled his eyes at his roommate, "Alright, Andre the Giant, calm down, we can't even get through yet," he said in a flat tone, pointing at the group crowding the gate.

"But if we don't get in line now we'll miss the flight!" Finn whined, grabbing his two suitcases and hauling Sebastian to his feet.

He groaned, massaging his temples. Suddenly, this trip just became a lot less appealing. "They just announced that we could board, we're not going to miss it,"

"Whatever, c'mon man!" Finn grinned pulling Sebastian by the arm just barely before he grabbed his suitcases. He pulled them to the gate to the plate, behind a large group of other people. "You got the tickets?"

"Oh no, I left them in the cab,"


"Kidding! Holy shit, Sasquatch, you need to relax," Sebastian said, stepping forward, closer to the attendant checking tickets.

Finn sighed, scrubbing a hand over his face, "You're right, it's just," he paused, "I'm super excited, man. I really missed them,"

Sebastian internally groaned. Finn wanted to talk about them. As much as Sebastian didn't want to spend hours on a plane hearing about Finn's family, he figured he kind of owed it to him. So, he swallowed his reservations and said bitterly, "What are the like?"

Finn grinned. Fuck.

Sebastian was ready to kill himself.

No, really. He was ready to tear open the window he was sitting next to and throw himself out of it.

He'd spent the last hour he could have used sleeping (Because really, he woke up at fucking five in the morning for a six fifteen flight,) listening to Finn talk about his family. He'd heard Finn talk about his family before, of course. Over the three years, he'd been around for bits and pieces of his family. He helped Finn pick what present to send his mom for Mothers day in their sophomore year (A silver necklace wrapped around small cuts of emeralds.) He saw Finn skype with his step-father Burt about what to do when his car made that gurglegurgleSNAP sound. He even had to stop Finn from flying out to the Lima hospital in the middle of the semester when his little step brother, Kurt, got attacked and beaten.

That however could not even compare to now. He felt like he knew the entire Hummel-Hudson life story.

Burt Hummel, Finn's step father became like a father to Finn since his mother started dating him his freshman year. He went to football games with his, talked cars with him at their garage, and was the first person he told when he thought he got his high school sweet-heart pregnant. When his mother announced during his sophomore year that she was going to marry the Hummel's Tires and Lube's Burt Hummel, he immediately grew close to his new father figure. Burt was calm and easy going, yet fiercely dedicated to his son, Kurt.

And then there was Kurt. The intriguing junior in high school. The out-and-proud, fashion loving diva. The quick-witted, sharp tongued gay. Kurt was quite the character, and Finn was also just as fierce as Burt when it came to his little brother. Finn was the stereo typical over protective big brother. He's walked Kurt to and from the bus stop when Kurt was in eighth grade when he found out he was getting hit on the walk to school. He and Puck slashed five kids' bicycle tires when they found out Kurt had been slushied by all five. (What the fuck's being 'slushied'?) He'd even threatened Kurt's first real date, Sam, to castrate him if Kurt came home any less of a virgin. Needless to say that relationship didn't last long.

Although, Sebastian thought flatly, this 'Kurt' probably wasn't the Virgin Mary Finn thought he was anyway. Sebastian had a lot of experience when it came to fucking, and he knew a cock slut when he heard one. Outfits with scarves and sweaters sweeping past the hips weren't for fashion, they were covering up hickeys. (It didn't matter how fashionable you are.) Going out with a guy one night, only to never see him again isn't a 'date' that 'just didn't work out,' it's a one night stand. Limping around the house after a 'girl's night' isn't the result of hitching his leg after dancing along to Funny Girl, it's getting fucked too hard in the bathroom at a club.

Sebastian rolled his eyes at Finn, sometimes he could be so obtuse. If he couldn't tell his little brother was probably on his knees every other night of the week, then he wouldn't be the one to tell him.

"-I think I have a picture of them somewhere" Finn mumbled, reaching into his carry-on backpack for the front pocket. Sebastian picked at the seat in front of him dully. "Here!" Finn pulled it out triumphantly, shoving it into Seb's face, "So this is my mom, this is Burt, and that's Kurt-"

Sebastian started a bored nod, his eyes flickering to look a the picture and then back to the seat when he snapped his head around. Finn still was babbling beside him, waving the picture around when he snatched it out of his head to get a good look.


"Oh, sure Sebastian, you can have that picture-" Finn drawled sarcastically.

