Okay, "Hot Mess" chapter 2! I love writing this story because its so much fun! Gohan's like a nicer version of Vegeta and I love writing Videl! She reminds me so much of myself! Anyways, I'm sure you don't want to listen to me. Now, ONTO the Chapter!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Dragon Ball Z. If I did, well...let's just say Scabbard Ookagari would hate me.

Videl followed her blonde friend and the new guy. The crime fighter was watching how the new kid, Gohan, was reacting to Erasa. Okay, truth be told, she was looking at his ass. And she had to say, Videl loved the view. 'Dear Kami, there ain't a single pair of baggy pants in the world that could hide that ass!' she thought as she followed them. Erasa was talking to Gohan, who was glad he could keep up with her speech otherwise he might be lost.

"So, what locker did you have?" Erasa asked. "Locker 207. Wouldn't it be in the 200 hall?" asked the half-Saiyan. Videl scoffed from behind him. "You'd think but when they built this place, they went backwards. Lockers 1-100 are in the 400 hallway and lockers 101-200 are in the 600 hallway and so on." [A/N: It was kinda like that my school! It was hell!] Gohan turned to look at her, and gave her the Smirk ™ . "Really? Well, why haven't they fixed it yet?"

Erasa picked up there. "In order to fix it, they have to tear off the numbers on the lockers and that costs money." Videl continued. "Money the school doesn't want to spend. They don't like spending money on stuff that could be used on the football team." Gohan frowned. "Football?" Videl came up next to him. "Yeah, aside from Martial Arts, the Principal only cares about football. It gets so annoying to see that the rest of the school falls to shit while the Football Team or the Martial Arts Team gets new shit." Gohan blinked at her language and laughed.

Videl and Erasa jumped slightly at his laugh. It was unexpected and Videl blushed as he realized he looked more handsome while laughing. And his laugh, dear Kami his laugh. Videl shifted a bit as she realized she was sightly turned on by it. She quickly thought of her father and she quickly felt the heat that was trying to pool in her lower belly disappear. She refocused her attention onto Gohan as he stopped laughing. "Oh, man, I haven't laughed this hard in a while. Thank you." The navy blue eyed girl looked at him and gave a shy smile. The two girls continued to show Gohan different the classes as they went on their to class...

It was Zoology and it was one of the few classes Videl had without Erasa and Sharpener. And it was one Videl loved. She sat at her desk in the back, next to the window. But as she was getting comfortable, Gohan entered the classroom. Her eyes widened and stayed on him as he continued on, looking for a free desk. His eyes widened slightly as they landed on Videl. She gave a timid smile. One that he returned and he did something that surprised her.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" he motioned at the empty desk next to her. Videl shook her head. "No, its fine. No one sits there anyways." Gohan smiled and he sat in the seat next to her. Videl smiled back and turned to face the board as the bell rang...

Videl sighed as Zoology ended. Her favorite class was over and she was now on her way to Gym. Yay... Videl looked at her new friend and asked, "Hey Gohan! What class do you have next?" The tall male pulled out his schedule and looked at it. "I have Gym with Denmon. Why?" He got a wide eyed stare in response. "I have that same class! It's dress out day, so I hope you brought a spare change of clothes to change into." Gohan stopped by his locker (which was right next to Videl's) and pulled out a blue capsule. "Always do. Never know what happens."

Videl smiled and pulled out her own capsule. "Well, let's head to the locker rooms. I'll show you where they are." Gohan nodded and followed her. But as they were heading to the locker rooms, two people bumped into them. One was Erasa and the other one was a male teen. He was almost even in height with Gohan but had mid-back long blond hair. He was muscular and showed it off via white wife beater. He was also wearing blue jeans and hiking boots. His bright blue eyes landed on Videl and Gohan instinctively tensed up at the look he was giving Videl.

"Videl! Gohan! What's up?" spoke Erasa. "We're good. Just going to Gym. Gohan has it with us!" replied Videl. The blond guy looked at Gohan and sneered. His blue scouter glowed as it read Gohan's power level. "Pfft, this guy is barely at 200. He's a wimp." Gohan's eyes narrowed as Videl snapped at him. "Sharpener! Lay off! So what if he's not a 300 PL! He's new!" The half-Saiyan gave the now named Sharpener the Glare ™. "So, you're at 300?" he asked.

Sharpener laughed. "311. Possibly the most powerful guy in this school." Before Gohan could say anything, Erasa piped up, "Oh come on! You two boys can settle this in Gym! Let's go before we are late!" They agreed and followed the girls to class...

Erasa was sitting on one of the bleachers out on the school field, talking to Videl. Well, more like Videl listening to Erasa as the blonde babbled on. But soon, Erasa stopped talking and blushed. Videl frowned and looked at what made Erasa shut up. Videl felt her voice get caught in her throat and a blush spread across her face. Walking towards them was Gohan and Sharpener. But it was Gohan who made the girls look/feel they way they do.

The tall black haired boy was wearing spandex shorts, Converse high tops and was currently holding his shirt in his hand. Videl bit her lip as she gazed at the chest of muscle was was currently walking towards her. She could see several scars on his chest and Videl desperately wanted to run her hands over his chest. As her eyes continued on, she could see his 8-Pack and a thin layer of hair working its way down those abs to beyond his pants. The crime fighter heard Erasa mutter, "Sweet lord, he's HOT!"

