A/N: Hi guys! Yes, I know it's been a LONG time. Hope this makes up for it :) Please review and let me know what you think xx

Chapter 6

I'm ready to listen.

Four words have never sounded so beautiful before.

I'm momentarily stunned, my eyebrows high and my eyes wide.

"Are you going to invite me in? Or are we going to give the neighbours something to gossip about?" He jokes with a smirk gracing his handsome face.

"Well they have been a little scarce in the gossip department recently. Absolutely nothing to talk about." I try so hard to keep a straight face.

"I've noticed that. All they've been talking about is the murdering recluse, the new girl across the street and her husband. Nothing substantial there." His eyes darken when he mentions the word 'husband' but other than that, his tone is still easy going and light.

"So that's why no ones invited me over to their house… I was wondering about that."

"You've been to mine." He tells me seriously.

"Yes, but you didn't invite me. Besides I've never been beyond the front door." I fire back.

"You're right."

"I guess I'm going to have to invite myself inside as well one day aren't I?" I ask jokingly.

"Don't make a habit of it though." His blue eyes are as light and teasing as his tone.

"I think we have given the neighbours enough gossip, how about you invite me in?" I open the door wider, silently inviting him in.

He steps through the door and walks toward the lounge room, I follow silently a trace of a smirk on my face.

I walk over to the window and glance both ways down the street loving how all the neighbours are staring at my house with such interest before snapping the curtains shut.

I turn around to face Ezra with a happy smile.

"Now they have something to really gossip about." I walk toward the couch and take a seat next to Ezra being careful to leave some space between us.

He shifts nervously on the couch while ringing his hands together.

"Would you like anything to eat or drink?" I ask politely.

"No thanks. I would just like to know the truth."

I let out a shaky breath, knowing this moment would come.

"Ok, I guess I should probably start at the beginning."

"That's usually a good place to start." I roll my eyes at Ezra before shaking my head.

"Jason and I were together for four years when he proposed to me. After a year of our engagement, and a hell of a lot of business trips on his part we had a routine. We were like an old married couple, he'd leave me to do lists and all. But I loved him… well at least I thought I did. The last business trip he went on was different; he called me the day he was supposed to be coming back and told me he wouldn't be. That he was leaving me for some slut by the name of Trudy." I pause, collecting my thoughts.

"I was crushed, I didn't know how to respond. When we got off the phone, I looked through all our wedding plans while downing a bottle of wine. By this point I was ready to get on a plane and track his sorry ass down demanding why." I let out a bitter chuckle, avoiding Ezra's gaze.

"For two weeks I kept telling myself he would realise he had made a mistake and come crawling back. I still hadn't told my friends and family because I didn't want it to be real." I drop my head into my hands in shame.

"I got into a car accident and while I was trapped in the car I over reacted in a big way – I think I was finally letting all my feelings from the past two weeks come out at once. The main one was the feeling of loneliness I had." It's silent in the house, the only sound coming from our steady breathing.

"When I was in the emergency room I was so embarrassed by how I had acted and it was then that I vowed I would change. It took Jason leaving me to realise, that he had molded me into the person he wanted. How I had my hair, the car I drove, what I wore, the job I had – it was suffocating. And it was time for a change. I quit my job, got a new car, changed my hair… and moved across the country." I can see Ezra move his hand to caress mine, but he changes his mind half way and brings it back to rest in his lap.

"I guess I wanted to show him what he was missing or something, it was stupid of me to move to the same town as him and his new girlfriend, but I did it anyway. And I don't regret it one bit. I don't regret any of the decisions that brought me up to this moment Ezra and you wanna know why?" I ask, finally finding he courage to look his way.

"Why?" He asks, his voice soft.

"Because it brought me to you." His blue eyes are full of emotion.

"Why did you come over that day?" He asks me.

"I heard the gossip that you were a murderer. I didn't believe that at all, but I thought you must have been a bad boy… and going after a bad boy was something the old Aria never would have done. The new Aria however, wanted the thrill." He lets a small smile grace his face.

"So that's why you came over."

"At first, and then everything changed." I smile at the memory.

"What?" He asks curiously.

"You opened the door shirtless, and I saw your naked chest. Oh what a glorious moment." I let a sigh escape from my lips.

"Seriously?" Ezra asks chuckling.

"Yes. Seriously. It's been a very long time for me ok? And your chest is a beautiful masterpiece." I tell him.

"Anyway, as soon as I saw your chest every other thought went out of my head. And then when I finally looked up and saw your…" I trail off unsure but Ezra's eyes are begging me to continue.

"I saw your cold blue eyes, and your tone was just as icy. But still sexy when you were all disbelieving about my intentions of being over there."

"Right, milk." He lets a smirk grace his lips.

"Hey, it's was the best I could come up with alright? Anyway, I meant what I said to you that day Ezra. More than anything. That's why I didn't give up, I went back again and again."

"In your jogging outfit." Ezra smirks again.

"Don't remind me." I groan.

"Why? You looked hot." I whip my head around with shock.

"Really?" I ask, my only response is him nodding his head.

"Well I meant it all Ezra. I could tell you have all these layers around your heart and I was looking forward to tearing them down. I wanted to be around when you finally started to open up and find peace with all the hurt in your life."

His blue eyes are holding tears he won't let fall when I finish talking and part of me is afraid I've gone too far. Said too much.

We sit there in silence for what feels like hours but is only minutes before he finally says something.

"How long is very long?" He seemingly asks out of nowhere.

"What?" I raise an eyebrow in question.

"You said it's been a very long time… exactly how long has it been?" His hands reach forward and start to play with the bow keeping my silky dressing gown together.

His piercing blue eyes search mine looking for an answer to an unspoken question. I guess he got the answer he wanted when his fingers slowly undo the bow, his eyes never leaving mine.

I feel my breathing become uneven and an uncomfortable sensation form between my legs.

He slides the dressing gown off my shoulders, the feel of silk slipping off my skin causing goosebumps to appear.

Once the dressing gown is laying on the couch forgotten Ezra reaches his hands up to cup my face, the pad of his thumb running back and forth over my smooth cheeks.

I close my eyes, enjoying his touch when I feel his breath on my lips.

I can feel the heat of his body and my excitement grows.

"How long?" He whispers quietly and a shiver runs up my spine. He presses a kiss to my shoulder and runs his nose softly up my neck.

His lips take the position in front of my lips once more.

"Aria?" He whispers, his minty breath blowing across my face.

"More than eighteen months." I finally whisper back.

"Well we should do something about that, shouldn't we?" He asks and all I can do is nod my head.

He runs his fingers along my inner thigh, inching closer and closer towards my panties.

"Ezra?" I breathe out.


"Kiss me."

Ezra closes the distance between us and crashes his lips to mine. The kiss is intense yet sweet, passionate yet soft and full of want.

Those sweet seconds make up the best kiss of my life. Ezra's tongue battles with mine as he runs his hands through my hair.

I whimper when Ezra pulls away and he chuckles softly.

"Shall we take this to the bedroom?" He asks with mischief in his eyes and a smile on his face.

I don't waste any time with my reply. I lean forward and attached our lips in another heated kiss wrapping my arms around his neck.