Yet another RinxLen fan fiction I'm starting, just what I needed to do. I got the idea for this yesterday while in the car randomly and I really liked it so I wanted to start writing it! I already have like 3 other stories I'm working on, but it's summer and I've got nothing but time so why not! Hope you enjoy ^^


Dear Len,

I know it's already been a year since his death, but I don't think I can do this on my own. I don't think I can raise a child all by myself. He was my support to raise her. The stress of work and taking care of her has been too much for me, so I decided to leave for a while. I promise I'll come back, I don't know when, but I will. You don't have to worry about money either, Kiyoterus parents will be sending money every week. One more thing, I know I've already caused enough trouble leaving all of a sudden and just leaving a short letter, but I really need you to do this one last thing for me. Please, take care of Yuki for me. Love and care for her just like I would, she's going to be lonely while I'm gone and you're the only family that's around for her. I know it seems like I'm abandoning you both, but this isn't only for me. If I'm more confident in myself, I'm sure you both will be too. Always remember one thing though, I love you both very dearly.

Love, Aunt Meiko

And that is what I came to find stuck onto the fridge door with a small magnet this sunny spring morning. A letter pretty much telling me my life was going to change from here on out.

About a year ago my uncle, Kiyoteru, died in a car accident. My aunt and uncles marriage was arranged by uncle Kiyoterus parents and my my grandparents didn't object. My family isn't rich or anything, it's actually pretty average. But uncle Kiyoterus side of the family is a very successful one. The reason they arranged for their son to marry someone such as my aunt, was because she was a very successful lawyer. And so they got married and had Yuki a while later.

My aunt Meiko didn't really like him or agree with the marriage at first, but she didn't object either and now this is what happened. She packed up and left in one night. I even checked her room to be sure of it, and the room was almost empty. Nothing but the empty dresser drawers and the bed stripped of the sheets and blankets.

What am I going to do now? I'm a 16 year old boy, I can't possibly take care of my 6 year old cousin. And when I do run into trouble, who knows if my parents really will help me out? It's not that I don't like my parents or that they hate me, it's just that they gave up on me. I guess a player like me was too hard to handle for them. Maybe since I have Yuki they'll help me? Or better yet, they'll take care of her for me! I don't have time for her, I have a social life to live up to.

"Len-chan, where's mama?" I heard Yukis small voice ring throughout the now empty room. I saw her face filled with confusion and sadness. "Where's all of mamas stuff?"

I felt annoyed that Meiko left me with the burden of telling her 6 year old daughter that she was now gone and she wasn't coming back for who knows how long. Plus I was always kind of distant with Yuki, so it's not like we would be close or anything.

"She's gone." I said bitterly, I didn't hesitate to tell her the truth or go any deeper into what really happened. Just told her strait out what happened. I didn't want to sugar coat the sad truth for her. She would find out sooner or later anyway, right? Might as well tell her now, it could be years before Meiko comes back anyway. She's gonna have to grow up sometime.

"W-what do you mean mama's go-"

"I mean she left, gone, not coming back! What the hell don't you get?" I snapped back at the small, cowering girl. I may seem harsh, but that's just the way things are. It's not like I want to do this anyway, why should I be the one to take care of the kid?

I looked over and saw her brown eyes now filled with tears. It's not like it's my fault, her mother is the one who chose to leave. I looked away from her and averted my eyes towards the clock that laid on the hallway wall and it was the time I usually leave for school. I let out a sigh of frustration, I couldn't leave her by herself in the apartment.

I bet our neighbor, Luka, wouldn't mind watching her, she stays at home all day while her husband is at work. Plus my aunt and her were good friends so I'm sure she wouldn't mind. She's kind of weird, long pink hair and always eating tuna fish. Oh well, I'm sure she'd be a fine babysitter, and I have to get to school.

