A/N: Hey guys here's another chapter. I'm sorry if you think that this, as I quote from one of the reviews, a horrible deja vu of the Hunger Games. I'll try my best to follow my own ideas and sorry again if this disappointed you! Also if you have any scenes that you want to include in the story, feel free to PM me!

LoveUriah: My first language is Chinese, which is totally different from English. I still make grammatical mistakes even though I've studied English for about 9 years. I'm still working on improving my English though.


Shortly after breakfast, Eileen tells all of us to gather around the dining table. She then puts a huge stack of books onto the table. Don't ask me where she got them from-I absolutely have no idea. They are mainly novels from the past centuries, ranging from 'The Art of Thinking Clearly' by Rolf Dobelli to 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' by George Orwell. Strange.

"Tonight is the 'Interview Night'." Eileen declares. "Harold and I have been discussing it. We decided that we won't give you mock interviews as we're sure that you'll be able to give good answers and not make a fool of ourselves. However-" she points at the books. "Manners and etiquette are another issue." We all groan and realize what she has in her mind. "We'll begin from your walking postures."

I look around and suddenly notice that most of the furniture-the couch, the chairs, and other things have been moved aside. I suppose it was done to let us have more space to 'practise walking'. So this is Eileen's plan. She gives each of us several books. I get 'Les Miserables' by Victor Hugo, 'The Great Gatsby' by F. S. Fitzgerald and 'The Catcher In The Rye' by J. D. Salinger. "Excuse me?" I look up from my books and see George waving a book around. The book is '1Q84' by Haruki Murakami and it's extremely thick. "Where did you get these books from?" He has just asked the question that I was dying to ask. George and the others must have noticed something off with the books as well, like I just did.

Eileen shrugs. "I don't know. I got them from Harold. They are from his collection." I suddenly remember that on our first day of Training, Harold was reading a book called 'To Kill A Mocking Bird' during lunch. The fact that he loves reading doesn't surprise me, but what I am really curious about is why he would read books like these and how he managed to get them. Aside from 'The Great Gatsby', the other books given to me are all about rebellion against the world or government and I am sure that the Central wouldn't let us read books like that. Back in Abnegation, you can't find these books, even if you go to all the bookstores there. Or he reads these books because… An idea hits me but I quickly turn it away. He couldn't be planning on starting a rebellion against the Central government. We've seen the example made by our ascendants. Either way, it's going to end horribly.

Someone claps and this takes me back to reality. "Put these books onto your head." She says and we obey her. "Imagine yourselves at a catwalk and you're all models. Now walk and try not to let the books fall down. Remember to look straight ahead ad be confident." Eileen begins to walk, like a model strutting. She even waves to the imaginary audience. We all clap after she is done and she curtseys to us. "Go ahead." she says and we start walking around with George first and William at the end of the line.

I try to mimic Eileen's posture. Arms swaying by my sides, looking straight ahead, in a neither too fast nor too slow pace. After about one minute I hear the sound of books hitting the ground. "William!" Eileen calls out. She doesn't sound too happy. I turn around to see what has happened. Boom! The books on my head all fall down like William's did because of me turning around abruptly. William is kneeling on the ground, tying his shoelaces. He senses Eileen's glare and waves at her. "Sorry!" he says, "Next time I'll make sure that my shoelaces are properly tied before I start walking!" The problem is that, he doesn't sound apologetic at all. There are other 'booms' too, telling me that I am not the only one who turned.

"Couldn't you have put the books down before you tie your shoelaces?" Eileen asks crossly.

William shakes his head. "I forgot." Then he continues tying his laces. Our books all lie next to our feet now.

I don't know why, but I start laughing. Maybe it's because of William, or maybe because of the fact that all of us have failed our first attempt at strutting. Soon the others all laugh along with me and the sound of our laughter bounces off the walls.

"Stop!" Eileen orders sternly, but there is a smile on her face. "Start walking." We pick the books up and resume walking.

