This is the third installment in the Death Eaters of Hogwarts series. I am still working on the re-write of the Death Eaters of Hogwarts, and will soon be working on the re-write and completion of The Areani. The chapters for those two will come out much faster then the chapters for this one. However, I should state that I am now a working man and I still love to party, so chapters can and will take weeks to write.

As I finish up with the prequels to this, I'll slowly bridge the gap between what you read in this story and what you know so far based on where I am currently at with the prequels. Hopefully, that will peak some of your interest.

Chapter 1 Gold Team

"Dragon Squad move up to the perimeter."

The fifteen green armored figures moved forward as fast as they could in crouch form. After several dozen meters the lead figure held up his fist. The group stopped moving almost as one, resting on one knee.

"Wards start here," the lead figure murmured.

"Roger that. Everyone find some cover. I know its night time but we don't want any patrols spotting us."

The team scrambled to obey, moving themselves behind bushes, trees and rocks that sat around the area. Once he was satisfied the entire group was sufficiently hidden, the leader followed their example.

"Once Gold Team takes down the wards, wait for my signal to advance," the Squad leader stated.

Fourteen affirmatives met his statement. The leader of Dragon Squad nervously tapped his wand against his off hand. The entire operation rested on the shoulders of Gold Team. It was a risky operation. The first problem was the fact that anytime an item imbued with magic, such as a wand, entered the wards, it would ping the security room and someone would be sent to investigate if clearance wasn't already granted. Then there was the problem that if you weren't keyed in to the wards, your magic would trigger an alert and the entire base would jump into action.

One of the strongest magical users on their side was being sent in with magical suppressors that would not only shield the person's magic from the wards, but would also prevent the person from using magic altogether. Well the entire team was being sent in with the suppressors, the problem with the one guy was there were a handful of people in the world whose magic was so strong it could leak through the suppressors if they weren't careful, and they were sending one of those people in. Not to mention the entirety of Gold Team was going to have to go in magic-less against hundreds of magic wielding Death Eaters.

Noticing the six specks free-falling through the sky, Dragon leader closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He hoped everything went according to plan.

Gold One felt the wind whipping against his body as he prepared to jump over the edge. The magic carpet that his team was jumping from was only a thousand feet in the air, several hundred feet above the top of the wards. That meant they had roughly eight seconds from jumping to hitting the building with a big splat.

"All squads are in position. You're clear to go Gold Team," the witch maneuvering the carpet shouted over the wind.

Gold One gave her a thumbs up before looking at his team. They all nodded their heads, waiting for him to give them the signal to go. Taking a deep breath, Gold One threw himself over the edge of the carpet and began the drop, the rest of his team following his example.

As he fell, he counted in his head the seconds. One. He wondered if the rest of his team would react in time to prevent their deaths. Two. Hell, he wondered if he would time it right and prevent his own death. Three. What if he missed his target completely? Four. If he missed, the whole mission would be compromised. Five.

He yanked the cord on his harness. Six. The small parachute unfolded from its pack and the harness yanked hard on his shoulders, cutting his acceleration in half. Seven. His acceleration continued to drop. Eight. He was still moving pretty quickly but it wasn't at speeds that would kill him when he landed. Nine. He bent his legs and grit his teeth, preparing himself for the rough landing. Ten. He slammed into the roof of the building hard, his knees buckling upon impact and sent him falling forward. Eleven.

Immediately, he pressed a button and the ropes of his chute began to retract into its backpack, preventing the parachute from flapping around unnecessarily and being seen from ground patrols. Looking around, he saw that the rest of his team had made it onto the roof safe and sound. They too were retracting their parachutes. Step one of the mission had been a success. He only hoped none of the ground patrols had noticed the six figures. They wore black suits and had used black parachutes, but you could never be too sure.

Gold Two walked up to Gold One, who had picked himself up off the floor, and patted him on the shoulder, giving him a thumbs up. The rest of the team was ready to go. The roof of the base was flat and relatively open. There were no doors leading into the base from the roof. They needed to have another way in.

Gold One took off the backpack and harness contraption containing the parachute and let it fall from his hands. He wouldn't be needing it anymore and all it would do is slow him down. He moved to the edge of the roof and looked down; three floors up. A fall from that height wouldn't kill him but it would definitely leave him seriously wounded. He shook his head and nodded to Gold Five.

