The van weaved through the streets for about two hours before we came to the exchange destination, the cuffs were unlocked and just as I was ready to declare freedom two guys pressed up against me on either side. No doubt they were armed with guns and I gave an inward sigh at my wishful thinking. The driver forced the van into an easy stop and Gretchen snapped her fingers. The door was open and I was pushed out followed close by the two agents and lastly Gretchen. She walked up to the driver's window and muttered a few quick words to him and he nodded.

Ten points to guess what she's telling him.

My heart sunk, she was talking to him about an escape route in case things went south. A hand roughly pushed me forward forcing me to stumble slightly nearly tripping on my own feet. I huffed and walked forward feeling the agent's feet clipping at my own heels.

I wondered what happened when Michael and the others escaped, where did they go? Obviously the person I has being exchanged for was James Whistler – why? I had no idea, honestly I never actually had a sit down and a serious talk with the guy but I was either being too busy getting thrown into chicken foot fights or just running around like a nut case.

The exchange place was a museum, named Museum of Antiques I could already guess what Michael was thinking when picking a location of exchange. After spending a lot of time around Michael, his thinking patterns never really changed except when the time called for it. However it was obvious that this Company didn't do a good job on looking up on its opponent.

We crossed the street and met up with two other men dressed in a black suit and between them were two people dressed in civvies. One was younger probably still in his teens while the other was female and seemed to be in her twenties.

"Let's go," Gretchen snapped impatiently, she shot the twenty-some year old woman a dark look but she held her group walking with her head high. I was pushed forward and I found myself walking beside the teenager.

"Are you Jason Buchanan?" he whispered in a low tone.

I was surprised that he knew my name but I didn't deny it and nodded.

"I'm LJ."

My eyes widened in surprise, so this was Lincoln's son the one that Lincoln had run all over the country trying to find and at some points free from imprisonment.

"Hey!" Gretchen shouted turning around to see the two of us talking the agent on my side slapped me upside the head making me see stars. LJ was ready to come to my aid but the agent on his side pressed the gun muzzle against his back. I held out my hand showing that continuing to come would be ill advised and a death sentence to us both. He faltered but did as I had signal – stop.

"Hurry up."

We continued to walk to the entrance, people giving us odd looks but didn't speak out against whatever they were thinking. Instead they walked a large circle around us and continued as quickly as possible. One of the agents opened the door and we walked inside.

Inside our shoes clacked against the polished floor, security guards were all over the place patrolling up and down while also standing with their hands in front ready for anything threatening. Gretchen was ready to walk right through when she did a double take a shocked expression plastered her face. I looked over her shoulder smiling to myself and giving the smallest of nods to Michael who was clear in sight with Lincoln on one side and James in the middle.

Only a few inches from the entrance were metal detectors and on either side were thick marble walls. So unless Gretchen had the ability to walk through walls the only way forward was through the detectors which had security guards on either side.

"Wait here," Gretchen ordered then motioned the three of us to follow she forced us through the metal detectors first then she went through. We walked to the back where Michael was waiting patiently Lincoln on the other hand seemed to have a bit of trouble with patience and James had his eyes on the woman.

"We're here," Gretchen announced, "two for the price of one, now hand him over."

James stepped forward and so did LJ and myself. There was a pause and finally the three of us cross, Whistler taking the middle while Lincoln's son and I took the sides. Once everyone was where they were supposed to be Michael leaned over.

"Are you alright?"

"Where is Seth?"

"He's safe."

I had to take Michael's word for it for he was the only one here I know that saw him last alive.

Ask him why he abandoned you.

Shut up.

Come on, I want to know.


"Where are the coordinates James?" the twenty-some year old woman asked patiently, yet her voice wavered slightly.

"You going to side with them Sofia?"

Sofia rolled her eyes. "You don't have to make this any harder than it already is, the coordinates – now."

I didn't know what this coordinate business was about nor was I totally sure that I actually wanted to know. I just wanted to get out of here and find some place to lay low.

