After a long and overdue reunion to mother and son everyone had settled down by the bench. Naruto had sent another clone to let Wakka know he wouldn't show up for this match, giving him the reason why and that he would be there for the finals.

But to be sure he had sphere screen going that was showing the game on his wristband. He had to be sure that his clone didn't goof off and screw it up for them. He was having trouble with them as of late being a little rouge and kind of lazy. Thankfully it didn't seem so as it was at the half and the Aurochs were up two to zero.

"I'm surprised to see you here." Kushina gave her son a faint smile that held warmth to it but also had a sense of dread for she knew what it required to get to this world, having seen similar cases in the past. "So... How did it happen?"

Naruto raised an eyebrow at what she meant by that before his eyes widened as he remembered what the Baaj Fayth had told him. His mother thought he died back home. He simply shook his head and then beamed at her. "I came here on my own volition. With some help from a close friend of mine I was able to cross over to Spira."

Knowing that he was being careful with his words it took a few moments for Kushina to piece together what information he had said. He most likely hadn't told the other guardians that he was from another world and why would he. They would probably scoff at him and not believe him, think he was affected by Sin's toxin or he was just crazy.

It happened to her on her journey by many that she told and only her fellow guardians and summoner believed her although it took some convincing for Auron to finally believe her.

"A friend? Who could possibly have that knowledge? Konoha was pretty secluded and getting here was no easy task." Kushina asked while masking her question with a piece of the lie she had obscured the origin of her existence with.

"A Bijuu." Naruto alarmed Kushina with his response before he went into further detail with it while excluding that he had slept with her. "After I rescued them from a group capturing her and her siblings she decided to help for she had made the journey before but to other places. She also gave a way back that I show you later."

Kushina was still very worried that Naruto had accepted the help of a bijuu, not particularly having the greatest experience with the one bijuu she even had contact with. And she let him know as much. "Naruto... Can you trust a bijuu? They aren't the most trustworthy beings out there..."

"I know you had a bad experience with Kurama but trust me, he's mellowed out since he's been with me and I get along with him just fine." Naruto relaxed his mother before continuing on, ignoring that Yuna and Lulu couldn't figure out what they were talking about for they really didn't need to know. "Matatabi even gave me a time limit to return otherwise she would hunt me down and drag me back. It is a little extreme but that's just how she shows that she cares."

It took a few moments to connect to with what he son was saying. It only one for her to realize Kurama was Kyuubi and that he was on good enough terms to actually call the fox by name which shocked her. It was even more of a revelation that he was friends with at least one other bijuu which didn't seem to be sealed away.

She would have to ask about that later as it seemed a lot had changed in the Elemental Nations since she had come to Spira. But for now she would let that pass. "Okay... Let's come back to this later when we have more time. I think we've got other things to discuss and our personal talk can wait."

"Indeed." Auron responded but hid a grin under his mask as he was mentally laughing at his flustered partner and knew she just wanted a straight answer without having to beat around the bush due to the others not knowing they were off-worlders. "Lady Yuna, I have a few things to ask you."

"Yes?" Yuna looked a little startled as Auron turned to her and all attention was brought to her in the process. "You have come seeking questions about your father, correct?"

"Uh... Yes. I was going to ask but then..." Yuna stumbled as she tried to find the right words.

Auron nodded in understanding as the situation was rather surprising to him as well. He was not prepared for Kushina's son to have entered this world and to make such a splash like becoming Yuna's guardian. The irony in that was not lost on him and he couldn't help but feel that he was attempting to do the same thing that Kushina had tried.

Find a way to defeat Sin without the final aeon.

Taking out a sphere from his jacket, Auron handed it to her. "Play it. It will give you an idea of what the journey ahead will be like."

Doing as Auron said, she set the sphere on the bench and activated it.

The images came to life on the screen and soon they were treated a view of the Calm Lands as the cameraman was standing just by the cliff.

"This is a beautiful place." Kushina's voice echoed from the recording as the image panned from the view to Braska and a younger version of Auron revealing Kushina was the camera operator. "I can understand why this is where a lot of pilgrimages end... You okay Braska?"

"It is a gorgeous sight." Braska said with a smile as he looked over at the Calm Lands himself, absorbing the view to his memory before he took a deep breath. "But as many journeys that have ended here this one will not. I've got the best three guardians I could ask for."

