Hello lovely readers,

I know that it's been quite a long time since there was an actual chapter uploaded, and I apologize. Life literally got in the way, as so much has happened to me in the last five years since originally starting this story. I have since graduated from High School and recently completed my first full year of college. I have also been struggling with issues regarding my mental health, such as anxiety and spouts of depression, brought on by stress. I have been slowly getting better, but it has hindered my drive to write for pleasure and not for school. My family situation has also been changing rapidly, as friends have been moving in and out of my house, as well as my parents deciding to file for a divorce.

I now find myself with some more free time and motivation since unwinding from the stress of school. Because of this free time I found myself going back and rereading this story, as well as some of my other unfinished/unpublished works. After reading this story I realize that my writing style has changed drastically between when this story was written to now, and it is because of this, I have decided to take a step back and completely rework this story. My main goal is to build and work on the plot, as well as develop a better understanding of my characters.

This version of Second to the Right will no longer be updated (except maybe to let you all know when the new version will be posted), however it will not be deleted. So again, I just wanted to apologize from the bottom of my heart because I feel so bad about neglecting this story, but know that I am working and doing my best to try and put out a newer and better version for all of you who have been following this jumble of a story.

Thank You so much for reading, and I hope to be back and see you all very soon!

- Your ever loyal BookWorm (a.k.a. Meg)