DON'T OWN NARUTO! ( Wish I did :'[ )

FYI: Bolded words mean what Sakura is thinking

Italicized words mean what inner Sakura is saying

Anything else is what other people are saying in general

PLEASE READ! OK, now that I've got your attention this story is about Sakura and future Sakura x Sasuke. My plan for this story is to make Sakura entirely bad ass! Which kind of…sort of…means that the characters may be a little –ok a lot! – OOC! (Out of Character). However some sacrifices need to be made to make an amazing story. Therefore, as future warning or current warnings there may be: foul language, sexual scenes/situations, verbal gore and violence. All in all I would probably rate this story as Mature and possibly in the future rated R! If you are NOT a fan of Sakura, or the pairings I have in this story, don't write verbal aggressions towards the story because you don't like it. If you don't like what part(s) you are reading than don't read it.

Otherwise for all you other fans out there! ENJOY! :-)

Ok now the actual summary of the story! This story is about how Sakura isn't the only one with great amounts of power/chakra (referencing towards Naruto and Sasuke) which is actually stored up in her mind but can be released more easily from her back (you'll read about that later ;). Everything about Sakura and her future bad ass-ness will be explained throughout the story. Sorry not a very good summary but I don't want to give anything away. Anywho pairings that are found in this story are as follows: sasuxsaku, naruxhina, shikaxino, nejixten, kakaxiru, tsuxjirai,

So sit back and relax, grab a drink and hold on! Cause you won't want to stop reading the story I can promise you that!