Having a new baby in the house was both exciting and challenging. Jane and Maura were stupidly happy and bone aching tired. Isabella was a little bit of a drama queen. When she wanted something she wanted it now. She wanted nothing to do with waiting or patience. Like they did with Matthew, Maura and Jane didn't jump the instant Isabella began to fuss, though the watched her closely to make sure she wasn't in any real distress. Unlike her brother who would fuss, then whimper, and then ease into a full on cry, Isabella went from fussing to wailing in a matter of seconds. Matthew didn't like his sister very much when she was screaming and demanding their mothers' full attention, but thankfully Isabella wasn't always like that. In between the screaming and demands she was very sweet and as she got a little older, very playful. One of Jane and Maura's favorite sounds was the sound of their children laughing. For some reason Isabella found Bass hysterical. She would watch from her place in one of her mothers' laps as Bass made his slow progression from point A to point B and laugh insanely. After a moment or two of listening to his sister laugh, Matthew would start laughing, and the sound of Matthew laughing made Isabella laugh that much harder.

Maura was working, which was rare on a Saturday but she had to have the yearly budge into the governor's office by Tuesday, so Jane was on full time mommy duty since she had the day off. First order of business was grocery shopping. With Isabella strapped to her chest in a baby bjorn carrier and Matthew's hand holding onto the small shopping cart she had, Jane made her way through Whole Foods. As she reached for Maura's organic milk she told Matthew, "Grab one of your favorite puddings, buddy."

"Ok Mama!" Matthew said as he let go of cart to grab the organic pudding Maura let him have.

While keeping her eye on her son Jane was talking softly to Isabella who was taking everything in with bright, wide eyes. They had almost everything on the list once they were finished in dairy, and had Maura's nut butters; so they headed to the deli and bakery counters for the last few items and Matthew's special treat for being good while Jane had run errands. While she was ordering lunch meat, Matthew had his bright green gaze on a vegan cupcake with a Spider-Man topper. As Jane reached for the pound of salami she'd ordered she was caught off guard by a familiar and unexpected voice.

"Hi Janie." Frank Sr. said a few feet away from his daughter.

Jane turned slowly and blinked in surprise as she took in her father who was standing there with a shopping basket in his hand. She hadn't seen him since he'd come to town looking for an annulment, which Angela never gave him. She hadn't talked to him since she'd tried to call him to tell him about Matthew's birth, but he'd refused to accept Matthew as his grandson so Jane had cut him off all together.

"Pop." Jane said curtly. She knew he was in town. He was there, with his new wife, for Frankie's wedding.

There was a long moment of uneasy silence between them. Matthew picked up on it and moved closer to his Mama, slipping his hand into hers. Frank Sr. looked down at the boy and then at the little girl strapped to his daughter's chest. "Frankie told me Dr. Isles had another child."

Before he could say anything further Jane jumped in, "Maura and I had another child, Pop. This is my daughter, Isabella, and my son Matthew."

"Hello." Matthew said politely to his Mama's father.

Frank Sr. stiffened when Jane said these were her children.

"Frank." Sandie, Frank's new wife said as she came up to him. She looked at the young woman Frank was talking to and knew who she was instantly. "Hello Jane. It's nice to finally meet you."

Jane raised an eyebrow. "Hi." The tension made Isabella fuss. "Shh, it's ok sweetie."

Sandie smiled tightly and tried to break the tension by addressing Matthew. "And who is this handsome young man and beautiful little lady?"

"I'm Matthew Rizzoli-Isles." Matthew answered. "And that's my sister Isabella."

Frank stiffened again. "Rizzoli?"

Jane nodded. "They both have my name, Pop, so does Maura." She could tell this didn't sit well with her father so Jane decided enough was enough. Looking down at her son she asked, "Did you pick your treat?" Matthew nodded and she looked up. "Excuse us."

"Jane." Frank said as Jane turned to walk away.

Jane shook her head. "I need to get my kids home, Pop. Matthew needs a nap before Frankie picks him up this afternoon so they can get their tuxes fitted."

"Are you in the wedding Matthew?" Sandie asked the little boy.

Matthew nodded proudly, his smile a mirrored image of Jane's. "I'm carrying the rings for my Uncle Frankie."

"Come on Matty." Jane said as moved the hand that was patting Isabella's back to the cart handle. "Lets get your treat and get going. Belle needs her nap too."

