Disclaimer: I don't own Suits.

A/N: Here you guys go! Hope you guys enjoy and think it was worth the wait!

Complications-Chapter 5

"I went to a Rangers game for Will's birthday. It was okay, but I don't think hockey is my sport. It doesn't have a lot of numbers in it."

Harvey smiles as he listens to Jamie talking to Mike. It's no surprise that hockey didn't make an impression on the young boy. Where most kids his age might be intrigued with the roughness of the sport, Jamie isn't. Just as he enjoys reading, statistics are another one of the kid's passions. Both he and Jamie spent many mornings going over the stats from the previous day's baseball games. Whenever Harvey takes the boy to a baseball game the kid rattles off statistics about the player at bat or the pitcher on the mound like a much younger and blonder version of Dustin Hoffman's Rainman.

"Ms. Reynolds said that I can be in the enrichment program after school. It has something to do with photography," Jamie says in a bored tone, playing with Mike's still hand. "Wish it was something more excited, like robotics. But the good stuff doesn't start until fourth grade."

Harvey tries to bring his attention back to the pile of papers he's going though for the Stein merger, still listening to Jamie going on about school and Aislin's latest tantrum over the last poptart this morning.

But even with the important work in front of him and Jamie's light tone, Harvey's thoughts are elsewhere. His mind keeps playing the conversation that he had with Dr. Terrence yesterday.

"Excuse me, Mr. Specter?"

"Hi, Jamie." Dr. Terrence says to the young boy.

The blonde boy gives him a small smile and waves, "Hi!"

Harvey turns to the doctor after placing Jamie on Mike's hospital bed. "Yes, Dr. Terrence."

"Can I speak to you out in the hall?"

Harvey looks at the doctor quizzically. What is this about? Mike seems fine. He looks fine. But, he nods his head.

"I'll be back in a couple of minutes bud, okay?" Harvey says ruffling his son's hair as the young boy nods his head.

Harvey quickly joins the doctor out in the hall, not wanting to be away long from his son and husband. "What's going on, doc?"

Dr. Terrence rubs his chin before he starts. "Harvey, it's been five weeks since Mike fell into the coma."

Harvey nods his head. He knows this. It's been five weeks since Mike collapsed in their bathroom in the middle of the night. Been two weeks since Katie came home and Mike didn't.

"Harvey, there has been no substantial improvement in your husband's condition. He remains comatose."

Harvey nods his head again. He knows this too.

"I think it's time that you look into placing Mike in a long term care facility."

Harvey immediately shakes his head. "No, there's no fucking way I'm doing that."

The physician continues, "I know this is difficult, but you need to understand-"

"Don't fucking tell me this is difficult! I know exactly how difficult it is. I have a newborn at home who has a father who hasn't even held her yet. I have a toddler who asked me last night when I was putting her to bed if Mike was like sleeping beauty and all he needed was a kiss to wake him up. Our soon to be six year old told me a couple of days ago that he wants nothing for his birthday next week except for his father to wake up. So don't come in here and tell me how difficult this is. I already know!"

Dr. Terrence puts his hands up to try and placate the visibly upset man. "I'm sorry, you're right. I don't need to tell you how difficult this is. But, as a physician I am obliged to tell you what is in my patient's best interest. And sadly, at this time I think Mike will benefit more if he was a long term care facility. They have the resources to help him that we don't have here."

Harvey remains quiet for several long moments, taking in what the doctor said.

"Can I take some time to think this over?" Harvey asks quietly.

Dr. Terrence nods his head. "Take all the time you need. When you're ready to discuss this matter more, let me know."

Harvey nods his head and the doctor gently squeezes his shoulder as he leaves the lawyer in the hallway.

"Aunt Rachel is gonna take me to the arcade. She says that she can beat me in skee ball. I don't have the heart to tell her that she doesn't stand a chance," Jamie says confidently.

"Excuse me?! Are you talking smack young James?" a cheerful voice calls from the doorway.

"Busted!" Harvey laughs half heartedly when he turns and sees Rachel standing in the doorway.

"Keep that up and I won't buy you a conciliation icecream after I kick your butt." Rachel teases as she walks further into the room. Harvey can see the sadness in her eyes when she looks at Mike.

But the sadness quickly disappears when after giving his father a quick hug, Jamie jumps off the hospital bed. "You wish, Aunt Rachel. Do I need to remind you about Mario Kart?"

"Hey, remember respect your elders. Especially when you have a birthday coming up."

"Have I told you how beautiful you looked today?" Jamie says with an all too familiar grin.

Harvey shakes his head at his son. His son is such a little smart ass. Rachel is casually dressed in jeans and a tight fitting, long sleeved shirt.

Rachel gently pinches the boy's cheeks, laughing. "You are definitely your fathers' son. Those girls don't know what's coming."

"Ewww!" Jamie cries, trying to get away from his aunt's grip. "Girls have cooties."

Rachel lets her hands drop. "Okay, Romeo. Let's get a move on."

Jamie gives Harvey a quick hug and is quickly bounding out the door, calling for Rachel to catch up.

