Title: Clear – Unmistakably Clear

Part 2-Chapter 8: The End

Pairing: Harry/Draco

Rating: R for slash themes


Disclaimer: The characters portrayed in this story do not belong to me, but to the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling. This is all FICTION; none of it is true. No profit was made from this story. I bear no responsibility for anything you may claim from this story, you have been warned.


Plagiarism is a crime. But I'm sure you know that already.


Harry stared at Draco, chest constricting.

He couldn't breathe.

Draco didn't blink. He didn't smile, either. There was an air of hesitation around both of them and the surrounding crowd held their breath in anticipation of what would come next.

"I…" Harry didn't know what to say.

Draco took a step closer. There was another gust of wind from outside and this time, it scattered Draco's hair over one shoulder. Harry stared at the silvery locks that, for some reason, curled at the ends.

"I…" Harry said again, and his gaze shifted to Draco's almost colourless lips and the sudden hollow feeling at the pit of his stomach dizzied him and he turned, pushing his way through the crowd and running out of the back entrance and out into the school grounds.

like a nail through my heart

He swallowed the night air in huge, gulping breaths, hoping to calm himself, but to no avail. He felt dizzy, heart pounding, blood rushing into his head, and he sat down heavily on the floor, right where he was standing.


Harry started and almost screamed. Instead, he turned around, still sprawled on the ground, and looked up into the impassive visage of Draco, who stood, towering above his prostrate figure.

"Draco," Harry answered, voice strangled. He made a lame attempt at conversation. "How – how have you been?"

Draco gave a small, casual flick of his head, thin strands of hair melting into the moonlight that shone down upon them. "I have been well." His eyes were deep and molten and endless as they gazed into Harry's. "And how have you been faring these months?"

"I – I…" Harry couldn't speak. He couldn't. He wanted so badly to tell Draco – to tell him how he had waited and waited and waited and how Draco still hadn't come back – to tell him how he had cried endless tears, alone in bed at night, thinking of him and his kisses and his smile and his touch – to tell him how he loved him still…but no words came. No words would come.

Draco deigned to lower himself, crouching before Harry, cloak giving a dramatic flutter as it brushed and slid against Harry's hand. "I know," he said. "I read your letters."

"I – I wasn't so sure you would…" Harry looked away, suddenly abashed, and sighed lightly.

A pale, ivory hand appeared from the folds of the black, black cloak, and touched Harry's cheek with the tip of an index finger. It felt like ice, and Harry gave a minute shiver. "Only after a while," Draco admitted. "But I did."


"What's the matter?"

"I'm not so sure it was a good idea for me to have – to have written them, now."


"I…dunno." Harry shifted and pulled his hands into his lap. He glanced quickly at Draco before looking away again. "It seemed a good idea at the time, but now…"

"I thought they were lovely," Draco breathed, and Harry smiled.

"Really?" he asked.


"You…liked them?"

"Yes." Draco's gaze was unblinking, and Harry found himself smiling stupidly at him.

Harry reached out and stroked the side of Draco's face, relishing the feel of velvet snow against his rough touch. "I've missed you."

"And I, you."

"You look tired."

"Not as tired as you."

"Well…" Harry didn't know what to say; he didn't want to make Draco guilty for leaving. "Are you…better, now?"

A pause, then, "Yes."



"Yes?" His word was a trembling whisper and Draco reached out to clasp both of Harry's hands in his smaller, daintier ones.

"I'm sorry."

It wasn't exactly what Harry had been hoping for, but it was more than enough for Draco to apologise.

"It's alright, Draco. Really. I – I know you needed it, and – and…"

Draco leaned in and brushed a kiss on Harry's cheek, barely touching his jaw line. "Thank you."

"Draco," Harry said, and reached out for him. Somehow, Draco managed to seat himself sideways perfectly in Harry's lap in a single graceful movement.

"Mind you," Draco said, "I'm only sitting like this so I won't ruin my clothes by sitting on the ground like any animal."

"That's fine," Harry smiles. It dims slightly as his arms twine themselves loosely around Draco's waist. "You've lost so much weight."

"Nervous breakdowns can do that to you," Draco said, glaring. "When I was –" He cuts himself off and his voice softens. "When I was eight, I lost almost two stone in three months."

Harry leaned his head on Draco's shoulder, breathing in his scent. "What happened when you were eight?" he asked quietly.

"That was the year…that was the year when I finally knew what the name Malfoy stood for," Draco said, and then tilted Harry's head up and kissed him barely on his lips.