Gold five, the shortest member of the group, moved toward the edge and looked down. She stepped to her left several feet before nodding her head. She reach to her combat belt, grabbing a rod attached to a thick black rope and pressed a button. Sharp metal spikes jumped from the rod, sticking out of its tip. Gold Five jammed the spikes of the rod into the roof as hard as she could. She tugged on the rope with as much force as she could but the rod didn't budge. Satisfied, she tossed the rope over the edge of the roof. She grabbed the rope with two hands before lowering herself over the edge, where she slowly climbed down.

Gold One looked over the edge and observed Gold Five in action. She made her way down eight or so feet and came to a rest between two windows. Gold Five looked into one of the windows and nodded her approval. She reached into the magical suppressing bag, which stifled the magic from magical items, on her combat belt and pulled out what looked like a piece of putty. She slammed the putty onto the window and waited a second. A sizzle filled the air, barely audible to the five on the roof, as the putty dissolved the basic wards on the window. Gold Five pushed the window open and made her way inside.

Nodding his head to the rest of his team, Gold One watched as Gold Two made his way to the rope and began lowering himself down. Gold One went next and thirty seconds later found himself in a potions lab. As Gold Six started to enter the room, Gold One made his way from cauldron to cauldron. He could identify all of the healing potions and salves that were being made. The specific lab they were in must be the one used to supply the base's hospital wing.

The potions would come in handy but they had a mission to complete. He withdrew their blueprints of the building, supplied to them by one of their spies. The important rooms were marked off, including the barracks, officer quarters and the room they were targeting. Pulling out a marker, he found where they were on the map and marked it off. If all went to plan, they would be back to take what they needed.

As he was checking out the cauldrons, Gold Two was checking to make sure the hallway was clear. Gold Two gave the all clear sign, and Gold One gave a curt nod. Gold Two slowly moved his way into the hallway, followed by Gold Three and Gold Six. Gold One made his way after the first three, Gold Four and Gold Five bringing up the rear. They made their way carefully down the hallway, ears alert for any noise.

A door to their right opened, a pair of robed Death Eaters standing in the doorway. Before the Death Eaters could react, Gold Four was upon them, arms moving quickly through the air as she quickly and quietly took the both of them down. Peering into the room behind the two now motionless Death Eaters, Gold One saw that it was just a loo. He motioned to the two down figures, and Gold Two and Six stepped forward to drag the Death Eaters into stalls and out of eyesight. Once everything was taken care of, Gold One used two fingers to indicate they should keep moving forward.

As they came to a corner, Gold Two held up his fist and the group stopped moving forward. Gold Two peaked around the corner. "Target in sight."

It was the first words spoken by any of them since they had neared the base on the magic carpet.

"How many?" Gold One asked, meaning guards.

"Five," Gold Two responded.

Gold One moved forward, Gold Two stepping back to allow him to see for himself. Gold One glanced out and noticed the four black robed figures standing around. There was too much hallway between them and the guards. They would surely be spotted moving in.

"Gold Three, get me the robes and mask from the ones we stored in the loo," Gold One ordered.

Gold Three didn't respond, instead moving swiftly back the way they had come. He returned several moments later, holding out the robes and mask as far from his body as possible, as if the clothing carried something contagious. Gold One took one of the sets, and indicated Gold Two to take one as well.

"We'll take care of the guards," Gold One stated as he slid the robes over his black body suit. He put the mask over his face and blinked in surprise. The mask was completely transparent from the inside. If he couldn't feel the mask on his face, he would doubt he was even wearing one.

Shaking his head, he stepped around the corner and walked at a steady pace. Gold Two followed his movements a step behind him. He didn't know if there were other ways of identifying fellow Death Eaters, other then just their garb and the Dark Mark. If there was, this probably wouldn't work.

As he continued his casual approach to the targets, he noticed them tense slightly at their approach. He had to remind himself to remain calm. Wouldn't do to act inappropriately and give himself away.

"You know only officers are allowed down here," one of them called to him.

Gold One, slowed his pace and Gold Two followed his lead. There was still fifteen feet between them and the guards they needed to take care of. The two members of Gold Team continued their approach, trying to close the distance as fast as possible while moving at a slow pace. It was quite troublesome.

"I have a message from the Captain," Gold One uttered, dropping his voice almost an octave.

