Hey guys! How do you like this? Reveiw to tell me if I should continue or not. Also check out my other account waterbluewings. that has more one-shots. From now, this will be more like longer stories, and waterbluewings will be more shorter ones. Hope you like this! I have an idea, go look at my profile ~bluewaterwings. PM me to tell me if you like it.

~The best of waterbluewings


Annabeth Chase is an architect. She always held interest in it for some reason she couldn't describe, she thought it was amazing, it was something solid, something that would stay, unlike her life. Maybe that was why. Her life was broken, her parents were divorced, and her father always came home drunk, she didn't know why she was still at school, and why not working for money, most of all, where did all that money come from? Everyday she'd go shopping for clothes, finding all the sales, and cutting out coupons from newspapers. Though the 'food money' jar was always half-full, so she came to the conclusion that her father did still work, only when he was sober enough too. He at least had enough sense to have money in the jar, at least enough to keep him alive, that was good. He'll need it.

He'll be needing it a lot when she got this creamy envelope that just screamed, 'I'm rich!'. It said, in fancy script, 'To: Annabeth Chase.'.

Now who might this be? Annabeth thought. She flipped the envelope around. There was a blue seal that said, 'DAFT'. She looked at the seal.

DAFT? I think I've heard of it somewhere... She thought. She shrugged her shoulders and opened the letter, being careful so the wonderful stationary didn't rip and the envelope was unharmed.

Miss Annabeth Chase,

I would like to invite to you to learn at the Demigod Academy For the Talented. We have viewed your school records and you have qualified for a spot at the Academy with free tuition. Your room, board, and food are pre-paid already. Please bring your own clothes and toiletries. Classes start on the twenty-fifth of November, please write back to us if you are accepting this offer and attending or not, also please request times/courses. Information on this will be on the next page. Please turn to the next page for more information on the Academy.


Mr. Chiron.

Annabeth smiled. Now she knew where she had heard of 'DAFT', it's been everywhere since it was established. It was a special school for over-exceeding students. It doesn't matter if they are stupid, it's that they are overly-excelled at one part. So some person could get 'F' and still make it in because, for instance, they are good at basketball. You could get in in multiple ways. THough just getting 'A+' all the time won't work too, because if everyone could try hard enough, they could get 'A'. This is for those students who are thirteen and already beat the world record, for those who just glance at a pile and know how many there are in it. For those who excel at beauty, those who earn much more money that the average adult already.

Annabeth thought of her mother. Athena. She was a godess, Athena used to often visit her dreams, only saying that she was 'mother'. Soon, Annabeth found out that she was a demigod. She wasn't very, that happy about it, but she learned to embrace and accept it. It did come with it's perks, a much more better competition for valecdictorian, now that some Athena kids went to her school, and a much more better advantage for being valecdictorian. Those are small things compared to almost getting your body eaten my Sirens, or the minotaur wanting to crush you to peices. Again, there are perks to being a demigod. She focused her attention back to the envelope.

What did I do to get in? She thought. Well, maybe by being a demigod.

She really didn't do much. She had been to few corporations who paid her a hundred dollars to do some basic designing, after all, she didn't really do much. She smiled and flipped to the next page.

Welcome Annabeth,

You have qualified for DAFT! The Demigod Academy For the Talented! We hope you enjoy the stay here!

You will be given a room will your room mates. You will each have your own room with your own bathroom, there will be a main room in the middle of your dorms. Breakfast is held at five AM to eight AM, luncheon will be from eleven AM to one PM, dinner is from seven PM to nine PM. A dessert bar will be held at eleven PM to twelve PM, snack bar at three PM to four PM.

Your schedule will be working around this times for meals. Free-time is open at meals and also an hour before dinner all the way to your first class. You are only allowed off-campus with teacher directions, or with a pass.

If you are planning on staying, please reply with the times of your lunch, and your extra courses. Your main course will already be chosen from your strengths, and please be ready for departure on the day. The address is on the bottom.


Yes, yes, yes! I am so going! She thought and mailed to 'DAFT' that she was going.

~line break~


We are joyed to see that you have accepted our offer. This is your schedule.

5:00-7:00 - Breakfast

7:01-8:00 - Free Study

8:01-9:00 - Greek Mythology

9:01-11:00 - Basics to Architecture

11:01-12:00 - Lunch

12:01-1:00 - Free Study/ Free Time

1:01-3:00 - Architectural Design

3:01-4:00 – Battle Tatics

4:01-6:00 - Mathematics

6:01-9:00 - Dinner

9:01-10:00 - Free Study

10:01-12:00 - Free time/ Free study *Dessert bar is at 11:00-12:00

Thank you


Annabeth smiled. Her main course was obviously Architecture.

~line break~

Annabeth loaded up her trunk, and stepped into her grey Volkswagen Beetle. It was pretty old, her mother accidentally left it here with them, and didn't take it back. She went on to the journey all the way to 'Half-blood Hill'.