Sebastian shushed Finn quickly, bringing the picture up to his eyes. The photo was relatively new, still holding the color of a photo recently printed. The edges were frayed slightly, crease marks covering it where it'd been folded numerously, crammed into Finn's pocket, but the picture was clear. The Hummel Hudson family stood happily, smiling, arms laced around each other and a general aura of a family radiating off of them. On the left was Finn's mom Carole, her hair pulled back messily, a grin on her face so similar to Finn's there was no question about where he got it. The man to the right of her was taller and built, an arm slung around Carole's shoulder, his head covered by a ratty cap with a smaller smile and an easy happiness in his eyes. However, it wasn't the older couple that caught Sebastian's eye. It was the tall, slender boy nestled under Finn's arm.

He was thin, with long legs clad in skin tight yellow pants. His chest was covered in a crisp, white dress shirt, the cuffs rolled up to his elbows and a black vest covering his middle. One arm was thrown around Finn, the other coming to the broach pinned just above his vest pocket. His brown hair was styled to a perfect coif on his head, slightly off center and elegant, with strands of lighter golden poking out. His face was slightly red around the cheeks, a small smile gracing his almost nymph-like features and his eyes glowing with a colour Sebastian couldn't quite place.

Sebastian held in a groan.

"-ude? Dude!"

"Who's this?" Sebastian pointed at the boy in the photo.

"Him? It's Kurt, man! Have you even been listening to be?"

So that was the little brother. Sebastian eyed the boy in the picture. That was the cock slut. He could see it, with a body like that it was no wonder little 'Kurt' was getting fucked every night. His legs went on for fucking miles, lean and slender, and Sebastian would bet his trust fund that he had a plump ass that went with it. For a junior in high school, he was fucking hot.

"Stay with me!" Finn exclaimed punching him in the shoulder.

"Fuck, you didn't tell me he looked like that,"

"Like what?"

"Like sex on a stick!"

Oh shit. Sebastian looked up to meet Finn's narrowed eyes. He hadn't meant to say that out loud. He'd be the first to say if he thought someone was fucking hot, but not exactly keen to share it with said person's older brother. Sure, in high school he'd met his share of over protective fathers, but this was different. Finn was different. Finn, after a year at first of treating Kurt like trash (A truth he admitted in a teary, drunken rant,) had realized what a dick he was. It wasn't until Kurt came home from school with a tooth knocked out he saw what a dick he was being and decided he had to step it up. He'd spent the last six years trying to make up for it, and grown viciously guarding towards Kurt. He actually even liked having a little brother.

So yeah, Finn was a hell of a lot more scary than a few angry fathers.

"What did you just say?"

"I just meant that-"

"No, no, I know what you meant!" Finn whispered furiously, "You think my little brother's hot."

"Okay, yeah, so you do know what I meant-"

"No. Fuck no," he growled. "He's my brother,"

"I know that-"

"No, I don't think you do. Because that's my little brother. "

"I understand, I'm just saying, you honestly thought it'd be a good idea to invite me when you have him sleeping at the same house?"

"Oh sorry, I thought you'd be able to restrain yourself from sticking you're dick in anything with a pulse." Finn shot back, venomously.

Sebastian's face hardened, "Whoa, listen, asshole,"

"No, you listen, Kurt's young. He's seventeen for Christ's sake-"

"I was fourteen when I first got laid,"

"You want to sleep with him?" Finn whisper shrieked.

Oh shit. Sebastian back pedaled, "No, whoa dude, I'm just saying, he isn't that young,"

"He's still a virgin, dude! I swear to God, you better not try anything!"

Sebastian scoffed. Kurt was far from a virgin.

"You fuck anything with a hole, and I get that. You know, whatever, do what you want, but this is different. This is my family, and if you hurt my family, I hurt you. Dude, you're like a brother to me. You've been with me for the last three years through tough shit, you wouldn't even be here if you were anything less, but you even think about touching Kurt and I swear to God, I will personally murder you."

Sebastian looked at Finn, the look on his face so deadly and serious he couldn't help but shiver.

"Um, yeah. Yeah, okay dude. I won't touch Kurt."

That promise, as it turned out was super hard not to break.

"Honey!" a shrill voice sounded out as soon as Finn pushed the door open with his foot, "Oh gosh, boys those look so heavy! Burt! Burt, honey! Could you come down here! They need help with the bags!"

"Aw Ma, we got it!" Finn laughed as Carole all but shoved him in by the arm.