One of the guards drew his wand and aimed it at the two members of Gold Team, both of whom came to a stop at the sight of the magical weapon.

"Well what is the message?" the wizard with the drawn wand demanded.

Gold One's mind took only a second to take everything in. Three feet between him and the tip of a wand aimed at his chest. Five and a half feet between him and the torso of the man who held a wand on him. Eight feet between him and the remaining guards, all of who had their hands on their wands but had yet to draw them.

Gold One shrugged his shoulders. "To watch out behind you of course."

The Death Eater tilted his head for a second before glancing over his shoulder. Gold One lunged forward, slamming his right hand into the elbow of the wizard's wand arm. With his left hand Gold One forced the wizard's wand hand to bend until the tip of the wizard's wand dug into the wizard's own shoulder. With his right hand Gold One punched the wizard in the throat, preventing him from speaking; more importantly preventing him from shouting for help. He reached for something on his belt and once grabbing it, threw his hand out. A knife flew from his grasp and buried itself in the chest of the farthest enemy.

In the seven or so seconds it took him to do that, Gold Two had lunged at the next nearest Death Eater and drove his fist into the Death Eater's stomach, driving the wind from his body. Then, lifting the Death Eater up, he had tossed him into the two other Death Eaters, who had just drawn there wands with spells at the tips of their tongues. Together, all three toppled to the ground, landing in a heap on their dead comrade with a knife in his chest.

Gold One shoved the Death Eater he held backwards, before swinging his fist as hard as he could. He connected with the man's temple, bruising his hand on the mask but impacting with enough force to knock the man unconscious. He shook his hand as the man slumped to the ground.

Gold Two had jumped onto the pile of three Death Eaters and was successful in both preventing the Death Eaters from calling for help and using their wands to cast spells. While they were all taught several hand-to-hand combats, Gold Two would be considered more of a brawler then a fighter. Gold One stepped forward to assist, delivering a kick to the mid-section of one of the Death Eaters. Bending down, he grabbed another one by the neck and lifted the man to his feet, wrapping one arm around the man's neck and using his other one to push the man's head forward.

The man struggled in that desperate way people flailed as they tried to get air back in their lungs. Fingers clawed furiously at his arms, feet kicked helplessly in the air. Soon all movements ceased, like they always did, and the man went limp. Letting go, the man's body collapsed to the ground.

Gold Two had taken care of the other two men, and the rest of the team had approached during the confrontation.

"Could have just used your muggle weapons," Gold Six muttered, indicating the array of knives and swords each of them carried.

"Where would be the fun in that?" Gold Two asked with a grin.

Gold One jabbed his thumb at the door the four men had been guarding. "You're up Gold Five."

Gold Five nodded her head and examined the door carefully. "Heavily warded. Sapping putty won't work." Gold Five dug around in her magical suppressing bag, the only way to sneak magical items through wards that indicated when magical items passed through them.

Gold One nodded his head. That was to be expected. One just didn't leave the room that held your master control stone guarded by only four Death Eaters. Other security measures needed to be in place, it was only common sense.

"How long?" Gold One asked.

"Without magic? No idea," Gold Five responded honestly.

"You've got," Gold One pulled back the sleeves of his jumpsuit and glanced at the watch on his wrist. "Twenty-five minutes before the task force declares us captured and abandons the mission."

"Right, no pressure then," Gold Five murmured.

"Gold Three, assist Gold Five. Gold Two and Six, take one end of the hallway. Gold Four and I will take the other end."

Gold One and Gold Four walked back the way they came, with Gold One leaning out enough to look around the corner and keep an eye out.

"What are you doing, after this?" Gold Four asked. "When we get back to Badger's Burrow?"

"No idea," Gold One murmured.

"Surely you have some idea."

Gold One remained silent.

"Grabbing a bottle again? Drinking yourself into a drunken stupor?" Gold Four hissed out.

Gold One gritted his teeth but kept his eyes forward and didn't say anything in response. She was right. That was his plan. It was always his plan.

"You can't keep drinking like you have. One day it will come to bite you in the ass," Gold Four reprimanded.

"What the bloody hell do you want me to do?" Gold One spat, glancing briefly over his shoulder at Gold Four.

Her arms were crossed over her chest and her eyes glared at him. She wouldn't be the first person who had tried to stop him from drinking.

