"How did you know?" Merlin asked when he sharpened the Excalibur from old habit.
"Know what?" Arthur asked, not looking up on his papers, his quill stopped when he tried to though right words.

"My name. Myrddin. Oh, right. Gaius?" Merlin realized.

"Slow today? Yes. He told that your mother is from Welsh and that you name is actually Myrddin."

"And you just like that added Emrys?" Merlin still didn't know what to think about it.

"Yes. Something wrong?"

"Lord Myrddin Emrys. You are mad sometimes Arthur." Merlin announced.

"I though it was a good idea." Arthur looked up.

"I don't deny it. I'm Dragon Lord and it isn't just a name." Merlin sighed. "But Gwaine… No, never mind."

"He's really trilled up, doesn't he?" Arthur grimaced and Merlin frowned. "He had noting to say, I should remind him from that."

"What you mean?" Again Arthur stopped and watched Merlin.

"That he's hiding some things from you."

Arthur looked puzzled. "And you can't tell me?"

"No, but if you think really hard, you may notice something what I said."

Arthur stared him. Then he started to look more and more amazed. "You can't mean… Gwaine? Noble?"

"I didn't say anything." Merlin reminded him, trying to keep his face cool.

"Oh, that's just so… so… I can't believe it!" Arthur threw the quill on his hand. "I refuse to believe it."

Merlin just hummed. Finally Arthur started to write again and Merlin finished with the sword. He placed it carefully on its place and smiled fondly for it. It was the only thing what Arthur didn't know the truth. Merlin walked there where Gwen was placed some roses.

"Something wrong?" Arthur asked when he heard Merlin's yelp and then cursing. Merlin watched the bloodline on his finger and then the rose.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

Thank you everyone :)