With the boy out of the room, Rachel looks at Mike again before she turns to Harvey. "Let me know. If there's anything I can do."

Harvey gives her a sad smile. "You're already doing it."

She nods her head.

"Now you better catch up to Jamie before he runs over a doctor on his way to surgery," Harvey says as Rachel turns to leave.

Alone with his husband for the first time since Dt. Terrence pulled him out in the hallway yesterday, Harvey pulls his chair closer to Mike's bed, taking his husband's limp hand into his own.

"They're all giving up on you. Dr. Terrence wants me to ship you off to some home. The look that Rachel just gave me tells me she's thinking the same thing. She thinks there's no hope. Hell, even Donna! She told me last night that it isn't healthy to bring Jamie to see you every day after school."

But still Mike remains unmoving. Frustration and anger are now on the forefront. "Yet you still give me nothing! Give me a sign that you're in there somewhere!" Harvey can feel tears in the corner of his eyes. "Hell! Give me a sign that you're gone. That you're done fighting. Done…fighting for us." His vision is blurry because of the tears. "The kids can't live….I can't live like this."

Then like a dam, he breaks. Mike always says he was emotionally constipated, but at the moment he's anything but. The force of the sobs are so strong that his shoulders are shaking. The sound of his gut wrenching sobs are the only sounds that fill the small, private hospital room. But, Harvey retains his strong grip on Mike's hand. Hoping that his husband can feel his love for him. Feel how lost his is without him.

A little while later, Harvey wipes his tears. As he runs his hand through his hair, he loosens his grip on Mike's hand a bit so he almost misses it. But, Harvey is the master at observation and notices every small detail especially when it comes to Mike. He felt that. It was a definite twinge in his hand.

"Mike?" Harvey asks hopefully as he looks up at his husband's face, taking note of the small fluttering of his eye lids.

He's rewarded with another light squeeze in his hand.


For the first time in weeks, Harvey can't stop smiling.

"This it, Papa?" Aislin asks as she's walking by Harvey's side, holding his hand.

"Almost there, bug." Harvey replies as Katie makes a soft gurgling sound from her carrier that Harvey is holding in his other hand.

It takes what feels like forever before the four of them reach Mike's room. Just before Jamie goes to open the door to Mike's room, Harvey tells them to stop. "Remember, guys. Dad might still be a little tired."

Jamie nods his head. But, the toddler gives her papa a look of exasperation. "But, he's been sleeping foreva Papa."

Harvey gives his oldest daughter a small smile. It sure did feel like Mike has been sleeping forever. And it took all his power not to leave Mike's side yesterday after Mike finally regained consciousness. But, soon after Mike did he quickly fell back asleep, and he knew that he had to tell the kids the good news about Mike.

But now after Dr. Terrence told him that Mike is doing very well and can be released in the next day or two, Harvey is about to have his whole family together for the first time.

"Here we go," Harvey says as he opens the door to the hospital room. Mike still looks tired but he immediately perks up when he sees his family literally bursting through the door.

"Daddy!" Aislin calls excitedly as she runs to the side of the bed. Harvey lifts her up with one hand and gently kisses his husband on the head.

"Hey, babe." Mike gives him a gentle pick on the lips before he showers his daughter's cheeks with kisses.

"Ewww!" Jamie calls out as he climbs onto the other side of Mike. "Missed you, Dad!"

Mike breaks away from Aislin for a second to turn to his son and give him a tight hug. "Love you, bud."

"Don't forget about ET!" Aislin calls out playfully slapping Mike's cheeks.

"Be quiet, Acey!" Jamie hisses as he bends over his father and gives his sister a glare.

Mike looks at Harvey in confusion, "ET?"

Harvey shakes his head as he begins to unbuckle the newborn from the carrier. "Don't ask."

Mike shrugs his shoulders, taking his husband's word.

"Scoot over, Ais." Harvey says as he brings Katie to Mike. "Here you go, babe."

Mike gently takes the newborn into his arms, "Hey, honey." He coos, rubbing his thumb over her soft, plump cheek. "She's okay?"

Harvey takes a seat on the edge of the small hospital bed, running one hand through Mike's hair while the other is rubbing Katie's stomach. "She was a little small, but her lungs were pretty well developed. She's been home for a couple of weeks."

Mike looks up at his husband, his eyes are moist. "I missed so much," his voice breaks.

Harvey rubs his finger over his husband's eyebrow soothingly. "You're here now. That's all that matters."

"Papa's right," Jamie said as he burrows himself into this father's side just as he's done since he started visiting Mike in the hospital after school.

"Big family," Aislin says as she kisses Katie gently on the cheek.

"That's right, Aislin we're a big, happy family." Harvey adds as he kisses Aislin's soft locks and then leans over and kisses Mike on the lips, smiling.

Yay! Mike did wake up and we got a nice, fluffy ending! Thanks for all of you who stuck with this. I know the ending was a long time coming. With that said, as I was planning this chapter another story in this verse came to mind. I actually already started writing it. It's going to be set about five years down the road from here and follow the lives of Harvey, Mike, and the kids. When I get enough of a response (say five reviews and/or PM's) for it, I'll start posting.