"Last chance," Gretchen piped up, her tone suggested that someone give her a straight answer or else no one's going to walk out of here alive. "Coordinates Whistler, now."

James side glanced Gretchen scowling then turned to Sofia and said, "They don't exist."

A silence of shock filled the air, Sofia looked at Whistler with wide eyes hoping that he was joshing her but his plain expression said that he wasn't. He was telling the truth.

"You son of a bitch," Sofia hissed.

Gretchen narrowed her eyes and Michael stared at her as if challenging her to make the first move. My conscious was already prodding me to run, run and never look back. But I didn't want to, I've run long enough and it was time for me to stop. Sofia huffed and started to walk away, no one stopped her and Whistler turned to Gretchen as if he knew what she was going to do next.

What about running away from gun fights?

That…yeah I can still do that.

Michael knew and looked at me telling me again: trust me. I stayed and before I could get send him my answer he broke a window.


The alarm blared temporarily deafening me, people scattered as Gretchen's men open fired and security retaliated. Lincoln took out a gun and shot a couple times then ushered the three of us to the exit but Sofia got shot and LJ raced over to protect her from the flying bullets. I ducked behind a pillar just as bullets flew at my feet.


But Michael…

Run. Now.

I hated being a coward, seemed the only thing I was good at since the escape from Fox River. I peeked past the pillar to see Gretchen's agents easily taking out security.

I don't know what to do.


But what about them?

They'll contact you trust me.


Trust me.

My conscious was starting to sound like Michael, I looked to see Michael hiding the in the exit doorway along with several other people. More sirens erupted and I knew that it was the police. I looked back at Michael and he motioned to the door behind him. Without thinking I ran to the exit, gave him a pitiful look and then ran.

As soon as I got outside I immediately slipped into perfect, law abiding, citizen persona. Surprisingly it worked and I managed to duck into an alleyway. My conscious tried to get my attention but I ignored it until I found what I was looking for. A ladder. I scurried up it as fast as possible while not losing my balance and falling to my death. Once I was up on the first platform I relaxed slightly seeing that the windows were nailed shut and the door was chained shut. I sighed.

Are you going to listen to me?


I suggest you should.

Why? Everything you've said has been worthless except for maybe two moments.

You trusted me and for the time being I want you to listen, so shut up.

I did a double take but did as I was told.

That thing has been on your arm for more than a couple weeks, the key is held by an unknown man who seems to have the world or at least this nation at the tip of his fingers. His connection is this Gretchen woman who has this cloak and dagger act along with her tagalongs who happens to be all trigger fingers. Think about our situation, nothing is able to get the Detector off except the key that was already proven by the grind stone in the key store and backed up by the unknown man's words.

He tells you that you need to watch Michael, yet I think he was counting on you getting caught so that you can truly get up close and personal since you didn't commit any crime in Panama. If you were caught on your American charge then you would be sent back to Fox River or some other prison like David and Brooke, not be kept in Sona. You get caught, but how? Who tipped you off?

It was a trap, from the very beginning they were thinking of this, it was cleaver I had to admit but also very dangerous this would mean that I would have to find Gretchen, or even Michael who seems to know or has a better basic knowledge of this Company. The Company tipped me off and counted on me escaping with Michael and the others. They knew that they were going to use me as extra leverage for Michael to give up Whistler in case he ever backed down while LJ was dangled in front of Lincoln.

A dark expression took over and more thoughts entered my mind. They are everywhere, Mahone said so and since the former agent used to work for them I had to take his word. They were powerful, used any method including torture to get what they want – they didn't take 'no' as an answer. They were at the top of the pyramid, controlling and pulling the strings at the highest point of hierarchy in the whole damn country.

I had to find them.

A/N: Thank you to all who read, reviewed, faved, and alerted especially to those who continued to support From Here to There when I finally came back. Special thanks to Shapeshifting Tango. Will be posting the first chapter of Season 4 called Confronting Instincts in a couple of weeks once school dies down a little, I plan on wrapping the whole series up. Spitfire47