Total Drama Revenge of the Revenge of the Island

Episode 8-

"Magic Chicken"

(Thanks for the reviews, by the way. To answer some of the questions of Numa Numa Yeah: 1- I didn't actually think Blainely was really a contestant, she just showed up halfway and was eliminated in 2 episodes, which I found kind of pointless. 2: B was just there to even up the teams, but I may bring in some of the new contestants to help with challenges if you would like. Thanks for the questions, and please enjoy)

It is still after the campfire ceremony from the last chapter and Chris is on the docks. "Last time on Total Drama Revenge of the Revenge of the Island, the contestants went mythical. And going mythical was hysterical! They had to go on a capture-the-flag-like challenge, and in the end the Killer Deer lost because of Leshawna's relaxing idea. Also, apparently Duncan is going to beat up Trent after seeing that accidental kiss. Well, probably should've showed the context as well. Today, though, is a nighttime challenge. Who will win this week? Find out on Total…Drama…Revenge of the Revenge of the Island!"

The campers are still waiting for Chris to come and say why he didn't wish them "A good night." Duncan is cracking his knuckles, and Sierra walks towards him.

"You know, Duncan, I saw the aftermath show, you know, when Gwen and Trent kissed," Sierra says.

Duncan stops. "Yeah, don't remind me about it."

"Well, Chris showed the entire scene out of context, what really happened was…" Duncan interrupts her.

"Please leave me alone when I'm trying to practice punching someone!" Duncan is punching the air, and soon accidentally hits Noah in the back of the head. Duncan starts laughing. "Sorry, Noah, I didn't see you there!"

"No, please, continue, my tired and need of a resting body needs that physical tension to stay afloat," Noah says sarcastically.

"Geez, can you actually not be sarcastic for a change?"

"Nope, it comes with the entire package. Deal with it or leave it. I'd rather you choose the latter."

"Hey, Ezekiel, how are you still in this competition, anyway?" Owen says to Ezekiel who just changed back into his clothes. "You always get eliminated first, and now you made it to the top 17! You beat out 7 players already!"

"Well, it's all about playing your cards right, eh. Besides, we haven't lost a challenge in a while, yet, so I'm pretty stoked!" Ezekiel answers.

Chris comes back, and so does Chef, in a chicken costume. As usual, Tyler freaks out.

*** "Why is Chef in a chicken costume? Doesn't he know that I'm terrified of chickens!" Tyler says. ***

"Welcome campers to our next challenge!" Chris says.

"No, wait! I thought it was one challenge a day! You can't just randomly show up and say we have 2 challenges!" Duncan says in protest.

"Well, too bad. You don't have to do the challenge, unless if you want to risk losing 2 million dollars."


"Today's challenge is a simple rescue mission. You have to save the player that you are assigned. For the Fighting Bears, you have to rescue Gwen. For the Killer Deer, you have to rescue Geoff. And for the Screaming Ducks, you have to rescue Trent. They are all located in the spooky and dark forest."

"Are you serious? I have to rescue the person my girlfriend kissed behind my back?"

"Yes. Anyway, you have to rescue it from Chef- the Giant Mutant, Magic Chicken and his ray gun of chicken mutating goo!"

Tyler freaks out. "Where did you come up with th-th-that challenge C-C-Chris?"

"Tyler, you are still afraid of chickens? I thought you got over that?" Heather asks with disappointment. Chris continues.

"I came up with this challenge after a dream I had a year ago. I thought 'Hey, this should be fun, having the contestants run away from chicken mutation slime the came from a giant magic chicken.' Don't ask me why, though. To help you guys out, you each get a compass. Whoever rescues their captured contestant without all of their players being covered in slime first wins a reward. Second place, you know the drill. And last place equals elimination for that team. Are you ready?" Tyler shakes his head, and people are raising their hands. "Too bad, go!" Chris sounds a blow horn and both Chef and the contestants head for the forest, except Tyler. "Tyler, you can go."

"Does the mutation stuff actually work?" Tyler asks.

Chris raises an eyebrow; face palms himself, and calls Chef.

"Here, does this answer your question, Tyler?" Chef sprays Tyler with the goo.