Harry knew it was a direct distraction, but he didn't much care at the moment and reached up to cup Draco's cheek to stop him from turning away. He spoke, lips so close to Draco's that he could feel their softness moving on his as he spoke. "Why do you always turn from me?"

"I don't want you to know what I am," was the answer.

"But I already know." Harry tilted his lips for another brief press of lips before pulling back just the slightest. "I know you're kinder than you appear. I know you're more caring than you care to be. I know you're smarter than is possible for you to conceal. I know you're loyal almost to a fault. I know you're capable of love, because I had it once – but if there's one thing I don't know, I don't know if you're as forgiving as I wish for you to be."

Draco had looked away by the time Harry finished his little speech, and said nothing for several long moments after Harry posed his indirect question. Finally, he spoke, eyes shaded so that Harry could not read from them. "What are your plans after leaving Hogwarts?" His tone was neutral, almost carefully so, if Harry was to be judge.

"Don't try to change the subject!" He spoke more sharply than intended, and was rewarded with a heavy glare.

Draco pressed his lips together tightly before saying again, tersely, "What. Are. Your plans. After. Leaving. Hogwarts?"

Harry sighed. "I don't know. Why? What are you doing?" He had planned to stick around Draco if possible, anyway.

"University in France. In Bordeaux, to be exact. The best in the world, along with the apprenticeship college in Padua, Italy. But apprenticeship…I'd rather get my degree first." Draco shifted in Harry's lap. "The Malfoys have an estate there, you know. In Bordeaux."


But Draco didn't say anything else, and so Harry held him closer, relishing the feel of him after so many long months. "I'm sorry," he said.

He could tell by the tilt of Draco's head that he was confused. "For what?"

"For…" Harry's throat seized up. "For Justin."

Draco tensed, hands curling into trembling fists. "Oh," he said simply. "That was. Partly my fault." His voice shook just the tiniest bit with the force of controlling his temper.

"No," said Harry in hushed tones. "No, it was me. All me. And I never got a chance to say it, but I am. And I have to live the rest of my life knowing that I betrayed your trust and I know it might not be worth much to you now, but you have my word, Draco, you have my word that nothing of that nature will ever happen again."

Draco didn't reply, and Harry's fingers pressed nervously into Draco's waist.

The wind that blew past was cold, and Harry shivered, though Draco appeared not to have even felt it at all. "Draco?" Harry whispered, half afraid, leaning over to try and peer into Draco's face.

Draco turned his head away, and Harry felt a strange tightness in the pit of his stomach. "Draco, please, talk to me."

"What do you want me to say?"

Harry shook his head. "I don't know. Draco, you know I love you. I've done so much and we've gone through so much together, and my feelings are unchanged. I want you to…I need to know how you feel."

"How I feel?"

"…Yes." There was a certain hesitation in Harry's voice; this was a lot to ask of Draco, especially.

Draco shifted in Harry's lap, and leaned forward, resting his sharp chin on two small fists. "I feel…" Harry waited patiently, but no other words came.

"Yes?" Harry prompted.

Draco shoved him then, and stood up, walking away. Harry lay, sprawled on the ground, shocked only momentarily before hastily getting up to follow Draco deeper into the Hogwarts gardens. "Draco," he called. "Where are we going?"

Stopping suddenly, Draco turned and caught Harry before he crashed into him. There was a certain fierceness in Draco's eyes, and they gleamed at Harry under the looming shadow of the surrounding trees.

"Draco?" Harry swallowed hard, aware of how his voice had quaked. A small amount of fear rushed through him, as did excitement, borne from the silver peeking out at him from Draco's darkened irises.

"I love you, Harry."

The world around him froze at Draco's words and Harry was dizzy, everything spinning around him except for Draco – Draco, who was still, unmoving, directly before him, firm and steady and the only constant in this shifting world of his.

"Oh. Oh, Draco…" And he opened his arms wide and Draco fell into them and suddenly everything was right again, everything made sense again, everything now had a purpose that had once been lost on a cold December night. "Say it again," whispered Harry into Draco's ear. "Please, love, say it again."

"I love you, Harry," Draco murmured, voice soft and honeyed, tasting sweet on both their tongues as Harry lifted Draco's chin and kissed the remnants of his declaration from his mouth.

Harry pulled back breathlessly, for a moment just absorbing the sensation of raw, tingling lips and flushed cheeks. "Oh, I do love you," he said. "Really, truly so. Promise me – promise me you'll never leave me like that again."

"Are words still worth so much to you?" Draco asked, cheeks painted an endearing pale pink.

"Yes. I can't help it, yes."

