Diss be the last one guys!

Thank you for sticking around!

I hope I didn't cause too many tears… Though I would be secretly glad if I did.

Saving Kurt

I stood in the hospital room, watching the scene play out, listening to beep of the machines.

There was a group of Kurt's closest friends gathered around the bed silently watching him sleep. Knowing this was it, this was the end.

I felt a small stab at jealousy that Kurt at least got to say good bye to them all. But at the same time I was so, so glad that he did.

Rachel was gripping his wrinkly hand, tears falling down her face, Finn's hand on her shoulder.

Mercedes ran her fingers through her grey hair and sniffled.

I was so happy to see that almost every member of the New Directions was here, the ones that were still alive.

Even Sebastian was there; somehow after my death the two of them ran into each and started talking. They became good friends and had stayed that was for many years, and a few other old Warblers stood with him.

This seemed to be the exact opposite of the day that I last saw them all. We were so happy and young then. And now they are all old and sad.

And I was still twenty-three.

One of the machines started beeping erratically and somebody let out a sob. After a while a nurse came in and shut the machines off but I was already gone, pulled someplace very white and very bright and very warm.

Kurt was standing there, eighty –six years old staring up at the shining gold gates. When he caught sight of me I heard his gasp and I walked up to him. Tears were running down his cheeks. I smiled and stood on my tiptoes to kiss them away.

When I pulled back Kurt was twenty-three again and smiling at me like we had spent every moment of the last sixty-three years together.

"Blaine," He whispered.

"Kurt," I whispered back.

Kurt through his arms around me and sobbed into my shoulder. I pulled him close to me. He smelled just as he did the day I died. I started crying too as Kurt cleaved to me repeating my name over and over again.

I pulled away from Kurt and held him at arm's length. He reached up to wipe his eyes. "I missed you so much," He said.

"I know," I murmured. I ducked my head. "I watched you."

"You watched me?" He asked.

"I had to make sure that you moved on, that you were okay. There wasn't any hope for me but God, Kurt there was always hope for you. I wouldn't have forgiven myself if you couldn't come to terms with my death and move on and start smiling and laughing again."

"But Blaine, honey it wasn't your fault that you died." Kurt said.

"I know, Kurt," I told him. "But that doesn't mean I felt horrible as I watched you go crazy from missing me so much." I put my hand on his cheek. "You have no idea how much it hurt to watch you that first year. How desperately I wished I could do something, do anything."

"Shhhhhhh," Kurt said. "It doesn't matter. It got better. I got better."

"I know," I murmured. "But the image of you collapsed on the floor, clutching my picture and sc-screaming my name." I paused to catch my breath but Kurt didn't let me finish. He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine.

If I wasn't already dead, I probably would have died from the feeling.

I had waited sixty-three years to kiss Kurt again. Kurt pulled away and I tried to follow his lips, to kiss him again but he kept his lips out of my reach and he started speaking. "You said you watched me?"

"That first year it was constant, but once you started living again, it was less frequent. But I've check in on you at least twice a year for the past sixty years."

"So you know that I- I never found anybody who could – who-"

"Shhhh," I shushed him. "Why do you think I haven't moved on?"

"I don't know," Kurt whispered.

"I couldn't without you, silly," I tapped his nose. "We are soul mates, Kurt. You only get one of those." And I managed to kiss him again. Deeper this time, more urgently with a lot of tongue and teeth and oh god how much I missed this.

When we pulled apart, I reset our foreheads together and we just stood that way, for who know how long, just being in each other's company, something that had been lost to us for sixty-three years.

Finally, after what could have very possibly been hours, I whispered, "I love you Kurt Hummel."

"I never stopped loving you Blaine Anderson. I knew from the moment that I first met you that I was going to love you forever, and that has not changed at all."

"You're such a romantic sap," I said with a grin.

"You love it," He said, grinning back.

"I do," I nodded and Kurt let out a little giggle.

Suddenly the smiled vanished from his face and he pulled his head back, staring at me with wide eyes.

"What?" I asked alarmed.

"You need to laugh. I haven't heard you laugh in shit, sixty-three years. But if has to be a genuine laugh." He kissed me. "Oh god I need to hear you laugh." He said desperately.

"You're going to have to make me laugh." I said, my face serious. I wanted to let him hear my laugh and I didn't want to make him make me laugh but now that he admitted how desperately he wanted me to laugh, I wasn't going to be able to laugh very easily.

"I have to make you laugh." He repeated. "Remember my senior prom? When Brittany banned hair gel?" He asked. "Remember when we sang 'Big Girls Don't Cry' with Rachel and your speech about your hair after words? About how the 'sheer amount of static electricity in the air would be terrifying'? and how you would 'look like Medusa. It's not funny, I don't want to go!'" I chuckled a little as remembered. And I remember how Kurt and Rachel laughed at me. "And at the hotel, our Anti-Prom, when yeah laid back on the bed and said the right to use hair care products was in the Bill of Rights."

"Oh god," I said with another chuckle.

"And when we decided to go to prom you said that you would just pretend to be a statue if Brittany saw you and you tried to, but Brittany said she could smell the hair gel on you?" And I laughed. A real genuine laugh because Why on earth would I pretend to be a statue? Yeah Britt was a little dim but she could still see the gel in my hair. She probably would have though the statue was wearing hair gel.

Kurt was staring at me, a huge smile on his face and when I stopped laughing he lunged at me and kissed me again.

"That was the most beautiful thing I have heard in sixty years." He mumbled against my lips.

As we were kissing we heard a creak and we both turned to see the gold gates opening. Kurt reached for my hand and squeezed it.

Once the gates were fully open we could see that there were people standing on the other side. Tears came rolling down our cheeks as we made out who was there.

My parents and Cooper.

Burt, Carol and Elizabeth.

The few members of New Directions who made it to Heaven before us.

I looked over at Kurt. "Are you ready?" I asked.

He nodded. "Let's do this." He said.

Hand in hand we walked through the gates and into the arms of our loved ones.


*Wipes bow*

I bawled for this guys. Man, that was hard to write.

I really hope you enjoyed this! And thank you so much for taking the time to read and review and favorite! It means the world to me! And if you could just leave one last review I will give you a virtual kiss.

Or a hug if that makes you more comfortable.