A/N: Hey there guys, this is my first attempt at a Truth or Dare story, so I hope it goes okay. I don't know if any of it is particularly funny, but I've written it, so I thought I'd share it with you, with the hope that it doesn't get deleted, like hundreds of stories are lately :/ I hope you enjoy it, please leave a review at the end telling me your opinion!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything to do with Harry Potter, all of those rights go to the AMAZING JKRowling :)

Hermione, Ron, Harry, Ginny, Fred, and George were having an incredibly boring day at 12 Grimmauld Place, in their Christmas break. They simply had no idea what to do, so they were just sitting in the living room, not saying very much, utterly bored.

"Get out and stay out!" Molly Weasley's voice suddenly echoed from the kitchen, and everyone looked up interestedly. They heard a door slam and footsteps coming towards the room they were all in.

"Sirius! What have you done to make mum kick you out of the meeting?" George asked eagerly. Sirius smirked.

"I don't agree with hardly anything she says, she really doesn't approve of me at all," he said, smiling.

"Tut tut," Fred jokingly reprimanded. Sirius chuckled, while everyone looked on, only mildly interested.

"So, what are you all up to?" he asked them, looking around at their bored faces.

"Absolutely nothing," Harry told him. "We can't think of anything to do at all! All the games we can think of, we've played before!" Sirius frowned.

"I'm sure we can think of something to keep us entertained," he said, slumping down onto the sofa.

"Well guys, I'm bored out of my brains. I will lose the will to live if we don't do anything fun anytime soon. Does anyone have any ideas before I sleep for 100 years?" Fred looked around at the rest of the company who were clearly just as bored. He watched as they all racked their brains for something fun to do, and then Hermione's eyes widened brightly.

"There is a muggle game we could play that you'd probably like. It's called Truth or Dare, and it is literally just that. Anyone up for it?" Everybody perked up at the thought of dares, especially with the twins there.

"That is a brilliant idea! They don't call you the brightest witch of your age for nothing, I see," Sirius commented. "Come on guys, get into a circle!" everyone complied and they were soon all in a ring on the floor.

"Is there an empty bottle somewhere?" she asked them. Sirius immediately summoned an empty bottle of butterbeer and handed it to Hermione.

"Right, what we do, is I spin this bottle, and whoever it lands on has to pick truth or dare. They then have to do that without complaint, or there will be a forfeit involved. Got it?"

"Hang on Hermione. We have some Veritaserum upstairs. It should make it alot more interesting if we can't possibly lie." George summoned the bottle before she could answer.

"Why do you have that upstairs?" Ron asked.

"Testing for products," Fred explained. "Right, everyone just take a drop, that's all you need." Everyone took their share of the serum quickly, and the game began. Hermione span the bottle skilfully, and it whirled around rapidly, slowed around Harry and came to a stop at Ron. He gulped.

"Oh great," he groaned.

"Come on Ron, truth or dare?" Hermione pressed. He pondered.

"Truth?" he requested nervously.

"What is your most embarrassing moment?" Ron flushed.

"Well, I once walked into the Prefects bathroom, and erm, well, Draco was taking a shower, and he didn't have the curtain up," Ron said, going crimson. Everyone looked at him in shock.

"Merlin! What a git! What did you do?"

"I yelled and ran for it. He's never spoken about it again."

"I should think not. Godric, what a thing to walk in on! Right, who's next?" Hermione span the bottle and it stopped at Fred.

"Dare," he said, without hesitation. George smirked.

"I dare you to enter the kitchen, where Snape is on his own, wearing only this," he conjured up a tea towel, "And proclaim your undying love for him." He finished triumphantly. Everyone burst into laughter at Fred's horrified face. He gulped. He didn't consider pulling out though, he was Fred Weasley! He held out his hand for the tea towel, glaring menacingly at his grinning brother, and began to strip down. Harry wolf whistled and everyone laughed.

"You will all regret this," Fred told them all evilly. They pretended to look scared.

Soon, Fred was dressed only in a very small tea towel wrapped around his waist.

"It's been nice knowing you Fred," Sirius joked. Fred grimaced and reached for the door handle, taking a deep breath and holding onto his towel tightly.

"Okay. Here goes," he said, rather bravely Hermione thought. He left the room, and everyone leaned closer to the door to listen. They caught some of the conversation.

"Professor Snape, I think I've known for a while, but I didn't know when the best time to tell you was." They heard Fred say, as if he really did have something important to say.

"Go on." Snape replied in his monotonous voice.

"I'm truly, madly and deeply in love with you Professor. This love for you will never die.I'm sorry I never told you before. I can only hope you will one day feel the same for me." Everyone in the living room snorted with laughter.

"I'm flattered Weasley."

"Really?" everyone was trying hard not to laugh too loudly.

"NO! How dare you tell me something like this? Get out of my sight before I hex you!"

"I'm sorry you don't feel the same way, Professor." It was too much by now. Everyone was in fits of howling laughter by the time Fred returned. He was the brightest of red you could possibly imagine, and had a face of anger etched all over him.

"I am NEVER doing anything like that EVER again. That was the WORST dare you could have thought of! I hate you all!" He hastily got redressed while everyone was rolling around on the floor. George tried to speak through his hysterical laughter.

"No Fred, it was the best dare ever! You can modify his memory if you want, but personally, I think it was the funniest thing I've ever heard you do!"

"Your voice went all misty as though it was true!" Ron cackled.

"Alright, alright guys, that's enough now. Who's next?" Sirius tried to get everyone's attention, but it was harder than he thought it would be.

A/N: Okay, I hope that was alright ;) Please leave a review to tell me if you enjoyed it or not, and if you want lots of chapters, I will need some ideas for dares and questions! Thanks guys, oh and anonymous reviews are accepted! :)

WerrnogWeasley96 x