"You know, I was just asking a question, you didn't have to demonstrate."

"There, are you turning into a chicken?"

"Sorry for acting stupid, Chris, but I can't risk turning into the one thing I fear!" Tyler runs into the forest with everyone else.

*** "Man I feel stupid, but how would you feel if there was something that could turn you into something that you fear," Tyler says, slipping on his goo. "Ouch." ***

Tyler catches up to his team. "Hey, what did I miss?"

Bridgette looks at him. "You already lost the challenge?"

"Yeah, but he didn't say I couldn't help you guys." A cluck is heard.

DJ asks, "What was that?"

"It sounded like," Tyler gulps, "a chicken."

"Oh, I still miss Sadie!" Katie weeps, and Heather notices this.

"Oh come on, we are already on the eighth episode, Katie, get over it!" Heather says.

"It's just that we haven't done anything together since we were separated! Oh, I miss her!"

*** "Ugh, I'll do anything just to get Katie to shut up!" Heather yells. ***

The Fighting Bears are encountering the Killer Deer.

"Ah man, how did we end up here?" "Harold asks.

"O..M…G! Katie!" Sadie says and gives Katie a hug. "Harold got us lost and I thought I'd never see you again! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

"I did not get us lost! I headed north because I assumed that where the kidnapped people would be! Gosh!" Another cluck is heard. Tyler jumps into DJ's arms.

"Wh-Wh-What was that?" Tyler asks. DJ drops him.

"Sorry I dropped you, Tyler, but we need to move! We know the Bears are here, but we have no idea where the Ducks are!"

A chicken stands in front of the teams with green eyes. It scares Tyler out of his wits and he runs and screams like a girl.

In the control room, Chris and Chef are laughing.

"Chef, best idea ever to give that chicken green contacts! I want to replay that Tyler scene again!" Chris replays the Tyler scene, and Chef and him continue to laugh at it.

Katie and Sadie are talking to each other. "Oh, Sadie, this sucks, we have to leave each other when the challenge is over and we haven't even done anything together this season!"

"I know, right, Katie! Maybe we could talk to Heather!" Heather hears this and talks to them. She, wanting to get rid of their complaining, comes up with a plan.

"Hey, follow me to the craft tent, guys, I finally have something that you two can do together!" Heather says, somewhat angrily.

"Really, what?" Sadie asks.

"A prank."

"On who?"

"Tyler. He got sprayed by that fake chicken goo stuff, and he is terrified of chickens. Come on, we need feathers, orange spray paint, glue, and eggs from Chef's kitchen. Let's go!" Heather secretly leads Katie and Sadie out of the forest.

Tyler is still running for his life, and catches up to the Screaming Ducks.

"Ezekiel," Owen starts, "I think you got us lost."

"No I didn't, eh, I'm going north like you dudes said, yo!" Ezekiel responds, but trips on a twig. "Ow."

"I told you Ezekiel to give me the compass or else!" Eva grabs the compass angrily and heads in a different direction. "Ducks, this way!"

The Screaming Ducks follow Eva.

"Wait, watch out for the evil chicken!" Tyler yells, still running for his life. Katie, Sadie, and Heather hear the loud sound of his voice and follow him with their supplies.

They eventually catch up to him. Katie grabs a twig from the ground and snags Tyler's pants off.

"Um, who's there? And why did you steal my pants?" Tyler asks. He starts running even more frantically. Sadie quickly sprays orange spray paint on his legs. He looks down. "Ah! My legs, their orange! Wait, does this mean that..." Heather pops out of the bushes.

"Gasp!" she says. "Tyler, you're legs, their orange! You know what that means!"

"That if I thought I was a chicken I'd be paranoid?"

"No, Tyler! Before you know it, feathers are going to grow on your body, and you are going to grow wings! I know this because I saw a movie just like this, where the guy who got affected thought he was 'Just paranoid,' but it turns out, he was a chicken!" Tyler's eyes go all wide, and he screams in terror.

"Heather, hold me!"

"No, I don't want to get infected with your chicken goo! Just stay calm; the mutation will be slower if you just stay calm and relaxed!" Heather jumps back into the bushes. "And stay far away from everyone else!" Heather goes back to look for her team.

