When Lin jumped off of Oogi the sky bison, she knew exactly what she was doing. She knew what would happen. Tenzin had tried to stop her, but she had to do it to protect him, his family, his wife.

"Whatever happens to me, don't turn back!"

"Lin, what are you doing?"

She knew she had to protect the last Airbenders. It was her duty. When she was a child, Lin was always told to stand up for what she believed in. Her mother always told her to make a stand when something was wrong. To be remembered.

"Mom, how did you get the courage to fight the Fire Nation at such a young age?" she had asked all those years ago. Lin's mother was telling her daughter about her adventures with the Avatar.

"Well, my little Badgermole, I knew what would happen if I didn't. I knew the Fire Nation would take over the world. I had to help your Uncle Sokka and Aunt Suki. And when I was dangling off the edge of the airship, I was terrified. I thought that I would never see my friends again. But when Aunt Suki rescued me and Uncle Sokka, I realized something. It's okay to be scared. It just matters if you do what's right." Toph had replied.

"Mom, you're my hero."

As those words rang in her ears, Lin Beifong flung her metal cables onto a rope connected to an Equalist airship. With newfound strength, she ripped a huge gash in the top of the ship, preventing it from sailing the skies ever again.

And when Lin jumped onto the next airship, aided by her metalbending, she knew she would most likely die, or at least be taken by Amon. She knew some Equalists had come up to nullify the threat. As she was ambushed, incarcerated, and electrocuted, she couldn't help but remember that conversation again.

The Lieutenant had dropped her harshly in front of her enemy, the one who was the cause of all this chaos, this war. The rain was relentless, slamming into the ground.

"Tell me where the Avatar is, and I'll let you keep your bending." Amon said to her, smirking behind his mask. Lin knew he was bluffing. The masked man never kept his word. He was a coward, a liar, and a hypocrite. She would never give the location of the bending world's single hope.

"I won't tell you anything, you monster." And those were the words that sealed Lin's fate. She was finally able to take a stand. She was able to be remembered. Just like her mother.

"Very well."

As Amon's hand went to the back of her neck, she felt the earth's warmth, even through her metalbending suit. It was a warmth Lin would never feel again. She closed her eyes, accepting her fate.

Amon's thumb touched her forehead. As he removed her bending, she was stuck with the never ending feeling of hollowness, a hole that could not be filled. It was as if a piece of her soul had been ripped out.

Lin's eyes shot open in a silent scream. Her knees gave out, and she fell to the earth, the earth that had once felt so welcoming, the earth that she loved, the earth that connected her to her mother, it felt so foreign, so cold and unforgiving, something she had never felt before. She felt the earth, but it did not feel warm, nor did it dance beneath her fingertips. Lin felt the earth but it did not feel her. It was then that she heard her mother once again.

"You did right, little Badgermole."

A/N This is my take on what happened to Lin during those final moments in Episode 10, Turning the Tides. I was bombarded with so many feels that this demanded to be written. Well, thanks for reading.