"Nonsense! You boys just got back, and those look so heavy. Burt!" Carole called again before turning back to coo at Finn. She grabbed him by the face, pulling him down to give him two big kisses on each cheek. "Oh, I'm so excited you're back! I swear, you get taller every time I see you!"

"Mom!" Finn laughed, gently extracted her hands from his face before he bent down to give her a big hug. Sebastian stood back awkwardly, looking away at the affection being shared. It was close and comfortable and he couldn't help but feel as though he was intruding a bit by watching.

"Well, Finn, introduce us!" Carole said after a moment, turning her grin towards him.

"Oh! Yeah, sorry dude. Ma, this is Sebastian. Sebastian, this is my Mom." Finn smiled, waving a hand between the two of them to indicate.

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Hummel." Sebastian said politely, accepting her hug somewhat awkwardly.

"Oh, he's so sweet Finn! Why haven't you brought him home earlier, God knows my boy could use some manners," Carole giggled, ushering the two of them in. "And call me Carole. Burt!"

"I'm coming!" A gruff voice sounded. The trio looked up to see a large body walking to them, a beer in his hand and a baseball cap pushed back on his head.

He smiled when he saw the three crowded by the door, "Hey kiddo! How're you?"

Finn grinned only larger, something Sebastian thought was impossible. "Hey Burt! I'm good!"

Burt placed the beer on the table, waving a hand to beckon Finn closer to him, "Whoa, you sure did grow again. I swear kid, soon we'll have to make you sleep outside, you can barely fit through the doorways," he chuckled, putting his hands on Finn's shoulder before pulling him in for a quick hug.

"Yeah," Finn smiled sheepishly, ducking his head, "Oh, um, this is Sebastian. He's my roommate."

"Ah," Burt nodded turning to Sebastian, "Nice to put a face to the name, put 'er there kid."

Sebastian smiled, shaking Burt's hand.

"Whoa there, a firm hand shake. I like him, Finn," Burt smiled.

Sebastian smiled at the compliment, looking at Finn who grinned back at him.

"Here, give me those," Burt said, reaching for Finn and Sebastian's bags.

"Oh, don't worry, we got them, sir." Sebastian made a grab for the handle only to be waved off by Burt.

"Hey, no 'sir' now. Call me Burt. And you just got here from school, let me handle those," he shrugged grabbing the handles and hauling the bags over his shoulder with ease, "We'll grab the rest from the car tonight, but for now these are fine,"

Sebastian and Finn nodded, smiling.

"Oh!" Burt grunted, turning around at the foot of the stairs, "Sebastian?"

"Yes, sir- Oh, um Burt,"

"The guest room's still a mess right now, we need to get the bed from the attic and set it up, so you'll have to sleep on the couch for a day or two if that's okay,"

"Yeah, that's fine," Sebastian assured, watching as Burt gave a final fond nod and went up the stairs, presumably to put away their bags.

"I'm just so glad you're back, honey. And Sebastian, it's so nice to meet you! We hope you'll enjoy it here," Carole smiled softly.

"Thank you Carole, I just hope I'm not being an inconvenience,"

"You're not! No one should spend Christmas alone, and besides, the more the merrier!" Carole said, pulling the three of them to the kitchen where there was a pot on the stove.

"Told you!" Finn grinned, opening the fridge and poking his head in.

"Finn, we're having dinner soon, no snacks!" Carole scolded gently, hip-bumping Finn out of the way and closing the fridge.

"Mom!" Finn whined, "I'm hungry! We've been on a plane for hours,"

"And you can wait ten minutes! Dinner's at six!"

Finn groaned, leaning back against the counter of his elbows, Sebastian following suit. "Ugh fine," then, looking around, "Hey, where's Kurt?"

Sebastian perked up, looking for the answer.

"Oh, he's in his room. Why don't you go get him for dinner, we're about to sit down anyway, then we can all catch up!" Carole suggested, stirring a pot of rice on the stove.

"Yeah!" Finn exclaimed, pushing himself off the counter and motioning for Sebastian to follow.

As the duo exited the kitchen and up the stairs Finn turned to him, and said lowly, "Remember what I said dude."

"Jesus, alright. Finn I said he was hot, not that I was going to deflower him in your bed," Sebastian rolled his eyes, "He's in high school, he wouldn't be good in the sac anyway." he added for good measure. Again he doubted it's truth, but anything to get Finn off his back.

"You're an idiot," Finn scoffed, though with a small smile on his face. He gave Sebastian a shove and the two walked to the top of the stairs.