"Man, I'm doomed." Geoff pops out of nowhere.

"Hey, bra, I heard your screams. Whoa, why do you have orange legs?"

"I'm turning into a chicken!"

"Well, to cool you down, I offered to reveal where I was to give you and Bridgette the victory. Say, where is the rest of your team?"

"I ran screaming for my life, and I'm already eliminated, so you might as well go back to your hiding place."

"Well, okay, but I'll tell you where I'm hiding. I'm hiding…" Chef comes out of nowhere, still in his chicken suit. Tyler runs away before he can say anything.

"What's jock boy's problem?" Chef asks.


"! Tyler yells and he encounters a rope. He trips over it and is knocked out. While is he knocked out, Katie, Sadie, and Heather cover him in glue.

"So, Katie, Sadie, now since you are finally doing something together, does that mean that you can leave me alone now?"

"Of course, this was the nicest thing you have ever done for us, in fact this is the only thing you have done for us!" Katie says. The three then dump feathers onto Tyler, covering his body. They go back and hide in the bushes.

After a few minutes, Tyler wakes up. Bridgette and DJ finally find him.

"Tyler," Bridgette starts, "why are you covered in feathers?" Tyler immediately looks down at himself.

"This is the worst day ever! I'm turning into a chicken! My nightmare has been realized! Oh man, my hockey team better not see me like this!"

"Um, you know Chris was lying."

"Well, then how come I have orange legs and feathers all over my body? You can't answer that, can you?"

DJ interrupts. "I think you're just being paranoid. My mama always said that being paranoid can get you to believe ridiculous things. Now come on, we have a challenge to win!"

"Well, then who covered me in feathers from head to toe?" The three hear a rustling in the bushes. They find Katie and Sadie silently laughing. "What are you two doing in there? Katie we have a challenge to win! We're already a member down!"

"Sorry," says Katie, trying to lie, "we were just hanging out together again."

"Well, playtime's over, we have to beat up that chicken and get Geoff back! Woo-hoo!"

The Screaming Ducks are now even more lost than they were before.

"Gee, nice job Eva. Where did you learn your navigation skills, the same place you learned how to manage your anger?" Noah asks sarcastically, and Owen laughs.

"Will you two just shut it! I'm going to find that chicken and pound him!" Eva says.

The Fighting Bears, except for Sadie, are doing well thanks to an app on Courtney's PDA. "There, with this new heat tracker I downloaded, we should find Chef in an instant." Her team cheers for her.

"Oh, Cody, Courtney's PDA can't track something as hot as you. You'd probably break it!" Sierra says.

*** "I know Sierra and I are friends, sort of, but this random and inappropriate flirtatious talk is giving me the creeps! How would you like it if someone told you what she said to me?" Cody shivers. ***

The Fighting Bears make it to Chef's place.

"Alright, who can fight Chef?" asks Courtney, and everyone backs away.

"I can't get my face injured, I have it insured," Justin says.

"Well, fine, I'll go." Courtney walks up and kicks Chef, dressed like a chicken, in between the legs. She goes and gets Gwen.

"Hey, Courtney, I've been meaning to ask you this for a while, are you still mad about what happened on World Tour?" Gwen asks.


"Thanks, that's a relief!"

"But I'm not forgiving you for cheating on my ex-boyfriend! You can't just throw him to the side like a dirty towel!"


"We all saw you making out with Trent from the Aftermath show, and I'm disappointed!"

"Wait, watch the whole show, you'll see it was just a fluke!"

"Well, I could only watch one video on my PDA, genius, there was only the one where you and Trent got catapulted out into the sky. I didn't know what happened earlier, but I know that you betrayed Duncan."

"It was an accident. We were both trying to kiss an ape, and…"

"Shut it, gothie! You're lucky I just have to rescue you to win a reward. Now come with me!" Courtney yanks Gwen to the rest of her team by the arm. Chris announces over a loud intercom that the Fighting Bears win the challenge. They cheer.

"And," Chris says, "your reward is a Swedish massage from a professional massager! Now let's see who faces elimination tonight!"

Both the Killer Deer and the Screaming Ducks are lost. Duncan took over the Ducks' compass, but is also confused. The Killer Deer are still looking for Heather. Tyler is still anxious as well.

