Hola! Sorry, that was shot bout into Spanish. And that was the only word I know besides "burrito" and "taco". Anyways, let us continue onto what matters here, a new story. Yes, this one is a new story and this one is a Dragon Ball Z! Yeah, I know, "WORK on your other stories DAMNIT!" But I can't help it when my muse tell me. So, this one is a Videl X Gohan. But! With a slight twist! So, to continue on, New Story, PLEASE FORGIVE ME by Reviewing this! Thank you. Onto Disclaimer!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Dragon Ball Z! If I did...well, I would be on happy fangirl.

Gohan waited patiently outside his mother's bedroom, where she was giving birth to his new baby sibling. Well, patiently would be pushing it. He had gnawed off all of his fingernails and was now pacing the hallway. Sitting in the living room was Piccilo, Vegeta, Krillin and the rest of the Z-Warriors. In the bedroom with Chi-Chi was Bulma, Bunny Briefs, 18 and Dende.

Though, when Gohan saw Dende's face when the door to the "delivery" room opened the half-Saiyan desperately wanted a camera. Now? Gohan wanted to know if his mom was going to be okay. He flinched as he heard his mom scream with Bulma saying, "Push woman! PUSH!" The young preteen gulped and jumped when he heard his mentor cough behind him.

"O-Oh, hi Piccilo." The Nemekian looked at his pupil. "Gohan, we, being Vegeta and I, can sense your worry from the living room. Wouldn't it be better if you waited out in the living room with the rest of us?" Gohan glanced from the green man(?) to the door to where his mother lay. "No, I want to be here." Piccilo nodded and stood next to where Gohan was pacing. "Alright then." Gohan gave his mentor a weak smile before going back to pacing.

Five minutes later, Vegeta arrived and sat on the floor next to Piccilo, looking at the door. "I take it you can sense what is going on in there." stated Piccilo. Vegeta didn't answer, instead he spoke to Gohan. "Akheron, have you been studying?" Gohan looked at the Saiyan Prince. "Yes, milord. I have." he said this in Saiyan.

Vegeta smiled and spoke to Gohan in Saiyan. Piccilo ignored them as Vegeta tried to distract Gohan from his mother's painful screams in the next room. It worked, until they heard Bulma scream, "I can see the head!" That made all of the others in the house, well, begin to slightly worry. It was a few minutes later that they all heard a baby's cry.

Gohan smiled as the door to his mother's room opened and a very twitchy Dende came out. "G-Gohan, would you l-like to see your b-baby brother?" The preteen nodded and followed his friend into where his mother was laying. In her arms was a swaddle of cloth. Dende said to Gohan, "Well, I will be taking my leave. Please! Please do not call me for this again!" All the people in the room laughed and Dende left the room, making Gohan wonder if his friend was traumatized.

But that thought disappeared when he heard his new baby brother cry. Gohan went over to his mother and looked at the bundle in her arms. It was a baby with a tail and a full head of black hair. It looked just like his father's hair. 'Wow, looks like Vegeta wasn't kidding when he said that baby Saiyans are born with their hair. Makes me wonder what mine looked like.' thought the half-Saiyan. "Wow Mom, he looks like dad."

He didn't get a response. Gohan frowned and looked at his mother. Her breathing was slow, even for a human's. "Mom?" Gohan asked. Again, Chi-Chi didn't respond. This made Gohan choke slightly. That was when Gohan checked on her ki level. The black haired preteen gasped as he felt his mother's ki falling. "MOM!" cried Gohan and that was when Chi-Chi's ki died...

Gohan stood next to Vegeta. It was a rainy day and it was also the day of Chi-Chi's funeral. They had gathered the Dragon Balls and wished Chi-Chi back to live. Sadly, Shenron could only bring back willing souls. Chi-Chi, for some reason, didn't want to come back. So, here they were, several days later. All of the Z-Warriors were there and Gohan was standing next to the cradle that held his baby brother, Goten. Gohan looked up at his Godfather. It was after the ceremony and they had now just buried Chi-Chi.

Vegeta was one of the few not crying, which didn't shock Gohan at all. Standing on the other side of Vegeta was Gohan's Godmother Bulma. She was crying into her husband's shoulder, which made Gohan slightly jealous. For he couldn't cry. On the very day they were burying his mother, he couldn't cry. Gohan looked away from his godparents to the ground. The preteen squeezed his eyes shut and swallowed. But his eyes shot open as he felt a strong arm wrap around his shoulders.

The half-Saiyan looked at the arm and followed it to see that it was Vegeta who was giving him an one-armed hug. "Don't worry little one. It will be alright." said the Saiyan Prince in his native tongue. Gohan sniffed and buried his face into his Godfather's side, tears finally pricking his eyes. Standing there in the rain, Gohan finally shed his tears...