"Yuki, stay here. I'll be right back," I said walking past the crying girl and out the apartment. The late spring morning air hit my face as I opened the door and walked over to the apartment next door, room 203. I gave three steady knocks on the door and heard shuffled steps a moment later. The pink haired woman opened her door surprised to see me at her doorstep this early in the morning.

"Oh, well if it isn't Len. What brings you here this early? Does Meiko need some butter or something for breakfast again?" She asked leaning on the doorway.

"No, I need to ask you a favor. Meiko left last night and now I need someone to watch Yuki while I'm gone," I said strait forward wanting to hurry up and leave for school already, it was such a pain to be late. Her cerulean blue eyes had confusion written all over them, of course who wouldn't be confused? "Read the note on the counter and you'll understand, I need to get to school now. Later." I said flatly and left for school.

"H-hey Len, wait!" She called out but I didn't stop, I had to get to school. I'm sure she'll figure it out.

I walked down the stairs of the apartment complex, it was a pretty large complex but only me and one other student from my school live in this building since our school is a bit further. The school we both go to is a bit more exclusive, so it takes a little longer to get to. It's pretty stupid since there's a school only three blocks away from our apartment, but whatever. My aunt insisted I go to a nicer school when I first started living with her about two years ago.

I was walking down the last flight of stairs when I saw the other student leaving her apartment, room 20. Her name is Rin Kagami. She has flaxen shoulder length hair with her bangs pushed off to the side, being held with a couple white clips. To top it all off she had a giant white bow on top of her head. Then there were her cerulean blue eyes that were always bright. She was a very beautiful girl, but she told me she wasn't into guys like me. Actually, more like she hated guys like me. But whatever, there are lots of other cute girls at school I guess.

I have a bit of a habit to be a player sometimes. I'm actually kind of well known for my promiscuous ways, but despite that I'm pretty popular around the school. I don't like to go too far with girls and make them think the relationship is all that serious though. I only play with them a little, then move to the next girl, that's just what I like to do. Sort of like a hobby.

The same hobby that got me kicked out of my home. I used to live with my parents and my older sister, but they sent me to my aunts to set me strait. It hasn't really helped all that much though.

"Hey Len-kun~!" I heard a girls voice call out to me, I saw my latest "girlfriend" standing at the gate. I think her name is Gumi, I don't really remember though. She has this short green hair with two hairs that are longer in the front and green eyes to match. I remember the nickname I gave her is bunny since she eats carrots all the time, that's one thing I'm sure of. I give every girl I "date" a nickname so I don't have to remember their names.

"Hey little bunny~," I said using my sweet voice and putting my arm around her. I saw her face go red and her eyes avert away from mine, this is my favorite part. This is what I take joy in, seeing girls get all fused over me doing simple things like this. Most people would say that it's a sick thing I take joy in, but why do I care? It doesn't have anything to do with them and I enjoy it, so I'll keep doing it as long as I want to. "I'll walk you to your class, okay~?" I said with my sweet voice again.

"O-okay, I-I don't mind!" She stuttered as her face went redder. We walked to her classroom which is only five down from mine so it wasn't much of a hassle. The whole time we were walking down she was a little stiff and had a blush across her face, she's very easy to toy with, but I think I might find a new toy to play with sometime soon. I'm getting a little bored with this one.

I walked into the classroom were most of the students were already here. I shuffled over to my seat wanting to get this day over with already, school is such a pain. The only reason I haven't dropped out yet is because there are so many girls here, so I can still have fun during free periods like lunch and stuff.

"Well if it isn't my favorite little blond, Len!" I heard an all too familiar voice shout. I looked up and saw my teal haired friend, Mikuo. He was one of my few guy friends, he wasn't like me though. He's actually a pretty nice guy, and he's had his eyes on only one particular girl named Miku Hatsune for a while now. I don't know how he can stand liking only one girl when there are so many to go around.

"Hey, do you need something?" I questioned getting out the books and notes needed for my first block class.

