AN: I disclaim Naruto Series and InuYasha's characters.

Partly Crossover with InuYasha, but not really. Only Kagome and Souta are in here... the others might appear.

Pairing: Hidan/Kagome

Side Note: Everything in IY is staying true in this story, like the Jewel of Four Souls exists, and it is inside Kagome's body. I decided to keep that in here, she just didn't go to the 'Feudal Era' but instead into a Fictional World of an Anime Show that we all love.

My inspiration for this fic comes from Crizzy's A Girl and Her Comic Book. :)

Kagome = 18

Souta = 11

warning: language, mature content - not MA, so you're good. :)

Chapter 1: Naruto Shippuuden?

Today was Kagome's first day of her Senior year in high school. Looking back at how far she's come, she was happy. Though, she's felt a sort of void and emptiness at not really applying for any colleges before now. Actually, she wasn't even sure what she was going to do with her life after High school, she doesn't really think she wants to go to college, she has duties to attend to, ones that she'd much rather think about doing, in memory of her eccentric, but lovable grandfather.

Her grandfather had passed away a few months before her 17th birthday due to one of his chronic illnesses, and he had left his shrine to her in his will. Even if she wasn't all that upbeat like she was when she was younger and he was still around, she still was a little happy that she was considered and was left the shrine. As an alternative to not preparing for a college, she'd be happy to tend to the shrine instead. She wouldn't even mind training to keep it up and running like it was whenever she was just a kid.

And her mother, she's as lively as ever; a few days after her grandpa had died she'd taken up a job at a hospital to keep her busy. Of course, Souta and Kagome would still see her at nights, but during the days she was always busy and not around, which lead to Kagome having to watch out for her brother. Though, she didn't blame her mother, nor was she extremely happy about it. They really did need to pay bills and things though, so she didn't really mind.

During school Kagome had her small group of friends; Eri, Ayumi, and Yuka, and the one boy that had usually watched her from afar before gaining the guts to finally ask her out, Hojo Akitochi. And, Kagome, not feeling the heart to the boy 'no', reluctantly agreed with a small push from Yuka and Eri and a confirming smile for a date on this coming Saturday.

Her classes had gone by quickly and soon enough Kagome was on her way to her little brother's school to pick him up on the way home with her large yellow backpack heaved comfortably on her back as she was lost in thought. Today, all day, didn't feel like a normal day to the young shrine maiden. For some reason she was overcome with the surprise of apphrension and dread. Though for what, she didn't know why. So, she just kept on walking down the washed out sidewalk to her brothers' middle school until she finally saw him standing on the school's lawn.

"Souta!" she called, waving her hand for his attention. Maybe the odd feeling in her gut was nothing. She was starting to think that, anyways as the feeling seemed to numb whenever Souta started jogging toward her with his blue bicycle. Though a different feeling was then placed in her gut, and it turned her stomach into tiny little knots until it felt as if the strings inside her belly couldn't twist or tie anymore. She dismissed it.

"Kagome-nee," he climbed on his bike once he was near as he began pedaling. He didn't seem to notice his sister's slight distress or the worry in her eyes, as he began to rush them home. "Come on! Don't just stand there; Naruto: Shippuuden is coming on!"

He reached his hand out and grabbed his older sister's hand as he slowed his pedalling so that he wouldn't literally drag her all the way home.

"What's got you so... spooked?"

"Hm? Oh, it's nothing... and; let go," she snatched her hand back and plasted a forced smile on her face at her brother. What was that feeling that she kept feeling all day?

"Rightt, well, whatever it is, I'm sure it will be fine," he drawled.

Kagome nodded once in agreement.

'But what was that feeling that kept nagging at the back of my mind?'

Once they were home, Souta put his bike away at the side of the house, before running into the side door - still beating his sister to the front room despite giving her a head start. As soon as they were inside, he ran to his room quite impressively fast, coming back down the stairs in his 'ninja outfit' as he exclaimed to his sister a few months ago, a 'kunai holster' placed on his signature leg, and a 'shuriken pouch' hooked to his belt on his backside.

Other than that, he wore his black loose shorts, a black mesh top and a blue overshirt that had what looked like the leaf symbol from his favorite show. His eager brown eyes pierced her unusual sapphires making that apprehensive feeling come back to her gut, as he took a seat in front of the t.v. and turned it on.

