Okay, so I'm back from another long period of time without posting (*frowns angrily at muse*) and am very sorry. Again.

But well, better late than never, yes?

I have a surprise for you in this chapter. And I hope that you will like it!

Chapter 22: Minas Tirith

"Frodo! Frodo, look how magnificent… How white and strong and majestic this city looks!" I exclaimed excitedly, almost jumping on Glossatâl's back. My pony whinnied in protest but I really was too subjugated by the enormous city carved into the mountain side to calm down.

Frodo laughed delightfully as his cousins smiled brightly. "You should see how you look, Aly. Like a young hobbit on his birthday."

I nodded mutedly, eyes avidly drinking in the sight of the gleaming white city, the cloudless magnificent blue sky – as blue as Frodo's eyes – and the windswept grass surrounding me with that delightful smell reminding me of home. I knew what I looked like. I had seen this scene before. Me; my hair wildly dancing in the wind, my look of wonder. I had already seen this in Lady Galadriel's mirror.

"Welcome to Minas Tirith, the white city of Gondor, Alylonna." Pippin said. He was mounting with Lord Faramir while Merry was mounting with Lady Éowyn, who had both decided to head back to Minas Tirith with us.

Everybody was looking pretty happy. Gimli was discussing in a low voice with Aldalaer in a mysterious language I couldn't understand – Legolas apparently couldn't either if the twitching of his dark eyebrows was anything to go by – and my Elven friend smiled brightly at something he said before replying in the same language.

"Frodo? What is the language Aldalaer and Gimli are using?"

"I believe it is Khuzdûl, the Dwarves' language. I remember hearing something about the fact that Aldalaer is fluent in most of the tongues spoken on Middle Earth."

"Yet, Legolas do not understand it."

"I don't think he ever tried to learn it before."

"Let's go!" Lord Faramir suddenly said. "We are being awaited."

As we approached the city, I quickly understood that I hadn't properly imagined how big it really was. Beside it, I felt tiny, as if it was looming over me. We passed the big doors, but we didn't dismount yet. Instead, I had to encourage Glossatâl to follow the horses' pace – Frodo had mounted with Aldalaer son that our pony would not suffer both of our weights at the same time – as we climbed through the city.

People were starring at us as we passed and I felt myself blushing under their scrutinizing looks. Folks began to follow us, excitedly bringing friends along, who themselves brought other friends until we were literally being escorted up by a mass of chattering colourful people.

I kept a watchful eye on the children running around Glossatâl. My pony wasn't very big compared to the horses on which were mounted my friends, but I still feared that one of those adorable younglings might get injure by accident.

It almost happened as a little girl tripped and fell before us, but my pony diligently stopped advancing. I dismounted quickly and gave a hand to the small child – she was smaller than me, with those cute bouncing hazel-brown curls and a little upturned nose – to pull her up.

"You should be careful." I told her gently, smiling tenderly when she clutched to my hand. "Where is your mommy, little one?"

The girl looked around in a panic. "Mommy? Mommy?" When no one answered her, her lower lip trembled.

I kneeled before her and wiped away the tears that had begun to roll down her cheeks. "Hey, don't cry. We'll find your mommy. She's probably up, looking for you. Here," I gently picked her up and deposited her on Glossatâl's back, "We are going to the citadel. We'll find your mom, I promise. What's your name?"


"Greetings, Vinya! I am Alylonna. You can call me Aly, if you want."

I grasped my pony's reins and marched forward. It was a bit awkward to reach the citadel, even more since I had lost the horses while getting Vinya out of harm's way. That and the fact that the Big Folks kept coming closely to actually stepping on my feet.

But finally, I reached the citadel, slightly breathless. I was instantly engulfed in a hug.

"Aly! What delayed you?" Frodo asked.

Amused, I unsuccessfully tried to hide a smile and turned to help Vinya down Glossatâl's back. "I met Vinya. She has lost sight of her mommy. We have to find her."

Shyly, the little girl tucked her face into my back and tried to hide behind me. With a sweet smile, Frodo crouched at her eye-level and greeted her politely. "Well-met, Miss Vinya. Don't worry, we will soon find your mom."

The child nodded mutedly, looking at Frodo, her mouth forming a small 'o' of wonder. Gently, I grasped her hand and pulled her along to where the rest of our friends were. They probably would agree to help too.

They were discussing with other people, some of them I recognized. There was Gandalf – who smiled when he caught sight of us – talking with Merry and Pippin; Elladan and Elrohir – and oh! How happy I was to see them! – and even Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn, who themselves were discussing with a tall dark-haired elf wearing a silver crown upon her brow. I guess that this was the Queen Arwen and that her husband, King Elessar, probably was the smiling dark-haired man speaking with Legolas and Gimli.

However, there was another man whom I did not recognize. Blond, wearing a short beard, clad in what seemed to be the Gondor soldiers' uniform. He had first caught Lord Faramir in a bear hug before catching Aldalaer in a gentler hug. My Elven friend was smiling brightly as she returned the hug.

"Frodo? Who is this man with Aldalaer and Lord Faramir?" I inquired.