"That's not what she meant Lord Braska." Auron responded as he looked at his summoner with worry. "This can't be easy for you especially after seeing Yuna again like that..."

"It has only strengthened my resolve." Braska said with his voice firm as he looked beyond the distance and past the mountain as he focused on his goal. "She is my world and that is why I have to do this."

"But why?" A new echoed from behind Kushina before the camera panned and turned to the visage of young woman who was visibly distraught which was even more notable as her tone was rising with each word. "How can you do that? Don't you realize that you'll just be leaving her alone for the rest of her life? And doesn't Sin just come back eventually?! If that's the case what is the point of sacrificing yourself?!"

"That is enough!" Auron snapped at his fellow guardian but she refused to back down.

"No! I've lived the entirety of my life in a pointless and futile agony trying to do something incredible only to realize it was all in vain and nothing I did ever mattered! That's why when I see you doing this Braska I can't take it! You're taking my way out! You're gonna die just for an endeavor that will only give everyone a brief period of relaxation!" The young guardian with tears freely streaming down her cheeks marched towards Braska and stood before him as both Auron and Kushina were on guard.

But she stopped right before him and then fell onto her knees and begun to violently sob her heart to him. "I thought you were better than that?! I thought you were better than me to not take the easy way out?! I looked up to you know and now that I know... I can't... I CAN'T!"

Braska, to his credit, stayed strong and held his emotions in check before kneeling down to the distraught guardian who had obvious just learned her summoner would die at the end of they're journey. He then placed one hand on her right shoulder while the other lifted her by the chin so he could look her in the eyes. "This decision is not taken lightly. But this isn't about just me and my daughter or even you. I do this for Spira for that there may be a chance that Sin might just not come back this next time. Maybe, just maybe, I can break the cycle and stop the resurrection and even if can't..."

"Maybe you can." Braska finished before the sphere faded to black and deactivated.

Yuna and Naruto looked on in silence as they comprehended what they had just watched when Auron explained it to them. "Like all summoners that wavered he faced his toughest test at the Calm Lands. Seeing you before had him ready to break but he had to do it for he wanted to see you one last time. Even when confronted with this reality that would be the last time that he would ever see you... He did something that many people could not. He chose the hard road and gave his life to give us all more time."

"Even with his us as his guardians falling apart around him, barely able to keep it together, he found the strength to push on through." Kushina continued for him and gave more insight. "He knew that you may one day choose the same road so he wanted you to be aware of what lied ahead. It won't be just you that will suffer. Your guardians will too and their pain may be what breaks you."

Already knowing this from having seen how hard Lulu and Wakka were fighting back against their very own selves to be her guardians for she grew up with them and in part was raised by them, Yuna swallowed hard as she looked at Lulu. She then closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath and released. Opening her eyes she gave a brief smile to her sister. "Are you ready?"

"I ready whenever you are." Lulu forced a smile as she knew that Yuna was more burdened then ever but still ready to bare this burden to the very end.

And that strength was what gave Lulu the fight to keep going. This is what Yuna wanted and she would make sure she made it to the very end.

Turning to Auron and Kushina Yuna bowed to them. "Thank you very much for showing me that. It has made me even more aware of why I must do this just like my father did."

"You're gonna keep going?" Kushina looked surprised as a good few summoners had quit after moments just like this. "But don't you realize..."

"My father would be proud that I am following in his footsteps." Yuna countered with a strong resolve and belief in her self. "That is why I must continue. I cannot turn my back on everyone else as they are counting on me. This isn't about just me or even my guardians. It is about giving this world peace even if it is only for a brief time. And maybe..."

With this pause Yuna turned and looked to Naruto and she smiled before returning her gaze to Kushina. "A way to stop Sin's resurrection will be found so that there will be an Eternal Calm."

"But... That's not..." Kushina was still trying to persuade Yuna otherwise but before she could continue Auron put his arm before her, effectively silencing her.

"She has made her decision. Saying anything else will only strength her resolve." Auron told Kushina before he gazed at Yuna with some pride. "And with that I will follow through with my last promise to Braska. Lady Yuna, I wish to be your guardian."

"What?!" Yuna was taken aback by Auron and couldn't find the words to express her surprise.

