Lydia searched her dreamscape for the tombstone talisman, finally finding it under a rock she tripped over. She concentrated on it, willing herself to wake up. It was difficult at first, but finally she saw the landscape distort around her, slowly transforming into her bedroom.

She woke.

She tried to leap from the bed but the sleeping pill hadn't fully worn off yet. Woozy, she planted her feet on the floor and got up, stumbling a few steps forward. She heard a snicker and spun around. The quick movement unbalanced her and she fell to her knees.

Beetlejuice leaned against the wall, arms crossed casually across his chest.

"You know," he said quietly, "it's all fun and games in dreams, kid, but in the real world it's a whole lot harder to fuck with me."

He slowly advanced on her, the toes of his combat boots dragging across the floor as he glided closer and closer. She shrank back, fear flooding her eyes. He brought himself within less than an inch of her, eye to eye.

"You want to be in control?" he said, his voice full of malice, "I'll show you who's in control. No one controls me, little girl."

Beetlejuice snapped his fingers and Lydia was blown back against the wall, pinned like a butterfly. He advanced again, his fingertips beginning to glow like embers. He touched a fingertip to her chest and she screamed in pain, the smell of searing flesh and burning fabric filling the room.

"You scared yet, kid?" he asked as he removed his finger. "Where do you want the next scar?"

He blinked, and her night dress disappeared, leaving her nude. He knelt, and used another burning fingertip to write his name on the flesh of her thigh. She screamed louder than before.

He drew back to look at her. Tears streamed down her face as she looked straight into his eyes. Damn it, those eyes! Behind her tears, they looked like they were made of pure chocolate. He was lost for a moment, unable to pull his gaze away. He remembered her again as a sad, lonely fifteen year old, desperate to end her life…desperate to save her otherworldly friends.


The last of the drug-induced haze lifted from her brain and she felt her body pulsing with power. Lydia took advantage of Beetlejuice's moment's hesitation and said "Stop" loudly and clearly.

The word seemed to hang in the air for a moment, and then suddenly he was hurled across the room, landing on the bed. She slid down the wall slowly, breaking free of his spell, and now it was her turn to advance on him.

"Poor old Beet…BJ," she purred, "can't even handle a little girl like me."

She climbed right up next to him on the bed, her own fingers glowing with ethereal fire, and she traced her own name into the pallid flesh of his thigh.

"Eye for an eye, B," she said. "We're square."

"No we're not," he spat out. "You still owe me a debt, babe."

"I don't owe you shit."

"Wrong answer, kid. We had a deal. I save those two deadbeats you hang around with, you marry me and get me the hell out. I did what you wanted, so it's time to hold up your end."

"I'll never take those vows again. NEVER."

"Too late…the vows were already taken, remember?"

"You stole my voice!"

"Doesn't matter. Official record says we're hitched, toots. I have that straight from that withered old bat, Juno, herself."

He blinked, and she now found herself pinned to the bed, Beetlejuice hovering over her with a shit-eating grin on his face.

His serpent-like tongue snaked out of his mouth, lapping lightly at the hollow between her neck and shoulder. His hand traced a burning path from her neck to her left breast, his finger lightly grazing her hardening nipple. She fought to keep from gasping, knowing it would excite him, but it was becoming a losing battle. She was horrified to discover her body responding to his touch, amazed at the sudden rush of heat and moisture between her legs.

"So…so why were you haunting my dreams?" she whispered, not trusting her voice. "If we're married, why do you still need me?"

"Old rules, kid," he replied. "On the other side, marriage isn't binding till we fuck. And trust me, we are going to fuck. Eventually…"

He bit down hard on her neck, and this time she was unable to keep her moan contained. He hesitated, the sound of her moan seeming to disarm him for a second. She felt him grin against her neck.

"Well well well," he said, pulling back to look into her eyes, "Frigid little bitch does have a pussy after all."

Lydia opened her mouth to reply, but he covered her lips with his own, his tongue plunging into her mouth to tease hers. His icy fingers left her breast and dove straight to her sex, his knee forcing her legs apart as his fingers split her wide. A fingertip drew up between her folds and came to rest at the base of her clitoris. She moaned again.

"Frigid little bitch has a pussy that apparently wants some attention. Gee, kid, I didn't know you missed me this much…"

She began to struggle, desperate to stop this and cursing her rebellious body. Sex was one thing, but if fucking him meant unleashing him on the living world she had to end this and end it fast. But his power was greater than her own, and his eager mouth had her locked in a heated, lustful embrace. His finger began to worry at the base of her clit, and Jesus did it feel good…it had been so long since any man had touched her, and he was touching her in all the right ways. Before she knew it, her hands had tangled themselves in his hair and she was grinding against his fingers.


