Part 1/5:

Walking out to his pickup in the parking lot, Jason Stackhouse could already feel the effects of his 12 hour shift at the sheriff's office. A loud yawn escaped his lips as Jason unlocked the driver side door before he collapsed on the seat. Black leather, still warm from baking in the hot Louisiana sun. Disgustingly sticky… yet somehow relaxing with the notion that soon he would be home. In bed. The radio clock read 2:03 AM.

A second yawn echoed into the night as Jason pulled onto the road. No more than 5 minutes had passed before Jason began to feel his eyes drooping and his grip on the wheel slacking.
When the wolf jumped out in front of his car, Jason's body reacted without a second thought and he swerved the car off the road.

He heard… Silence.
He could smell… Smoke.
And he felt… Pain.

Jason awoke to a dry, thick sensation oozing down his throat, a cold gentle hand pressed against his back. A splitting headache hit him with full force as his surroundings slowly came into focus.

Three thing he was sure of:
1. He was still in his car.
- It was definitely wrecked, to what extent he wasn't sure.
2. What he was sure of was that his arm was had been bleeding.
- He had been hurt.
- - - He wasn't.. or at least wasn't as badly, now.
3. That sensation he felt was most definitely blood. And not his.

Still in a daze, he slowly craned his neck upward towards the source of the blood, hoping to catch a glimpse of his savior.
"Oh Jessica, of course she would save me. An angel— that's what she is,"he thought. A smile slowly framing his face, as the image of Jessica above him began forming in his mind.

What he hadn't expected was Steve to be his 'savior.' Steve- Fucking-Newlin. Steve-I'm a gay Vampire and I love you Jason Stackhouse-Newlin.

The smile slowly turned into a slacked jaw, as Jason instinctively pushed away from Steve, trying to create distance.

To say he had a shaky past with the reverend was most definitely an understatement. After Steve randomly showed up at his house two months ago— only to quickly be given the boot by Jessica— he had been MIA in all aspects of Jason's life.. aside from the occasional interview he gave on TV. From what Jason could follow, Newlin was becoming a major face in the vampire/human integration efforts, replacing the deceased Nan Flanagan… Not that he suddenly watched the news or anything…

When Steve realized Jason was not only awake, but shoving against him, he immediately removed his hand from Jason's back and began to step out of the car, lifting Jason up slightly in the process before setting him back down. (It had only just struck Jason that he had been sitting in Steve's lap this entire time.)

"I..I swear I didn't bite you.. or anything," Steve said timidly as Jason began to appraise himself while still keeping an eye on the reverend. "I was just out hunting and I smelled you— andohsweetlorddidismellyou— and I knew something bad had to have happened.. You lost so much blood and—" Steve cut himself off, turning away. "Well.. you know how I feel about you," he finished.

Suddenly his head jerked upwards, mumbling something about Jessica and the true death… And just like that- he was gone. Gone so fast Jason hadn't a chance to say thank you.