Several Years Later...

Videl Satan was sitting in her class, reading a book behind her text book. The book was called The KI to Life written by Vegeta Saiyanji. Videl sighed and closed her book. She looked at the cover, staring at the author who was sitting down, head resting on his fist and his other hand held out. In his hand was, apparently, a ball of Ki. Videl continued to stare at the man, who was Bulma Briefs' Husband (if the rumors are to be true) but the young crime fighter felt like she had seen this man before.

The pig tailed girl sighed and looked around the room. There were many students wearing Ki Scouters. Something Capsule Corp invented around the same time Vegeta's book came out. But that was a couple of years ago. It also made most of the population wonder "Did Hercule Satan defeat Cell? Or did he take the credit from someone else?" Videl knew she shouldn't listen to those words but, after seeing how her father denied that Ki existed (which was a lie, since Videl knew it was around. Some of her fellow classmates could use it)

But Videl desperately wanted to learn how to use it, in secret of course. The blue eyed girl sighed again and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. It had only been 10 minutes since class started and Videl was already bored. She couldn't focus on her school work or on her book. Why? For her mind was wrapped around the new criminals in Satan City. They apparently could use Ki and that seriously made Videl out gunned. She tried telling her father this but he said, "I won't have my daughter using some sort of Magic Tricks!"

Videl glanced away from the clock at her friend Erasa. The blonde was scribbling a note and (as subtly as she could) passed it to Videl. The black haired teen opened the note and read it.

Hey Videl. Guess what! We have a new fad! Who ever has the strongest power level is the most popular! Can you believe it!

Videl looked up at the teacher. He was bust writing on the board, completely ignored what his students were doing. Videl used this chance to write her reply.

Strongest power level? How can you tell who has that?

The young Satan girl quickly passed the note back to her best friend, who quickly began to read it and reply.

Our scouters. It can tell us who has the biggest power level. Something that Sharpener just discovered and now, its a fad!

Sharpie made a fad? Is the world ending yet?

Erasa stifled her laughter and as she was about to reply, the door to the classroom opened. And entered was one of the hottest guys Videl had ever seen. He was tall, around 6'8. His black hair was spiked up and he was wearing a navy blue muscle shirt; beige cargo pants; black military grade boots and a brown fuzzy belt. Videl could also see that he had a tattoo on his left forearm. It looked like a trident with 2 bars under it and a half circle.

The crime fighter continued look at the man, for his face looked like a Greek god. Strong cheek bones, a perfect nose and a strong chin. His obsidian eyes were slightly narrowed, as if he was annoyed by something. Videl swallowed as he walked up to the teacher. Hell he didn't walk. It was more like a predator's gait. The pig tailed girl bit her lip as she watched those narrow hips. She glanced out of the corner of her eye to see Erasa practically drooling. As were most of the other girls in the class.

Videl refocused her attention onto the man as he gave their teacher a note. The balding man read it and nodded. "Class, may I have your attention? This is Son Gohan. New student. And the only one to get a perfect 100 on the entrance exam. You would do well to learn a thing or two from this young man. Now, introduce yourself." The new guy crossed his arms, unknowingly showing off his muscles to the female (and gay) population of the class.

Videl sucked her lip into her mouth to chew on it as she continued to study the man. "Name's Gohan. That's all you need to know." Videl frowned slightly at his "introduction" but the main thing that got her was his accent. It sounded deep, guttural and, all in all, (dare she say it) sexy. Hell Videl had no doubt that if used correctly, his accent would allow him to get away with murder.

"Uh, okay. Go sit down in a free seat Mr. Son." Gohan nodded and began making his way towards Videl. The crime fighter beat down her blush as she subtly looked around to see that the only free seat was behind Erasa. But that didn't explain why he was heading for her. Videl felt her blush trying to creep up her face but through will power, she didn't blush.

He walked by her and took the empty seat. Videl sighed and breathed in a scent. It made her shudder slightly. It musky, spicy and all around, good. Videl wanted more of it and breathed deeply, wondering where it came from. She then realized it must have been the new guy's cologne. That made her blush comeback tenfold. Videl swallowed and went to focus on her school work...

Gohan sat down in his new class and let out sigh of frustration. There were two reason why he was here. 1) to find Goten a mother. 2) Prove to his Godmother that he could live with humans. He just chose not to. Well, aside from the Z-Warriors and his God-family, he didn't involve himself or his baby brother/son with humans. After the death of his mother, Gohan realized how frail humans were and he didn't want to be reminded of that. But, a few days ago, Goten asked him over dinner "Daddy, where's Mommy?"

