Note: Ah bummer I'm starting another new fic, and this will all be new to me because I'm going to have Leo as one of the main characters. I have yet to do much with him in my other fics so this will be a new experience to me. This is where you, my lovely and awesome readers, come in and critique me. I can write Raph with my hands tied behind my back and even Mikey… Don so-so but Leo is uncharted waters! So, reviews will be more appreciated than usual! Anywho I've blabbered enough, onward with the story!




Title: Cerulean Flame

Summary: Leonardo has been having strange dreams of a woman in black fighting an unknown assailant. At the end of each dream she reaches out to him but he cannot save her. He becomes more troubled as the dreams become more vivid and when dreams start transforming into reality he realizes his destiny is much more important than he thought.

Setting: Post: The King in the 2003 TMNT series!
Genre: Romance/Action/Drama and perhaps a pinch of humor?
Pairing: Leo/OC

Dis: I don't own TMNT!





Lightning flashes. Darkness overcomes. The sound of metal against metal has him turning in circles. Eager and anxious he follows the sound of battle. The volume increases as he runs in the right direction. Faster, another flash, and he sees two bodies. One female, dressed in black, deadly sai dripping with blood on the middle prongs as she lunges at another figure. He cannot see the male, just a large shadow. The female is almost a shadow herself but he sees her eyes flame and spark with each flash of lightning. Agile and lethal she makes her body and weapons sing with each strike and all he could think was that this was a fellow ninja, a kunoichi*. He is suddenly upset he cannot see her face, for it is obscured thanks to a silken material covering the bottom half.

Suddenly, instead of watching, he is there. She is struck down and he reaches for his weapons. They are gone and he tries to move but he cannot for he is frozen. She stands, and then reaches her hand out to him. Her eyes are pleading, blue orbs piercing as the silken wrap that hid her features slowly starts to fall from the strong whip of the wind. Full lips are in view and she calls his name. Unexpectedly the eyes widen and dim, a thin trail of blood falls from the corner of her lips and he looks down to see the saki*of her own sai, liquid crimson, protruding from where her heart would be.

"NO!" he shouts as the figure behind her wraps its inky arms around her and pulls. He, once again, cannot move as the lightning flashes. His world starts to turn. Swirl. Fragments swimming around him like vultures over a carcass in the desert. Pleading eyes, crimson blood, the flash of metal hitting metal, and he has no choice but to fall to his knees and cover his ears as sounds and whispers, fill his mind. One voice is clear.

Her voice.

"Leonardo… Help me…"




Leonardo awakens with a gasp. Sweat covers his entire body which feels stiff and tight. He brings his three-fingered green hand up to his face and sighs while trying to collect himself. Twisting his head on his damp pillow he observes the glowing numbers on his clock and sighs once more before rising. It was just barely past four in the morning but he knew sleep wouldn't come to him again. Grabbing his bandana he expertly ties the familiar material around his eyes before sliding out of bed. Grabbing his trusty ninjaken, or what one would commonly call katana, he straps them to his shell before exiting his quarters.

These dreams have been invading his sleep for what seems to be weeks now. Always the same. He would come upon a fight, and the female would die and be swallowed by the darkness she had been fighting. Tonight, however, had been different. Never had she spoke in the dream and now her voice was inserting itself in his head.

Haunting him.

"Leonardo… Help Me…"

"Shell," he mutters rubbing his eyes before entering the dojo. He works silently, lighting candles before settling down in a lotus position. Closing his eyes he tries to center himself but as the calm would settle a sudden spark would make him wince. The eyes, her eyes, call to him: and he didn't know what to do. "Why do you haunt me?"

"My son," says a raspy voice from the doorway that had Leonardo whipping his head around, and then quickly shifting to a kneeling position out of respect.

"Master Splinter, Father, what are you doing up?" he asks softly.

"You are troubled," he says evading the question, and a stab of guilt hits Leonardo. Was his worry so high that it disturbs his Master's sleep? "Bad dreams?"

"It is nothing," says Leonardo, not wanting to worry the elder. "I have been meditating on the matter."

"Ah," says Splinter, his walking cane making soft noises against the mats. Leonardo could hear the bones creaking in his Sensei's body but knew better than to assume him to be weak. His Master may be old, but he was far from frail. Leonardo felt comfort when the gnarled hand of his father rest upon his tense shoulder. "Dreams, both good and bad, can often be messages from the spirits. A warning or message. What do you dream of?"

"A girl," answers Leonardo, making Splinter's whiskers twitch with amusement. "I, it's not as it sounds! Sensei, she is battling someone evil and she… She calls out to me but I cannot save her."

"Have you seen this girl before?"

"No." Leonardo rises from his position and starts to pace. "I've been having these dreams, nightmares, for weeks. They are getting worse and more vivid. Before it was just sounds of battle and I would awaken, but now? I see her face. I see her die. Every time. And I cannot save her."

"Perhaps, then, the other side is asking that you do. When the time comes."

"How… How can I know when the time comes? What if I miss it?"

"My son, I have a strong feeling, that when it does…" Splinter's whiskers once again twitched. "You won't miss it. Now, I shall retire back to my room until our morning training."

"Hai, Sensei, thank you for the talk."

"My door is always open, Leonardo."

Leonardo bows and as soon as his Sensei was out of sight he slouches and plops down on the mat. Both hands to his head he frowns deeply. What if Master Splinter was right? What if it was an important message? Was he to save this girl? Instead of helping him, his Master made his mind clutter with even more questions and he wanted to pull a Raph and trash the first thing he came in contact with. Instead, he goes back into lotus position, and once again attempts to meditate.

Blue eyes… Flashing skies… "Leonardo… Help me…"

"Where are you?" he asks softly, then tenses, for he was certain he got a whisper of an answer…






Well, what do you think of the prologue? Let me know! Suggestions welcomed! :)

Kunoichi: a female ninja
saki: pointed end of the middle prong of a sai