Title: Turn for the Better

Pairings: Brittana, Luck (Puck Lauren), and Samcedes

Disclaimer: I don't own glee, cause if I did Mercedes would be the star!

Author's Note: I fruppin' love Samcedes and in this story there never was Quinn and Sam love.

Mercedes Jones was having a bad day, everything was just going wrong and she was hoping for a non-drama day at glee, but nothing ever went her way.

She went to glee club and sat down in her regular seat next to Tina. Just then Santana bust in ranting about Lima heights and how she was about to kick Lauren's ass cause she stole her man. Saying that she had a fat ass and all that crap. Just as Lauren was about jump up, Mercedes cut in. "Oh shut up Santana, you know what I'm tired of you. Your always talking about people, but look at Maria and her little brother Danny."

"Excuse me are you saying my breast are uneven." Everyone turned to look at her chest.

"Yes that's exactly what I'm saying, looks like the boob job didn't work. Maybe instead of yelling at Lauren, you should be yelling at the doctor who inflated your ego instead of your yes I said it 'uneven' boobs", she put emphasis on the word uneven.

Santana opened her mouth like she was going to say something, but nothing came out. "Uuh, what nothing to say huh? I thought so. Wheezy my ass." Santana ran out of the room with her hands covering her face with something sounding like a croak and mewl coming from her. Brittany ran after her yelling something about unicorns and fairies getting along. Everybody was silent taking in everything that just happened.

Mercedes finally calmed down, man letting off some steam felt good.

Puck was the first to speak up, "let me be the first to say I am so turned on by Mercedes right now"

Mercedes blushed and looked down as everyone came to hug her except Sam who kissed her on the cheek, she felt faint and Sam was beet red. Everyone was chanting for them to kiss.

Sam was the first to move and she met him halfway. The kiss got deeper and Sam groaned, picking her up like she weighed nothing. Mercedes wrapped her legs around his waist both forgetting where they were.

Mr. Schue cleared his throat and both looked up to see everyone blushing. "Damn Mercedes how hot can you get?", is what Puck said before he was pulled out of the choir room by Lauren.

Everyone laughed and the day ended on a better note then it started on.

Well thanks for reading, please reviews and sorry for any mistakes. Luv ya! ;)