A/N - Okay, so I know it has been a while since I updated this story and I apologize for that. I hope this chapter will more than make up for my absence. My muse is finally coming back from her vacation. Please read and review.

Danny was running his hand through his hair for the tenth time in a span of three minutes as the ambulance sped to Queens Medical Center. He was trying to calm himself down as he watched Alex work on his sister. Watching the paramedic insert a tube into his sister's airway had him freaked out, so had seeing her hooked up to so many wires.

Just as they were backing into the emergency entrance for ambulances at the hospital, the alarms on the monitors started going off and Alex jumped into action. Danny looked around as the doors opened and Scott helped Alex take Darcie out of the ambulance. "What's wrong? What's going on?" Danny asked frantically as he jumped out and watched as Alex jumped on the rails of the gurney and started CPR on his sister.

"She's crashing, we have to move now!" Alex exclaimed as he and Scott rolled Darcie into the emergency entrance. Danny followed behind until he was stopped by a nurse. "Sir, you have to stay out here."

"That's my sister!" Danny exclaimed, trying to get around the nurse, but she was quicker than Danny.

"I'm sorry sir, but you'll have to stay out here. We'll update you as soon as we know anything," the nurse replied as she turned and went through the same doors Darcie had been wheeled through.

Danny looked around running his hand through his hair again before he walked over to a corner of the waiting room and sat down. He took a deep breath before he dropped his head into his hands, tears beginning to flow freely. His heart was torn in pain, the thought of losing his only sister was killing him.

He sat alone for a few minutes, the events of the past hour running through his head over and over again. It wasn't long before he heard the doors opening to the entrance and running. He looked up, tears tracking down his face as the rest of the team ran in, glanced around and spotted Danny in the corner and ran over to where he was sitting.

"Danny! How's Darcie?" Steve asked as he, Chin and Kono sat next to their friend.

"She…she crashed when we got here. They were doing CPR on her when they took her back. Other than that, I don't know."

"Oh Danny I'm so sorry," Kono said, placing her small hand on his. She really liked Darcie and hoped for Danny's sake that she pulled through. He had already lost his brother; he couldn't lose another sibling without it taking a toll on him.

"I'm just so worried about her. She's my last sibling. I can't lose her, I just can't!" Danny exclaimed, his head falling once again to his hands. Steve placed a soothing hand on Danny's back as fresh tears began to fall down the man's face. Steve's heart was breaking, listening to his best friend cry for his sister. In his heart, he still blamed himself for her injuries, but didn't want Danny to see the guilt clearly written in his eyes. Chin didn't say anything, but knew the pain of losing family. After all, his had rejected him for so many years, he had felt so alone for so long.

The four sat in silence and lost in their own thoughts until the doors opened, revealing an older doctor. "Family of Darcie Williams?" he asked, looking around the waiting room.

Danny leaped up from his seat, wiping the stray tears away as the doctor made his way over. "I'm Danny Williams, Darcie is my sister. Please, how is she?"

"She's in surgery right now. It was very touch and go when she got here, she's lost a lot of blood. The bullet that went through her stomach nicked her liver and small intestine before exiting out her back. She also has a collapsed lung from the bullet that went through her chest. All in all, she's a lucky lady. Everything is repairable, but she's not out of the woods just yet. We'll put her on antibiotics as a precaution against any infections. The first 24 hours are going to be touch an go." The doctor looked at the distraught detective before asking, "Any questions?"

"How long will she be in surgery?" Danny asked softly.

"It'll be a few more hours. Once she is out, I'll send a nurse to come get you Mr. Williams. Once she has come out of the anesthesia, we'll move her to ICU to keep a watchful eye on her." The doctor stood up, the Five-0 members following suit.

"Thank you doctor," Danny replied, shaking the doctor's hand. The doctor nodded before going back through the doors he had come out just a few minutes before.

Danny sat back down, rubbing his eyes before taking a deep cleansing breath to clear his mind and register what he had been told from the doctor. The others also sighed in relief, grateful that at least Danny's sister had a fighting chance. The sat with Danny, wanting to show him their support.

Steve was the first to stand, knowing they had to get to work on the massacre that had taken place at the school and work on finding the bastards. He patted Danny on the shoulder, getting his attention. "Danny, we need to get to work. The govenor has been on me to find out why these guys targeted the school. But you stay here for your sister. Let us know when she gets out of surgery, okay?"

"Yeah, thanks man," Danny replied, giving his friends a small smile. Chin didn't say anything, just squeezed his shoulder in support. Kono gave him a hug then wiped the tears away that had been fighting their way down her face for the past hour. Danny watched as his friends and team mates left the hospital, then found himself a different spot in the corner where he could be alone and wait.


Five hours after the nightmare at the school began, the doctor who had been working on Darcie exited the double doors, seeking out the blonde haired detective. He saw him in the corner, sitting by himself, his head leaned back against the wall, his eyes closed. "Mr. Williams?" the doctor asked gently, trying not to startle the young man.

Danny's eyes flew open, staring at the doctor standing in front of him in his scrubs. "How is she? Is she going to be okay?"

The doctor sat down next to Danny. "She's doing a lot better. We started the antibiotics like I mentioned before and we are watching her to make sure she doesn't develop pneumonia from the lung injury she had. She's going to be here for a little while. But its looking good," the doctor replied, giving Danny a smile.

Danny visibly relaxed and let out the breath he had been holding in. "When can I go see her?"

The doctor looked at his watch, "Give us about an hour to get her settled. She's going to be out of it for a while longer than that. If you don't mind my suggestion, I would recommend that you go home for a little while, change, get cleaned up and some sleep before you come back. It looks like you need it."

Danny looked down and for the first time in so many hours realized that he was still covered in his sister's blood. "That might be a good idea. If I give you my cell number, could you call me? I live about fifteen minutes from here."

"That would be fine. I can have one of the nurses call you."

Danny stood up and shook hands with the kind doctor. "Thank you again, for all you did. I really appreciate it."

The doctor shook his hand back and smiled. "Your welcome. I'll be checking in on your sister in the morning, to make sure everything is okay. Just remember to take care of yourself as well."

"I will Doctor, thanks."

The kindly doctor made his way back through the doors, glad that he could put the young man at ease over his sister.

Danny, true to his word, headed outside the hospital, pulling his cell phone out and dialing his partner. He had just hit send when he heard a small noise behind him before his vision exploded in colors then turning gray. The gray then faded completely as he was knocked unconscious. He never heard the clatter of his cell phone on the pavement or Steve's screaming of his name as he was dragged away from the hospital and into a waiting van.