Hello everyone. I am sorry that i didn`t update for so long but im back is chapter 19. Enjoy

Chapter 19

Point Of No Return

Prince Diamond looked at Black lLady surprised. All this time he had tried to capture his little bird and then suddenly Black Lady had kidnapped her and brought her to him. She had brought her own mother to Him.

"Well done Black Lady or should i say Rin?You have brought your own mother into the wolves. Aren`t you feel sorry for her?"he asked her amused although he knew the answer.

"There was a time where i would care but now i don`t. Neo Queen Serenity,my mother tried to kill me in my sleep. This is not the Queen. She is just a copy .But she will suffer nevertheless. I brought her to you because these were my orders. Alithough it pains me to know that you want her but i have no other choice. Make her suffer. i don`t care but i have a request"she said

"Oh,our little Usagi wants something in return for giving her own mother to me"he smirked.

"I want the Queen of Silver Millenium alive. Queen Serenity,my grandmother to be unharmed. Please don`t hurt her. She is a good woman and she didn`t deserve to have Her for a daughter"she told him never taking her eyes for the prince.

"So the little rabbit loves some members of her family. Ha ha .It shall be done. Even I respect the Queen but also i hate her for hurting my mother so much"Prince Diamond told her.

"Keep Peril out of my grandmother`s way. I will not allow anyone to hurt her. She is the only person i have. Also warn Galaxia that if she touches a hair of the Queen i will kill her myself and send her in the abyss. Aso inform her that I am the rightful heir of the Throne and i will not allow anyone to take the power from me"Black Lady told him and her eyes were red like blood.

"Don`t worry Throne is yours and wouldn`t worry for Galaxia..She also loves the Queen like a mother will not hurt her" he told her

"And for that i hate her more. I must be going now my wants me to go back to Crystal Tokyo.I will return soon. I will let you alone with the princess"she told him and left the room.

Prince Diamond finally

had his little bird caged and the irony was that her own daughter her given her to he couldn`t blame her. Neo Queen Serenity was very cruel and evil to her daughter. Slowly he left his throne and moved towards the princess`s room where she was still unconscious. Now she was in his grasp. There was no way for escape. No way of return for her. He looked at her and he started to sing with his beautiful dark melodic voice.


The games of make believe are at an end

Past all thought of if or when, no use resisting

Abandon thought and let the dream descend

What raging fire shall flood the soul?

What rich desire unlocks its door?

What sweet seduction lies before us?

Past the point of no return, no going back now

Our passion play has now at last begun

Past all thought of right or wrong, one final question

How long should we two wait, before we're one?

When will the blood begin to race?

The sleeping bud burst into bloom?

When will the flames at last consume us?

Past the point of no return, the final threshold

The bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn

We've passed the point of no return

"There is no point of return my dear. You will see soon the Phantom of the Moon what is capable of. Little princess welcome to my dark world"...

Author`s note

Hello everyone. I am so sorry that i didn`t update any earlier but i am back now. Princess Serena is under Diamond`s grasp now. What is going to happen from now on? You will have to wait until next chapter. Please review and i will update soon. Thank you everyone

Lady Lucilla