That was something Videl could agree. But then, Videl noticed something. Around his waist was the fuzzy brown belt from before. She frowned as she stared at it. 'What is up with that belt? It's spandex so, why on earth does he need it?' But as Gohan came closer, all thoughts were slowly disappearing. He came up to them and stood in front of the girls. Sharpener stood next to the half-Saiyan and said, "Hey Videl, apparently Nerd Boy here has tattoos."

Videl's eyes widened slightly as Erasa squeed. "NO way! I just know about the one on your left forearm! Where are the others?" Gohan sighed and turned so that way his right arm was facing them. Videl's mouth formed an "O" as she stared at the intricate tattoo. It was of a Chinese dragon that had 7 orange balls around it. Each ball had red stars in it, counting each one. Videl was so absorbed by it that she actually reached out and began to trace the dragon with her finger.

Gohan shuddered slightly at her touch. He watched her face as she traced Shenron. Her eyes were full of awe and something else Gohan couldn't recognize. But he actually like how it looked in her eyes. As he continued watching her, Gohan felt something he had never felt before and quite frankly, scared him. Desire. It ripped through him like a bolt of lighting and Gohan reached out and gently grabbed Videl's wrist. The young woman stopped and looked at Gohan's face. A blush formed across her cheeks as she stuttered, "S-Sorry. I should have asked."

Gohan gave his Smirk. "It's okay but I think the teacher is beginning role call." The rest of the group jumped and ran to where the rest of the class was gathered. Videl walked with Gohan, her blush still prominent on her face. It was something that Gohan think, 'Man, that blush makes her look adorable. Wait, what in the hfil am I thinking? Focus on what's important! Getting Goten a mother and proving that I am right to Bulma!' The half-Saiyan shook his head and made his way to where the rest of the class was at, with a blushing Videl Satan by his side...

Erasa giggled, as well as most of the other girls. Videl rolled her eyes as she sat on the bleachers with the rest of the girls. Today was a "Physical" day. Meaning, the boys would be tested on how fit they were. Well, today they were. The girls were next dress out day. And right now, most of the girls were using this as an excuse to ogle the boys. Videl was sitting slightly away from the rest of the girls, The KI to Life was in her hands. She always had that capsule on her. You never know when there is a time to read. But right now, Videl was using the book as an excuse to observe Gohan.

He was using one of the pull up bars and was doing pull ups. He began doing those when the Coach said for those who came later in the Alphabet to wait. That had been 30 minutes ago. Videl swallowed, hoping to wet her throat as she continued to watch him. Hell a lot of the other students were watching him. Finally, Denmon said, "SON GOHAN! Up front boy!" Gohan dropped down and went over to the tall bald man. Videl closed her book and went over to stand next to the coach.

"Alright boy, we are going to do your height and weight first. So, come over here so we can do your height." Gohan went over to the meter stick and stood by it while the coach did his thing. " 207.26 cm.* Geez boy, you're tall. Okay, now weight." Gohan went and, after taking off his shoes & socks, stood on the scale. "116.07 kg.* Damn boy, you're big too!" Gohan shrugged and went on with the rest of the physical tests. Videl felt her jaw drop as she watched.

By the end of it, Gohan proved that he was at the top of physical health. Sharpener came in second, which came in as a shock for the blond. He had always been at the top. Ever since he could remember and now, this punk from the mountains beat him. Sharpener ground his teeth as he stared at Gohan, who had a bunch of the female population crowding around him. Videl was standing at his right, looking at him with a look that Sharpener would kill for. And it wasn't a look Videl wore often. Awe and Desire.

And right now, she was looking at Gohan with those looks. It made jealousy boil in Sharpener's gut and as the blond boy was about to go over to his new rival, Denmon yelled, "5 minutes to the bell! Hit the locker rooms!" The students gathered up their stuff (i.e. the boys grabbing their shirts) and went to go change...

It was after school and Gohan was walking to where he left Goten. He would like to call today, a success. He was going to prove to Bulma that yes, he could handle going to a normal school like a regular human and not destroy anything. And his secret quest of finding Goten a mother. The tall male sighed and ran a hand through his hair. That quest was going to be tougher than he thought. But all thoughts of that disappeared as he heard a familiar cry of "Daddy!" Gohan smiled and stooped down to catch the little ball of energy known as Goten.

The taller half-Saiyan stood and looked at where Goten came from. Orange Star Elementary. And Gohan could already tell who was Goten's teacher. She looked tired and disheveled. And grateful that someone else had taken him off her hands. Gohan raised a hand to her, and she gave a wave back. Gohan went and pulled out a capsule. He opened it for it to reveal an air bike. Gohan went an also pulled out another capsule for it to reveal protective gear. He dressed Goten and then himself so they weren't SQUIDs. [A/N: Its a term for people who don't wear protective gear for motorcycles.]

Once they were set, Gohan placed them both on the bike and flew off towards home...

END! Man I love this. Oh! An Gohan's height in ft is 6'7 and his weight is 255.78 lbs. Yeah, did research for this chapter and I love it. Made Videl seem more girly didn't I? And also, I never really liked Sharpener, so he is going to be an ass until Gohan kicks him in the teeth. JK! XP, but anyways, PLEASE review! I live off of those!