This time everyone does it right, no more 'booms'. Occasionally Eileen would come over and give us advice on improving our postures. After two hours or so, my legs begin to hurt. Yet I carry on. Luckily fifteen minutes later, Eileen tells us to stop. "I think you've done well. Take a break." We all sit down at once.

About half an hour later Eileen announces that the next thing we'll work on is manners. She teaches us how to sit and bow properly for the next few hours.

I originally think that being in Abnegation has given us the advantage of having manners that are good enough for us to take the interview, but it turns out that there are there are many things to learn. We even have to learn how to shake hands. "The grip must not be too firm, nor too loose."

We are all exhausted when lunchtime comes around. As we are eating, Eileen says, "We're going to revise the things we just did and then I'll give you a mock interview."

We all look up, surprised by her words. "I thought you said we wouldn't have mock interviews as you believed we'd be able to survive with practicing." Diana says.

"I've changed my mind."

After our dishes are taken away, we go over what we have done in the morning until Eileen decides that we'll be fine tonight. Then comes the hardest part: the interview. I'm glad that Eileen changed her mind about it or not, I'll probably be dying due to the embarrassment I get from giving bad answers. We move our chairs so that we sit in a semi-circle, with Eileen opposite us. "I'll call you randomly and give you a question." She says, holding a clipboard in her hands. "George, tell me what you think of the Central so far."

"Erm-" George scratches his head. "I've only been in this city for a few days but things are going well for me. I've seen a lot of things that I have never seen before, and this has really broadened my view of this world. My favourite thing about this city so far is the fashion. It's really different form what we wear in Abnegation." William chuckles when he hears the last sentence.

Eileen points her pen at George. "Never say 'Erm' or 'Ah'. Very disturbing and impolite." She turns to me. "Beatrice, what do you think of other tributes?"

And so it goes on. When it is around four o'clock, we are told to get to the Remake Centre and get ready for the interview. My team is already waiting by the time I arrive and they begin working on me right away. Being a member of Abnegation, I can't wear too much make up as it is considered vain to do so. Hair has to be styled in a simple way as well.

Yet, when I open my eyes, it takes me several seconds to realize that the girl in the mirror is me, even though this make up is light. My eyes have been lined with eyeliner and they look more striking than ever. I've got pale blue eye shadow, bringing out the colour of my eyes. My lips are light pink. My hair is half-up and half down, with my blond locks resting on my chest.

I am not pretty, but I look better than I used to when I was in Abnegation.

Cyril comes into my room when I am still staring at the mirror. "Step onto the platform and close your eyes. Hold out your arms." He says and I do as he told me to. I feel fabric slipping over my body. "You can open your eyes now." I open my eyes and see that I'm wearing a gray long-sleeved bell-shaped dress. A piece of sapphire is pinned to the center of my chest. It reaches my knees and like my costume at the Opening Ceremony, it is gleaming. The sleeves are tight around my upper arms but loose on my forearms. Cyril hands me a nearly transparent cape and I put it on. Caleb's pin. I suddenly remember it and pin it onto my cape. I also slip my feet into the shoes-a pair of silver ballet pumps. "You now look like a lady!" Franklin exclaims and the others nod in agreement.

I blink. "Thank you." I say, giving them my best smile and they 'faint'.

Cyril leads me outside. The interview takes place on a stage in front of the Training Center. The others from the Abnegation are already waiting by the time I arrive there. Diana is wearing a sleeveless dress with a cape like mine and her hair is pulled back into a simple bun. William, Tobias and George all wear the same grey suit but their ties are of different colours. Green for William, brown for George and blue for Tobias. Everyone looks amazing. Eileen keeps talking about how we're going to 'kill' the crowd while Harold simply smiles at us. We are led to the backstage where tributes of different factions are. Abnegation is the last to go and I'm the fifth last.

Evening falls and that's when the night starts. Guests flood into the seating area, with the most prestigious guests and stylists at the front. The stage lights up. Crews and staff members walk around to make sure everything is set up and able to operate. The whole city is watching.