"Nothing particular, just wanted to see how you and Haku have been doing lately." Mikuo said leaning in the chair next to mine staring at the black board.

"Oh you mean the white haired one? Oh I broke up with her a few days ago, she wasn't all that fun. I'm dating some girl with green hair now. I think her name is Gumi or Guma. Something along those lines." Mikuo averted his eyes away from the black bored and gave me a look.

"Are you ever going to settle for one girl? Don't get me wrong, I am your best friend and all and I do support you. But you really shouldn't do that to girls." I ignored him and continued to go through my school bag, I have been given this lecture many times before from him already. "I bet you would be a lot happier if you just dated a girl that you actually liked."

"I'm already happy. I'm fine with the way I'm living right now and it doesn't need to be changed. Besides, you've liked one girl for so long and look at the where you are." I saw him give me a dirty look from the corner of my eye. "You've liked her ever since I got to this school and you've done everything you can to make her like you and it hasn't gone anywhere. What have you even gained from liking her for so long?"

"A friend, that's one thing I've gained. She may not like me now, and she may never like me. But I don't regret getting to know her and the things we've been through together." He said abruptly getting out of the chair next mine and going back to his own.

"How naive." I muttered under my breath as Mikuo went back to his seat. Soon after the morning bell rang and everyone went back to their seats. Time to start another day of my life as Len Kagamine.

~Time Skip~

"O-oh hey Len!" I heard my "girlfriends" voice call out from the schools front gates. "You said we needed to talk at lunch, right?" She asked looking at me nervously, I guess she's not to stupid as to know what "we need to talk" means.

"Yeah I do. Look, I feel like we aren't really going anywhere right now. So I think it's time to break up." I said flatly, I could see her face start to sadden and her eyes start to water. This part was so annoying, they always showed that sad face. Did they really think I would fall for them? "I need to go, so please excuse me." I said again, flatly, as I walked past her to go home.

I didn't want to go home today though, since I had to deal with Yuki and figure out what to do with her. I doubt my parents would make me take care of my six year old cousin, they always did say how irresponsible I was.

"I'm home!" I called out opening the door to our apartment, 204. I saw Luka, come out from down the hallway with a relieved expression to see me home.

"There you are! I really need to talk to you about this Le-"

"I'm just gonna send her to my parents till Meiko comes back. I'm sure she'd like it there more anyway, it's not like I'd exactly be enjoyable company for a six year old girl."

"What if your parents don't let her live there?" She shot back at me.

"Why wouldn't they? Why would they let someone like me take care of a six year old gir-"

"And why would they take in your six year old cousin and then leave you alone in your own apartment?" Luka suddenly snapped back at me. "They sent you here to learn to be responsible, right? I'm sure raising your six year old cousin would teach you something." She said with anger rising in her voice and her arms crossed. I shot her a glare but it didn't seem to affect her.

"Well it's not like I can take care of her on my own, I know nothing about kids anyway! Plus, what will I do while I'm at school? I can't leave her at home!"

"Well it's not like I have anything to do all day, it's better than just sitting around my house all day doing nothing while my husband is at work, so I can watch her if you need it! Plus she usually has kindergarten while you're at school." She snapped back at me again. Damn this woman is annoying.

"Well that isn't going to stop me from calling my paren-"

"I already called your parents Len, they agreed that you'd mature better if you were to take care of Yuki. I'm sorry but you're just going to have to suck it up and take care of her till Meiko comes back." She cut me off and I was speechless. It was official, I was gonna have to take care of my 6 year old cousin.

"...This sucks." I was so mad and annoyed that it was all I could mutter. I couldn't look Luka in the face, I could just stare at the floor in disbelief.

"Yeah, welcome to life Mr. Kagamine." She patted my shoulder as she walked past me and gave a slight laugh. I heard the front door shut behind me signaling she was gone. Well now what? What's the first thing I should do? I don't know how to raise a kid, money isn't an issue since it said in the letter that Yukis grandparents were going to send money to us each week. I don't know how to cook though, I could order out every night? No that won't do, even I know how unhealthy and expensive that is.