Unfortunately for Kagome, Souta was one of the brats that liked to dress the part while they watched their favorite show. Kagome rolled her eyes at the sight before turning around and deciding to go upstairs to change a bit only pausing at the foot of the stairs in semi-interest.

Souta's schooled her in the anime show, and told her what was what and what not. But the most that she learned was that jutu were the techniques that they used, and the main character, Naruto wasn't very advanced in using them in his younger years; then Souta had promptly began telling her about Naruto, about how he was an outcast and he wanted to prove himself to everyone by becoming Hokage, though that was nearly impossible for him because he was a 'jinchuuriki' and the civilians and other people on the show didn't really take too kindly to his presence at all. Upon hearing that from her brother she felt a bit remorse, but her little brother reassured her and told her that he had great friends to help him out. Which lead him to telling her that Sasuke had been his best friend... and he'd told her up until Sasuke's betrayal, but then she refused to listen, because she was too upset that Sasuke could betray his best friend and village like that.

Of course, Souta had made her watch some of the Naruto early episodes and Shippuuden episodes as well a few months ago, and she had to admit that the show was pretty good for anime, but she didn't indulge herself in it, she was too busy to at the time. But, watching it now couldn't hurt, could it?

"Kagome," Souta brought her out of her thoughts, "Do you want to watch this episode with me? It's a premiere..." he suggested, gesturing to the television which was now playing one of Naruto: Shipuuden's famed themesongs. It looks like she didn't miss too much so, why not?

"Sure," she made up her mind, walked into the room and sat beside him on the couch with her legs tucked beneath her in a comfortable position.

They sat watching the t.v. show and Kagome watched quietly interested in the show before her. Why hadn't she been hooked onto anime before? Letting herself watch this seemed so much better than basking in her real life, which was so utterly boring and lame. And she couldn't help but think that she wished there was more excitement to her life, other than going to school and coming home to watch her brother while her mother was still gone at work.

Though, little did poor Kagome know, she should be careful what she wishes for, those wishes just might come true.

The next day Kagome set out of the house, knowing her little brother was probably already awake and waiting for her somewhere outside, and their mother had already left for work. The moment she stepped outside, she knew that today was going to be an apprehensive day, much like she was feeling the other day. Though why she was feeling it for two days straight, she wasn't really sure.

She just knows something terrible was going to happen that day.

She checked over her uniform to make sure that she wasn't missing anything as she looked in the reflective surface of her house screen door's windwo. She wore her deep navy blue blazer left open, with her dark blue tie wrapped loosely around the collar, and her white undershirt over her c-cupped white bra covered breasts, her navy blue and white plaid skirt, her knee-high socks and her customary blue slip-ons that the school had provided her, and her bright blue colored book bag.

And looking herself over once more, she found she wasn't missing anything, so she hefted her bag over one shoulder and walked through her yard before she heard a feint yell for help.

"Kagome-nee!" her kid brother's distressed voice sailed through the still tensed air to where Kagome stood still sifting through the air around her, trying to figure out which direction his voice had come from. "Help!"

"Where are you?" she yelled frantically, her heart beating fast. She knew something was going to happen, she just knew it...

"In the wellhouse!"

That was all Kagome needed to hear before she dropped her bag and took off in a sporadic sprint up the tiring stairs of the Sunset Shrine and into the well house, mentally thanking Kami that she saw pretty well in the dark. Once she looked swiftly around in the well house, she came upon a small human sillhoutted form at the bottom of the bone eaters well, and she sighed in relief.

"How did you get down there?"

"Buyo was in the well and I decided to get him out," Souta explained as if that was a valid reason to jump into the well.

"Well, dont just stand there, try to climb out," Kagome frowned.

"I can't... ne, Nee-san?" he asked sheepishly.


"Can you get something to get me out?"

Kagome pursed her lips deep in thought as she stared in disapproval at Souta. They don't have time for that. They have to be at school in about thirty minutes. She sighed. She bet that she could get in there and give him a lift faster than she can go hunt down for a latter or rope. So, making up her mind she leapt into the well and landed flat on her feet standing beside her brother as an overwhelming bright blue light engulfed the two of them, causing them to stare at each other in shock and fear, accompanied with the feeling of falling.

"What are you doing?" her brother's voice was panicky as Souta's wide eyes met with her own. "No - no... What did you do?"