Music begins to play and Carlen Flynn, the host of tonight's interviews comes up to the stage. He bows to the audience and everyone claps. Tonight Carlen is wearing a sparkling yellow suit and his hair is dyed yellow. He has been hosting the interviews for 30 years and he still looks young. It's not surprising, considering the fact that plastic surgery is extremely popular in Central. Being bad-looking and fat is scoffed and I'm still trying to understand why. In Abnegation we're taught that no matter how we look we are all equal and deserve respect. Our soul is what matters the most.

Carlen kicks off the show by making a short speech, then the business starts. The first to go is a girl from Dauntless. She is wearing a very revealing black dress, with a deep cut at the front. Her tattoos glow when she marches into the spotlight. Everyone cheers.

Each interview last for about three minutes, then a buzzer would ring, indicating it's time for the next tribute. Carlen is a great man-he does make the tributes feel comfortable. When a tribute gives bad answers, he'll help elaborate it, saving the tribute from embarrassment. Tributes come and go. They all have different personalities and I suppose their mentors have done a lot for them. Peter, Drew and Molly seem to be nice in their interviews, but I can't say so once they are in the arena. Christina is confident. The Erudite guy with long dark hair, whose name turns out to be Eric, is sly. He even comes up with snide remarks to take Carlen down, but Carlen manages to save himself. The Amity tributes all do well. Finally it's my turn. My mouth is dry and the lights suddenly seem too bright. I walk onto the center stage and shake hands with Carlen.

"Beatrice," Carlen says, "You and your fellow tributes looked amazing at the Ceremony."

"Thank you." A smile.

"You also got the loudest applause in the Opening Ceremony. Did that surprise you?"

My mind spins. "Very. In fact, I never expected it. I think the credit goes to our teams, Cyril and Paulina. The applause was for them-they have done a lot for us."

The audience begins to cheer and the camera is turned to Cyril, Paulina and the teams. They stand up and bow to the guests. There, not so bad. I have to be careful though. Be humble, I silently remind myself.

Carlen hold up a hand and the crowd goes silent. He looks at me again. "I see that you have a pin on your cape. It's the symbol of Abnegation, isn't it? It's beautiful."

The camera focuses on me and I can see my face on the huge screen. "Yes." I reply. "My brother gave it to me. It's his…" my voice wavers at the thought of Caleb. "Favourite pin."

The audience goes quiet. Carlen's eyes soften. "Did he tell you anything when he gave it to you?"

"He told me to trust my instincts and no matter what, he and my parents would always support me."

Carlen pats my shoulder. "Well, don't disappoint them." The buzzer goes off. "Time's up! Good luck, Beatrice Prior of Abnegation." I get up from the chair and bow to the crowd. Applause rings in my ears.

I walk back to the backstage. It's now Diana's turn. She nods to me when I walk past her. I nod back at her. Then I find my seat and sit down. Whispers and murmurs feel the room. "…She's pathetic." I don't need to turn to see who's talking. "Using the sympathy card on the crowd. Does she even feel ashamed-wait, I don't think she even has the ability to do that. Can't believe that she's from Abnegation." There are people saying that they agree with him.

I grit my teeth and Tobias looks at me. "Ignore Peter. He's the pathetic one." He says quietly. I nod, telling him that I know what to do.

Diana's interview goes smoothly and she gives perfect answers to her questions. William cracks some jokes during his interview and the crowd laughs along. George is nervous and stutters a bit yet Carlen manages to save him. Tobias is quiet and doesn't say much.

The night is finally over. Carlen says goodbye to the audience and the lights go out. Harold walks over to us and silently leads us back to our apartment. "You've done well." He tells us. No one thanks him as our minds are occupied by one single thought-the Games are starting tomorrow. Time passes me by and I don't remember what I have done for the rest of the night.

I wonder if my instincts can be trusted and whether they are able to keep me alive in the arena.

A/N: Did you notice that the word amount of each chapter is increasing? I'm trying to write more.

See you next time!