"Ok Mama." Matthew said as he walked with his Mama to the bakery counter and asked for his cupcake.

When they got home Jane set Matthew up at the table with his cupcake and a glass of milk, put things away, and then took Isabella back to the nursery to change her, feed her a bottle of breast milk, and put her down for a nap. When her brothers showed up to pick up Matthew he was still a little groggy from his own nap and was feeling cuddly, so when Jane answered the door she had her five year old wrapped around her. "Hey buddy, time to get you ready for you guy's afternoon."

After getting Matthew dressed and ready Jane slipped back out into the living room while he was using the bathroom. "I ran into Pop at Whole Foods." Jane said hotly. "You should have seen the way he looked at my kids, the way he looked at me when Matthew introduced himself as a Rizzoli."

Frankie sighed. "I'm sorry Janie."

"I'm gonna be nice to him for you." Jane warned her brother. " Unless he starts in on Maura or my kids and then I can't promise anything."

"I'll talk to him." Frankie said.

Matthew came into the room dressed in his best pair of jeans, a stripped button up, and his favorite pair of sneakers. "I'm ready!"

Jane smiled at her son. "Have a good time buddy and be good." She kissed the top of his head.

When Maura got home she found Jane lying on the floor with their daughter sitting on her chest, her back pressed against Jane's thighs, while did sit ups. Every time Jane sat up she kissed Isabella's nose, which made the little girl with light brown hair, and bright hazel eyes laugh. Maura couldn't help but smile. "Hello my loves."

"Mommy's home!" Jane said excitedly to the baby girl on her chest.

Maura knew her wife well enough to know something was wrong. There was something in Jane's eyes, but she didn't bring it up right away. She smiled as she took her baby girl from her wife's arms and then kissed Isabella's face. She asked Jane how her day was while she cuddled their daughter. All the stress of her workday melted away the moment Maura walked into her home, the moment she was with her family. With Jane sitting beside her and Isabella in her arms government budges and cranky assistants didn't matter. She waited until Isabella was playing alone in her play crib before walking up behind her wife and wrapped her arms around Jane. "Want to talk about it?"

"About what?" Jane asked as she stirred the pot of gravy on the stove.

"Whatever upset you today." Maura said.

Jane sighed. "Pop's in town."

"Oh." Maura said softly. She stepped back and turned Jane so they were face to face. "What happened?" Jane explained everything. "Oh Jane, I'm so sorry."

"He's never going to come around." Jane said with a kind of finality that was just heartbreaking.

"You don't know that, Jane." Maura reassured.

"At this point I really don't care if he does or doesn't." Jane said honestly. "He doesn't have anything to offer that I need. The kids have great grandfathers. Your Dad adores them and Vince is amazing, he's the best Grandpa I could have asked for for them."

"But your father is still your father." Maura said softly. "And you need him wither you think you do or not."

Jane just shrugged. She didn't want to talk about it anymore.

Frankie and Nicola's wedding had been beautiful. It had been at Scared Heart, which had become the Rizzoli family parish since Jane and Maura's wedding, and the ceremony preformed by Father George. Matthew had looked so handsome in his classic black tux. His mothers and grandmother couldn't stop gushing over him. The nonstop fussing had lead to the five-year-old's very first, "Gees Ma! Come on already!" Which had been directed at Jane who'd been messing with his hair for the fifth time.

"You know," Maura said to her wife as they'd walked down the aisle to take their seats. "As soon as we get home that's going in his book."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Jane said with a roll of her eyes, a proud little smirk still on her lips.

Because the front row had been filled with Angela and Korsak, Jane and Maura, and Tommy and his girlfriend Bridget, Frank Sr. and his wife were relegated to the second row with Frost and his girlfriend. For the first time he realized just how out of touch he was with his kids. He was still their father but not really part of the family. His son, who looked handsome and proud in his dress uniform, shook Vince Korsak's hand before his, and beamed proudly at the old cop's praise. At the wedding reception, with this new vision of life, the life he left behind in Boston, Frank watched his kids carefully. He watched how happy and fulfilled his boys were, and for the first time, he could see just how blissful and satisfied Jane was. She was happy; she had a wonderful life with this woman and this woman's children, and it made Jane glow.

Two days later Jane was standing in Maura's autopsy room watching the blonde put a dead man's liver in her scale bucket when her cell phone buzzed. Her dark eyes widened just a flicker, no one else would have even noticed, but her wife did. "Jane?"