"To leave the bottle alone for once," Gold Four stated.

Gold One snorted. "Do you know what its like? The things I've seen? They haunt me. When I'm left alone with nothing to do, my thoughts wander to them. When I close my eyes I see things that would make most piss themselves in fright. Drinking numbs the pain, and when I drink enough, I forget it all; if only for that brief period of time."

"You told us once that there was another way for you to keep your thoughts from drifting at night."

Gold One sucked in his breath. "That was just drunken rambling. Not since-"

"We're in!" Gold Five's voice carried down the corridor.

Gold One gave Gold Four a look before trudging back toward Gold Five. Indeed, Gold Five and Gold Three had done it, as the door was wide open. Inside the rather small room, on a pedestal, sat a large piece of dragon bone with scores of runes carved into it. Gold One examined the runes for several moments.

"Complex. Definitely Germanic in origin. Anyone do Germanic?" Gold One asked.

Gold Four stepped into the room. "I suppose I'm the best in the team at Germanic."

Gold One nodded his head and indicated Gold Four to get to work. The earlier conversation was forgotten. They were still on a mission and according to his watch, they only had three minutes. Gold Four withdrew a small chisel and hammer from her combat belt.

"Chip fast and chip hard," Gold One muttered, exiting the room.

"Gold Two and Three, get ready to send out the signal on my command."

Gold Two and Three moved toward the nearest door and made their way into whatever room the wooden door concealed. Gold One could hear a brief struggle inside but he ignored it. The lack of spell fire meant whoever was in the room had been overpowered.

"You know," Gold Five started, "this is when the real fun begins."

Gold Five fiddled with the zipper of her body suit. Gold One shot her a warning look.

"Not yet," Gold One warned.

Dragon squad leader had sat in the spot for fifty-nine minutes. Like those under his command, he had shifted restlessly as the minutes ticked. What was taking Gold Team so long? The team leader had assured High Command that they could complete the mission in an hour.

Just then a tiny beam of red light flashed from one of the upper windows. The squad leader had to blink twice to make sure he didn't miss it. Nope, it was definitely there. A muggle laser pointer was flashing at him from an upper window. That was the signal they needed. The wards had been taken care of. Gold Team had done it, just as they promised.

"Dragon Squad, move forward in a delta formation. Stay low and stay quiet. Silent casting only until we are inside. Take out any patrolling guards as quickly as possible. Move, move, move!"

They sprang from their cover, rushing the base as quickly as possible. No wards meant the only thing between them and reaching the building in front of them was a score or so patrolmen, against ninety charging men and women.

Gold One ducked into a doorway, its frame shattering under the impact of a few spells. The squads had easily made their ways into the base and taken care of whatever Death Eaters occupied the first floor but the barracks were on the second floor and the office quarters were on the third floor. The attack had stalled in the stairwells between first and second, leaving Gold Team with a dozen highly trained officers, and whatever Death Eater reinforcements they felt like calling.

"I have to pee!" Gold Six shouted from some random room.

"I told you to go before we left!" Gold One shouted back as an explosion echoed from the lower floors.

"Diffindo! I didn't have to go then!"Gold Six yelled in response.

Gold One rolled his eyes before jumping back into the hallway. He deflected a spell aimed at his chest and rolled underneath another one. Springing to his feet, he parried a third spell before lashing out with a bludgeoner. His spell was deflected into the ceiling, where it blew a hole through to the roof.

Side stepping return fire, he jabbed his wand forward and shot a lance of sparkling pink energy at his opponent. The witch, for the petite figure was obviously female, tried to deflect his attack but the force of the magic shattered her shield and sent her flying backwards. He hit her with a stunner and then tied her up with ropes. Prisoners were always fun entertainment.

Wiping imaginary dirt of his golden armor, Gold One made his way further down the hallway. The black jumpsuits they had worn was what was suppressing not only their magic, but the magic of their armor. Mithril and dragon hide would definitely have tipped off the wards when they first entered. So would have the wands and sapping putty if it wasn't for the magical suppressing bags they had been supplied with before the missions started.

However, with the wards gone and their presence already known, Gold Team had went back to wielding magic. And they were loving every minute of it.

"You know," Gold Two stated as he came up besides Gold One, "it isn't enough we sneak in and take down the wards so the squads can enter, but do we have to take out every Death Eater ourselves, or are they going to lend a hand?"