Instead of Frodo, it was the little Vinya who answered my question in that sweet bird-like voice of hers: "It is Lord Boromir, the Captain-General of Gondor's army. He is a very strong man, you know. That is why my brother wants to be like him."

The girl promptly blushed and lowered her head as if she had said too much.

I smiled brightly and Frodo gently caressed her hair. "You are right, Vinya. Lord Boromir is a very strong man. He almost died to save my cousins Meriadoc and Peregrin but Lady Aldalaer saved him. They have become good friends since."

Now that was a story I would be very interested in hearing. But even as I thought this, my mind was taken elsewhere by the utterly adorable sight of Frodo interacting with the cute little human girl. He was so being so sweet! I couldn't help thinking forward to the day we would take care of our own children. A little boy, with his Daddy's curls and my bright green eyes. A little girl with my wild curls and Frodo's sky blue eyes. Both with a taste for adventure. And maybe too a little boy just like Frodo, but with my curiosity.

So caught I was in those delightful thoughts, I took a moment to notice that Aldalaer was crouching in front of me.

"Oh! I am sorry, I was lost in thought. Did you say something, Aldalaer?"

My friend laughed – she did that a whole more lot since she had let her magic flow for the first time – and shook her head, dark braids following the movement. Instead of her usual braid, Aldalaer had a crown of braided hair that surrounded her head before flowing down her back and two small braids surrounding her pale face. I myself had agreed to let her braid some of my curls into a small braid that kept brushing against my right cheek.

"I did not say anything. But I am sure that Elladan and Elrohir would love to see you. After all, they want you to tell them about your progresses in the bow skill and swordsmanship."

"I will tell them in due time, Aldalaer." I answered, looking around to spot where Frodo and Vinya were. My beloved was speaking with Merry and Pippin, Vinya holding to his hand tightly and looking from left to right in the visible hopes of seeing her mother in the courtyard. Apart from us, said courtyard was practically empty since the guards were keeping the townsfolk away.

"There is that little girl I met in the streets when she tripped and fell before Glossatâl. She has lost her mother and cannot find her. I have to help her before speaking to Elladan and Elrohir." I explained to my Elven friend.

"Oh! I understand what you mean. You are a very gentle soul, Aly. Come: I think Boromir will be able to help little Vinya find her mother."

I followed Aldalaer and politely greeted the blond man she introduced me to. Looking at him, I had to say that he bore a strong resemblance to Lord Faramir, resemblance I couldn't help but point out after explaining Vinya's problem.

The man laughed. "Aye, I sure do. Lord Faramir is my dear brother. Whereas he is our King's Steward, I am the Captain-General. Now, I can do something for young Vinya." He looked around. "Let me gather some guards and they will scout the city to find her mother and will bring her here. The child does not have to fear; she will see her mommy soon."

There was momentarily a wistful look in Lord Boromir's eyes but it quickly disappeared. Aldalaer lightly touched his shoulder before thanking him. Abruptly remembering my manners, I did the same before hurrying to where Elladan and Elrohir were discussing with the Queen Arwen. I knew without a doubt that Vinya was in good hands.

As I patiently waited my turn to speak with the twins, slightly standing back so that I would not overhear their quiet conversation, I looked around quickly.

Aldalaer was now with Legolas and King Elessar. Her hands were clasped in the King's and she had that soft smile she wore more and more often. One that I had begun to associate with quiet joy.

Gimli was discussing with Lady Éowyn, Merry, Pippin and Lord Faramir. Lord Boromir was crouching before Vinya – she looked even smaller beside the strong Gondorian warrior – and talking to her.

My eyes fell upon Frodo, who was discussing with Gandalf and Lady Galadriel near the edge of the courtyard. I would not have minded it too much if my beloved hadn't been wearing such a distressed look. Gandalf dropped a hand on his shoulder and Frodo looked up. I was too far to hear and I did not have the ability to read on his lips what he said but the wizard squeezed Frodo's shoulder and looked up at me with a sad look in his wise blue eyes.

I looked away, ashamed to have been caught staring, but also strongly wondering what was troubling Frodo – and Gandalf – so much.

I pushed that questioning in the back of my mind as Elladan noticed my presence and greeted me warmly. The time was not to unanswered questioning but to rejoicing and meeting with friends.

Yes, dear readers! Boromir is alive! I might give more details in Aly's story, but it will be in Aldalaer's that will come most of the details. I just couldn't let Boromir died, not when he was there, lying on the ground, regretting everything. And did anybody had the urge to cry at Faramir's face when he learned that his brother was dead? *sniffles*

I found a way to keep the Gondorian alive and used it.

I'm crossing my fingers in the hopes of having chapter 23 written sometime soon, but since my muse seems to run around and come back to that fanfic (I have like... several ideas slowly taking shape and one Avengers fanfic that I might start to post soon) only every once in a while, I don't want to make empty promises. Again.

So thanks for sticking with me. And thanks for your comments and favouriting. It makes me very happy to know that you, dearest readers, like the story.

Happy Spring Break!