"It's a text from my Pop." Jane said as she raised those chocolate orbs from the screen of her phone to meet the hazel gaze of her wife. "He wants to have coffee before he leaves." She paused a moment to reread the message and then added, "With us."

Maura blinked those pretty hazel eyes. "Us? As in you and I together?"

"Yeah." Jane said in utter shock and uncertainty.

The first ten minutes were painful awkward and uncomfortable, but then Maura had asked Frank how he was, how Sandie was, and how things in Florida were going. Frank told them things were good, he was retired but taught basic plumbing at a trade school. Sandie had been a full time teacher for twenty-five years, but had semi-retired and was now a sub. In return, and with a little non-verbal encouragement from Maura, Jane told her father she was preparing to take the sergeants exam. When he asked Maura how things were going with her she smiled and told him she was working on a couple of journal articles, one of which she was co-authoring with her birth mother. She said she was content in her work as Chief M.E, and even more content as mother to Matthew and Isabella and being a wife to Jane. The three of them sat there through several rounds of coffee and a box of cannoli just talking as if they were strangers getting to know each other, and in a way they were.

Jane wasn't sure the afternoon with her Pop had actually done any good until Isabella got a birthday card from Grandpa Frank. The little card with the little ballerina teddy bear on it had big badass Jane Rizzoli-Isles in tears. There would always be scars, things would never be the way they were between her father and her, but it felt good to have him back in her life even in a small way like holiday cards and emails.

Since the moment Maura told her she was pregnant Jane had been looking forward to this. Getting out of the car she made her way to the back passenger side door and opened it. "Hop out buddy." She said to her son as she held out her hand to him. Matthew was dressed in jeans and a Red Sox jersey with a big number five and Rizzoli-Isles on the back. It was his very first baseball game. With her son's hand held in her own Jane and Matthew walked across the lot and as soon as she saw the redbrick of Fenway she smiled, her heart swelling. "Are you excited?"

"This is gonna be great Mama!" Matthew said as he looked up at her with those dazzling dark green eyes.

They came early to have a look around. Matthew had been given a tour ticket but they were saving that for the next time, when Maura would be with them. Today was all about Jane sharing her own experiences with her son, showing him the ball park she grow up with, showing him the game she'd fallen in love with when she was his age. She took him down Lansdown Street and showed him the backside of the Green Monster. She walked him down Jersey Street to Yawkey Way. They took pictures at the old Gate A ticket booths turned mini-museum. Matthew got his face painted; he played in Wally's World and got his picture, and one with his Mama too, with the big green mascot Wally. They ate a ballpark dinner of Fenway Franks, fries, and soda before making their way to their seats. Jane, sounding a lot like her google mouthed fun fact reciting wife, told her son about the history of the park, about the fires in the twenties and thirties, about the Green Monster and the old left field scoreboard. She told him about the men, Tomas Yawkey, John Pesky, Babe Ruth, Ted Williams, Cy Young, Reggie Smith, Wade Boggs, and Mo Vaughn, and the women like Thomas' wife Jean Yawkey. During the game she showed him how to fill out a scorecard while they munched on peanuts and popcorn, and another hot dog each, Maura was going to kill her over all the junk food but it would be worth it.

When they finally got home Jane walked into the house carrying a completely passed out Matthew, a huge smile still lingering on her face. It had been the perfect afternoon and evening with her son, capped off by a Red Sox win.

"Mama." Matthew said sleepily as Jane undressed him and cleaned him up.

"Yeah buddy?" Jane replied.

"Best day ever." He said with a goofy grin that reminded her so much of his Mommy it made her fall in love with him all over again. "Hot dogs are so good! I can't wait to tell Uncle Frankie I ate three! But, shhh, don't tell Mommy."

Maura chuckled softly from the doorway as she rolled her eyes and shook her head. She would remind Jane later that if their son threw up she was cleaning it up all by herself.

"I won't." Jane promised, her own voice laced with a giggle.

"Mama." Matthew said again as he snuggled into his bed once he was clean and dressed.

"Yeah buddy?" Jane replied.

Matthew yawned. "I love you."

Jane's eyes suddenly stun with tears. "I love you too, buddy."

Matthew was almost asleep again when he said, "I love Mommy too." He yawned. "Even if she won't let me eat hot dogs."