Her reaction shocked the hell out of him. He thought she'd resist, try to use her power to stop him, but instead she pressed closer to him, her tongue playing with his and her hand sneaking between them to clutch at his chest. Her hand moved further down to tug at his pant waist…then down even further…

He let out a lustful groan and flipped himself on top of her, moving his lips again to her neck as he insinuated himself between her trembling thighs. She fumbled with the button on his pants, and he sighed with slight exasperation, snapping his fingers to instantly remove his clothes. She wrapped both her arms and legs around him.

"Ghost with the Most babes, remember?"

"How could I forget?"

His fingers found her clit again as he encircled her left nipple with his lips. Her soft moans grew louder as he brought her just to the brink again and again, not quite letting her find her release. Her body quivered beneath him as she let out a frustrated cry.

"Tell me what you want, babe," he growled. "Tell me what you need."

"You," she breathed.

"I'm right here. That all?"

"Bastard," she spat, and it sent a jolt of electricity through him. "You know what I want."

"Tell me," he said, rotating his thumb on her clit just once as he dipped two fingers inside her. He began to worry at her nipple with his teeth. She groaned something incoherent, grinding against his now motionless hand.

"I didn't catch that babe, what did you say?"

"I said I want you to fuck me until my eyes roll back in my skull and I speak in tongues."

"Sure thing."

His entrance alone was enough to send her over the edge and her whole body shook with release, her head thrown back in a silent scream. He didn't give her a chance to come back down, beginning a rhythm that she quickly matched.

He tried to keep control, he really did.

But the heat from her core sent shivers up and down his spine, and she whispered filthy little nothings in his ear. It was intoxicating, like her scent in her dream, and he dug his fingers into her hips. Everywhere he felt her touch seemed to burn through to his very soul (if he even still had such a thing), and his rhythm became frantic. His hand flew over her, raking his nails up her sides and gripping her soft breasts. He crushed his mouth to hers, putting a hand behind her head as he flipped her on top of him. She ran her tongue down his neck and chest, and it felt absolutely fucking amazing. He lifted her chin, forcing her to look at him, and saw nothing but raw lust in her eyes.

It was enough.

It was too much.

He came.

He came, and the world blew apart.

He came, and the sky was rent in two.

He came, and every window in the house shattered.

He came and so did she and he knew that he would be her fucking slave forever and he screamed her name and she screamed his and he knew it didn't matter a damn anymore and he fucking loved the sound of his name on her tongue and he vowed she'd never scream anyone's name but his because she belonged to him just as much as he did to her.


Beetlejuice floated just above the bed, smoking a cigarette. He gazed down at Lydia, drinking in every inch of her naked form. A sheen of sweat covering her body glistened in the moonlight and he contemplated getting her started again. Now that he'd had her, he couldn't get enough.

"Whoa boy," she said, seeming to read his mind. "At least let me catch my breath."

He snorted with laughter as he took a long drag on the cigarette.

She sat up slowly, her body aching all over, and gazed at her thigh.

"Hey, your name is gone. Thought you etched that in there permanently."

"Nah. Just parlor tricks, babe. Your thighs are too damn sexy to leave scarred like that."

She laughed a little, stretching her arms and legs. She looked up at him, the smile fading from her lips.

"So…so what happens now?" she asked.

"What do you want to happen?"

He was being serious, which alarmed her somewhat.

"I…I don't know."

He didn't want her to send him packing. The truth was, she didn't really want to send him away either. He was insane, controlling, and completely untrustworthy…but for whatever reason she still wanted him.

"The Bond," he said.


"The reason you want me to stay is this God damned Bond between us. We're Bonded for life, babe. But hey, don't let that stop you. You want me gone, you just say the word."

She gazed at him for a moment, confusion written on her face. The confusion slowly cleared, replaced with a smirk as she reached up and pulled him back down onto the bed.

"I just have one question, B," she said.

"What's that?"

"Just exactly what the hell are we going to tell the Maitlands?"


AN: Lame ending is lame. I'm not happy with chapters 7 or 8, and if they change I will post a note as chapter 9 so that subscribed peoples know I made changes. Anyway it is done. Thanks to Lovely Miss Fyrefly, AssasiniaTheHollowPrincess, TheBlackxRabbit, Miss Savvy, and an anonymous reviewer known only as Guest. I know I've thanked most of you before, but you stuck with me and I appreciate that. Thanks for reading and reviewing!