*** "Well, you know, I feel that even though Katie and Sadie are done pranking Tyler, I should continue because messing with him is hilarious," Heather says. ***

When Tyler, DJ, Bridgette, and Katie aren't looking, Heather places an egg behind Tyler.

"Uh, Tyler, do you know where this egg came from?" DJ asks and picks it up.

"OK, now I know I'm not paranoid, since I just gave birth! I'm a…." Tyler starts to look disappointed, "mother. Huh, that's strange."

Bridgette decides to interject. "But, Tyler, you are not a girl. This is obviously a prank!"

"Um, but Bridgette, where else did that egg come from? There are no chickens around, and I'm the only half-chicken here, so it must be me!"

The two start to get into an argument over the egg, and Heather shows up.

"Hey, guys, how are we doing?" Heather asks.

"Bridgette and Tyler are fighting over an egg that Tyler supposedly hatched," DJ answers.

*** "You know, I thought this prank, would be, like, fun, but now we're probably losing the challenge because of it!" Katie says. "I have to keep Tyler safe, I feel too bad." ***

It turns out, the Screaming Ducks did find their way, and the Killer Deer lost, again. "Okay Killer Deer," says Chris over an intercom, "you'll be facing elimination, again." They all sigh.

After he announces this, Tyler learns that the feathers were glued on. "Hey guys, I just learned that someone was just pranking me!" He gets glares from everyone, except Katie.

Trent walks by his former teammates with a black eye. "Yeah, Duncan found me and pummeled me randomly. So, what happened with you guys?"

"Tyler thought he was a chicken," Heather says. Trent walks away.

"I think I'm out of here." Trent leaves, and so does DJ, Bridgette, and Heather.

"Hey, Tyler," Katie says, "um, who are you voting for tonight?"

"Probably Bridgette; if it wasn't for her arguing with me, we could've had a chance."

"Thanks, Tyler. I'm going to find DJ." Katie leaves, with Tyler alone in the dark. Chef comes back and takes off his chicken costume. He has an ice bag in between his legs.

"It was a joke, get over it, wimp," Chef leaves.


"Welcome to your second marshmallow ceremony, Deer. When I call your name, come and get your marshmallow. Katie, DJ, and Heather." Chris hands the three of them marshmallows. "Bridgette, you got some votes, but I don't understand why, you didn't really do anything. Now Tyler, you got some votes as well. Maybe you should get over your fear of chickens, because your paranoia cost your team the challenge tonight. And, only I know who pranked you. Am I going to tell you? No. You can find out yourself. Any who, the last marshmallow goes to…Tyler!"

"What? Oh well," Bridgette says. Geoff, Gwen, and Trent are on the Dock of Shame. Bridgette and Geoff make out and get on the boat. Trent gets on the boat as well. Duncan goes running to Gwen.

"Gwen, we need to talk. I think we should break up," Duncan says. Before he can say more, Gwen is pushed onto the Boat of Losers. "Thanks Chef," he says sarcastically.

*** "I got DJ to help me and Tyler vote off Bridgette. I just feel sooooo guilty that I just wanted to keep Tyler safe! I'm sure Heather and Bridgette voted off Tyler, but I didn't want to be the cause of his elimination. Then again, now I'm the cause of Bridgette's elimination. Urgh! I just can't win today!" Katie says. Sadie walks through the door and gives her a hug. "Thanks, Sadie." ***

"Wow, this was a very interesting episode of Total Drama. Tune in next time for more thrills and more heartbreaks, here on Total…Drama…Revenge of the Revenge of the Island!" Chris announces.

Notes- Bridgette getting eliminated was bound to happen soon just because she really had no purpose here at all. Thanks for reading, and Numa Numa Yeah, I hope I answered your questions.

Screaming Ducks- Duncan, Ezekiel, Eva, Izzy, Noah, Owen

Killer Deer- DJ, Heather, Katie, Tyler

Fighting Bears- Cody, Courtney, Harold, Justin, Sadie, Sierra

Eliminated- Lindsay (Quit), Gwen, Alejandro, Geoff, Beth, Trent, Leshawna, Bridgette