A/N: You know, I remember first starting this story. I wrote it down on paper first than when to the computer. Honestly, this story is the result of boredom and lots of Duncney feels.

And now that it's ending properly is so weird. I just really wanted to finish this story, I didn't want to leave anyone hanging or disappoint anyone so here is it earlier than expected, the last chapter of Hurt. Although a lot of times this was a pain to write, I'm very happy I finished and I think it's pretty good of my first story ever. Now I have one less story to take care of and that feels really good.

This story, in my eyes, was a success. It's my most popular (Not even sure why) but that makes me really happy you guys like my work. Very grateful.

This story is ending with 96 reviews, 37 favorites, 49 followers, and a total of 8,864 views. Thank you guys so much. I really hope this story reaches its 100 review mark sometime soon, or I'll have to review on my own story on a guest account, which would be pathetic.

Anyway, I won't keep you any longer, so here it is the final chapter of Hurt. Thank you all of sticking with me and my story.



"So do you like him?" Bridgette asked other the phone.

"O-of course not!" I remarked.

"Then why after he kissed you, you just let it go? That doesn't sound like you at all."

"I didn't want to make a scene, you and Geoff looked like you were having fun and-"

"Courtney, don't give me that crap." She giggled. "So was the kiss nice?"

I felt my face get red. "No! No it was not!"

"It's not impossible to get back together with someone after they cheated, look at me and Geoff."

"Yeah but Alejandro was trying to seduce you to win….It's different."

"Not really. Look Courtney, he may have been trying but I let it happen. I'm just lucky Geoff took me back. And didn't you say Duncan said he was sorry? Besides, he's obliviously interested."

"…..Well even if I did like him, which I don't, that was be risky, I could get hurt all over again." I sighed. "Look I gotta go. I'll see you at Geoff's party tonight."

"Yeah, see ya." She said and hung up.

I looked down at the paper I front of me named "New Year Resolutions." Time to make things right.


I got out the beer from Geoff's fridge.

"Thanks for helping out, man." Geoff said carrying a box of New Year's decorations.

"No problem. I get the first beer." I smirked.

"That all you care about?" Geoff chuckled. "So, Courtney's coming tonight."

"Yeah. I heard." I drank up.

"Doesn't seem healthy to drink your problems away." Geoff stated.

"When did you become my mother? And who says I have problems?"

"Courtney problems." He smirked.

"When does one not have Courtney problems?"

Geoff opened his mouth to answer. "Don't answer that." The door rang. "Looks like our first guests." I said and we went to the door.


When Bridgette and I arrived at Geoff's the party was out of control. People were everywhere, the basement, living room, upstairs! I didn't know Geoff even knew this many people!

Bridgette and I walked to Geoff. "Hey ladies." He said kissing the top of Bridgette's head.

I smiled. They could get through anything. "Party's hopping." I stated.

"I know right? Although I saw some unfamiliar faces." He remarked.

A new song came on and Bridgette's eyes widened. "Geoff, let's dance! I love this song!" she said and pulled Geoff to the dance floor.

I walked into the living room and saw a gloomy Gwen, sitting alone. I thought back to my list.

Patch up old friendships.

I walked to her and she shifted nervously. "Hey." I said sitting down.

"Hi?" She said, like a question.

"Look….I know things between us won't ever be the same, but I…want them to be on good terms. I just, I really liked being friends with you. You got me in ways, my other friends couldn't."

Gwen looked incredibly sad, almost to tears. "I'm so sorry Courtney. I know I've said that before, but I am so sorry. I knew it was wrong and I shouldn't have done it, and I feel so guilty. I just-"

"It's okay. I….forgive you." I slightly smiled. I held my arms out for a hug.

She held me tight. "Thank you."

I smiled. "We should do lunch, but I have to find Bridgette, I'll talk to you later!"

Gwen smiled and waved.


I made my way over to Bridgette who was drinking punch. I checked the list before I spoke to her.

Admit you were wrong.

"Bridge, I was wrong." I started.

"Huh?" She said swallowing her punch.

I took her hand and lead her to a quieter space to chat. "You were right. I…I do still love Duncan. And I-I shouldn't have lied to myself about that, but you knew all along."

"Whoa, whoa wait. You're admitting you were wrong? This is a first, but I like it." She smiled.

"Shut up." I giggled. "I just want to change this year. I want this year to be my year, and frankly admitting I was wrong just lifted a huge weight from my shoulders."

"So then, what are you going to do about Duncan?" She asked curiously.

"I guess you'll have to wait and see." I smirked and walked away.


I hadn't seen Courtney all night and was wondering whether she even decided to show up. New Year's Resolutions are corny and girly but I did have one, and that was to make things right with Courtney. I looked around for an hour before I got a text from her asking to meet me outside on the patio.


A few minutes after I send the text, Duncan showed. I gave a weak smile, then straightened up. "It's been a while since we talked."

"Yeah, before Christmas." He replied.

"Look I-" We both said at the same time.

"Me first." I said proudly. "I'm sorry. I know I'm not the loving person, or the most compassionate, or even nice at all, and I'm just awful to you. And….that's not right. So I want things to be the same between us…..because…..I really love being with you."

Duncan's face got red. I guess he was embarrassed-

He let out a huge laugh. He cried because he laughed so hard.

"Asshole! I just poured my feelings out and you laugh in my face?!" I yelled.

He wiped his tears. "No…No." He gasped between laughs. "That was just so not like you." He chuckled. "It's new."

"I'm improving the old Courtney, she was annoying me." I replied slyly.

He stepped closer. "Well, if you ask me, there's no need for that."

I stepped closer. "Well, no one did ask you."

He stepped closer. "Doesn't my opinion on my girlfriend matter?"

I stepped right in front of him. "Who said I was your girlfriend?"

"That little speech, sounded like you want to be." He smirked.

"You know what couples do?"

"Make out?" He said hopefully.

"Don't ruin the moment, dumbass. They say I love you to one another." I heard the people inside count down. 10, 9, 8….

"So we're a couple?" He replied.

"Do I have to spell it out for you?"

He laughed. "I love you, Courtney."

"That's better." I said. "I love you too, Duncan." 3, 2, 1….

And our lips touched right at midnight. Happy New Year!

No one's POV

Courtney let go of the paper in her hand and held on to Duncan, still kissing him. The paper fell to the cold patio floor showing on last resolution.

Make him mine.

The End

A/N: Thank you all again for reading and reviewing and making this story a success, I seriously wouldn't be able to keep up with my cheesy endings and sappy moments. I may do an epilogue if you guys want but for now, Hurt is finished. You're all fantastic and I really hope you enjoyed it.

Your thankful author,