It was grand place, a huge white building, with a large parking lot in front of it. THere was many Greek statues in the front, large columns. It was bigger than the White House. She parked into a open spot and sighed. Her first day in a grand place. She climbed out of her car. She was wearing everyday clothes, boot-cut jeans, sneakers, a gray tee and a white jacket. She walked to the main office.

"Annabeth Chase," She said to the reception desk.

"Here you go," The lady said and handed her piece of was staying with girls named Thalia Grace and Piper McLean. She was staying in room 25, floor eleven. She went back to her car and took out her suitcases. A bell boy came and helped her, loading all three suitcases, and a few other bags.

"Floor eleven room twenty five please," Annabeth said. She sat at the steps, against one marble pedestal and sketched the whole outside of the building. The architecture o this building was complex, beautiful, and had this feeling of simplicity. Soon she was upstairs outside her dorm. Along with the papers the lady gave her, she gave her two room keys. She slid one in and opened the door. It was a huge main room. There was a small fireplace and a few chairs. A large study with three chairs. She looked at one of the doors, 'Annabeth Chase,'. She opened it. It as a room with a large window, a plain bed, a desk, a nightstand, lamp, and two doors. One eld a walk-in closet and another one to a bathroom. The bthroom with a tub, a shower, a sink, a toilet, nothing really fancy. She unpacked her clothes into the closet, and she brought her own gray sheets and pillows. She set her computer on the desk. She went outside back to the main room. Now there were two other girls in the room, sitting on the couches.

They turned around at the sound of a door opening. One had brown, choppy hair, with braid down the side, the other had black hair, blue eyes, straight down her back.

"Hi, I'm Piper," The girl with the brown hair said.

"Thaila," The girl with the black hair stated.

"I'm Annabeth, Annabeth Chase," She said.

"So..." Piper started.

"What are you guys majoring in?" Thalia cut in

"Architecture," Annabeth said immediately.

"Oh," A surprised look surpassed Piper's face, "Build anything great and grand?"

"No really, I did help on a lot of them," Annabeth said, looking down at her feet.

"Like what?" Piper asked, curiosity all over her face.

"The Bird's Nest in the China Olympics," She said, her face now red.

"Awesome!" Thalia said,

"What are you guys doing?" Annabeth asked, desperate to get out of the limelight.

"Ehh... I don't even know why I like it, but I'm doing modeling and cosmetics," Piper said, picking at her fingernails. Annabeth glanced at what she was wearing. A plain white shirt, a loose snowboarding jacket, some skinnies and some scuffed Reebok sneakers. It was pretty casual for someone like her, she was most definitely pretty, but by the looks of it, she was trying to over it. It showed, her messy braid, her loose, casual clothing, worn shoes, and no makeup.

"I'm more of archery," Thalia said, getting into pose.

"Wow? They actually allow that?" Annabeth asked.

"What do they not allow?" Thalia countered.

"Maybe getting off campus without supervision," Annabeth said, a wry smile ghosting off her lips.

"Second-years get to, we're first years," Thalia sniffed, obviously not comfortable with the thought of being looked down to.

"Is there like an age limit to this place?" Piper asked.

"Probably not, I saw a eleven-year old girl walking up the steps like she owned the place. Probably a third-year," Thalia said, frowning.

"So, I guess we're all demigods?" Piper stated, looking at us in turn.

"Isn't everyone here a demigod?" Thalia asked.

"No, I heard a mortal, a Dare, came here," Piper said.

"A Dare?" Annabeth asked.

"You seriously don't know them?"


"They own like the biggest company ever,"

"Oh really?"

"Yea, well we're all demigods,"

"Daughter of Aphrodite." Piper said, frowning a bit.

"Fiqured, just by knowing what you majoring in," Thaila said.

"How about you Annabeth?" Piper asked.


"Oh, another smartie wartie," Thalia said, teasing her.

"Hey!" Annabeth said, comming to her own defense.

"Whatever, how about you Thalia?" Annabeth said.

"Promise you'll keep this a secret?"

"Yea, promise."


"Woah... like Zues Zues, the Big Three and all that?"



"Your pretty powerful then right?"

"Oh I don't know,"

"Who comes here?" Annabeth asked.

"All kinds of people, they say The Luke comes here to study," Thalia says, eyes shining with excitement.

"Who is he?" Piper asks.

"Yea, who is he?" Annabeth added.

"You guys seriously don't know him?" She asked.


"Whatever, my brother's coming, let's go downstairs." Thaila said.

"Brother?" Piper asked.


"How old is he?" Piper asked.

"Our age," Thaila said, but before anyone could say anything, she said, "My adoptive brother,"



Annabeth looked out of the just in time to see three Ford Mustangs slide into the parking lot, one blue, one black, one gold.

"Hey can you go off-campus with a second-year?"

"Yea, why?"

"Nothing, just thinking,"

"Trying to get off-campus soon?"
