D'aww, Why no sad ending? :'3.

Wow~ I'm so depressed; I start school again on the 27th…So you know what that means! YEAH, No updating stories very often o3o. {But I'll try my best}

Love You All {says in my British accent} ;D

Crona after a few minutes she follows after Kid. Opening to screen door, she looks around the corner, only to see him sitting in a chair. Closing the door behind her, she walks closer to him. "Are you okay?"

Kid lashes out. "OF COURSE NOT!" Standing up now, He looks at her, with a harsh look in his eyes. After a moment of awkward silence, he turns away from Crona and put's his hands in his pant pockets.

Crona looks at the floor, her hair covering her eye's that were now forming small tears. "I-I thought…The first time I saw you, I think I just suddenly fell in love…ignoring the consequences." She brushes her tears away with her sweat-shirt's sleeves. "But now, I'm starting to understand now…Y-You're a Shinigami &…I'm a half witch."

Kid turns back to her, starting to hear her voice starting to shake again. "We can work it out, I know we can…Just ignore the others, my father…I don't care what he says Crona." He whispers to her, releasing his anger into his voice. "I-I don't care if I have to run away from Death City…Crona, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me…I-I know that I really haven't known you that long b-but, your personality…It shows the better side of me."

{Shit…I'm all emotional now…listening to piano music & doing this story…XD}

Crona looks up at the emotional Kid. "I-I'm afraid…I do have feelings for you, but then…I don't want you to get hurt, just because of me..." She says flatly. It was an ironic scene…both of them quite emotional & it starting to rain again. {^.^}

Kid gives a small smile. "Don't worry about me Crona…Everything will be fine." He whispers.

Crona sighs. "I don't think you get how much trouble we could get in…I never thought about it until now & I'm starting to think…that it would be best if we should call off the relationship before anything bad happens."

Kid frowns. "I promise Crona, nothing will happen to us or this relationship…Haven't you been listening? S-Stop acting like this!" He argues.

Crona walks out into the rain. "I-I'm sorry Kid…" Her Blue eye's look at the ground, as her hair once again hides her face. Her clothes getting wet, she stands there motionless.

Kid watches her closely. Hearing her words, his hands turn into fists. Waiting for a moment, he breathes in and out, returning his hands to normal. He looks at Crona then walks out into the rain with her. His own hair starting to get wet. "I love you Crona…I'm sorry if I made you sad, but…I need you, in my life. Please…"

Crona lifts her head up & looks behind her shoulder. She smiles then turns to smack him in the face. "Aren't we stupid, out here in the rain?" She whispers, wrapping her arms around him.

Kid a bit surprised at the least when Crona smacked him, he chuckled. "I deserved that." He whispers. Feeling her hugging him, he hugs her back. "Yeah~ we should get out of this rain before we catch a cold."

{Whoa..I went to sad music to energetic music...*looks at YT playlist* Hmm…It has all the answers to my emotions.}

With both of them inside again, they both huddle under a blanket with a new fresh pair of clothes on.

Maka & The other's give them space, so they leave the room & begin to cook some Dinner.

Crona shivers under the blanket. "I-I never knew rain could make me this cold." She says, her teeth now starting to chatter.

Kid chuckles at her comment. "Don't worry; you'll heat up in a moment or two."

Both of them look at the wall in front of them, feeling quite awkward with all that just happened & with them in a room, alone & under a blanket.

Kid grabs Crona's hand under the blanket, keeping a tight hold. "I meant every word out there...You know well every good word." He says looking at Crona who was still shivering.

Crona blushes lighting. "I'm glad…I meant every good word out there as well." She giggled.

Maka calls from the kitchen. "Dinner's ready! Don't make me come in there you two!" She says in a cheerful voice.

Crona blushes & un-covers her-self from the blanket, still feeling a bit chilly, she takes the blanket from Kid and wraps it around her. "I wonder what smells so good." She says softly.

Kid smiles & pats her head. "I hope it's something Italian."

Crona, followed by Kid walk into the Kitchen, seeing the Kitchen table stocked with many varieties of foods. Crona's face brightens up when she see's Grapes. "It all looks really good." She says to Maka, sitting in a seat next to Soul.

Kid sits in the other seat next to Crona, his eyes on the main dish, Lasagna. "I simply love Lasagna." He says in a soothing voice.

Once everyone takes a seat. They begin to pig out :3.

Black Star take's a plate-full of everything, same with Soul. As everyone else picks out what they like.

Crona get's a small plate-full of mostly Grapes {what can I say? Personally ILOVEM' ;D} Not getting much from the whole table full of food.

Black Star frowns at Crona. "Why do you eat so little Crona? You really need to build up some weight."

Maka look's at Crona. Black Star was kind of right, she was so skinny & small. "He's right Crona, you should really eat more."

Crona pops a Grape in her mouth. "Well…I just don't need to eat that much…It's not really like me to…eat & eat." She whispers, leaning back more into her chair.

Kid looks at everyone then at Crona.

The others then normally return back to their meals.

This was a tough one…What's wrong with me, doing this whole chapter at 4:00 in the morning PHHT~ How am I kidding..I couldn't care less X3.

BARGG~ Well, peace out. {black out on bed}