So, what was why Gohan was here. In Orange Star High School, looking for a a strong woman to help him raise Goten. And, according to Vegeta, continue on the Saiyan line. But Gohan told his Godfather that the only woman he would love was a woman with a high power level. And in this school, there wasn't that many. Gohan sighed and leaned back in his chair, tapping his pencil on his desk. It had been years since Gohan was in a situation with other humans and years since Gohan spoke human tongue. He had been holed up in the mountains, raising Goten and speaking nothing but Saiyan.

Hell he even knew Nemekian so he could speak to Piccilo and Dende in their native tongue. Goten knew Human, Saiyan, Nemekian and many other languages the Sons learned from Vegeta. Gohan looked at the clock and then at his school schedule. He had another 25 minutes in this class before he had advanced Trig. The half-Saiyan sighed again before looking at the bored. 'Advanced French my ass. I learned this shit when I was 4. Hell Goten knows this shit. Humans are so pathetic.' he thought as he began to zone out.

Well, more like meditate. He never zoned out. Gohan ( and Goten) trained everyday. For Gohan never wanted to be helpless again and he didn't want Goten to become family-less. So, now, Goten was the youngest Super Saiyan ever. Vegeta was slightly (yeah right) frustrated at that but hey, when you have the only Super Saiyan level 2 as your adopted father/big brother you kinda cheat.

Gohan was jolted out of his musings by a note falling on his desk. Gohan glanced at it, to the teacher, and back at the note before opening it. It read: Hi. My name is Erasa and I'm the girl who sits in front of you. Nice to meet you. Reason I'm saying this through a note is because our teacher doesn't do the "talking in class" thing. So, how r you liking Orange Star?

Gohan grabbed his pencil and went to write a nasty reply but thought better of it. He wanted to get a mother for Goten and no doubt if he was nasty to one girl, by the end of the day, every girl in the school would think of him as an ass or worse, a pig. So, with a heavy sigh, he replied

It's nice. The students are nice and most of the faculty is alright. But so you know where locker 207 is? That's my locker and I haven't been able to find it yet.

He gave the note back and smirked at the small lie. He knew where his locker was, but he just wanted her advice who's single and whatnot. Gohan's smirk grew into a grin as he saw her blush. She quickly replied and sent the note back. Gohan opened the note.

Yes! I can totally show you your locker! Right after class. Is that okay?

Gohan wrote back and passed the note to her. He gave her his "Sexy Smirk" (as Bulma calls it) Erasa's blush deepened and she almost ripped the note in her haste to open it. Erasa's blue eyes went over the words Gohan wrote.

Thank you darling. It would be wonderful. See you after class.

Gohan smiled and saw that the girl sitting next to Erasa was looking at the blonde girl with a curious look. The half-Saiyan decided to observe the other girl. She was of medium height, around 5'6 – 5'9 with black hair that was pulled into two low pigtails She also had deep navy blue eyes and was wearing a large white over shirt and Gohan could see a pink undershirt. She was wearing black biking shorts and green boots. Gohan raised an eyebrow as he glanced at her desk. He could see a a different book on her desk and knew what it was from the cover. It was the book Vegeta wrote (Bulma tricked him) and it made Gohan smile.

Gohan also could see the scouters that littered the room on the students, which made Gohan's smile widen. Gohan leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. The little humans had no idea that those scouters wouldn't work on him. All they did was tell the humans what he was currently at. Which wasn't that much. Only 204. His actual power level, well, whenever he tried to go Super Saiyan it broke the scouters. Bulma tried to make the scouter be able to live to tell the humans what level he was but it never worked.

It was something that made Vegeta laugh. Gohan felt like laughing right then for he could hear some of the other students read his power level and mutter. Either he was very strong or very weak. Or perhaps average. He didn't know since he hadn't been around humans much. Gohan calmly unfolded himself from his desk as the bell rang. Erasa stood and gathered her things. The girl in the pig tails stood next to the blonde and spoke, "Hey Erasa do you want me to head on to class or do you want me to walk with you?"

Gohan stood and looked at Erasa. "Oh! Videl, I was going to show Gohan where his locker is. Do you wanna come with us?" Gohan looked from Erasa to the other girl, Videl. Which said girl was looking at him with curiosity. "Well, do you want me to come Gohan?" The half-Saiyan gave Videl his smirk and mentally did a "I WIN" cheer in his head. For Videl blushed and looked at the ground. "Why, I wouldn't mind. Two lovely ladies showing me to my locker, I would be honored."

Erasa squeed and took Gohan's arm. "Well, let's go! We can't be late, now can we?" Gohan grinned and let Erasa lead the way, Videl falling in behind them...

END! Man, long chapter. But hey, I got it done. Stuck my apartment with no internet does this. Anyways, PLEASE review! I lives off reviews! And make sure ya'll keep checking WWW. Change. Org for the FF petition! Please do this so that way, authors like myself WONT be DELETED!