An Eclipse in time


Edward had left her a few months ago and Bella was just starting to get out of the funk she had sunk into after his departure. Charlie had been very worried about her for a while and now that she had woken up from her zombie-like state, she wanted something new. She wanted to be able to forget about the Cullen family and the pain they had put her through with their empty promises.

"Dad, I love you, I really do…But I feel like I need a change of scenery…I need to get away from here if I want to get better for real." Bella told her father one afternoon of March after gathering her courage to face him.

"Okay, I understand Bells, don't worry. I'll call your mother and we'll see how soon we can get you moved in Florida." Charlie replied, sad about losing his daughter but resigned that he needed to let her go in order to keep her sane and healthy.

Actually, he was mostly jealous that his ex-wife could help his daughter better than he could.

"Dad, I really don't feel like moving back in with mom…" Bella was embarrassed, she hated causing problems.

He looked up with some hope in his eyes, maybe Renee wasn't better than him after all..

"Why is that? You love your mother Bells..." He didn't understand what she wanted and why she didn't want to be with her mother, whom she loved so much.

"Well, with mom, I always have to be the adult, I have to take care of her and I really don't have the strengths to do that right now…" She muttered with a blush on her face.

"I understand. I wonder where we could send you… What about your Grandma' Swan's place?" He asked.

Deep down, Charlie was glad that Renee wouldn't be getting the chance to show that she was better at parenting that he was. He had always been a bit jealous of his ex wife's relationship with their daughter and now he had a small proof that there was nothing to be jealous of.

"In Virginia?" She asked.

After he nodded she added:

"Well, I would certainly love the warmer weather, and I do miss her… I feel better just thinking about it." Bella replied, smiling slightly.

"I'll give her a call right away. I know she'll agree. She's always loved you more than anyone else, probably because we named you after her. She has been asking for you to visit her lately anyway, she was even pretty insistent last time she called." Charlie said before going for the phone.

Of course her grandmother, Isabelle Swan, had been delighted with the idea of Bella living with her. She agreed and it was decided that Bella would move at the end of the week. As for the school, Bella was ahead on her work and they decided it would be best to home school her for the reminder of the school year.

Bella hadn't seen her grandmother since Thanksgiving when she came over for a visit. When she saw how depressed her granddaughter was, the old woman had taken her aside and they had talked a long time. Wanting to change the girl's mind, Isabelle told her descendent everything about the founder's council and the supernatural situations in Mystic Falls. Being a solid member of the founding families, she knew everything and so she told Bella, in hope that one day the young Swan would move into her house and take over after all.

Quite shocked by what she had been told, Bella informed her grandmother of Edward and the Cullen's, what they were, what she had really been through. In exchange, Isabelle told Bella about the Salvatore's and about Elena being the doppelganger, Bonny being a witch and Tyler being a hybrid (Werewolf and vampire!). Bella understood better why she never felt at home anywhere but in Mystic Falls now.

She was, somehow, attracted to the supernatural just like the supernatural was attracted to her. She wasn't a danger magnet, she was a supernatural magnet, it was her destiny to have supernatural in her life.

She loved every single memory she had in Mystic Falls. She still kept in touch twice a year with the friends she had made there when she was a child. Her first and biggest friend was Elena Gilbert, who lived in the house right next door to her grandmother's. Then she had added naturally Elena's friends to her list. She ran to her computer and sent an e-mail to Elena, Caroline and Bonny explaining that she was moving in at the end of the week.

As soon as her Grandmother had explained everything to her at Thanksgiving, she had warned them that she knew and was okay with things. She now got weekly updates on the happenings of the town she always called home in her heart.

She was especially excited to finally meet the Originals (the nice ones).

Rewritten/ corrected in May 2020

Lorelei Candice Black