Olivia sat outside in the ambulance holding her 4 year old daughter Abigail. There has been a fire in the apartment building only hours ago. Thankfully they had been unharmed apart from some minor smoke inhalation. Her apartment was another of the damage was caused by smoke but they had been told they wouldn't be able to stay there until it was cleared as safe .

So here she was holding Abigail, wrapped in a blanket that one of the EMTs had given had been asleep for about 10 minutes. Olivia saw one of the firefighters walk by, she shifted Abby and jogged up to him.

"Excuse me, is there anyway I would be able to grab some things for my daughter from my apartment, since we aren't able to stay here"

The man turned around and gave her a soft smile. If Olivia's world hadn't been flipped upside down she might have noticed his gorgeous smile and bright blue eyes. "I'm sorry m'am it isn't safe for us to let you in the building"

He saw her face drop and saw the young girl asleep in the ambulance. He spoke up as she turned away to leave "What's your apartment number ?"

"3B" she said hopefully.

" Ok, I'll tell you what, if you can wait around just a little while longer I can grab a few things from your apartment. "

She smiled and nodded "Thank you so much."

After awhile he made his way over to her carrying two backpacks. "I grabbed a few essentails I thought you might need. I hope you don't mind but I thought you might need clothes as well so I put some of your things in too. They smell like smoke so they will need a wash before you wear them."

"Thank you so much for all of this Mr..."

"Stabler, but please call me Elliot."

"My name's Olivia . Thank you Elliot "

"It's no trouble. Do you know where you two are going to stay tonight?"

"It's a bit late to wake anyone up so I will prolly find a hotel that's still open around here"

"I know a place," he said as he grabbed a pen that was sitting in the ambulance and began writing the address on a scrap of paper."It's a great place and I know the owner, just tell him Elliot Stabler sent you and he will get you a room for as long as you need."

"Thank you, that's so kind of you. "

"It's no problem at all. I also put my number on the back. You can call me in the next few days and I should have an update on what is happening with the apartment building "

She smiled as she stroked Abby's hair. She was so thankful for this gracious man in front of her.

They said their goodbyes and she gathered Abby and their stuff to make their way to the hotel.

He hadn't lied when he said it was nice. The owner had put them up in a two bedroom suite that was nearly the size of their had even carried up their bags and showed her around the room.

"So you're a friend of detective Stabler's ?" He asked.

"Detective Stabler? I thought he was a firefighter?" Olivia responded clearly confused.

"He volunteers every couplr of weekends. He is a detective and a damn good one. That's how I know Elliot he handled our case when my wife was attacked. Wouldn't give up on it when everyone else did. He even gave us names of counselors to go to when my wife had a hard time dealing with the aftermath."

Olivia was at a loss for words as she nodded. Clearly she wasn't the first person he had shown his kindness to.

"You're welcome to stay as long as you like until your apartment is ready. Consider the room yours, anything I can do to repay Elliot. I owe him a lot." He smiled, handed her the key and left.