As was Lulu who snapped back even though she had broken out into a cold sweat from the legendary guardian's proposal. "You can't be serious?"

"Do you refuse?" Auron raised his eyebrow at her, knowing she was shocked so he gave her a little push.

"No! Of course not... I just..." Yuna shook her head for she very much would like Auron to be there with her but she was simply frazzled by him actually asking to be her guardian.

"Surprised that you would put yourself through that again." Naruto finished for Yuna and Lulu for he knew that was what both were thinking. "After seeing that sphere I don't think many would be able to go through that again as I'm sure both of you were thinking what she was saying."

"Indeed we were... Which is the reason why I want to go with you." Auron responded as he gazed at him and then at Lulu and Kimahri. "Experience has its perks after all."

Naruto could only nod as that was the truth. He had been through one journey and knew what it entailed. He also knew more about the final summoning than anyone else and he himself could use that information. It was the only known way to defeat Sin at this time and he needed to know exactly how it worked.

"Dammit..." Kushina cursed as she knew Auron was going to do this and had hoped Yuna would quit her journey. "I would like to join too but I will have to preface that taking me as your guardian comes with a risk."

"Risk? What risk?" Naruto raised his eyebrow at his mother and had to wonder just what she was talking about.

Kushina looked at him for a moment before turning to Yuna and gave her the reason why. "I am a wanted criminal of Yevon and they have the assassins gunning for me... Their shinobi assassins."

The last part she turned to Naruto and shot him a glance to let him know just what was going on. "Against them I stand no chance and I don't want any of you have the wrath of Yevon brought down upon you. I've only managed to stay hidden these past twelve years by staying in the shadows and the public's eye making it difficult for them to track me. Coming out as your guardian will put them on my trail again and put you into danger."

"Wait… Why is Yevon after you? That doesn't make any sense since they honored you in public and say nothing but good things about you and Sir Auron." Lulu had to question, putting aside the fact that Yevon apparently had assassins with her nationality's skill set.

She knew they definitely had some secrets and weapons at their disposal and she would not put them above that. She was devotee but she was not ignorant of that fact. Yevon had done horrible things to those that crossed them, like the Al Bhed.

"That… That is something I cannot speak about openly." Kushina shook her head before glancing back at her son for a moment before turning back to Lulu. "Let me say I've learned something they didn't want anyone to learn and wish to silence me because of that."

"And she won't even tell me for it will put me in danger." Auron continued before shaking his head. "But if you were to become Yuna's guardian I think they would let up for some time, at least till her pilgrimage comes to an end. Yevon has looked past convicts being guardians in the past and will more than likely do so again."

"And even if they didn't then let them come as I'm not letting anyone hurt my mother." Naruto growled as he dared anyone to come after her when he was around as he would take them out without a moment's hesitation.

"Naruto, be realistic. While their grunts are nothing more than cannon fodder their unit leaders are as exceptional as elite jounin that even I can't stand up against. And then there leaders are as strong as the strongest of Kages so they aren't to be fooled around with. They are too much..." Kushina started before he eyes widened as she felt her son's chakra surge and his eyes gleamed.

And he simply grinned at his mother, seemingly more excited rather than deterred. "Then they better get ready to have their world rocked as I'm coming and I bet they haven't seen anything like me before!"

With that his eyes turned gold as he activated Sage Mode momentarily before a golden aura wisped around him, drawing on onto the fox's power to add onto the effect. "I am stronger than any Kage and have accomplished a feat that no one ever thought possible… Bring peace and unity to the Elemental Nations. So let this assassins come I will put them in their place."

After a moment of silence from Kushina, Auron could only grin as that wasn't something he saw every day. Even to this day he didn't completely understand chakra but he understood that bringing peace and unity to nations that would rather war with one another was not a simple feat. If he had the power to do that…

"Maybe… just maybe… This might be possible." Auron whispered to himself as he took Naruto's visage in, grinning underneath his collar as Kushina finally broke out of her stupor.

"I see… If that is the case, Lady Yuna…" Kushina, still a little shaken from what she had just sensed from her son, turned to Yuna and bowed to the summoner. "I humbly offer my services as guardian until my services are no longer acquired, wanted or your pilgrimage is completed."

