Addiction 9

A/N: The final chapter is upon us. I would like to thank you all for the support you have shown for this story. It's the kind of thing that keeps me writing. Please enjoy the final instalment!

Sherlock was the smartest man in London, Lestrade was sure of this so why did he have to go and ruin it by taking drugs… it had been a week now since he had collected Sherlock from the crack-house and slowly but surely the detective was recovering. It had taken more patience than Lestrade had needed in a long time but he stayed with his friend through it all. Sherlock continued to spout abuse at him while the withdrawal symptoms continued but still he stayed.

"Moran…please…you need to let me go…" Sherlock muttered on quite a few occasions but Lestrade was adamant that the detective was to leave under no circumstances. As the days wore on and Sherlock became more lucid he was able to dictate his thoughts more easily and Lestrade began to realise the enormity of why Sherlock had jumped.

"Moran is Moriarty's number two and the most dangerous man in London. If he finds out that I'm still alive then you are all dead. I can't let that happen to you or Mrs Hudson and especially not John." Sherlock said with a forceful attitude. Lestrade was impressed. Not just by the lucidity of Sherlock's thought but by the fact that he cared about them. John Watson had made Sherlock a good man after all. There had been countless times in the past where Lestrade had found Sherlock in a drugged state without a care of who he hurt by his actions. He had truly changed and Lestrade was thankful.

"It's okay Sherlock….we'll sort something out but only when I think you are fully recovered." replied Lestrade. Sherlock nodded understanding the shock of the grey haired man in front of him. Up until a week ago Lestrade had presumed like the rest of the world that the great Sherlock Holmes had jumped from the roof of Bart's. Now here he was acting like a fool using again for the first time in years and the nightmares of that time had come back to haunt Lestrade.

Lestrade's phoned beeped with another message coming through…the fourth since that morning Sherlock noted…Lestrade glanced at it and then towards Sherlock.

"I presume it is John looking for a case to keep himself occupied" stated Sherlock his usual abrupt manner. The inspector nodded but tried to brush the matter aside. Sherlock was having none of it, however, and picked an official looking folder from the inspector's kitchen bench.

"I think this one looks right up my old friend's street. Oh and look at that it was clearly the husband. This should keep John occupied for several days at least!" announced Sherlock looking rather more like the man Lestrade knew him to be. Lestrade didn't bother asking how Sherlock had solved the case which had been cold for weeks with one look at the case file but instead took out his phone and texted John the information he needed. Lestrade glanced up and saw a flutter of a smile on Sherlock's face. Deep down it seemed he did care about John Watson.

The rest of the day passed in silence with Sherlock looking better by the hour. It appeared that he was once again through his withdrawal and would only need a few more days of recuperation. Lestrade was both glad and saddened by this as it meant for sure that he would lose the detective once more as this man Moran seemed to be more dangerous than even Moriarty had been. Sherlock had talked more of him as the drugs wore of and it became apparent that Sherlock wanted to hunt him down for what he had done.

"This is something I have to do for my own sake as much as yours, Lestrade." stated Sherlock simply and in all honesty Lestrade didn't have the heart to say no to him.

There was a sudden banging on the flat door and Lestrade ushered Sherlock into the bedroom to avoid detection. When the room was clear of anything Sherlock related Lestrade made his way to the door opening it cautiously. To his surprise it was a confused looking John Watson clearly on edge.

"Caught he killer for you… he is back at Baker Street but he saying all these things about Sherlock and I had to get out of there Greg…"John blurted out in a somewhat incoherent fashion. Sherlock listened carefully, impressed at the skill of the doctor, he had learned well.

"This man's name?" asked Lestrade.

"Sebastian Moran…he admitted everything to me but then he tried to tell me how Sherlock was alive and how he was using again and he hated me for trying to help…and that Sherlock told him that I was a useless piece of scum who was easy to manipulate and deceive." John replied sounding more desperate by the minute.

This news caused Sherlock to wince slightly as he stood hidden behind the door. He wanted John to be safe but he couldn't bear to think of John believing him to be a cruel and hardened criminal. He hesitated on revealing himself, however, for a moment longer as Lestrade appeared to have control of the situation.

"John, I have known Sherlock for a long time now and can honestly tell you that he cares…cared about you. He used in the past and was a terror but since you came into his life he had truly changed…you helped him become more human and no one can ever dispute that. Moran is a dangerous man and would do anything to cause confusion in your mind. He was linked to Moriarty and this is clearly a last ditch attempt to avenge his death."

John slumped onto the couch looking exhausted. He had been avoiding the death of his friend but he supposed it was time to move on and do him proud.

"I miss him Lestrade…he was the most unusual man I have ever met and if he was right here I would tell him that. I just want him back that we could get back to the thrill of the chase instead of the mundane apprehension…it's just no fun anymore!"

On hearing this Sherlock could stand it no longer and slowly pulled open the bedroom door. John did not notice as Sherlock walked towards him and sat down on the couch beside him. John looked up expecting to see Lestrade trying to comfort him but instead found the face of his best friend looking at him with concern and regret. No words were exchanged but the two friends simply pulled the other into a hug which Lestrade believed showed more about their friendship than any amount of words ever could.

A/N: So there we have it…the boys are finally reunited. I hope this lived up to the expectation of all my readers. If you would be so kind as to drop me a final review I would be very grateful!