"U-uhm." I looked up from the floor and saw Yuki at the end of the hallway hiding being the corner staying silent.

"What do you want? Spit it out!" I snapped annoyed that she wasn't speaking.

"I-it's just that, I'm a little hungry." She said with a little quiver in her voice. I gave a big sigh of annoyance.

"Fine, let's see what we have." I walked past the small girl and into the kitchen, when's the last time Meiko went grocery shopping? When I opened the fridge there was nothing but a cartoon of milk that was almost gone and a couple other small things was there. It was the same thing when I checked the cabinets, she leaves and she doesn't even buy any damn food!

I let out another big sigh of both annoyance and frustration, "I guess we're eating out tonight. There are no snacks so you're going to have to wait till dinner," I told Yuki who was now standing in the middle of the kitchen waiting for the snack she wasn't going to get.

"But Len-chan, I'm really hungry," Yuki whined to me, were all kids like this?

"Yuki, we don't have any food right now! I'll go shopping tomorrow when I don't have any school, okay?"

"Okay Len-chan..." She gave a little pout and put her head down in sadness and started back to her room slowly, she turned back around to me to see if I was going to change my mind and started off again.

"... Ugh! Fine! I'll give you a dollar and you can get something from the vending machine down stairs!" I shouted back at her and she instantly perked up. Damn kids getting away with whatever they want just for putting up a little cute act!

I pulled out a dollar from my pocket, handed it to her, and started for my room to have some solitude.

"W-wait, Len-chan!" Yuki yelled frantically running to me.

"Ugh, what is it now?"

"Mama says I'm not supposed to leave the house by myself!"

"Yeah, and?"

"So I need you to come with me to the vending machine."

"But it's right down stairs!"

"Len-chan, please? Mama said I need someone with me when I go outside!" She whined pulling on my arm to come with her.

"Ugh! Fine! I'll go with you, go put on your shoes and we'll go!" I yelled frustrated, but she didn't notice and ran strait to the front door for her shoes and I followed behind.

She slipped on a pair of pink sandals and was out the door before I was even at the there, "Hey, what's the point of me going with you if you run ahead like that!" I yelled as I ran out the door to catch up with her, but she was already down the first flight of stairs. "Damn, she runs fast." I muttered to myself.

When we did make it down the stairs I was almost out of breath trying to keep up with the kid, "There's the vending machine, now hurry up and get something so we can go." I grumbled leaning on the wall of the apartment complex.

"Len-chan!" Yuki yelled suddenly.

"Ugh, yes?"

"I can't reach the thingy were you put the money in!" I looked over and Yuki was on her tip toes trying to reach the money insert that was still a foot taller than her.

"Here I'll do it." I lifted myself off the red brick wall and snatched the dollar out of her hands. "Now what do you want?"

She scanned the few selections of snacks and pointed to one, "I want strawberry pocky."

"Why don't you get something that's more filling other than pocky?" I asked leaning back down on the wall.

"But I want pocky. Please Len-chan?" She pleaded.

"Fine, whatever get the pocky!" I snapped back. I don't remember Yuki being this persistent with Meiko, she was always so quite. That or I was never around her enough.

"Uhm, Len-chan?"

"What now?" I got up from the wall once again to find her struggling to hit the button that had the picture of pocky above it.

"Can you get it for me? It's too high!" I grumbled and slammed my hand on the button in annoyance. "Yay! Thank you Len-chan!"

"Yeah yeah, I know. I wish you were old enough to do this stuff on your own though." I looked at her height and noticed how short she was too. "Or at least a little taller." I said under my breath but she was too busy opening up the box of her long awaited snack to notice I said anything.

"Uwah! Len-chan my hat!" I heard Yuki cry, I looked up and saw the little sun hat she was wearing had flew off her head. Before I could go grab it she darted off towards the hat.

