Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter … 'burst into tears'

A/N: Hey everyone, I have just started school again and have got some serious exams coming up so it may take me a while to update my stories. This chapter is in Blaise's POV. I find that switching POV's is helpful as it show characters and situations from different lights. Hope you like the chapter and reviews are welcomed.

Chapter 3

It had been a little over a week since school starter, approximately and three days after Hermione's latest letter from her mystery mother. Blaise, who had decided to leave her alone since she had been in her overly exited mood, watched her from the opposite side of their private common room as she practically bounced around and squealed every few minutes. She was acting like a typical teenager and very un-Hermione-like and if he didn't know the cause for her unusual behaviour, he would be worried. He couldn't imagine the states of worry that Harry and Ron would be in, wondering why she was acting weird.

He understood why she was so exited as she told him though fits of squeals. When he couldn't understand what she was saying she had just handed him the letter she had received and he could still remember the short message.

Dearest Hermione,

I have just had a discussion with professor Dumbledore and he has agreed that we can meet up this Friday after you classes in his office. Enclosed in this envelope is a permission slip that you will bring with you this Friday giving you consent to leave Hogwarts for the following Friday, Saturday and Sunday. So pack your bags, we are having a girl's weekend!

Lots of love,

Your Mother xoxo

He couldn't help but notice Hermione occasionally squealing "only one more day" every so often and let out a low sigh. He grunted as he got up from he's comfy spot of the push armchair and decided to go for a walk to give Hermione some space.

As he walked down the almost empty hallways he thought about how Hermione had changed through the years. In their first year she was just a stuck up know-it-all; telling people off about rule braking, correcting people constantly and to everyone around her she didn't seem to care about friendship and was immune to bullying. As the years went by, she seemed to become more human and he had even heard from Goyle that she had punched Draco in the third year. Towards their sixth year she seemed to become more beautiful yet not many people seemed to notice since she didn't seem to know it herself. It was strange, but he couldn't help but feel like her looks suited her. Most of the time she looked like she was in a stranger's body; stumbling over her own feet and miscalculating turns.

Blaise, so deep in thinking, didn't seem to notice the two seventh years waking towards him. He however was shaken out of his thoughts when one of them shouted out his name.

"Hey Zabini!" the red head shouted as he ran to catch up with him. He sighed as he turned around, already knowing what they wanted to talk to him about.

"Yes I do know what is up with Mia, but no I am not going to tell you what it is since I am uncomfortable sharing that information when it is not mine to share, Mr Weasley," Blaise said in exasperation. He had been dodging them all week, but they hadn't given up.

"Please," Harry said pleadingly. "We just want to know what is up with her. One minute she's happy and giggling to herself and the next she looks like she's going to kill herself. What are we suppose to do, sit by and watch."

"Yes," Blaise replied crossing his arms. "Or you could ask her yourself instead of sneaking around, trying to find answers behind her back."

At this, both boys looked down guiltily scuffing their shoes on the stone floor. Ron looked like he was about to say something but Blaise interrupted before he could, hoping to make this conversation as short as possible.

"Look, Hermione will probably tell you tomorrow or Monday so I suggest you leave it alone and when she does tell you, be supportive of her and not the hotheads we all know you are."

With that Blaise turned around in one swift movement and strode off ready to enjoy what was left of his afternoon.

A/N: I know this chapter isn't that good and isn't that long but I don't have a beta that can help edit is so it will have to do. I seem to have continuous writers block as well as a busy schedule so it will take me a while to update new chapters for all of my stories. Hope you liked it and if you have any suggestions or things you want to happen in the story, let me know. Also I don't know weather I want Harry and Ron to be supportive or angry and unsupportive of her new family and who she is. So, let me know what you think would be good and Please Review!