Holy smokes it's been a very long time that i posted, since i finished off high school and my first year in college...anyways i'm going to try something different i'm going to try to post a chapter every Sunday, I'm hoping that it would work.

After a while as the Hawaiians and the mainlanders stared at each other, Kono spoke up, "Well I don't know what is going on, but this is making my brain hurt." Danny and Chin just looked at each other silently agreeing, they began to go straight to work.

"Tell me about it…" Percy said sarcastically stepping away from the group because he wasn't really good at coming up with that sort of thing. He just likes to improvise as much as possible, that was basically his life motto.

The team was working harder than ever to find out who ever blew Danny's car to smithereens. This is tough knowing that they are down two cars, Annebeth was up with the four throwing out ideas. Kono was furiously typing on the desk computer then throwing it up on the wall monitors, Chin was helping her look up some useful information.

"Come on there has to be something here." Annebeth stated frustrated as she was reading every file that Kono brought up. Percy watched as Danny walked away from the cousins and went to walk over to Steve before pulling him into his office, since Steve's was still destroyed.

The Demigod did feel bad for the team even if this new territory with him, he thought to himself Holy snickies! I was not expecting that to happen and I thought I was used to crazy. After a while Kono and Chin began to pull up files from other cases similar to the camaro bombing, that had the words imprinted into objects or ground.

"Hey guys look at this…" Kono pointed out as she pulled up a case from 2003 that was marked as unsolved. The file showed that the investigation was conducted back in Las Vegas, and instead of a vehicle that blew up it was the Excalibur Casino hotel on the Strip.

"Oh good now we have a mass murderer on our hands that can use magic and who knows what else!" Percy commented after reading the information.

Annebeth just completely ignored her boyfriends comment and pointed out in the picture of the flying debris from the explosion, that was on the monitor. "Look you see that woman standing in the crowd of people in the far left corner?" She was pointing out a figure that was standing there watching the building fall from a safe distance as the by standers.

"I see her…" Chin said as Kono zoomed in on the figure, they could only see the back side of her. As much as they can tell she was wearing a black hood and a pair of dark jeans. "Well, so much for the facial recognition...maybe we can connect the dots from other cases." Chin suggested with a shrug. Percy was interested in the find but then lost it right away when Danny and Steve walked out of the office, both unhappy.

"Chin, Kono any news?" Steve said walking up to the computer Danny followed behind a little, Percy was curious what in the world they were talking about. Then he remembered that he should tell Annebeth what the nymph told him earlier, he quickly walked up to her and grabbed her hand. He pulled her away from the group, "What is it? it's about earlier isn't it?" she responded quickly.

"Yeah it is...Say has any nymphs or anything along the lines of that come talk to you at some point?" Percy asked curiously.

"No not that I can think of. What did they say?" Annebeth said wearily

Percy quickly looked up to the task force to see if one of them was listening in but they were not they were too busy trying to crack this ridiculous case. "Something big is coming, what the nymph told me is that the trees are dying."

"I wonder if it has to be about this Ku person that is coming he seems like he is a big deal and that is something that i don't want to deal with at all, especially with the lack of information we are getting." Annebeth responded, looking the other teenager in the eyes.

"Tell me about it," then Percy thought of something. "Did you know that there were sorcerers around on the planet?"

Annebeth shook her head, "no, unless they are like the rumored Egyptian Magicians in Brooklyn" the last half she was thinking out loud.

Percy was going to answer but then he stopped looking confused "Wait a minute where did you hear that from?"

"Don't worry about it Seaweed Brain,I just heard it on the Grapevine, anyways something just doesn't seem right to me, i think we need to ask Steve some questions." Annebeth stated looking over to the Task Force who were currently surrounding the technology trying to crack the case.

Percy reached over and put a hand on her shoulder before saying, "I got this handled, Wise Girl, go see if they could use your help." Both the teenagers agreed on it and split up. Percy walked over to Steve awkwardly saying "Hey Steve can i talk to you for a second, it's about what just happened?"

The Navy SEAL directed his attention to Percy and the both of them walked away from earshot "What's up Percy?"

"Ok this may be asking a lot from you but...how can you be a sorcerer? I mean...How does that work exactly?" The Demigod asked nervously.

Steve looked at Percy debating if he should tell him or not, then he remembered what the kid spoiled for him and helped him get out of the hospital in less than a day. So he decided to tell him what he could, "i'll tell you as much as i can for the fact it started when i was deployed about five to six years ago." Steve said unemotionally looking at Percy thinking about how to word it. "Anyways you know about the Legend of Ku I take it?"

"Well enough to get me by…Annebeth knows more about it." Percy admitted, the statement satisfied Steve slightly

"Ok so I was chosen by Ku during duty with a magical feather," he pulled it out of his cargo pants pocket and showed it to Percy, it was beautiful and it was the color of pure white, and was fluffy. Percy looked at it, the feather had to be about six inches long. "I always carry this with me even if i don't agree with the powers, its like a Plan Z."

"That gives you powers? A Feather?" Percy said surprised.

"Yeah, i guess you can say that how it works is this allows me to access Ku's powers and the only way to unleash the power is through the words or phrases in the Hawaiian Language. That is why Danny does not have a car currently." Steve explained, putting the feather back into his pocket for safekeeping."

"Don't you lose it?" Percy asked.

"No because it magically stays with me all the time." Steve stated. Then Kono called them over saying that they found something. Steve and Percy immediately stopped their conversation and quickly went over to the rest of the team. They were all looking at a photo of a tough looking women with long straight blond hair, Steve Recognized her right away, "Oh Lieutenant Carmichael, why are you doing this?" once again the whole team stared at Steve confused.

"Please explain." Danny confessed, Kono and Chin didn't say anything but they agreed.

"She is the one who taught me how to use the sorcery" Steve was feeling betrayed at the thought, "This needs to end." Nobody vetoed the statement which was a good thing.

Ok this is it for this chapter i will try to upload another chapter by next sunday.