It was a half year after Klaus and the Originals had left Mystic Falls. Well, what was left of Klaus had been carted to the edge of town unceremoniously by the Salvatores and left there for Elijah and the others. Stefan and Damon had bartered a deal with Elijah.

And like the nobleman that he was, he came through. The Original Witch, Esther, had come back to cure them of their ailments. Namely the Vampirism and Lycanthropy. And Elena was taken care of as well. It wasn't long before the Salvatore Brothers had called a family meeting.

Coming to an agreement, they'd set out to execute their latest plan. "So, I wouldn't remember you?" A pair of sapphire eyes gazed into his pleadingly. Damon closed his eyes; swallowing thickly he turned his head away. "Caroline…" He choked out. "I mean, I can understand why you'd do it. I just…"

The petite blonde drew her knees to her, hugging them to her chest. Damon turned to her, brushing away the warm tears that spilled down her cheeks with his thumbs. "Will I ever see you again?" Caroline whispered. "Maybe. One day." "Maybe…"

She murmured brokenly, "Maybe one day when I'm a little gray haired old lady with fat grandchildren. And we'll meet inside a diner after my children and their families leave. And you'll smile and we'll talk about the weather and I'll leave wondering who you were and…" She trailed off, heartbroken.

Damon forced a smile, saying with weak chuckle, "Yeah. Maybe." Caroline met his eyes, shaking her head. "I can't do this." She climbed off the bed, looking down at him. "I can't imagine a life without you now. Does this even bother you?"

Damon shook his head before pulling her close. "Of course it does. The thought of having to do this kills me. But I have to. You deserve to have a normal life and I can't give you that." Caroline closed her eyes as her tears splashed down her face. "I don't want a life without you."

Damon averted his eyes, stricken by her words and her reaction. As much as he tried to remain objective and turn off his feelings, he felt. Damn it. He felt. And it killed him inside. "La mia bella, Caroline." Damon crooned to her. Caroline bit her lip. Damn him. She thought; He knows what speaking Italian does to me…

She met his eyes. "What would you like for me to do?" Damon asked. Caroline felt her eyes sting with unshed tears, "Lie to me." Damon wiped a stray tear away from his own cheek as he nodded. "Alright." He looked up, plastering a bright, cheerful grin on his face. "We will meet again. You want to know how?"

Caroline nodded. "We'll meet outside the Grill. You'll bump into me and we'll talk. And everything will fall into place." Damon drew in a shuddered breath. "It'll be as if I never left." "Promise me?" Caroline blinked up at him. "I promise." Damon whispered against her forehead.

"Good." She smiled faintly. She disentangled herself from him and crawled under the covers. Damon laid beside her. "Caroline?" He whispered as she drifted off, "Hmm?" came her reply. "I have a confession to make." "Mmkay…" Damon quoted to her softly,

"I will go down with this ship;

And I won't put my hands up,

And surrender.

There will be no white flag above my door.

I'm in love.

And always will be."

Caroline awoke the next morning in a daze. She couldn't help but feel as though she'd forgotten something. Or someone. A pair of crystalline blue eyes swam through her mind. But the more she tried to remember who they belonged to, the more the memory seemed to drift away.

All that was left of this mystery person were the words to a Dido song. Caroline's small, rose petal, mouth pinched into a frown. Why can't I remember? She thought, frustrated.

I will go down with this ship;

And I won't put my hands up,

And surrender.

There will be no white flag above my door.

I'm in love.

And always will be...

White Flag – Dido