As soon as they hit the top, music was heard pounding from the inside of one of the rooms. It was pulsing and muted slightly from behind the door. They got closer and Sebastian instantly recognized the song.

I can't go back there anymore
'Cause I am not the boy next door

You've been savin' all souvenirs,
Faded photographs from my foolish years
We made plans, but they're wearin' thin
And they won't work out 'cause I won't fit in

Finn smiled fondly and laughed, "And that would be Kurt's room,"

The two walked to the door opening it and swung it open. Sebastian swore he almost got a hard on right then and there.

Inside, Kurt twirled, holding out a high note, pure and sweet. His long, thin legs were covered tightly in a pair of black pants, leaving little to the imagination, a white shirt riding up slightly, showing just a small amount of milky white skin; a red handkerchief tied securely around his neck. He kicked a leg up above his head, throwing an arm behind his head as he gasped the next line in a way that was so fucking pornographic Sebastian had to stop himself from running forward and dry fucking Kurt until they were both panting and desperate for release.

And those memories will just weigh me down
'Cause I got no place to keep them uptown

I am not the boy next door
I don't belong like I did before
Nothing ever seems like it used to be
You can have your dreams, but you can't have me

And, oh god, did he just move his hips like that. Sebastian was really starting to question Finn's intelligence because really. A guy who can thrust and swivel his hips like that was probably getting fucked by his freshman year. Speaking of Finn, his friend was currently looking at Kurt with an amused, and weirdly brotherly look that should've made Sebastian sick, but instead just made him smile too.

"Hey, Kurt!" Finn called after a few more seconds.

Kurt let out a startled shriek, turning to look at them for the first time. The track continued to play in the backround, no singing accompanied it. A thin layer of sweat glistened on his smooth skin, pieces of hair falling just on his forehead as he stood panting just slightly (Which really wasn't helping Sebastian in his struggle against the semi.) He looked back between the two of them for a moment before grinning hard, and throwing himself at Finn with a squeal.

Finn laughed, hugging Kurt back close, "Hey, dude, missed you too."

Kurt pulled back suddenly with a glare, "Don't call me dude." Sebastian let out a small laugh at that. "I didn't even hear you come in!"

That voice. Smooth and soft, slightly higher and sweeter, but somehow fitting the slender boy perfectly.

"I wonder why," Finn said sarcastically.

"Oh, shut up," Kurt laughed, stepping back and wiping his forehead with the back of his hand, "You know, I'm fabulous."

Kurt looked over at Sebastian then, and his movements stopped. Sebastian watched as his breath hitched when he caught sight of him. He looked Sebastian up and down, eyes raking us his body slowly and hungrily, slowing at the crotch of his pants before flicking back up to his face. Sebastian smirked at him, raising an eyebrow and sliding his hands into his pockets effortlessly. He knew he could always catch someone's eye, and someone hot and willing was always appreciated in his books.

When Kurt caught Sebastian's eye watching him with a self satisfied smirk, he blushed, just so, before turning back to Finn, "Well, Finn, aren't you going to introduce us?" he asked innocently, his perfect little brother mask slipping back onto his face with ease.

"Oh yeah! Kurt this is my roommate Sebastian, Seb, this is Kurt," he said smiling.

Kurt took a step forward, extending his delicate hand, his striking eyes locking with Sebastians. Then, with a smokey voice, in an act of pure evil, "Pleasure, Sebastian."

Sebastian short circuited for a second, about to smirk, before he caught Finn's eye looking at him critically. Finn was his best friend, but he knew him. He wouldn't hesitate to beat the shit out of him, and Finn was huge. "Hello Kurt," he said tightly, taking his hand quickly before dropping it like it burned.

Kurt raised an eyebrow at this, but smirked again at Sebastian.

"Finn," Carole's voice sounded from downstairs, "Honey, come set the table, would you?"

"Okay Ma!" Finn called back, before turning back to the two of them, "Well dude, I'm gonna do that, but at dinner we're gonna catch up, okay?"

Kurt nodded happily, "Yeah, now go set the table! I've been doing it for months, it's your turn!" he joked.

Finn let out a laugh, "Alright, well guys come downstairs soon,"

"Okay," Kurt answered for them, a thousand watt smile still on his face.

Finn nodded before giving Sebastian one last pointed look, and leaving.

