Link rode on through the forest, Epona trotting slowly through the trees. His trip to Terminia was fun, if not riddled with a danger at least on par with Gannondorf and his minions. There was no underbrush for now, and the trees had a wide gap between each one so if he really wanted to go faster he could have pushed Epona into a gallop. He didn't, not out of wanting to be slow, indeed he wanted to be out of the Lost Woods soon, but he had promised himself that he wouldn't leave without his dear friend Navi. Sure she had been annoying at times, her love of the words "look" and "listen" had ground on his nerves more then he cared to admit, but he still had a soft spot when it came to the fairy. Besides, he needed to know why she had left him as the Master Sword returned to its pedestal that last time. He probably already knew, but he needed to hear it from her. So on he and his faithful horse went, until weariness made them stop. The sunlight didn't reach though the trees, so time had no meaning to the pair.

When he finally got to sleep on the soft ground he had a dream. He saw Navi, fluttering above him, surrounded by other fairies of every color he knew, and some he didn't. They seemed to be talking amongst themselves.
"But he didn't do wrong on purpose, he came looking for me!" Navi said
"It doesn't matter what he did, or did not do on purpose. He is coming far too close to reaching us. Even now he could be watching us in his dreams, and that is unacceptable." Said a yellow one, its voice just a little deeper than Navi's
"He's your charge anyway, you should have warned him not to look for you." Said a purple one, something in its voice sounded like poison, and Link could not remember ever hearing a fairy so unconcerned with another being.
"But he's a human! We're not supposed to have human charges, only the Kokiri are supposed to have guardian fairies!"
"Enough!" said a dark green fairy, its voice nothing like the others, gruff and rough, as opposed to the sweet sounding voices even the male fairies had.
"Navi, Guardian of Link, the Hero of Time. Your charge is your problem, and you will be allowed to guide him out of this area, however, if you do not find him and extend your protection around him by the next time the sun sets, he will be subject to all of our punishment. Do you understand?"
Navi seemed to waver a bit in the air, and then spoke loudly enough for all to hear. "Yes!"
"Then we are adjourned until sunset!"

Link woke with a start. Was that dream real or just his overactive mind? He shook his head; he wouldn't let anything stop him now, not when he knew he was so close to her. He got up, looking over at Epona as she ate her fill off of one of the rare patches of grass this far into the woods. She'd be ready to go by the time he found some fungi to eat while trotting onward. He thought about using one of the masks he had from Terminia, but he wasn't sure they'd work like they did, and he didn't want to try until he really had to. So instead of pulling out the Mask of Scents to try and find more and better fungi for him, he stuck with pulling the mushrooms and shelf fungi from off of a nearby tree. Then, putting lots of the nutritious and good tasting fungi into his pack for lunch and dinner, he got onto Epona, and trotted on.

After some time, long after he had finished his breakfast of fungi, they came across one of the small, clear ponds that dotted the woods. In his time living with the Kokiri he had only seen one of these, on his way to the Forest Grove that held the Forest Temple, the first time he had seen another he had dived into it, exploring its depths. It was then he realized that at the bottom of every one of them was a small hole that hid a fast moving current that led straight to Lake Hylia. It had taken him a good week to get back to where he had been about, but he still found comfort that he could escape at any time, and in a matter of hours Epona would find him, as sure as the current that pulled him away.

Link glanced to his left. Out of the corner of his eye he thought he had seen a flash of purple light. The light was not there, as none of the lights he had seen in the Lost Woods had been. He supposed those lights where meant to lead the unwary away, to become Stalfos, Wolfos, or any other of the many monsters that made their living in the Woods. Even so, he couldn't shake the feeling that the light he saw had been there, because all the other lights had been pure yellow. He was just turning back, when the purple light appeared right in his face.
"Hello Hero." The light said as Link fell off of Epona. Only in the clarity that being on the ground came with, did he realize the light was a fairy. He thought he recognized the voice of this fairy, it sounded like sweet poison dripped from her lips.
"Well well, even the Hero of Time can be surprised?" She asked, looking straight down at him as Epona nervously dug at the ground.
"I'm the Hero of Time, not a Seer or something." He said, pulling himself up.
"Quite…A pleasure to meet you, I am Kias." The fairy said, her aura getting darker.
"I'm Link." He said pleasantly.
"My, how you underestimate your fame with those in tune with the world. I know your name, as does most fairies that travel this world."
"Don't be so disheartened my young hero; politeness is highly treasured among the Fairies. If I sounded condescending, I do apologize."
"Um…ok then, do you know where I can find Navi?"
"Of course I do! Well…actually she's looking for you, a small problem with the elders, she's been sent to lead you out of the forest. You see, no one's ever made it this far in without a fairy guide."
"Ah…well then, maybe you could tell me one thing…is it true that the closer to the center of the forest you are, the more attuned you are to Magic?"
Kias wavered a little, as if disturbed. "Yes…it is true."
"Then wouldn't it also be true that one attuned to Magic would dream of it, even so far as dreaming about the actions of Magical beings?"
"That's the legend, though I've never actually heard of it happening," Kias turned to face him, her aura having gotten darker. "But you have, haven't you?"
"Then I know better than to trust you, I remember your voice, you advocated punishing me right then."
"Damn…you heard that part huh?…Oh well, just two more minutes and I can do what I want to you." Her aura glowed black. "Can you run three leagues in two minutes? Actually…I'll give you an extra minute…now run little one!"
Link knew the moment she turned black he needed to get out of there; he remounted Epona, and set her off galloping in the other direction.