"Hey Yuki, that's dangerous we're right by busy roads!" I called out chasing after her yet again.

"Len-chan it won't stop!" She yelled back to me still chasing the hat far ahead of me, but soon a girl with short blond hair caught the small hat, Yuki came to abrupt stop in front of the girl.

"Is this yours?" The girl asked and Yuki nodded frantically. When I came closer to the scene I saw it was Rin Kagami.

"Thank you miss!" Yuki chirped and Rin gave a soft smile to her.

"Hey Yuki, I told you not to run!" I scolded her when I finally caught up.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't wanna lose my hat!" Yuki placed the small sun hat back on her small head.

"Thanks for getting the hat back for her Rin, we should be going now."

"Wait Len, is she..." Rins words drifted off looking at Yuki cautiously and I soon understood what she meant.

"No, she isn't my child! I haven't even done it yet!" I barked back angrily.

"Oh, I thought you knocked up a girl and you were finally getting what you deserved." She gave a smirk, she may be cute but she sure is a smart ass. "Anyway, whose kids is it? I can't imagine you of all people would babysit a child."

"This is my cousin, Yuki. My aunt is, kinda on a trip so I have to watch her for a while."

"I see, well she's pretty cute." Rin said as she knelt down and patted Yukis head.

"That's pretty obvious, cuteness does run in the family!" I said proudly, but she shot me a glare, so mean.

"Well anyway, I have to get back and clean up my apartment." Rin got up and picked up the grocery bags she had in her hands. "I hope to see you some other time Yuki." She smiled to her, but then looked up and glared at me. "And Len, go die you jerk."

"Hey, that's mean Rin!"

"See you guys some other time!" Rin called out as she walked away to her apartment.

"Okay then, let's go Yuki." I started walking with Yuki following by my side.

"Hey Len-chan," Yuki suddenly called out.


"Who was that pretty oneechan?"

"Oneechan? Why are you referring to her as your older sister?"

"'Cause she was really nice. Anyway, who was she?"

"A person who likes to bully Len-chan," I said jokingly and Yukis face looked a little disappointed. "But she seems to like Yuki, so you can trust her I guess." Her face lite up a little, I decided not ruin the kids image of her.

"Good, 'cause I always wanted an older sister~."

"Not an older brother?" I suddenly asked, I don't know why I was trying to have a conversation with a six year old girl though.

"Well I already have you, right?" She asked. I have to admit, I was a little shocked. She really thought of me of all people as an older brother?

"If you think of me as your older brother, then why don't you call me oniichan?"

"You don't seem to like me, so I didn't think you'd want me too..." Why would she think I didn't like her?

"Now when did I ever say I didn't like you?"

"It's just 'cause you yell at me a lot, so I thought you didn't like me." That's true, I guess when you yell at someone a lot they get the idea that you don't like them...

"I don't dislike you or anything, I've just been frustrated lately that's all, so don't get the wrong idea." I told the young girl. She gave a little nod and she seemed to be a little happier.

"Hey Len-chan?" Yuki asked yet again.

"Yes?" I said a little nicer and less annoyed than before.

"You never did tell me where mama went." Yuki suddenly asked, oh right. I never did tell her, did I?

"Well I'm exactly sure, but she'll come back."

"Oh, okay. I hope she comes back soon though."

"Pft, you and me both kid." I said under my breath. I don't really mind taking care of her as much now, I just hope this doesn't cut into my time with girls. But I don't think it'll be too bad taking care of her.

Finally finished~! Took me all day since I had no idea what I was really writing, I was daydreaming while writing most of this. I also went off writing this from a random idea I got in the car. I thought this would be a kind of unique plot to write about. I never thought I of all people would write a fan fiction were Len was a player though! I usually don't like those. But hopefully this isn't too terrible. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter (I know Len is a jerk right now, I don't like it anymore than you do xP), Please Review~! :D

Love, Setsuro-chan