Draco pursed his lips. "Why do you seek my promise instead of my forgiveness? You've blamed yourself over and over again, you've asked for many things of me tonight, but you have yet to ask for my forgiveness."

"I don't need your forgiveness. It isn't something that you can alter with mere words. When you have completely forgiven me, I'll know. And not being forgiven is alright, too, because it shouldn't be given lightly, if at all, for what I did."

"Then why do you seek such a promise of me? Why not another?"

Harry blushed then, for he had not expected Draco to ask, and so had no prepared answer except for the one in his heart. "Because I'd die without you. If only you had seen me after you left, and with no word at all…Did you know the extent of my worry for you? Of my fear? My love? It is impossible to fathom even for me now, and I have no desire to ever be that way again. I ask for your promise partly because of selfish desire – to have you close to me for ever, but I ask you wholly because I love you."

A heartbeat passed, and Harry was met with silence and the impassive visage of Draco. Another heartbeat, and then several more in quick succession as his pulse quickened.

"Harry – Harry, I…" Draco swayed unsteadily on his feet, and Harry's grip on his hands tightened, suddenly afraid. "Harry," Draco said again, before his eyes closed and he crumpled over to fall, but not before he was caught by Harry.


Dear Hermione,

     I hope you are well. I am doing great, and Draco's health continues

to improve daily. Of that, I am especially glad. He has been ill for so

long that I fear there may long term consequences of his alcohol abuse

and of being tortured by Lucius. But never mind that now.

     France is absolutely beautiful – we are at the Malfoy villa in Paris at

the moment. Narcissa is off shopping in Milan, so it's just me and Draco.

Don't you be getting any funny ideas now. We're proper. If hot-blooded

teenage boys with raging hormones.

     We went to the Louvre yesterday – Draco spent well over an hour

gazing at this painting of a dead girl floating in a cave. He ranted on and

on about how famous it was and all sorts of technical arty stuff, but to

me, it was just a dead girl floating in a cave. He finally rolled his eyes at

me and muttered 'plebe'. I didn't know he even knew of the term.

     The next stop for us is an uncharted estate in the open fields of the

French countryside – the (35,000+ sq. ft.) 'cottage' that Draco stayed at

while he was away from Hogwarts. We're heading that way tomorrow,

and we'll be staying until university starts, where we will then move to

the Malfoy estate in Bordeaux. We plan to commute, and set up house


     What have you been doing lately? Well, I suppose 'Ron' is the answer,

but anyways. Miss you a lot – come visit us!

Much love,


P.S. I almost forgot. Draco wanted to say that he got eight NEWTs, all

with Outstanding marks, which is two more than you have. I know, I

know, I shouldn't let him gloat like this, but I am proud of him, you know.

What with all the events that happened this year, and his poor health…I'm

just glad that he has the energy to gloat at all. ~H.P.

Harry signed his initials with a flourish, and waved the parchment to dry.


He looked over his shoulder to the bed, where Draco lay, rubbing sleepily at his eyes with a fist. Harry smiled. Seeing Draco like this was one of the many times he reminded himself how lucky he was and how strongly his love still pulsed through him. "Yes, love?" he answered softly, knowing how tender Draco's hearing could be after waking from slumber.

"What are you doing?" Draco's arm flopped down onto the fluffy comforter.

"Just writing a letter to Hermione."

"Did you tell her I got eight NEWTs? Bet she'd be glad to hear that." Draco's voice was smug, though still laced with fatigue and sleep.

"I did. Go back to sleep, Draco. When you wake up, we'll have dinner and then we'll go for a walk, how about it?" Harry set the parchment down and went to sit at Draco's bedside and hold his hand.

"Alright," Draco said, without any scathing remarks or smart comments, because he tired so easily that not sleeping wasn't really an option. His eyes were already closed, and his body too tired to move from its spot.

Harry leaned down and kissed Draco softly. "Rest well, Draco. I love you."

"Love you, too," Draco replied, even as he slipped into the dream world.

The End.

Notes: Well. My God. It's finished. I can't really believe it. Maybe I'll rewrite this last chapter later, but for now, I like it like this. For now. Hee. I'm sorry that I won't be able to thank people individually here, mostly because I have no time. I'm leaving for the airport in an hour, and I won't have internet access until September, when the semester starts. I will be adding an Author's Notes page later, though, to thank all you readers and reviewers properly. However, I must apologise for this strange note because my brain has apparently stopped functioning. Hope you found this chapter satisfactory, and if not, do tell me why!

Thank you all so much!

Much love,