Yuna, who was doing her best to keep up with everything and failing, only looked numbly at Kushina. She wasn't sure what to say or think right now. They had come to meet Sir Auron and they happen to find that Lady Kushina was with him and mother and son were reunited. Then after what she watched of her father's pilgrimage she had found the strength she needed only for both of them to offer their services to her. And then there was this tidbit of information of ninja assassins that Yevon supposedly had coming after Lady Kushina…

Needless to say she was a little overwhelmed as she finally nodded. "This… this is a little overwhelming but you I welcome you, both of you to join and be my guardians as long as that is okay with everyone else."

With that Yuna turned to her three guardians that were standing with her and sought their opinions. She got Naruto's immediately as he gave her a big thumb up. "Damn straight it is. Mom is coming with us regardless so might as well accept her offer. As for Auron… I don't know him but a veteran warrior is always a welcomed addition."

"I have to agree with Naruto." Lulu sighed for a bit and nodded, feeling this adventure was starting to get a little crowded now. "Despite what Lady Kushina has said about being a target to Yevon I think it is for the best. Besides, Yevon is known to pardon those that transgressed against them when they take up such a role as a guardian or even a summoner."

And as Kimahri simply nodded towards the two of them, Kushina sighed as she was hoping the others would say otherwise so she wouldn't put them in danger. Yet at the same time, just that brief display of Naruto's chakra got her thinking.

'That was Sage Mode… Not even Minato was able to use it without Fukasaku and Shima. And then… That was Kyuubi's chakra he leaked out… But it was different. It felt so tame compared to when I used it.' Kushina furrowed her brow as she gazed at her son. 'And just how did he manage to bring peace to the Elemental Nations? I'll have to ask about that when we get some time to ourselves… Among other things.'

"Oh, the game is over and the Goers game is about to get underway. Better get back so I can help those guys personally. It looked like my clone started to slack off again and let the Psyches back in it late… I don't get why my clones go wayward like that." Naruto picked up the sphere and noted before sighing seeing the final score being four to two for the Aurochs.

"Have that problem too… Minato had the same issue. They would always run off and cause mayhem after some time and when the boredom got to them." Kushina laughed a bit as she remembered how her husband's clones would go rouge after some time and do the most random things.

Naruto only twitched at that before his eyes widened in horror. "Then… That… That means…"

Kurama wasn't at fault for his clones behaviors and in fact it was genetic. And that meant this entire time he had been blaming the fox for something he hadn't caused.

Unknowingly to Naruto a loud snore echoed from the nine tail's cage but it distinctly sounded like a snorting laugh at the expensive of his vessel.

"Oh man… I missed a lot." Wakka complained, as they were now in the lobby right outside of the locker room, and saw both Sir Auron and Lady Kushina standing with the party and was just told they had become Yuna's guardians as well. "Well as awesome as that is, ya, I got to focus. The Goers are up three to one on the Ronso at the half… And that is without Bickson after that wayward pass from that… Copy of yours… Made it into their locker room."

"Cap, relax." Naruto patted his coach's shoulders while putting off laughing at what his clone had done to Bickson yet again. "You've got this and after the way the others played they're feeling pretty confident right now. And the Ronso, no offense Kimahri, are really slow in the water and can't keep up with the Goers. I've been watching it and they are contesting the ball and not the advance knowing they can't bring the big guys down and when they get it they swim to the goal as fast as they can and take a shot in the open space between the lines."

"Just how did you get so knowledgeable on blitzball?" Kushina had to ask her son as it took her years to figure the sport out, although she had good reasons on why she really didn't put too much effort into that endeavor.

"The Psyches trained me when I spent time with the Al Bhed and they had me watch a lot of the games and analyze what was going out on the pitch." Naruto responded, surprising Wakka in the process as they just beat the said team. "They are very tactical and wanted to see what everyone did well. After analysis they formulated plans on how to beat each specific team and how they would execute it."

"Ah, I get it now." Kushina nodded in understanding. "It's like war strategy and you're simply incorporating it with a game. Finding the opponent's strengths and weakness and apply what you're able to do against that. Smart."

"Yeah, basically." Naruto agreed before turning to Wakka and grinned like the Cheshire cat. "So do you want to know what I found out about the Goers and the strategy the Al Bhed came up with?"