"They were outnumbered three to one. Only the element of surprise let them drop that ratio down to two to one. We're still outnumbered" Gold One reminded his second.

Gold Two shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe."

"The more we take out, the easier it is for them to break the stalemate on the stairs."

"True," Gold Two muttered. "Guess its time to get back to work.'

A group of five Death Eaters rounded the corner. Gold One dropped into a crouch and let loose a barrage of spells. Gold Two, summoned the nearest door off its hinges and banished it behind Gold One's spells. As the Death Eaters defended themselves from the attack, Gold One indicated to the floor.


They both shouted at the same time, both purposely aiming the spell low and both putting as much power as they could into it. The jets of light hit the floor right in front of the group of Death Eaters. Wooden splinters littered the air but were shielded against.

"Floors stronger then I thought," Gold One muttered as he ducked underneath a cutting hex.

As Gold One twirled to avoid a Killing Curse, he noticed Gold Six walking up behind the two of them, adjusting his armor.

"Where were you?"

"I told you, I had to go to the bathroom," Gold Six explained.

Gold Two blasted a Death Eater off of his feet before hastily deflecting a piercer. Gold One rolled his eyes as he deflected a sinister looking jet of black magic back at its caster.

"Go see if the others need help. We need to make a push downwards, help the squads out and free them to advance. This place needs to be cleared out, raided and destroyed before enemy reinforcements come."

Gold Six gave a nod before turning around and taking off at a jog. Gold One conjured a pair of wolves out of thin air and sent them charging down the corridor, accompanied with some spells courtesy of Gold Two.

After the spells were shielded against and the two wolves turned to meaty pulp, a barrage of energy was launched at the two members of Gold Team. Gold One conjured a wall of marble, which began to get pulverized by the magic hitting it. Large chunks of stone were blasted from it as the Death Eaters worked to reduce the defense to nothing.

"This is boring," Gold Two stated plainly. "No room to maneuver and not enough space for the more powerful and wider range spells."

Gold One and Two were forced to duck as the Death Eaters finally managed to break through the marble wall and spell fire rained over their heads.


A large beam of spiraling gold magic flew from Gold One's wand. The Death Eaters combined their magic into one solid wall of defensive energy, hoping to defend against the powerful magic. The gold beam slammed into the defensive magic and exploded in a ball of light and the sound of thunder. Gold One shielded his eyes from the blast, and when the blinding glow died down, saw that the group of Death Eaters had all been thrown from their feet and the ground they had been standing on was a gaping hole to the floor below.

Gold Two whistled at the damage. "Guess we can use the more powerful spells."

"Toss some mage-nades through the hole. This needs to end quickly."

"Stunners or explosions?" Gold Two asked, holding to different metallic spheres in his hand, each one covered in runes.

"Explosions," Gold One decided.

Gold Two nodded his head, putting the stunner mage-nade back in its place and withdrawing another explosion one. He walked up to the hole between the third and second floors, and after pressing the activation rune set, dropped the spheres through the hole.

"Bombs away!" Gold Two shouted, scrambling backwards.

Twin explosions rock the floor beneath them, and the hole the mage-nades fell through widened significantly. Gold One approached the now gaping area and looked down. Several dead Death Eaters littered the area, as well as a few wounded.

"Let's double back and link up with the rest of the team. No way we can move froward from here."

Gold Team piled into their personal common room, removing the armor from upon them and letting it fall to the floor. They knew the house-elves would pick up their armor, make it spotless and put it in the appropriate locker.

Gold One swept his bangs from his face and threw himself onto an armchair. He kicked his boots off of his feet and swung them so they hung over the side of the chair.

"We lost too many lives," Gold Three muttered, as she plopped down on a couch.

"It's an unfortunate part of war Su," Gold Five stated.

Su Li was barely over five feet tall and had a slim body. Yet her small frame made people underestimate the skilled fighter she was. Her black hair was cut short around her head, and her face, which barely smiled while at Hogwarts, didn't smile anymore. Su had been held captive by Dolohov for a month before the rebels had stormed his safe house and she had been rescued. She had recovered physically, but mentally and emotionally was something else entirely.

"I know that Marco," Su Li snapped. "I'm talking about the fact that with the way everything was planned, the squads shouldn't have gotten held up like that. That delay cost lives."