Epona galloped hard, but the young horse just couldn't make any headway towards the three-leagues that they needed to reach. Then Link saw a blue glint off to the side. He knew that it was probably one of the fake beacons leading to Stalfos, but he needed Navi too much to not risk it. He aimed Epona right at the blue glow, and called out.
"Navi! Is that you?"
"Link?" came an astonished reply. He'd found her!
"Too late Navi dear." Kias appeared from nowhere and put herself right in front of Link, knocking him off Epona, and right next to one of the small ponds that led to Lake Hylia. He started edging himself to the pond.
"Kias, stop! I found him, it's over!" Navi came towards the other fairy.
"No it's not! We were friends, and then this little punk came along, and now you're not the same anymore! The Navi I knew died the moment she met this stupid, insignificant worm! But maybe, maybe if I get the kid out of the way, we can be friends again; maybe the Navi I knew would come back."
Kias shot a beam of pure black at Link, and his entire body was engulfed in pain. It felt like his skin was on fire and his insides frozen solid. As suddenly as the pain started, it stopped. He looked up, and saw Navi blocking the Magic.
"Get to the pond; I'll meet you at Lake Hylia!" She said, shooting a beam of Blue right back at Kias. Link's last memory was of Kias, crying out against his escape.

Link awoke to the sight of Navi, as blue as ever, floating softly above his head. Then he noticed that they were no longer in the Lost Woods, but on the shore of Lake Hylia.
"Link! Thank the Goddesses. After Kias hit you with her magic I was afraid you'd never wake up!"
He shook his head, sitting up slightly with a small weight pressing at his chest that he'd never noticed before "What was it Navi?" He asked, lying back down as the odd weight shifted ever slightly.
"The punishment for trespassing, or at least what a single fairy could do alone…I was worried that for you to wake up I'd have to drag you back to them and have them finish the job."
"What's the punishment?" Something was definitely off; just trying to raise his shield was more of an effort than usual.
"Complete unaging and rebirth as a fairy. Though, I think it worked rather…well, unexpectedly"
"What do you mean Navi?" He tried sitting up, but once again, that strange weight went with him.
"Link, when you entered the Lost Woods from Terminia, how old where you?
"Um…I think I stayed a year with Zelda, and then I spent…must have at least been a month before Skullkid showed up, then the 3 days, which I didn't age at all during. Then I guess maybe two more weeks until I found you."
"And your Birthday is two days after Midsummer?"
"Yeah, so that would make me…" He ticked off the numbers with his fingers, again, something seemed off, and they seemed thinner, less calloused. "12 in one month's time"
"Link, I think she aged you a year, you look…" she paused a bit, as if stumbling over words. "More mature then a twelve year old."
"That's good right?" He tried sitting up again, that weight still on his chest, but he didn't look down, because moving his neck hurt. "Navi, my neck hurts too much to move it a lot, would you please tell me what I have on my chest?"
"Erm, Link, that's not important right now…I think it's more important that you rest and recover your strength." Navi was nervous, her aura having gone from blue to a steady orange.
"Navi, what's wrong?"
"Why would something be wrong? You just need to rest." Her orange aura flashed with a little green and a little purple, she was very nervous.
"Navi, your aura always goes orange when you're nervous so just tell me what's wrong, please!" he turned that last word into a plea, hoping that would convince Navi to tell him."
"Alright…just don't try to sit up while I tell you…ok?" He nodded, lying fully on his back, as the weight shifted again. "When Kias used her Magic, she invoked an ancient law. When as a whole fairies use their magic to harm, or otherwise forcibly change a person, there are no repercussions for the fairies, all, or most were agreeable that it was a necessary action and so the goddesses trusted that it would take a severe crime, or a noticeable trespassing into our area, as you almost did. To make enough fairies agree to do it. But when a single fairy attempts to use the same magic alone, part of that fairy's power and knowledge are transferred to that person."
"So I've got a little of Kias in me? Right now?"
"Yes…however, when I started blocking the Magic, something, unexpected happened…"
"What? What happened?" Navi was turning a shade of brilliant purple, Link had never seen that color before, but assumed it meant that she was embarrassed about something.
"…When I started blocking the Magic I severed the chain to quickly, too sloppily, and it effected your body, making you look more like Kias."
"Oh…ok." Then realization dawned on him. "Kias was a girl though…so I'm…"
"Yes Link, you're now a girl too."
Link took one look at his chest, and fainted.