The thudded out of the room, leaving the two alone. Which was not a good idea. Sebastian liked fucking, simple as that. Anyone hot was open season for him. Leaving him and Kurt alone was too much, regardless of the huge age difference. But, Finn could attack Sebastian in a second, was super over protective, that did not work out. At all. If he had any hope of surviving, he couldn't interact with Kurt at all. Especially if he was as provocative as Sebastian expected.

Sebastian turned back to Kurt, who was leaning back slightly, eyeing Sebastian with a smirk.

"Checking me out?" he asked with a smirk before he could stop himself.

Kurt looked back up, smiling innocently, his blue eyes gleaming, "Of course not," then with a step closer, "I mean, you're my brother's best friend. That'd be inappropriate of me."

"Would it?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, yes," Kurt nodded with another two steps forward, coming up close to Sebastian, "But then again, I'm not sure I want to be appropriate,"

Oh jesus fuck. He works fast.

"Whoa," Sebastian held up his hands and took a step back, "Kurt-"

"Don't even bother telling me you're straight, I saw you staring at me when I was dancing," Kurt took another few steps forward.

"I wasn- Wait, how'd you know I was staring?"

Kurt laughed, taking a step closer and running a finger down Sebastian's broad chest, "Please, my brother's not as sneaky as he thinks. I heard him open the door and saw you two from the start,"

"Why didn't you stop then?"

Kurt's eyes darkened as he smiled, flattening his hand to run down the chest, "I was giving you a show, I thought you'd like it."

Sebastian eyed Kurt, a few inches shorter than him, with a pained expression, "Well, you were wrong,"

"Oh really" he raised an eyebrow, running his hand dangerously low. "You seemed to enjoy it," And without further a due, Kurt slid his hand down to Sebastian's cock, pulling at the base roughly.

"Holy shit!" Sebastian shouted, jerking back from Kurt. His cock throbbed painfully against the fabric at the touch from the younger boy, shooting pleasure up through his body. Kurt stood where he was, biting his lip looking just fucking innocent.

"Shh," he smiled, "they'll hear you,"

"You just grabbed my dick! Sorry if I'm a little jumpy,"

"Well, you liked that too, so I don't see the problem," Kurt said, stepping forward again, slipping his thin arms around Sebastian's neck.

Sebastian tried to retract Kurt's arms to no avail, "I just- Fuck, we just met, jesus, you're seventeen!"

Kurt bit his lip, his blue orbs looking up at Sebastian, before he leaned up and whispered in his ear, hotly, "I've touched lots of people I'd only just met," He pushed his hips to meet Sebastian's, dragging them down slowly.

Sebastian threw his head back and moaned before he could stop himself.

"Oh, eager for someone who isn't enjoying this?" Kurt smiled, running his hand down to play with the hem of Sebastian's pants. "I could make you feel so good."

Sebastian groaned softly, not pushing Kurt's hand away.

"I could come in here at night when everyone's asleep and suck you down until you can barely move. We could sneak into my car, put the seats down and fuck until no one could even see through the windows," he whispered huskily, nipping at Sebastian's ear.

"Oh, fuck, what else?"

"I could let you tie me to my bed, come over and lick every part of me until I'm quivering and begging for you. I'd let you split me in half with your big, thick cock," Kurt breathed out, accenting the 'k' lowly.

"Yes, fuck, fuck yes," Sebastian moaned, grinding down into the smaller boy.

"Mmm, I'm glad Finn brought you home,"

And it was as if a switch went off in Sebastian's head. Finn. His eyes snapped open. This was Kurt, Finn's little brother. His best friend's little brother who he loved like hell.

He looked down to Kurt's smirking face, "We- I just, fuck I can't. Just- Get off." He pushed Kurt gently off himself, scrubbing a hand over his face trying to get his composure, "Dinner's soon."

Kurt looked at Sebastian surprised for a second before, with a smirk, "Oh right, well, we better go down then,"

Sebastian raised an eyebrow at Kurt as he turned and unplugged his ipod from the doc. That just seemed to easy.

"Besides," Kurt said, bending down to put his ipod away, giving Sebastian a view of that fantastic ass. He then turned, walking past Sebastian before he stopped and whispered in his ear lowly, "later, I'll bounce on your cock so hard you'll forget your own name, then we won't need to worry about my brother."

Kurt turned and swayed his hips as the innocent little boy mask slipped back into place like a glove, "See you at dinner!" he called over his shoulder.

Sebastian groaned, thumping his head on the back of the door hinge, only one thought circulating his mind.

I'm so fucked.

A/N: One shot? I dunno.