Marco Chambers held up his hands in defense as he sat at the other end of the couch. He stretched his wiry frame, his back cracking in several places at the movement. Marco's gray eyes closed for a moment as he took in a deep breath. His work for the British Ministry of Magic during the four years he was employed there had shown him even the best laid plans didn't go exactly how you wanted them to.

"Murphy's Law always has to be taken into affect. Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong," Marco stated.

Su humphed and crossed her arms over her chest. Gold Four slid herself onto the chaise lounge, groaning as she relaxed her tense muscles for the first time in several hours.

"What do you think we could have done better? To improve ourselves?" Gold Four asked.

"No more bathroom breaks in the middle of a fight," Gold One responded, dryly. "Isn't that right Derek?"

Derek Harper felt his face heat up as the others chuckled at him. As the youngest in the group he often found himself the butt of jokes and good-natured ribbing, even if he was only the youngest by a year. "I really had to pee."

At nineteen years old Derek was tall and broad-shouldered with short, dirty blond hair. His face was a mess of scars he had gotten while saving his muggle-born mother's life; saving her from his own Death Eater brother. The ensuing fight had resulted in the death of his brother but the young teen had gotten his mother to a rebel base, and considered his brother's death well worth the price of his mother's safety.

"You also can't let yourself get distracted by outside business. Your focus should always be on the mission because once you split your focus on something else, is when you get sloppy. Know what I mean Katie?" Gold One asked.

Katie Bell looked down for a moment, knowing what her leader was talking about. Their conversation in the hallway was perhaps something that shouldn't have happened when it did. She massaged the muscles between her shoulder blades, letting her dirty blond hair spill over her shoulder. She had kept her body in shape after leaving Hogwarts and Quidditch behind, as was required when fighting for the Ministry. Being one of the better fighters the Ministry had, she had seen a lot of bloody battles.

"I know what you mean Harry," Katie replied.

Harry Potter nodded his head. He ran his hand through his unruly hair and let out a sigh. A lot had happened to him over the years. Not all of it was pretty. He had found a light in the darkness though. Something to keep him from drowning in the despair that surrounded his life. Then that light had been ripped from him and now it was all he could do to keep his head afloat.

Harry looked at his team before realizing Gold Two was missing from the room. "Where's Neville?"

Neville Longbottom was quite the large man. His stocky frame had allowed the once chubby teen to pack on muscle, and after five years of training he had done just that. The Head of the Longbottom family had shaved his hair off, and combined with the scar running along his jaw, gave him quite the intimidating presence. Such a difference from the terrified first year he had been.

"The old lady wanted to see him. Make sure he got back in one piece," Marco stated.

The old lady was Neville's girlfriend, Parvati Patil. She was a Medi-Witch in the Badger's Burrow, one of the few who had made it out of St. Mungo's Alive. She was also Harry's ex-girlfriend, but that was five years ago and mutually agreed upon ancient history.

"I'm going to go to bed," Harry mumbled as he stood up.

The others shot themselves knowing looks. When Harry said he was going to bed, he meant he was going to drink a bottle of whatever he could get his hands on until he got so drunk he passed out. As Harry made his way out of the room, Katie got up to follow him.

"You shouldn't keep doing this," Katie said from behind him.

Harry ignored her and kept walking. Katie sped up her pace a little to draw even with him.

"You said there was another way to stop your memories and thoughts from overwhelming you at night."

Harry stopped walking and turned toward Katie with guarded eyes. "That was before... That was when she was still alive."

"It's been five months Harry and every night since then you've been getting drunk. If there is another way, let me help you," Katie pleaded.

He snorted at that. "I think it was more then just the act itself Katie. It was the bond, the connection between us that helped keep my memories at bay. The sex was just a way to emphasize that bond."

"You'll never know if you don't try."

Harry hand shot forward and grabbed Katie by the neck. With some force, he shoved her against the wall, slamming her back hard into the stone. She let out an 'oof' but other then that she didn't react. Harry moved his face until it was inches from hers, gazing into her eyes. There was no fear; only determination mixed with primal lust.

"Is this what you want Katie?" Harry growled out.

"Yes," she whispered.

Harry crushed his lips against her in a fierce kiss that was fueled by nothing but anger. After several seconds he pulled back and looked at her lips which were starting to swell slightly at his rough treatment. "Then you got it."