Astapor had been taken. No one could question the true Queen of Westeroes, not her authority, nor intelligence. It seemed, that even the loyal Ser Jorah Mormont, and Ser Barristan who joined along later down the road had their moments of doubt over Daenerys Stormborn. Though at last, it was Faramir who stood silently, and resolutely behind her back, not giving a single question over her decisions. He did not think himself to know her better than Jorah, yet he felt as though he did understand her better...Dany would never give up her dragons for no matter how many slave soldiers. And now, both the Unsullied and her dragons are in her hands. For that, he admired her, and looked up to her. Though news came from afar to his ears. He feared to ask anything of her, for she had so much ahead to fight for. But the Stark family had always been close friends to his family. He could still recall to not long ago, when he did indeed weep for Lord Eddard Stark's death. If it were not out of his respect for his King Aragorn who favored peace, he would have gone to war against King's Landing for revenge with no question.

He felt guilty of requesting for a temporary absence, though he asked at last. "Edmure Tully...I've heard news of his upcoming marriage with Walder Frey's daughter at the Twins. He is one of the most trusted followers to Robb Stark, my dear friend Ned Stark's son..."

"You mean the one whom many now call the King in the North?" her gaze sharpened, "He wants the throne that's rightfully of mine, as much as any other does."

"No," that he bravely denied, "for that I assure you Dany, the boy has simple wishes, and that may only be to avenge his father's death and save his sisters. A boy so young, courageous enough, and stupid enough to abandon his betrothal with the Freys to marry one whom he loved...he does not care about the throne, nor of power. He cares about family. And if the day arrives, I assure you that he may never be of a threat to you, when it is time for you to return to your rightful place."

For that, she had no more against him. She could say no more but to let him go as he wished. He too promised to return quickly, where they should reunite at Yunkai. And before he set sail with a merchant's ship, he had watched her by the ports. Before him, she laid a hand by his chest, her eyes grave yet soft upon his face, "Come back to me when it is over." Her lips raised slightly to a light smile which she now rarely showed to anyone. He nodded solemnly, his hand closing over her fingers over his chest. "I shall won't be long."


The merchant ship brought him ashore to port. And thus, the Captain Faramir rode his way towards the Twins. The North had been as desolated as he remembered, only this time, more frigid. Winter was coming, like the Starks said. The cold had already taken away the young Brandon's Stark's legs, along with the Lord Stark's head. Faramir believed not in the Old gods or the New, yet now, something led his heart to pray for the unfortunate daughters of his old friend. What could two helpless girls do without their parents, when one had escaped, alone with no one, and the other imprisoned and taken hostage by the enemies?

"My old friend!" Throwing all unpleasant thoughts behind his back, Faramir hadn't found himself laughing with such pure joy for a long time. He knew there was no happier thing than running through the crowd of Northern soldiers to give his long time no seen friend that firm embrace.

"Faramir! I had never expected to see you at such a time." Robb's voice has turned so much deeper since the last time he had seen him. "Do you really believe I would miss your uncle Edmure's wedding?" Faramir laughed again openly, "You have grown my friend," he gave the widest smile, giving the young man's shoulder a strong pat, "or shall I say, the King in the North." He bowed in a bantering manner, while Robb laughed over his humor. "The Lady Eowyn? Is she well? Is she not with you?"

The sudden question made Faramir's smile fade almost immediately. And with slight embarrassment, he shook his head, and before he said anything, Robb had already understood. "She was not mine to take, and never would have been. But at last I've found a worthy lady to follow, and it seems you did too." He smiled subconsciously upon seeing the fair lady walk through the crowd towards their way, her smile soft and heart-warming.

The King in the North's serious face grew suddenly relaxed when he laid eyes upon her. "Faramir, allow me to introduce you to my wife, my Queen, Talisa Maegyr." And with his words, he brought her forth with his arms. She was beautiful, more graceful than any woman the captain thought he had ever laid eyes on. Her grin widened with timidity when Robb pronounced the words "my Queen", though she was quick to correct. "Talisa Stark now, my love." She turned back towards Faramir with courtesy while nodding politely. Never did she expect him, a stranger still to her, to tease so quickly, "I'm pleased to meet you, the Queen in the North."

The Lady Talisa's smile grew uncontrollably after his words, as she let out a soft laugh. "And I am honored to meet you my Lord, Captain of Gondor."


"You visited last time with the Lord Legolas and Gimli when I was a child of fourteen years," Robb recalled inside his tent, pouring an extra glass of wine. Handing it over to Faramir who sat by his chair, the two of them cheered and drank like they were long lost brothers. "You came, to Winterfell that time, and now, Father is dead, and Winterfell is lost." His tone growing heavier after each word, the young King's face turned dull.

Finding his shoulder once more with his hand, Faramir looked to him with a reassuring expression. "Never despair my friend, you will get it back, all of it."

Robb unexpectedly remained silent after him, leaving the tent silent and cold, until he decided to roughly change the subject. "You never mentioned, what of Legolas and Gimli?"

The name Legolas made a mischievous smirk almost escape from Faramir's lips. Rubbing his chin, he glanced to the young man with mystery. "Well, our master dwarf has always been the same. As for the Ser Legolas," he paused only to send him playful smile, "promise me you won't cut him down if I tell you what I am about to."

That only made Robb laugh all of the sudden from his stolid expression, "That shall depend on what it is."

Shaking his head, Faramir again took control of himself to not give away the story with a blurt too quickly. "It has been nearly a year since Legolas has bravely taken his place in King's Landing as our King Aragorn's ears. From the letters he sent me, we've not only received many valuable information, but I too have also sensed a great amount of guilt that he is feeling. He loathes that city truly, for he calls it a court of liars and schemers. Yet now, he needn't feel compelled to stay no longer, for he would do so willingly for as long as need. The truth is, the Ser Legolas has fallen for a lady, the fairest lady he calls her, yet the one whom he felt he should have never loved."

Not able to hold back his laugh, Robb became more confused than ever. "And why would I ever cut him for loving a woman, for it is the nature of men, as I love my wife. You should know that I would embrace him for finding someone, after all these centuries he's lived with solitude."

"That is not all my friend," Faramir swallowed a small chuckle, "This maiden, if you might yet recognize her, even though it has been long since you last saw her. And I remember her name to be none other than..." he paused, seeing Robb's eyes widen curiously with impatience. He laughed a little and continued, "...what was it...yes, none other than Sansa Stark."

"Sansa? My sister?" Robb reacted oddly calmer than Faramir had expected. "But the Ser Legolas is more than thousands of years old, and Sansa, she's a child..."

"Which explains his guilt," the captain muttered under his breath.

Robb paused for a long while, his eyes falling into an abyss of meditation. "Just tell me one thing... that he looks after her and protects her in that filthy place."

Faramir stopped, his gaze growing deep before he nodded in a solemn manner. "He has made that his responsibility since the beginning. And from his words, I could sense, that your sister too, feels the same affections for him. With him there, she is no longer alone in King's Landing."

"Then that is all that matters," Robb whispered deeply, standing from his place, "whomever could protect Sansa and make her happy will be the one I consent her to be with, and I am very much sure mother would feel the same."