With that, Wakka's nerves relaxed and genuine smile graced his lips. "Yeah, but let's share it with the guys."

"That was my plan." Naruto stated while he opened to door to the locker room as the rest of the Auroch sat and watched the game on the sphere screen in their room. "Alright guys! Are you paying attention to the game?!"

Naruto's loud voice caught the Aurochs off guard but after the initial jump out of their seats, it was obvious that depression was setting in as the Goers had just scored to start the second half. Seeing this Naruto increased the volume of his voice. "Hey! Get out of that funk right now and pay attention. Watch what happens now that the Ronso get the ball!"

All eyes turned back to the sphere monitor including the guardians that followed after as they wanted to see what Naruto had cooking.

And the game had gone just like it had been going. The big and bulky Ronso pushed through the Goers line as they offered little resistance in the way of tackling, only playing pressure defense and taking away and passing and shooting lanes. Then what happened next surprised those that were watching as Ganza Ronso swam right into Baldegra and knocked her away to create space before taking a powerful shot up close.

The shot was deflected by the goalie and the Goers recovered but Naruto continued to point out Baldegra. "Look at her! See how long it is taking her to recover!"

Watching as the defender slowly recovered looking rather dazed and stunned before shaking it off after a few moments and got back into the game, Naruto grinned. "That is what their problem is! They have been so good for so long that they aren't use to getting challenged. They aren't use to getting roughed up any more."

"They aren't playing strategically like all the announcers on this game say they are. They're playing like this to avoid contact! They can't take the punishment if it is brought to them! If you get into them and rough them up early and often they'll fold. They may win this game due to their speed but when they're going up against us… We're just as fast as they are. But if we play physical and make contact with them every chance we get they will wear down and lose their focus."

After a moment of watching the game longer, seeing the Ronso goalie save it and get it back to the front line and seeing the Ronso again make contact to create space and actually score a goal it seemed to really dawn onto the Aurochs. Jassu was the first to speak as he got a wicked smile on his face. "So if we rough them up… We've got a chance."

"I'm saying that without a doubt, if you rough them up you will win. It might be close as they still have good passing and ball control but you smash them in the mouth they're going to play tentative and make mistakes." Naruto pointed out as the Ronso started being more physical with the Goers whenever they got close.

Kushina had to laugh, albeit it was in her mind. Naruto was applying a normal fighting strategy to a sport. Wound your opponent quickly and often and drain them of their will to fight. And from what she could see of the Goers he happened to be right. These guys would fold if they had to play a game like that, especially after having a physical game they had to play previously.

However still watching her son, she had so many more questions. What had happened to him over his life to make him like this? Just what hardships did he have to go through? What drove her son to escape their world and go to another? And why would he do that if he had got the five powers united and the Elemental Nations were at peace? So many questions, so little time… At least that is what she thought.

Even if he was that strong she wasn't sure he could hold his own even against the elite of the Yevon shinobi. But she could be wrong. He just might be able to do it. Just maybe…

"Alright guys… It's almost time!" Wakka called out as the game ended and the teams were heading to their respective locker rooms while the announcers were beginning to give their analysis of the final match up.

It was decidedly against the Aurochs.

Getting everyone to him, Wakka grinned as he placed his hand at the center and everyone's reach out and clapped theirs over one another's. "What's our motto!"


A/N: Oh my god… I am so sorry this took so long to come out. A combination of life, work and trying to have a little bit of a social life have kept me away for so long it wasn't even funny. Then I realized that I had a chapter almost finished when I was working on recreating this exact chapter and I nearly had an aneurism from it. Again I can't stress how sorry I am it took this long to get anything out.

That being said do not expect consistent updates any time soon as finding time to write is pretty difficult at this juncture in my life and as much as I want to put more time into it I just don't have it. I'm lucky if I can put thirty minutes of a day into it and that is what I just did to finish that chapter and give you guys something. I might have to cut the chapters lengths down drastically if you want anything resembling a schedule and I don't really like doing that as it forces me to think on how to end things differently and not leave an extraordinary amount of cliff hangers. And yes I don't want to make changes as I have a script on how this story should progress and is why I actually haven't lost inspiration for it. That an my love for both Final Fantasy X and Naruto is still very much up there.

So hopefully I might have something out by the end of December or maybe sooner but until then guys…

Peace Out.